Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 256 The conclusion of jumping the gun

As for the "market IPO" concept that Su Yu is concerned about and plans to build a position in, it restarts related concept sectors and its stocks.

At this moment, there is no performance.

The major financial sectors such as securities, banks, and insurance have sunk to the bottom, still underperforming the market index, and opening slightly higher; the venture capital concept sector is slightly better than the major financial sector, but still underperforming the market index, overall... and There are no active funds and main funds, so focus on these areas.

Of course, except for the two major areas of hot and cold.

There is another area where funds gather for speculation during the post-holiday call auction period.

That is the concept of restructuring and backdooring that has been hyped before and then receded quickly. After all, since the resumption of trading, Xinwei Group has gone on 12 consecutive boards and its market value has directly exceeded 50 billion. This has clearly exceeded the market’s expectations for this stock. This once led to changes in its related sectors and concept stocks.

Faced with this opening situation of the two cities...

Investors, both inside and outside the market, are happy and excited.

After all, the group of investors who held positions received a good start after spending the long National Day holiday and received holiday red envelopes; while the group of investors who did not hold positions, or did not hold enough positions before the holiday and were eager to enter the market, did not open higher than when the index opened higher. In 1% of cases, I feel that I have picked it up, and I can enter the market more smoothly to grab funds.

"The index is ten consecutive positives, the bull market is really coming!"

Some retail investors sighed excitedly at such an opening situation.

"The last time the index got out of ten consecutive positive trends was in 2007, right? Haha... Thinking about it now, it feels like a lifetime ago."

"The turnover of the two cities has increased year-on-year. There are good things everywhere on and off the market. I also feel that the bull market is coming!"

"Yes, yes, the signals released by the regulators during the National Day are also quite clear."

"Before the holiday, all major institutions entered the market to rush for funds, and the Shanghai Stock Index also completely got out of the pit in June and stood at 2,300 points. It really feels like a bull market."

"It's definitely a bull market. Look at the GEM. The growth rate this year has almost doubled!"

"Hey, I should have known..."

"Don't say you knew it earlier, it's not too late now."

"The two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' are really strong, and the related core stocks are really heading north without any correction, reaching new highs every day!"

"Obviously, the driving core of this bull market is on the GEM."

"Can stocks like Hua Qingbao, Changqu Technology, and Fenda Technology still be bought? I have been looking at these stocks for a long time, and the results are getting higher and higher. I really regret not buying them earlier."

"Definitely, 'mobile games' will be a huge investment opportunity in the future."

"Yes, yes, haven't you seen Penguin, an Internet giant, start to cooperate with Hua Qingbao? The current market value of this check is only about 10 billion, and there is still a lot of room."

"The stock price of Hua Qingbao is still a hair away from 80 yuan. Let's see... In the next one or two months after this check, the stock price will definitely catch up with Internet Speed ​​Technology and become the most expensive stock on the GEM."

"I am also optimistic about Hua Qingbao's share price exceeding that of Wangsu Technology."

"After all, we are on the goose factory bus, and we are standing on the trend of 'mobile games'. Our performance has also shown a strong doubling explosion. With so many good news and future expectations, the stock price has doubled 10 times, and it has become a bull market." The first 10-fold stock is not too much, right?”

"The bear market focuses on quality, the bull market focuses on momentum, and Hua Qingbao is 10 times expected. It's really not a joke."

"Not only Huaqingbao, but stocks such as Changqu Technology, Fenda Technology, Wangsu Technology, Tianyu Information, and LeTV all have 10 times expectations, right?"

"Looking at the position data released by 'Yuhang Investment' Fortune Road, they also have a heavy position here!"

"Yes, depending on the situation, Fortune Road is very optimistic about the two main market trends of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain'. 75% of the entire 'Yuhang No. 1' fund's positions are in these two major markets." On the main line.”

"It's a pity that the 'Yuhang No. 1' fund has now closed its position data and net worth. Otherwise, it would be difficult to lose money by dynamically adjusting positions according to Fortune Road, right?"

"What are you thinking about? How can there be such a good thing in the world!"

“I also want to follow Fortune Road to dynamically adjust positions, but is this possible?”

"There is no such thing as a free lunch. Don't think about it. In fact... it is enough to know that Wealth Road is firmly optimistic about the two major market trends of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain'. According to past Experience means that if you have a good stock, you have to risk it. There is no way out of wealth, and I won’t do it!”

"Yes, yes, the bear market will take one bite and run away, but in the bull market, you have to cover your stocks to make profits."

"I haven't said anything yet. Continue to pursue the two main core stocks of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain'. The bull market is coming... The further we go, the more scarce the chips in core stocks will become."

