Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 244: Short-selling the market!

But in the kitchen, Shi Yuling was making soup for him, cutting some vegetables, and was about to put it into the pot.

"Yu Ling?" Su Yu was extremely surprised, "When did you come here? And... how did you get into the house? Where did you get the key to the house?"

"I heard Sister Li say that brother, you are drunk, and then Sister Li asked me to come over and have a look." Shi Yuling said, "It just so happens that our school is on holiday today and there are no classes in the afternoon. Oh, by the way, the key... the key is Li My sister put it behind the fire hydrant at the door, and she said she usually keeps a key there for backup.”

"How did she know I was drunk?" Su Yu muttered.

Then he remembered that it was He Qian who sent him back. Seeing that he was in a bad state, the other party must have mentioned it to Li Meng on the chat software, and he felt relieved.

"Brother, please sit down for a while. The food will be ready soon." Shi Yuling pushed Su Yu out of the kitchen.

"It's okay!" Su Yu said, "I felt a little dizzy at that time. Now the alcohol has already passed. When did you learn how to cook?"

"I started learning after my parents passed away." Shi Yuling said, "Didn't you ever say that? The blows of wind and rain will only make the saplings stronger and grow stronger."

"Not bad!" Su Yu said, "It's much better than when I was a child."

"People always have to learn to grow up." Shi Yuling said with a smile.

"Yeah!" Su Yu nodded, "How do you feel after entering university? Are you still used to it?"

"It's pretty good." Shi Yuling said, "I met a lot of new classmates and made a lot of new friends, and... everyone is very nice to me."

"You are so sweet and pretty, you will definitely be liked by everyone." Su Yu said, "This is also expected. Now that you have entered college, just enjoy your college life. Don't think about other things. Yichuang Planning Company, I have asked Mr. Li to give all your original tasks, as well as all activities such as promotion, packaging, publicity, planning, and resources, to your best friend Lin Qingya."

"Qingya has already told me," Shi Yuling said, "Thank you, brother."

"It's just a little effort." Su Yu smiled, "Oh, by the way, how is your friend, Ivana? Is she still awake?"

"No!" Shi Yuling shook his head, "The doctor still said that he is recovering well, but he just can't wake up."

"It's okay." Su Yu comforted, "As long as you are recovering, you will wake up one day."

"Even if Nana doesn't wake up, I will take care of her." Shi Yuling said, "After all, if she hadn't pushed me away, I should be the one lying down now."

"Don't have such a heavy burden on your heart." Su Yu said, "This matter has nothing to do with you."

"Oh, right……"

Su Yu paused and then said: "A client gave me some tickets to the TV station's National Day Gala. Do you want to go tomorrow? If you want to go, I can accompany you."

"Of course I want to!" Shi Yuling replied without hesitation, "I'm just afraid that my brother will have something to do and won't be able to go."

Su Yu thought for a while and said, "There shouldn't be much entertainment tomorrow."

As the National Day is approaching, he also wants to have a good rest for a few days, socialize and so on. As long as it is not particularly important, he will not go.

The two chatted while making dinner together.

Then, after having dinner together, it was not until about eight o'clock in the evening that Su Yu sent Shi Yuling downstairs and asked her to take a taxi back.

Back at his residence again, Su Yu lay on the sofa and just watched TV for a while.

The cell phone ringtones rang one after another.

There was Qian Yuanbao who invited him to have dinner with him tomorrow night and said he would introduce a beautiful woman to him; there was Zhao Qiang and Sun Yu who invited him to meet offline to talk about the future of the market; there was Yang Hao who invited him to go to the bar for a drink now; there was also someone who he had previously invited At work, the general manager of the Yuhang Fusheng Road Sales Department of Huaxin Securities hoped to meet him for dinner and discuss cooperation; Qin Qiuyue, the president of Anzhao Fund, whom she had just met at noon, even invited him to have coffee together tomorrow. Talking about life...

In short, after the performance of the 'Yuhang No. 1' fund exploded and the fundraising of the 'Yuhang No. 2' fund was completed.

He seemed to have instantly become a favorite in the entire Yuhang business and investment circles. Everyone wanted to have a relationship with him, and many big names in the business and investment circles offered him an olive branch.

