Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 254 The meaning of wealth

"If Mr. Gu thinks I am generous, why not come to our 'Yuhang Investment' and how about we work together?" Su Yu joked with a smile, "As for the salary, I can double your current salary for you."

"Uh..." Gu Shenyan was a little surprised and hurriedly replied, "Mr. Su is joking!"

He is currently working quite smoothly at DST, an investment institution, and in the next step, he is very likely to be promoted by the headquarters to the general manager of the entire Huaguo area investment business. In addition, he has settled down in Yanjing and has a wife. , daughter, have no intention of moving.

"However, I am still very happy to meet my friend Mr. Su."

Gu Shenyan paused and said, "I appreciate Mr. Su's kindness. If there is a chance in the future... maybe we can still cooperate."

"Haha..." Su Yu smiled, "Then I'll look forward to that day."


Su Yu paused for a moment, turned to Zhang Yiming, and said: "I am also looking forward to cooperating with Mr. Zhang next time. I also hope that Mr. Zhang will think of our 'Yuhang Investment' as soon as possible when he is short of money in the future. .”

"Definitely!" Zhang Yiming said with a smile.

Although Su Yu was not a network technician, the other party's understanding of the organization and distribution direction of information in the era of information explosion was much deeper than he thought. This made him feel as if he had found a confidant, and he was very understanding of Su Yu. I have a good impression, so...if the company wants to continue financing in the future, he should not forget the institution 'Yuhang Investment'.

After all, although the institution invests, it will not participate in the company's operations, and it will not hinder his strategic deployment of the company's development.

But if you can find a like-minded investment institution to enter.

In the end, it saves a lot of worry.

After the investment was finalized, the three of them chatted for a while about the development of 'mobile Internet', and then dispersed when it was close to 11 o'clock.

Back at the hotel, Su Yu took a look at the external market trends and pondered the market direction after the holiday for a while.

Then he went to bed.

When he woke up the next day, his secretary Li Xiaoling had already packed all his luggage for him, so the two of them had breakfast at the hotel and went straight to the airport, preparing to return to Yuhang.

When we arrived at Yuhang, it was almost noon.

Su Yu and Li Xiaoling took their luggage and just walked out of the airport exit when they saw Li Meng standing not far away, waiting for them.

"When did you come back?" Su Yu was slightly surprised when he saw Li Meng, " did you know about my plane at this point?"

Li Meng smiled and said, "I asked Xiaoling."

"Uh... no wonder!" Su Yu understood and glanced at his secretary lightly.

Li Xiaoling felt her boss's gaze and felt a little nervous, wondering if she had done something wrong.

Everyone in the company knows that Su Yu and Li Meng have an unusual relationship, and they live together. Li Xiaoling is not blind, so naturally she knows from the bottom of her heart that no one will be offended. After all, if one day, Li Meng really After becoming the boss's wife, she offended Li Meng and found it difficult to survive in the company.

Therefore, when Li Meng asked about Su Yu's itinerary, she revealed it without thinking too much.

Watch now……

It seemed like she wasn't doing it right.

While she was deep in thought, Su Yu had already loaded her luggage into the car, took the car keys from Li Meng's hand, sat in the driver's seat, and ordered the two of them: "Xiao Ling, think about what to eat for lunch. Book a place to eat, Li Meng, call He Qian and Liang Bin, I have something to tell them."

The two women responded and then got into the car.

Among them, Li Meng sat in the passenger seat, while Li Xiaoling, who was originally the secretary, sat alone in the back seat, where the boss should have been. So... she was on pins and needles for a while, following Su Yu's instructions. , hurriedly called a hotel owner with whom the company had signed an agreement, and asked him to reserve a private room.

"Looking at you like this, your trip to Yanjing... has been very fruitful!"

Li Meng sat in the passenger seat and looked at Su Yu carefully with a smile: "The 'Future Investment' Summit, the regulators have released a good signal after all, right?"

"You're right about this." Su Yu said with a smile, "These are indeed positive signs."

With that said, Su Yu roughly recounted to Li Meng what he had learned about his participation in Yanjing, and finally speculated: "According to my inference, if the market trend after the National Day can still maintain the momentum before the holiday, then... ...I believe that soon, the IPO will be restarted and the schedule will be upgraded.”

"Restart the IPO!" Li Meng thought for a while and said, "This is an opportunity for us. You have some confidence in the outcome of this judgment."

Su Yu smiled and said, "Before the meeting, it was about 7 points. Now... at least 9 points!"

