Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 252: The rich young lady takes the initiative!

"Mr. Su, aren't we going back to Yuhang today?" Assistant Li Xiaoling saw that Su Yu still had an appointment, thinking that she might have to adjust her schedule, so she couldn't help but ask, "Then I'll change the ticket."

"Okay!" Su Yu nodded.

Since the other party has brought up the business negotiation card, it is still necessary for him to go and meet Xie Wanting for a while.

Furthermore, judging from the first contact, he did not hate this girl, and eating a meal did not waste much of his time and energy.

After the decision was made, around 5:30 p.m.

Su Yu went out and took a taxi to the place agreed with Xie Wanting.

"Hello, Mr. Su, we meet again!" Seeing Su Yu arrive, Xie Wanting greeted him with a smile, "The many investment ideas you mentioned last night were very inspiring to me, so... I want to express my gratitude to you Please ask for advice again.”

Su Yu nodded slightly, sat down opposite Xie Wanting, and glanced at her lightly.

I saw that Xie Wanting had changed her clothes today, wearing a dress and a small coat. It was a very simple outfit, but she still looked so beautiful, so beautiful.

"Actually, I have said everything that needs to be said." After a pause, Su Yu said with a smile, "Ms. Xie graduated from the School of Finance at the University of Manchester in the UK. She is definitely better than me in market theory. You may only be interested in A at the moment. I still don’t understand the rules of the stock market very well, and I still lack some skills in trading, but in other aspects... you really don’t need to ask me for anything, I don’t have the ability, what can I teach Miss Xie.”

"How do you know that I graduated from the School of Finance at the University of Manchester?" Xie Wanting said with some confusion, "I don't remember that I didn't tell you this information."

"It's not difficult to investigate once we know your identity, background, education, resume, etc." Su Yu said with a smile, "In the transaction, market information summary and intelligence collection are also very important, just like your Anlan Fund , before I met Miss Xie, didn’t Miss Xie know all my information?”

Xie Wanting replied: "That was collected by the teacher. I was just curious and took a look."

"Your teacher?" Su Yu asked.

"Why, you can collect information such as my identity, background, education, resume, etc., but you can't collect other...?" Xie Wanting smiled and said, "I remember, I said I was in I am an intern at Anlan Fund, so my trading teacher is naturally Mr. Zhou Guohua from Anlan Fund.”

"Oh!" Su Yu understood, "Mr. Zhou is a senior in the industry. His trading philosophy and past investment experience are admirable."

"The teacher should be very happy when he hears you praising him so much." Xie Wanting responded with a smile.

"Oh, by the way..." Su Yu paused and then said, "Miss Xie said on the phone that she wanted to discuss a cooperation project with our 'Yuhang Investment' company. What is it?"

Xie Wanting thought for a while and said, "Let's have dinner with me first. After dinner...I'll tell Mr. Su later."

With that said, she called the waiter and started ordering.

This restaurant is a famous Western restaurant in Yanjing. Xie Wanting seems to come here often, so when ordering, she didn't even look at the menu and just listed the names of five or six signature dishes in the restaurant.

"Miss Xie seems to be very familiar with this place?" Su Yu looked at Xie Wanting and said with a smile.

Xie Wanting nodded: "As long as I have a meal with friends, I usually choose this place. The owner of this restaurant is an Italian. The owner's son was my classmate in the UK, so... what if I return to China? We should also support our classmates’ home businesses.”

"It seems that Miss Xie is a warm-hearted person." Su Yu continued with a smile.

"Then Mr. Su must have misunderstood." Xie Wanting chuckled, "Both my teacher and my best friend said that I am a quite withdrawn person. They said that I don't like to communicate with others. When others are resting, Usually I go out on dates, watch movies, go shopping, sing, etc. I just like to be alone and quietly."

"Solitary?" Su Yu pondered the word, looked at Xie Wanting's bright eyes, and couldn't connect the two words with the other person. He smiled and said, "You don't call it lonely, I can only say... …You don’t regard them as true friends and you don’t want to share your joys, sorrows and joys with them.”

Xie Wanting thought for a moment and said, "Maybe. Growing up, I didn't seem to have many friends around me."

