Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 247 Wealth Effect

"If it's fake, it's guaranteed." Su Yu looked at Xu Qinglan with a smile, "Next time Miss Xu wants to invest in our fund, just contact Yuling directly. There is no need to look far away. As long as you express your investment intention, the net value of the fund will be Settlement, during the period when subscriptions are open, I will definitely leave a small share for you."


Su Yu paused, took a piece of information from Lawyer Shao, handed it to Xu Qinglan, and continued: "This person is not a top financial student. He just bought a degree to package himself. In essence, he is just a person." Market gamblers who have defrauded many people under the guise of financial investment.”

Xu Qinglan took the information Su Yu handed her, and no matter how uncomfortable she felt, she had to believe it.

"Mr. Su, this person..." Lawyer Shao asked.

Su Yu sighed softly and said, "Just follow whatever procedure should be followed. I believe in justice, and I also believe that people like this will get the punishment they deserve."

"Mr. Su, I..." Jiang Yunpeng looked at the whole scene and realized that everything today was arranged by the other party, and his own destiny really depended on the other party's thoughts. He couldn't help but plead. , "I really have not slandered you, nor..."

"It's not important anymore." Su Yu said, "If you feel that you have done nothing wrong or violated any laws, then everyone will naturally give you justice."


While Su Yu was talking, Xu Qinglan murmured these two words, feeling like a knife was cutting through her heart.

She really trusted the other person, and she also envisioned a wonderful future, and wanted to be with him for a long time. Unexpectedly... all of this was just a lie.

Moreover, what is even more tragic is that she actually borrowed so much money for the other party.

Now, knowing that the other party owes loan sharks and that his identity, job, and education are all fake, the 200,000 she invested in the other party will probably not come back.

"Qinglan, are you okay?" Noticing Xu Qinglan's pale face, Shi Yuling held her hand and asked urgently.

"It's okay!" Xu Qinglan gritted her teeth and stared at Jiang Yunpeng, "It's just that I was blind and didn't recognize his true face, and I was deceived by him for so long."

Speaking of which...

Xu Qinglan turned her head and looked at Su Yu: "Thank you, Mr. Su, for letting me see him clearly!"

Fortunately, she is the only one who is being deceived. Her sisters who were bewitched by her have not handed over their money to the liar Jian Yunpeng. Otherwise, when the other party takes advantage of her and defrauds all the money, she will... I really feel like crying but I don’t even have the courage to stay in the industry or even survive.

After all, if she really gets to that point, she will probably become a liar in the eyes of others.

Become an object abandoned by everyone.

Xu Qinglan felt extremely frightened when she thought of the consequences that had not yet happened.

In a sense, although she was being defrauded of money and sex by the other party at the moment, the two of them had not been together for a long time, and the situation was not too deep, at least not to the point of irreversibility, and this... can be regarded as unfortunate. Fortunately.

"Qinglan..." Seeing that begging Su Yu was useless, Jiang Yunpeng immediately looked at Xu Qinglan, "I'm not lying to you, I really want to be serious with you, and... even though I'm here I'm throwing a tantrum at you about work, but I really want to help you invest that money."

"Hey! So you haven't had time to distribute this money to your accomplices, or use it to pay off loan sharks?" Su Yu couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "I have to say, your acting skills are really good Okay, it’s a three-pronged scam that deceived not only the loan company, but also the accomplices and the client, which is amazing.”

"Officer Huang..."

After Su Yu sneered at the other party, he turned his attention to Officer Huang: "I'll leave this person to you. This group of people... should be considered an organized fraud, right?"

"I've checked." Officer Huang said with a smile, "My colleague has gone to another road to block people. The case should be quite big. I have to thank Mr. Su for providing clues and evidence this time. Don't worry... As long as the outcome of the case is determined Once the case is settled, we will do our best to recover the victim’s losses, but when the time comes, we will still need Ms. Xu to cooperate with our investigation and provide us with more evidence.”

After speaking, Officer Huang did not wait for Xu Qinglan to respond.

He walked directly towards Jiang Yunpeng who had been slumped in the chair, held down his arm, cuffed him, and cursed angrily: "You are the only guy... you are worthy of the surname Huang!"

Jiang Yunpeng felt the coldness of the cuffs touching the skin of his wrists and knew that everything was over.

There was no resistance.

As many guests in the entire restaurant watched, he was taken away numbly. Also leaving at the same time was Xu Qinglan, who needed to cooperate with the police investigation.

As for the meal money, Su Yu didn't miss that much and just asked the waiter to settle the bill together.