"Is that certain?" Li Meng said.

Su Yu nodded slightly and replied: "It's almost the same. I think after the holiday, the positions of the two funds can be adjusted towards this expectation."

"Securities, banks, venture capital and other major financial sectors."

"The increase so far this year is far behind the index and the average market increase."

"Even if our expectations are wrong, the loss will not be huge in a place that is already a market depression, and with the liquidity of these major sectors, it will not be too difficult for us to enter or exit."

“Even though the financial sector in the market has been losing blood, internal funds have continued to flow out.”

"But the overall liquidity, given its size, is still at the forefront of the market. Even if all of our 10 billion funds are invested, it won't make much of a splash."

"Since your expectations for the IPO restart of the market are so high, I have no objection to such a position adjustment." Li Meng said, "In the current market, the two lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' are indeed highly hyped in the short term. Internally, we have reached a high emotional point. If we continue to speculate... without new expectations and favorable market conditions, it is estimated that it will be difficult to sustain. We should indeed stop taking profits in this direction."

After the company was established, their biggest source of profit came from these two main lines of speculation.

Originally, if Su Yu hadn't insisted... Li Meng would have already wanted to significantly reduce his position and lock in profits on these two core stocks that were the main line of speculation.

"Since you have no objection, then the direction of the macro investment strategy has been decided." Su Yu replied, paused, and then said with a smile, "Actually, the biggest gain from this trip to Yanjing is not the exploration After understanding the regulators’ views on the market and expected wind direction, we negotiated a US$20 million investment project.”

"A US$20 million investment project?" Li Meng was shocked.

Such an equity investment project in the primary market has exceeded the company's established investment quota for the venture capital department in one year.

in other words……

Projects with such an investment amount are not currently something their company can afford.

"Yes!" Su Yu nodded.

Then he briefly told Li Meng about investing in Zitiao Network.

"Regardless of the future development prospects of this company." Li Meng frowned and said, "Our company currently does not have so much self-owned funds that can be used for equity investment projects in the primary market."

"Don't worry about money." Su Yu said, "I'll first find Mr. Qian, a rich man with cash, to help. If Mr. Qian doesn't have such a large amount of liquidity, you can also borrow a three-month short-term debt from a bank, 2,000 With our company’s current asset management scale, it is not difficult to put together US$10,000.”

"And by the end of the year in December, the net value of the 'Yuhang No. 1' fund will be settled."

"The company will have enough of its own funds for repayment and investment."

According to the current net value performance of the 'Yuhang No. 1' fund, even if the fund's net value no longer increases in the next two months, their company will still be able to receive at least 1.8 billion in net profit from the profits of the 'Yuhang No. 1' fund. Compared with the year-end profit of at least 1.8 billion, the current funding gap of 20 million US dollars is naturally not worth mentioning.

"Okay!" Li Meng said, "I don't know much about primary market investment projects. You can just ask Liang Bin and He Qian. After all, they are the department heads, but I think... The projects you choose at a glance should have investment value no matter what."

"Oh, by the way, how is your sister?" Su Yu only then remembered to ask Li Meng about the situation at home.

Li Meng smiled and said: "It's very good. The doctor said that the recovery after the operation is very good. After all, children have a strong ability to recover body functions."

My sister was fine. A big stone fell in her heart.

And in the future, she will be able to devote her whole body and mind to her work.

"That's good!" Su Yu said with a smile.

"By the way, Su Yu..." Li Meng suddenly remembered something, "When I took my sister for a review at Yuzhou Hospital, I met our high school Chinese teacher, Teacher Hu?"

"Oh!" Su Yu flashed the teacher's figure in his mind and asked, "What's wrong with Teacher Hu?"

"I heard it's lung cancer." Li Meng sighed softly, "Life is so unpredictable!"

"Is there any hope?" Su Yu continued to ask. In fact, he had a pretty good impression of this teacher when he was a student.

Li Mengmeng thought for a while and said: "It's the middle stage, there should still be... hope for help? I think Teacher Hu himself is quite indifferent, but the teacher's wife doesn't look too good."

"It's good that there's still hope!" Su Yu pondered for a while and said, "I asked my sister to take a look. After all, he has taught my sister for one semester and sent some money to their family. As far as I know , if you want to survive this disease, you still have to pile up money!"

After all, teachers and students have a meeting, thinking about friendship.

He is now prosperous, and since he knows about this, it is reasonable to help him.