"You don't have many friends. Just two or three who really understand and help each other is enough." Su Yu said, "Miss Xie should have no shortage of such friends around her."

"Well, if you think about it seriously, there are two or three." When Xie Wanting said this, she couldn't help but stare at Su Yu again with a smile, and said, "I just don't know whether Mr. Su and I will have the opportunity to become The kind of friends you just mentioned? Understand each other and help each other!"

"With a friend like Miss Xie, I can be considered a high achiever." Su Yu smiled and said.

"I'm not a princess from the royal family, so there's nothing wrong with me." Xie Wanting said, "Besides, I am me and my dad is my dad. There is no essential relationship. I hate it when others see me. Just saying who my father is, it seems like I can only live in the shadow of my father."

"Isn't it good to have someone to protect you and someone to tell the truth?" Su Yu asked.

Xie Wanting shook her head: "Don't you think it's better? A life dominated by others is not your own life at all. Rather than being a puppet in my father's hands, I hope that I can control the destiny I want. , I can rely on my own efforts to seriously pursue what I want, even if I have to eat a lot more and suffer a lot, I don't care."

Su Yu listened carefully to Xie Wanting's words, feeling somewhat emotional in his heart.

"Actually..." While Su Yu was deep in thought, Xie Wanting said with a smile, "In my heart, I envy Mr. Su, and of course... I also really admire him."

Su Yu smiled and asked, "Why do you envy me?"

"You have completed the change in your life's destiny through your own efforts." Xie Wanting said, "This is something I have always wanted to do but have never succeeded."

"Remember before..."

"Ever since I was a child, I have always obeyed the arrangements of my father and mother."

"In reading, studying, and even my interests, I have to choose what my father and mother think is appropriate. It is never something that I can decide on my own."

"I thought that when I grew up, everything would be fine, and I could do whatever I wanted."

"In the end...I was still too naive!"

"Actually, being arranged is also a kind of happiness." Su Yu said softly, "Ms. Xie must have never experienced the rural life in the west before the new century. It was really poor. I remember that my parents wanted to provide for my sister and me. To raise money for school fees, we sold half of the newly harvested grain before the start of school in the fall. As a result, our family had to live off the sweet potatoes in the fields throughout the winter. It was really difficult, day by day..."

Su Yu recalled his childhood and continued with a smile: "Spiritual pursuit, as well as so-called independence and freedom, are actually considered luxury in the face of survival."

"Of course, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with Miss Xie's pursuit."

"I just want to say... In fact, Miss Xie is already very happy."

Xie Wanting listened carefully to Su Yu's story about her childhood. It was hard for her to imagine what kind of life it was like, after all, she had never experienced it.

But the more she listened, the more she began to admire and like Su Yu.

"Tell me more about your past!" Xie Wanting looked at Su Yu with gentle eyes, "I want to hear more."

"Actually... there's nothing to talk about." Su Yu saw that her eyes were gentle and she still had a yearning for the life he was talking about. He was touched in his heart and a little surprised, but he didn't want to talk seriously anymore, "If you thank me If Miss is interested, if you have a chance in the future... I will take you to my hometown to have a look, and you will understand."

"Okay!" Xie Wanting responded with a smile, with a hint of expectation in her eyes.

Next, during their chatty exchanges, the relationship between the two people became closer.

Not only did Su Yu talk about many interesting things he had experienced in the past, but Xie Wanting also shared with him every bit of life, study, and work without reservation.


By the time the two of them came to their senses, it was already around 8 o'clock in the evening.

It took the two of them almost 2 hours to eat this meal, seemed like there was a lot more to say.

"Oh, by the way..." Su Yu glanced at the time and finally asked, "What Ms. Xie said before about cooperating with our 'Yuhang Investment' project..."

Seeing that Su Yu still remembered this, Xie Wanting couldn't help but smile softly and said: "There was no project cooperation. I just found a random reason to trick you into coming out to have dinner with me."

"Well, sure enough..."

Su Yu was slightly stunned, but he wasn't too surprised by the result.

"Did you guess it?" This time it was Xie Wanting's turn to be surprised.

Su Yu replied: "I have thought about this, but before... I was not very sure. After all, Miss Xie and I actually met each other."