When Su Yu and Shi Yuling walked out of the restaurant and returned to the car, Shi Yuling recalled everything that had just happened and had not yet fully recovered: "I didn't expect...that General Yunpeng, who looked so gentle and polite, He is actually a big liar, Qinglan must be very sad now."

"A long-term pain is worse than a short-term pain." Su Yu said, "It would be better for her to recognize the opponent's face early. If it drags on, when the other team really donates money and runs away, the money will not be recovered, and she will be used completely. Er Jing, then the life situation she will face in the future is really miserable. Now we can only say that we can stop the loss in time before everything is too late."

"Yes!" Shi Yuling responded, "Thank you, brother."

Su Yu smiled and said, "Why are you thanking me? This guy dared to pretend to be a core employee of my company in front of me. He also used my name and the name of our company to deceive everywhere, specifically to deceive. Those financial novices who don’t understand the financial market and don’t have high education or knowledge. How can I allow him to ruin my reputation and our company’s reputation? If I don’t send him in... Those who want to imitate him in the future, I don’t know. There are many."

Shi Yuling smiled and said, "Isn't this called killing one to serve as a warning to hundreds?"

"That's about the same meaning." Su Yu responded, then thought about it and said, "Yu Ling, when you encounter people and troubles in the future, you should think more about it and don't be easily deceived."

"No!" Shi Yuling turned her head and stared at Su Yu's side face while driving, feeling very sweet in her heart.

Having just seen Su Yu's resolute handling methods, she believed that with Su Yu as her backer, she wouldn't need to worry too much about anything.

That feeling...

Just like when her parents were here before, she could rely on them without any scruples and feel extremely at ease.

Even if the sky suddenly fell, she wouldn't feel scared as long as Su Yu was by her side.

While the two were talking, Su Yu parked the car in the garage of the community where Shi Yuling lived, and then moved all the things he bought for her there.

Watch her change her body beautifully.

Then, the two went out together again to attend the National Day party of the local TV station they were invited to attend.

When they arrived at the venue, it was around five or six in the afternoon. The client who gave him the ticket, the director of the TV station, warmly entertained Su Yu, and then they were placed in the VIP seating area of ​​the party.

"Mr. Su..."

"Mr. Su..."

"Mr. Su..."

As soon as Su Yu and Shi Yuling sat down, people greeted him one after another around them.

Su Yu looked around and saw that most of the people sitting here were prominent figures in Yuhang, and many of them were clients who invested in his fund.

Of course, the majority of people in the entire VIP area still did not know him.

After all, in addition to being a good hand in investment transactions, he can be appreciated by many people from all walks of life who are involved in investment. However, his personality actually does not like socializing, and he has very few opportunities to appear in public, so ...Although he is currently well-known, only those fund investors who have invested in him and some people who have carefully investigated his information are still the only ones who really know him personally.

"Wow, brother, look...there are Zhao Liying and Hua Chengyu."

When Su Yu smiled and responded to the greetings from everyone around him, Shi Yuling was excited and couldn't help but marvel.

The two of them were her favorite celebrities, and she was only less than five meters away from them in a straight line. After all, the other party was sitting two rows in front of them, and he was probably going to play later.

"Huh?" Su Yu looked at Shi Yuling with a smile, "Do you want an autograph?"

" it okay?" Shi Yuling said timidly.

"You're already here, so it's okay." Su Yu said with a smile, "But we have to wait until after the party."

"Yeah!" Shi Yuling nodded, feeling more and more excited.

Su Yu looked at the change in her demeanor and thought about his appearance and mentality when he was eighteen or nineteen years old. He couldn't help but smile softly, with some aftertaste in his heart.

And when the two of them were whispering...

In the front row, where Shi Yuling was paying attention, Zhao Liying also noticed that in the VIP seat area behind her, Su Yu and Shi Yuling, who stood out in age and appearance, could not help but have some questions and looked to the side. "Huang Xiaoming", who is also a large number and is known as a good person in the circle, asked: "Brother Xiaoming, are they also the guests invited to the party? How come... I don't even know them."

Huang Xiaoming was also puzzled at this moment.

Normally, there shouldn't be many people he doesn't know in the circle, and even if he doesn't know them, he shouldn't have no impression at all.

"I don't know him either." Huang Xiaoming replied in a low voice, "But I can ask about it."

After saying that, Huang Xiaoming turned his head and asked a familiar media company boss behind him: "Mr. Chen, do you know the young gentleman about seven seats behind you?"