Of course, the reason for all this...

It is also because he has shown outstanding ability to make money in the stock market and can achieve continuous appreciation of wealth.

Su Yu did not accept any of these irrelevant invitations. Instead, he called his parents and said that he would not go back because he had something to do during the National Day. He also transferred another 500,000 yuan to his father and told them to take care of their health. , don't save money at ordinary times, and if you need money, just call him.

"Xiao Yu, you don't need to transfer money to us." Su's father said on the phone, "I still have more than half of the 500,000 you gave me last time. Oh, by the way... the house at home has been repaired. A total of 180,000 was spent. I discussed the remaining money with your mother and planned to deposit it in the bank for a fixed period. Not to mention using it for you to marry a wife in the future, it is still necessary to leave a deposit just in case."

"Dad, you won't need it if you deposit it regularly in the bank." Su Yu said, "Bank interest is not much. You and mom can use the money for daily household pocket expenses. You can buy whatever you want. Our family... now There’s no need to be so frugal, hundreds of thousands are just a drop in the bucket to your son.”

"Your mother and I can't spend so much," Su's father said, "Save some money and feel more at ease."

When Su Yu heard his father's words, he thought that the ideas of the two generations were different. His parents had been accustomed to saving all their lives. Whenever they had a little bit of money left, they would think about the people who saved, even if they gave them millions. Apart from depositing the money in the bank for a fixed period, they didn't know how to spend the money. So after thinking for a while, they agreed: "Then dad, you can make the decision yourself!"

"Okay!" Su's father responded, thought for a while, and then said, "Xiao Yu, I heard your cousin said that you are cheating on your girlfriend, right? Bring it back when will your mother and I take a look? ?”

"Just listen to my cousin's nonsense." Su Yu replied, "It's nothing."

"But how did I hear about you..." Su's father continued to ask.

"Okay, dad!" Su Yu didn't want to talk about these things with his parents. "I still have something to do here, so I'll hang up now. You and mom should pay more attention to your health. If there's anything urgent, call me or my sister. , or my cousin’s, that’s fine. My cousin has been running business in urban and rural areas. If anything happens, he can help.”

"Don't worry, your mother and I are in good health." Su's father chuckled on the phone.

Both his children have a promising future, a new house has been built, and the family's conditions are better. Now he is the envy of everyone in the village. All diseases are cured when he is in a good mood.

"Yes!" Su Yu responded briefly before hanging up the phone.

Then, he looked at the time, asked Wang Can to play two games, and then went to sleep.

The next day, when he woke up, it was already past 9 o'clock in the morning. Shi Yuling came over early and prepared breakfast for him, which seemed to be more attentive.

"Why have you been so active these past two days?" Su Yu asked with a smile while eating breakfast.

"Because you said you wanted to take me to watch the TV station's National Day Gala." Shi Yuling held her cheek, looking in a good mood, "Then I have to show off a little bit."

"Not bad." Su Yu said, "It feels so good to have a caring sister!"

From the bottom of his heart, he has always regarded Shi Yuling as his own sister, and he also believes that he has shouldered the responsibility of taking care of her.


Su Yu paused, then smiled and said, "You need to change your outfit."

"After all, as my sister, Su Yu, on key occasions, she must stun the entire audience and outshine all the stars and ladies at the party."

After saying that, Su Yu simply changed his clothes, took Shi Yuling and drove straight to the nearby core commercial plaza.

Start shopping in the mall.

Then, hundreds of thousands were spent to replace everything on Shi Yuling's body, including clothes, shoes, bags, necklaces, commonly used cosmetics, etc.

When Shi Yuling saw Su Yu buying something, he never looked at the price. He just swiped it and it was tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands.

Even though she knew that her 'brother' was already the owner of a financial company and was not the owner of the money, she was still shocked to see him spending money on her like this.

Of course, what was even more surprising were the salesmen who received it.

Shi Yuling could clearly feel that every time she came out of a store, the salespeople's eyes were full of envy.

And for the first time, she felt the feeling of being held in someone's hand.