"Well, okay!" Li Meng responded, feeling some admiration for Su Yu.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Su Yu noticed Li Meng's admiring gaze and said with a smile, "'If you are poor, you can be alone, and if you are rich, you can help the world.' Isn't this the simplest truth? I remember the old high school lesson At that time, Teacher Hu also taught this truth."

"Of course, I'm not a good person either."

"I just feel that since I know about some things, and helping me is just a small thing and convenient for me, then I can't turn a blind eye."

"I know." Li Meng said with a smile, "You are a person who values ​​friendship. No matter how prosperous or wealthy you are, you will never forget the kindness of many people in the past, and you will not look down on ordinary friends despite the huge disparity between the rich and the poor. .”

At this moment, Li Meng was really touched by Su Yu.

The little things that Su Yu mentioned, the effort of a little effort, in fact, in Li Meng's opinion... for many rich people, this is not the case.

After all, no one’s money comes from strong winds.

For some people who are not close relatives, helping is a matter of affection, and not helping is a matter of course.

"Emphasis on friendship?" Su Yu smiled and said, "That's right! But more importantly... I don't want to be enslaved by money. Money is just a conceptual object and has no value in itself. In the face of things like friendship, material, and life, , as long as it can be redeemed, it’s worth it.”

His ideal is to use capital and money to change the people around him that he cares about, as well as his own material conditions and life trajectory. At the same time... he also wants the world to be changed because of him.

As for simply making wealth.

After the money reaches a certain amount and cannot be spent, it becomes a pure number without any meaning.

While the two were talking, they had already arrived at the restaurant where they were eating. Su Yu parked the car, and then took the two women, led by the waiter, directly to the private room that had been prepared in the hotel.

When he walked into the private room, he saw that He Qian and Liang Bin had already arrived.

After Su Yu sat down, he ordered the food, and then asked Li Xiaoling to find a place to print out the several research and valuation reports on DST Investment Company's "Zitiao Network" on his mobile phone.

Later, Su Yu handed one of these reports to He Qian, Liang Bin, and Li Meng.

"How is it?" Su Yu asked after the three of them looked at it all.

"The development of Zitiao Network is very rapid, but DST's valuation of this company is too overestimated." He Qian frowned slightly after reading the report and replied, " The valuation of US$500 million is already the valuation of a mature Internet company, more than 3 billion. In the market, 50% of listed companies do not have this market value. I think this project... we participate and make profits. There’s not a lot of room for expectation.”

"DST's valuation of this company is so high. The main thing that DST is interested in is its active user growth potential, right?" Liang Bin said next to him, "'Zitiao Network' has been officially operational for less than a year. It can Accumulating 65 million active users is a terrifying achievement."

"Especially the report shows the quarter-on-quarter growth of its active users."

"If this trend can continue..."

"In less than a year, the number of active users will reach over 150 million. And with the traffic of 150 million active users, it is immeasurable how much profit value it can generate in the future."

"I am currently studying the 'mobile Internet' industry and its development issues."

"Discovering the entire investment market at home and abroad, everyone has basically reached a consensus on the huge development potential in this direction."

“Not only the first-tier Internet companies at home and abroad are staking out land, large-scale acquisitions and mergers, and seizing traffic ports, but also large-scale investment institutions at home and abroad, such as the DST investment company we just contacted, as well as Goldman Sachs, Investment banking giants such as SoftBank, Morgan Stanley, and UBS are all making in-depth plans in this area."

“A number of domestic institutions in the primary equity investment market, such as Jinpeng Capital, Gaolin Capital, and Tomorrow Capital, are also investing heavily in this area. Among them... not long ago, Jindong Mall’s Series C financing, they The company only needs 400 million US dollars, but Mr. Zhang of Gaolin Capital directly increased the capital to 400 million US dollars in one go."

"So, I think the expectation of a full-scale explosion of the 'mobile Internet' has taken shape against the background."

"This valuation report by DST Investment Company is not an exaggeration."

“In terms of development potential, with the popularity of ‘mobile Internet’, Zitiao Network is worthy of this valuation.”

"The investment amount of 20 million U.S. dollars is considered a large investment project for us at 'Yuhang Investment'. In fact, we have certain difficulties in handling it."

“But in the context of the overall market macro, it’s actually nothing.”

"Moreover, this trend has already appeared. If we hesitate for a moment and want to get into this trend later, I am afraid that the cost and price of investment will be even greater if we get good projects."

"So, you agree to the company's investment in this project?" He Qian asked.