"You mean Mr. Su?" Mr. Chen didn't need to look back to know who Huang Xiaoming was talking about. "He is not from the entertainment industry. He is a new figure in the domestic financial circle. I don't know him very well. I haven't officially met him before." I have met him before, but I know that this person is very powerful. He is still young and already has a tens of billions of private equity companies in his hands."

"Ten billion-level private equity!" Huang Xiaoming also engages in investment, and knows that this level of asset management private equity institutions is already the first echelon in the industry.

"Yes!" Mr. Chen said, "Two days ago, his private equity company raised funds in more than 6 hours and raised 5 billion. Many big local bosses in Yuhang invested money. If it were not for time restrictions and quota restrictions, , I am afraid that the amount of funds raised by a single fund will go straight to 10 billion."

"You are talking about...'Yuhang Investment' company, right?" Huang Xiaoming remembered, "This matter has been in the news, I have also seen it. Could it be that the Mr. Su you are talking about was the one in the news at that time? The boss of this investment company?”

Mr. Chen nodded: "That's Mr. Su!"

"No wonder so many people give him face." Huang Xiaoming understood.

He has tasted the sweetness brought by the financial market and knows that this is an industry where it is extremely easy to obtain huge profits. Of course, he does not understand the rules of the industry and the rules of the circle. He rushes in and no matter how much money he invests, he will be swallowed up.

Moreover, compared to the entertainment circle that he can play in, the financial circle is obviously a larger and more cruel circle.

"I heard that the first fund under his company, under his management, achieved a ten-fold performance in just three months after its establishment. Many people who invested in him have reaped at least several times profits, and some people have Bo Investment has directly made hundreds of millions." Mr. Chen said, "Can this not give you face? As long as you can participate in an investment, you don't have to do anything after that, and it is comparable to the profit brought by a big-budget movie. It’s even much more profitable than a big-budget movie at the box office, and it’s all money!”

Financial markets are all about huge profits.

Faced with so much money, and it is purely legal gain, who can not be jealous? Who doesn’t want a chance to make a killing?

"I know." Huang Xiaoming glanced at Su Yu from afar with envy, and said with a smile, "Thank you, Mr. Chen, for the introduction. Indeed... people who can play well in the financial market can make money much easier than investing in movies."

Even the first-tier film and television companies in China only make a few hundred million or more than a billion in profit a year.

However, the other party was able to harvest billions of profits from the stock market in just a few months with just one person's ability. This indeed had to make many people outside the market rush to follow up and win cooperation.

After finding out Su Yu's identity...

Huang Xiaoming quietly told Zhao Liying the information she had obtained.

"The boss of a tens of billions private equity fund company?" Zhao Liying heard Su Yu's identity and glanced at him again subconsciously, "So young!"

The financial boss in her impression, or the financial boss she thought.

They are all middle-aged people over thirty-five years old at least.

She was a little surprised that a financial boss of Su Yu's age was quite good-looking.

"Is the little girl next to him his girlfriend?" Zhao Liying was full of gossip. Before the show started, she couldn't help but continue to ask, "She's so beautiful, she could be a star!"

Huang Xiaoming said: "I don't know, I can't find out in detail."

While talking, Huang Xiaoming was already thinking about how to get to know Su Yu and get closer to him.

After all, apart from work, he is still very interested in investing. However, his ability in this area is limited. He occasionally invested in a few funds but did not gain much.

He really wanted to get to know someone like Su Yu.

Don't ask for how much profit you can make from the other party right away. If you at least establish a few connections, your paths will be broader in the future.

What's more...he always likes to make friends.

At the same time, except for the curious Zhao Liying and Huang Xiaoming, other well-known people in the VIP venue who did not know Su Yu frequently glanced at Su Yu, whispering, and asking each other about Su Yu and Shi Yuling. After all, given their age and appearance, sitting among a crowd of mostly middle-aged people, they were really eye-catching.

Of course, in this...

There were some people who originally knew or found out about Su Yu's identity.

I still have some disapproval of the profit myth and private equity growth myth created by Su Yu. I think he is just lucky and has insufficient foundation. No matter how high he climbs in the short term, as time goes by and the financial market continues to verify, he will still rise again. Fell into the mud.

After all, in the financial field in many people's minds.

There are only a handful of people who can truly control wealth and prosper in the market for a long time. In the entire investment field, there is only one Buffett in the world.

What's more, in the eyes of these people, Su Yu was too young and had no family background behind him.

As long as it loses momentum for a moment and its earning power declines, it will easily fall from the limelight.