That feeling gave her an obvious throbbing in her heart, but at the same time... she was also a little confused.

"Is there anything else you want?" Su Yu looked at the entire back seat of the car with shopping bags of all sizes, and asked Shi Yuling with a smile, "Today, you can buy out the entire mall if you want!"

"No... no more!"

Shi Yuling looked at the piles of gifts that Su Yu bought for her, and felt extremely sweet: "Let's... go to dinner? What does brother want to eat? I'll treat you."

"Forget it, I'll invite you!" Su Yu said, "There is a Japanese restaurant nearby. The environment and dishes are both good."

After saying that, Su Yu took Shi Yuling to the restaurant without any explanation.

Since there was no reservation in advance, there were no private rooms in the restaurant at the moment, so the two of them randomly found a booth by the window and sat down.

"Just order whatever you want to eat." After Su Yu sat down, he handed the menu to Shi Yuling naturally.

Shi Yuling took the menu, took a look at it, and then picked three or four dishes without saving anything for Su Yu, because she knew that no matter how she ordered, it would be a drop in the bucket for Su Yu.

After ordering the meal, about ten minutes passed...

When the dishes were almost ready, a couple came to the booth next to the two of them, and the girl recognized Shi Yuling at a glance and came over slightly excitedly.

"Hey... Yu Ling, I can actually meet you here." The girl greeted happily.

Shi Yuling heard the voice, looked up, and was very happy to see the other person's appearance: "Qinglan, I haven't seen you for a long time, how are you lately?"

"I jumped from 'Xinchuang' to Yichuang Planning, you know that, right?" Xu Qinglan sat down on the booth next to Shi Yuling and said with a smile, "Before I jumped here, I thought that the two of us would be together in the future. It's great to be able to cooperate, but I didn't expect... After I came here, I found out that you had a car accident and had left Yichuang Planning. How about it? Are you... okay now? "

"Well, everything is fine!" Shi Yuling replied, "It's just that something happened to Nana and she is still lying in the hospital."

"Well, I heard about it," Xu Qinglan said, "I originally wanted to see you, but some time ago... I also had an accident, and now I'm finally recovering."

"Oh, right……"

Xu Qinglan paused and her eyes fell on Su Yu: "Is this... your boyfriend?"

"" Shi Yuling shook his head hastily, "He is my brother."

"The kind that are related by blood?" Xu Qinglan was a little surprised, "I haven't heard you talk about it before."

"No." Shi Yuling shook his head again, "'s hard to explain to you."

After saying that, Shi Yuling hurriedly introduced Xu Qinglan to Su Yu: "Brother, Qinglan is a friend I met at work before. She is also a graphic model. We both shot the same project before, and we were also at that time I know her, she helped me a lot in my previous job."

Su Yu nodded slightly, looked at the other person, then stretched out his hand and shook the other person's hand gently.

While Su Yu was saying hello, Xu Qinglan was also sizing up Su Yu, and was rating Su Yu in her mind, measuring whether he was worthy of Shi Yuling.

Although Shi Yuling denied it.

But she still thinks that the relationship between the two is very close, and it should be the kind of relationship between friends and lovers.

"Yuling, let me formally introduce you. This is my boyfriend Jiang Yunpeng." Xu Qinglan said with some pride, "A top student in finance has recently joined a financial company called 'Yuhang Investment'."

"Yu Hang invests?" Shi Yuling was stunned and glanced at Su Yu subconsciously.

"That's right!" Xu Qinglan introduced happily, "I heard that this financial company is very famous in Yuhang, and the treatment is also very good."

"Uh... Actually our company is not as exaggerated as you said, Qinglan." A man named Jiang Yunpeng raised his eyes and pretended to be humble, "It's just a basic salary of 20,000 to 30,000 yuan a month, including performance commissions. It can cost up to 40,000 to 50,000 yuan, and after two or three years of hard work, I can barely afford a house in Yuhang."

"Then the treatment in your company is quite good." Su Yu looked at the other party with a smile, "I also study finance and have some practical experience in stock trading. Can Brother Jiang introduce me to your company another day? I I also want to earn a monthly salary of 20,000 to 30,000, or 40,000 to 50,000!"

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