"You didn't expect me to take the initiative to ask you out, right?" Xie Wanting chuckled, "I don't know why, I just want you to have a meal with me, and... I want to know more about you, maybe ...Actually, I am still a person who is more afraid of being alone!"

After a pause, Xie Wanting said again: "I hope it didn't delay your business!"

"At the same time, thank you for accompanying me to such a boring meal."

"It's not that..." Su Yu smiled, "I don't have many friends in Yanjing, so I'm very happy to have a friend like Miss Xie treat me to dinner."

"Since we are friends, next time, Mr. Su will have to be a little more merciful!" Xie Wanting paid the bill and said with a smile, "I don't want to experience the scene of being harvested by you on Waigaoqiao again. "

Su Yu wondered: "I have never harvested Miss Xie's stock in Waigaoqiao."

"Does Mr. Su still remember the stock price trend of Waigaoqiao from August 8 to August 12?" Xie Wanting said, "I foolishly placed a tray below, but all the liquid chips on the board were secretly robbed by you. As a result, our fund's position in this stock was seriously insufficient, and there was no fully established strategic mission. Alas... Later, when I saw you crazily shipping on Waigaoqiao, I was really angry for several days."

"Uh..." Su Yu heard her say this and vaguely remembered the scene at that time, "I didn't expect that Miss Xie was actually operating the funds at that time."


Su Yu paused and then said: "Friends are friends, but when it comes to market operations, I think everyone should still do their best according to their abilities."

Su Yu feels that trading is pure and has the sole purpose of maximizing profit.

It cannot be mixed with any external emotions.

"Okay, pretend I didn't say anything." Xie Wanting smiled, and Quan Dang made a joke. Originally, she didn't think Su Yu would give in in this regard.

The two were chatting and laughing, and were about to leave the restaurant together.

At this time, beside them, two young people walked out of the private room of the restaurant. One of them suddenly looked at Xie Wanting in surprise, stretched out his hand, and greeted with a smile: "Junior sister, what a coincidence!"

Xie Wanting followed the voice and looked at it. She was stunned for a while before she recognized the other person: "Gu...Senior Brother Gu?"

This person, named Gu Shenyan, was her senior when she studied in England.

"This is... your boyfriend?" Gu Shenyan looked past Xie Wanting and landed on Su Yu beside Xie Wanting. "When I was in the UK, there were so many people chasing her, both Chinese and foreign classmates. You, junior sister, you are indifferent. I didn’t expect that after returning to China, so soon..."

"Brother, I misunderstood." Xie Wanting hurriedly explained, "This is Mr. Su from Yuhang Investment. We are just... ordinary friends."

"Oh, hello!" After hearing Xie Wanting's explanation, Gu Shenyan didn't think any more and hurriedly reached out to Su Yu to say hello, "DST Investment Project Manager, Gu Shenyan."

Su Yu shook the other person's hand with a smile and said his name: "Yu Hang Investment, Su Yu."

"It turns out that everyone is the same..."

Gu Shenyan was about to say, 'It turns out that we are all peers,' but he suddenly remembered that the company 'Yuhang Investment' had recently become famous in the domestic capital market. He couldn't help but feel a shiver in his heart, and he swallowed the last word in an instant. He turned back and said with some shock: "Is it the 'Yuhang Investment' where Fortune Road is located?"

"Brother, isn't he focused on the primary market?" Xie Wanting said with a smile, "Do you also know so much about the 'Wealth Road'?"

Gu Shenyan said: "Junior sister is not right. The primary market and the secondary market influence each other. Although I am not good at stock trading, I still have a basic understanding of the relevant market changes in the secondary market. I didn't expect... ...I can actually meet Mr. Su from 'Fortune Road' here!"

As he said that, he hurriedly looked at Su Yu and Xie Wanting carefully.

Hehe laughed and said: "No wonder he is favored by junior sister, Mr. Su... is indeed an admirable person!"

"Oh, right……"

At this point, Gu Shenyan remembered to introduce another young man beside him to Su Yu and Xie Wanting: "This is Mr. Zhang Yiming, Mr. Zhang of Zitiao Network Company."

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