"Brother... I feel like there are a lot of people looking at us." Shi Yuling couldn't help but said after noticing more and more eyes turning to him.

Su Yu smiled and said calmly: "It's okay, just relax."

In his two lifetimes, he has seen countless big scenes. He has long since ceased to care much about other people's opinions and gazes. The only things he cares about in his heart are the people and things he cares about.

"What does Mr. Su think of the development of our domestic entertainment industry and film and television media?" When Su Yu replied to Shi Yuling in a low voice, beside him was Mr. Guo of Yuhang's Guangbo Media, who also invested in Yuhang 2 'A client of the fund asked with a smile, "Will there be any major development?"

Su Yu responded with a smile: "If Mr. Guo asked about your company's main business, film and television production, film distribution, and even artist management business, the current domestic average consumption level is increasing, the number of large screens is growing rapidly, and movie viewing is The number of people is also growing rapidly. At the macro level, the country is also interested in revitalizing culture and supporting the growth of the film and television industry. The future... is still very bright."

"However, with the explosion of mobile Internet and the general popularity of smartphones."

"I'm afraid that the traditional way of watching TV dramas will change in the future, and the market will explode further, but it will also sink further."

"The market is sinking?" Mr. Guo was a little confused.

"Yes, sinking!" Su Yu said, "It will transform into a more convenient way to watch movies."

Hearing Su Yu's words, Mr. Guo finally understood: "Mr. Su is talking about the online video market, right? Although the big players in this market are vying for land, there is still no profit prospect. After all, domestic users are piracy I have a strong awareness and have no habit of paying for copyrights.”

"It will always change." Su Yu said, "And I'm talking about the increase in market users, not the payment issue."

"Whether a video website makes money or not doesn't affect your film and television production company, right? After all, you don't directly connect with users, so you don't need to consider these issues."

"And precisely, the greater the increase in users in the market, the more serious the big players are in their pursuit of turf."

“The more premium space there will be for copyright competition.”

"Isn't this better for you?"

"Haha..." Mr. Guo said with a smile, "When Mr. Su said this, it is easy for me to understand. Indeed... online film and television dramas may be a general direction in the future!"

At this stage, mobile Internet has not yet fully exploded.

The end of the film and television drama market is still dominated by television stations. Most people in the industry have not yet realized the changes that the explosion of mobile Internet will bring to the industry.

After Su Yu reminded the other party a few words, he said no more.

After all, the friendship is not that good, and to put it bluntly... the other party will not listen to his opinion on decisions related to the future strategic development direction of the entire company.

The two of them were chatting, and after a while, the party started.

Then, amid the sound of music and the host's lines, everyone stopped talking and calmed down to watch the show.

After that, three hours were spent watching one show after another.

Su Yu didn't have much feelings about these shows, but Shi Yuling seemed very excited and excited throughout the whole process because it was the first time he saw so many stars perform on stage at such a close distance.

After the party, it was already very late.

Su Yu took Shi Yuling away amidst everyone's greetings. Shi Yuling looked for a long time and saw that only Zhao Liying was still there, so she couldn't help but hurriedly ran towards her.

Zhao Liying looked at Shi Yuling, never expecting that the other person was actually her fan.

With Shi Yuling's enthusiasm, he gave her a signed gift.

"Hello!" Su Yu stood behind the cheerful Shi Yuling and looked at the popular young actress, "Thank you for the gift you sent to my sister."

"She is your sister!" Zhao Liying gently shook Su Yu's hand and replied with a smile.

She always felt that Su Yu looked younger than her, but the maturity in his eyes made her uncertain.

"Listen to what Miss Zhao said..." Su Yu said in surprise, "Do you know me?"

Zhao Liying continued with a smile: "Just now... I asked about Mr. Su from Brother Xiaoming, and I know that you are in finance, but I have never seen a financial company boss as young as you."

"I'm not a big boss." Su Yu smiled and said, "I'm just a small boss who just started his business."

Zhao Liying chuckled and replied: "Pretty much, I'm just a little famous star. I'm glad your sister likes me."

"Sister, can you leave me your contact information?" Shi Yuling, who was beside him, excitedly asked further.

Zhao Liying looked at Shi Yuling, whose appearance was comparable to hers. She liked this girl very much and replied with a smile: "Okay, I'll leave you a phone number and Penguin number. However, my Penguin number doesn't log in often. You need to find it." If I want to chat, I’ll have to wait until I’m free.”

"Okay!" Shi Yuling responded.

Then without waiting for the other party to report his number, he rushed to report his own number, Penguin number, etc.

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