Liang Bin nodded and said: "The Internet is an emerging industry. Even if we go back ten years, it is the industry with the highest return on investment. Now that new Internet trends have emerged, if we want to develop venture capital business, we must also compete in the domestic equity investment market." , to occupy a place, we cannot lack investment in this industry. I agree to use 20 million US dollars to pry open the investment gap in this industry, win this project, and obtain our player ticket in the field of 'mobile Internet'."

"But our company... doesn't have that much money!" He Qian was worried about this problem.

Previously, in the negotiation with Zhezhou Oriental Group a few days ago, in order to win the equity investment project of 'Wowu Biotechnology', Su Yu personally advanced 50 million yuan. Now the company owes Su Yu a total of 80 million yuan. He Qian guessed that even if Su Yu was asked to personally advance the capital this time, Su Yu might not be able to get 20 million US dollars or more than 100 million in liquid cash.

"Don't worry about money." Su Yu emphasized, "Let's discuss the project itself first."

He Qian saw that Su Yu and Liang Bin had made up their minds, but Li Meng did not express any opinions. She thought about it for a while, thinking that no matter how much she objected, it would be of no use.

So, he nodded and said: "Since everyone agrees, then I can only obey the majority."

"Okay!" Su Yu said with a smile, "Liang Bin, you will be responsible for the Zitiao Network project. You will leave for Yanjing tomorrow to negotiate the project. I will take care of the money. "

"Okay!" Liang Bin responded.

"He Qian, please continue to follow up on the Wowu Biotechnology project." Su Yu said, "Let's see if we can extract some equity from within the 'Wowu Biotechnology' group. I estimate that if the IPO market loosens, this Wowu Biotechnology company will Wu Biology will be listed very quickly, and it is very likely... This will be the easiest project for our company's venture capital department to realize profits."

"Okay!" He Qian responded and stopped talking.

"Oh, by the way..." Su Yu paused and then asked, "Liang Bin, how about the Guangdong New Microelectronics project? Are there any opportunities for us to invest?"

"We need to talk about it again." Liang Bin said, "Mr. Shao's financing requirements are far from our initial valuation of New Microelectronics. The domestic semiconductor industry is currently in decline. Internationally, it is being replaced by many large manufacturers. We can’t hold our heads high, our competitiveness is very limited, and it’s hard to say what our future prospects will be. I want to lower the valuation a little, which will help reduce our investment risks.”

"In the era of smart terminal equipment, the semiconductor industry is still very promising." Su Yu said, "An investment of 20 to 30 million yuan will not have a great impact on us. It is okay to suppress the valuation appropriately, but not too much."

"I understand!" Liang Bin nodded.

Then, after everyone discussed the important matters of the company, they talked about some changes in the external market during the National Day.

Finally, it wasn’t until nearly 3 o’clock in the afternoon that everyone dispersed.

After returning home, Su Yu first called her sister, told her about Teacher Hu, and transferred 1 million in funds to her.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yu called Qian Yuanbao again, for the purpose of borrowing money.

After the first good cooperation, Qian Yuanbao still had full trust in Su Yu, so he transferred the money to Su Yu's personal account through the large-amount transfer channel without asking Su Yu what specific project to invest in.

Received the 120 million funds transferred to him by Qian Yuanbao.

Su Yu added another 20 million from his personal account and injected a total of 140 million into the company's account, with a total balance of about 20 million US dollars. He breathed a sigh of relief.

And after he continuously injected capital into his company...

Now, his personal account balance has dropped sharply from the initial more than 100 million to more than 24 million; and the company's total personal debt to him, the actual controller, has reached 220 million.

In terms of cash flow, at this moment, neither his personal nor the company's cash flow is sufficient.

However, Su Yu had no worries about this.

After all, as long as the fund's net value is settled at the end of the year, the company will be able to recover at least 1.8 billion in receivable profits. By then... no matter his personal debt or the company's debt, everything will not be a problem.

After arranging everything...

October 7th, the last day of the holiday.

Su Yu put down all social activities and really relaxed completely at home. He lay quietly for a day and enjoyed the last leisurely time of the holiday.

Then, October 8th arrived, and the first trading day after the holiday started.

I saw that the market was under the positive influence of the industry summit on 'Future Investment' throughout the holiday, under the influence of the steady upward trend of the external market, and under the influence of everyone's emotions that have been held back for 9 days and are looking forward to the reopening of the market. At 9:15, the moment the call auction of the two cities started, 85% of the stocks opened higher one after another, with great momentum, vowing to create a trend of 10 consecutive positive indexes!

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