In the heated discussion among the broad investor group...

The 5-minute short trading suspension time has passed quickly. At 9:30, the market ushered in official trading.

The moment the stock prices in the two cities started to beat, as the absolute core popular main line of the market, the concept sectors related to 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', as well as core concept stocks, were attacked by various funds one after another. , such as Huaqingbao, Changqu Technology, Fenda Technology, Wangsu Technology, LeTV, Tianyu Information... a number of stocks all increased their volume significantly at the beginning of the market, rising straight up, and the rush for funds is very obvious.

And these core stocks move.

Other stocks with the same concept and sector as them have also become the targets of financial attacks.

"The market trend is very strong!" After the market opened, it still continued the pre-holiday pattern, and the trend of the strong always getting stronger continued. As the situation continues, Zexi Investment in the Magic City has been promoted to the trading department. Manager Zhou Kan said with emotion, "It seems that the 'Future Investment' briefing and exchange meeting in Yanjing during the National Day still had a catalytic effect on the market that was already making strong breakthroughs."

"Catalytic effect!" Xu Xiang, who was beside Zhou Kan, muttered these words and couldn't help but smile and said, "You call this catalytic effect, but I think... it's actually counterproductive!"

"Destroying the growth of young people and encouraging their growth?" Zhou Kan said in surprise, "Isn't that true?"

Xu Xiang pondered for a while and said: "When I was in Yanjing, I met Mr. Su from Fortune Road. He once said that the foundation of the bull market is that macroeconomic fundamentals, market confidence, and loose credit will bring about The financial aspect...I deeply agree with these.”

"Currently, regulators provide guidance through windows and overwhelming media propaganda."

"Although very positive market signals have been released, which has temporarily heated up the market and boosted a lot of market confidence, the underlying macroeconomic fundamentals and the funds brought about by credit easing have not kept up!"

"Two of the three basic elements of the bull market are missing. Only market confidence, that is, the emotional side has improved a little."

"Can this support a bull market? No kidding?"

"So... Mr. Xu thinks this is just a rebound?" Zhou Kan thought for a while and said, "This Mr. Su seems to be really powerful."

Xu Xiang nodded and said: "Everything cannot be accomplished overnight. In June, the market was extremely pessimistic, and now... the market is extremely optimistic. All of this is just a transformation of emotions. In essence, whether it is market capital or fundamentals, , none of them followed."

"Look at the changes in transaction volume in the last one or two months when the market is hot."

“Although the transaction volume has increased a lot compared to the beginning of the year and the general transaction volume of 30 to 40 billion in the second quarter, there are also obvious bottlenecks.”

"That means that when it reaches the 100 billion mark, it will be impossible to go up."

"It touched 110 billion a few times, but it just couldn't stand and continue to expand."

"This shows that the market's limit trading volume, that is, the degree of participation of active investors, is here. If the other two conditions cannot be changed, that is, future expectations cannot continue to increase, and without credit easing, more growth will If a large amount of money enters the market, then there is a high probability that this will be the rebound high point.”

"Amidst the calls for a bull market everywhere, what we should do is not continue to increase our positions at high levels, but reduce our positions."

"Just watch..."

Xu Xiang smiled and continued: "In this round of bull market calls from regulators, those who pursue it, whether institutions or retail investors, will most likely stand guard at a high level."

"Once future expectations are lowered, everyone realizes that the bull market is still in vain."

"Then the market pendulum will swing to the other extreme again."

"The core hot stocks of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', which are currently being hyped to the double highs of expectations and emotions, will bury a lot of people after the sentiment and funds ebb in a large area, and they will be cut in half... …I’m afraid it’s also the minimum adjustment!”

"I just don't know, after the hype on the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' goes out, what is the next direction...?"

Xu Xiang frowned slightly when he thought of this: "You think...if he chooses the path of wealth, how will he choose?"

"Mr. Xu, this problem is probably too difficult for me." Zhou Kan coughed dryly and said, "I'd better follow your instructions and first reduce the 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' on a large scale. 'Let's hold positions on these two hot main lines and lock in profits first."

He is not Su Yu, the 'Wealth Road', nor can he be Su Yu, the 'Wealth Road'.

Therefore, he could not guess how he would choose the path to wealth.

But he knew that Fortune Road held large-scale chips in the two hot main concepts of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain'.

Moreover, both companies have overlapping positions in many core popular stocks.

If the other party also holds the same idea of ​​reducing positions and taking profits as their 'Zexi Investment', then in order to prevent the other party from jumping ahead on the main line of speculation on the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' last time, they will be kept in the dark. , they lost their profits in vain, so this time... they must not hesitate, they must be the first to run away!

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