Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 271 Start taking profits from marginal stocks!

"Hua Qingbao and Internet Speed ​​Technology will continue to open at low prices?"

Seeing the disk performance during the initial collective bidding of the two cities, some people in the Yuhang main hot money group where Su Yu was located couldn't help but wonder: "Why is the selling so heavy? It doesn't make sense? Fortune Road has locked up... The result is that the trend I didn’t expect it to be so weak, it’s really hopeless!”

“Not only are Huaqingbao and Wangsu Technology experiencing serious selling, many tickets have been opened lower than expected!”

"Xinwei Group also continues to open at the lower limit. Although this check was indeed overdone for 15 consecutive trading days, the adjustment is now too drastic. For several consecutive trading days, all the funds entering the market have been buried. ah!"

“The core main line is still on ‘securities and venture capital’.”

"It's because 'securities and venture capital' have absorbed too much active market capital, so other non-core stocks seem to be under-funded, right?"

"The concept of 'reorganization and backdoor' is particularly tragic. Except for Rongshun Shares, which was successfully reorganized with Sanqi Online Game Company, all the popular concept stocks that were hyped in the early stage were completely wiped out. I really don't understand this line..." How come it was collectively abandoned by various funds after a breakthrough?"

"It's because of the collective collapse of WeChat and other tickets, so other tickets can't open up space, so they all collapsed, right?"

"It feels like there are other reasons!"

"Non-core mainline stocks generally opened lower than expected, but today's core mainline 'securities and venture capital' obviously opened somewhat beyond expectations."

"Zhezhou Oriental One-Word Board, Oriental Ventures opened higher by 8.35%, and Oriental Securities also opened higher by 7.12%. Look at this...'Oriental' stocks will continue to perform a daily limit trend today, and other'Shibei' High-tech, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech, Zijiang Enterprises and other 'venture capital' concept stocks related to the wealth road have also opened higher than 5%, and the rush for funds from various sources is very obvious, indeed somewhat beyond expectations."

"There is also Huatong Securities. This heavyweight stock was closed yesterday, which was actually very reluctant. But I didn't expect that today's initial opening also opened at an increase of more than 2.5%. This shows that various funds in the current market have a strong interest in 'securities'." , Venture Capital’s line is really full of confidence, and the willingness to pursue positions is extremely strong.”

"Judging from the call auction mood and the general situation of the market in the two cities at this moment, in addition to the core main line concept stocks, other concept main line stocks have extremely weak follow-up effects and money-making effects. It can only be done in 'Securities Today'" , venture capital' field of stock selection and market making."

"Originally, I wanted to buy some Hua Qingbao at the bottom, but now... I have no choice but to give up."

"It's difficult to do so when the dragon turns back. It's more reliable to pursue core hot spots. After all, the money-making effect of rising stocks is still much stronger than that of falling stocks."

"There have been adjustments for several days in a row, but there has been no strong counterattack. Could it be that the market trends of the two popular mainline concepts of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' have really passed?"

“I don’t know if it has passed, but with the current market capital, this is my choice.”

"Since market funds have chosen this way, we can only follow. After all, there is only one path to wealth. We cannot lead the market or change the market trend."

"Indeed, I have to say that Mr. Su is still awesome!"

"In this round of 'securities and venture capital' market, Mr. Su probably didn't make any big gains, right? I feel like his holdings in this field are somewhat insufficient."

"It's hard to say, but what is currently shown is that the market is indeed dominated by large institutional funds."

"These large institutions and super-major funds in the market, this time... finally got back on track on the hype line of 'securities and venture capital'!"

"They previously criticized us for speculating with hot money and disrupting the market order, but the result...isn't it the same for them?"

"It's still different. The market has intensified so quickly, and it's obviously even more ugly."

"Zhezhou Oriental, Oriental Securities, Oriental Venture Capital, Shibei Hi-tech, Zhangjiang Hi-tech, Zijiang Enterprise... How to choose the priority of this batch of stocks? Which one should be given priority?"

"Zhezhou Oriental is still worthless today and should not be bought."

"It must be the two stocks that give priority to Oriental Securities and Oriental Venture Capital. They have always been the current leader in securities speculation and the leader in continuous board changes in the direction of venture capital, and both have the support of Fortune Road's continuous buying seats. As long as 'Securities, Venture Capital As long as the investment line does not completely collapse, the market conditions of these two stocks should not be bad. I feel that as long as they can buy them within the fifth board, they should be able to make money."

"Oriental Securities' market is a bit big. The circulating market is already worth 10 billion. Oriental Entrepreneurship should be able to go further, right?"

"It's hard to say. Although Oriental Securities has a large circulation, the current market sentiment is extremely hot. The circulation of 10 billion is not particularly large. It is still quite dominant in the securities sector, and... this number of circulation is just right. It can facilitate the entry and exit of major funds of about 100 million yuan, and sometimes... strong liquidity is also an advantage."

"Then pay these two checks!"

"The increase in these two checks has suddenly reached about 9%. It is estimated that it is either opening at the daily limit or closing within seconds of opening, so you may not be able to buy it."

"If you can't buy it, go to the three branches of Zhangjiang Hi-Tech, Shibei Hi-Tech, and Zijiang Enterprise."

"Doesn't anyone feel that today's 'securities and venture capital' line is very likely to rise and fall, leading to differentiation? The market sentiment on this line has no way forward!"

"It is possible to differentiate, so we have to choose the core leading stocks!"

"If the 'securities and venture capital' line diverges, then I think Huaqingbao and Wangsu Technology can give it a try. After all, once the 'securities and venture capital' line diverges, funds will definitely flow back to the early hot spots. What's more, the two lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' have been adjusted deeply enough."

"Why not buy the bottom line of the concept of 'restructuring and backdooring'? Compared with the two lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', this line has been adjusted deeper!"

"The line of 'restructuring and backdoor' has been too severely abandoned by funds, and the internal chip structure is completely fragmented."

"It is safest to pursue Oriental Securities and Oriental Ventures!"

While everyone was having a heated discussion, the time had passed 9:20.

After a large amount of funds were withdrawn, the collective bidding situation in the two cities that entered the irrevocable stage has changed significantly from before.

The fields of "securities and venture capital" are attracting more and more funds and following investors.

The two major concept sectors both increased by more than 2%. Almost all concept stocks during the period achieved a red and higher opening. Among them, the core stocks, Zhezhou Oriental Wuliang One-Size Board, and Oriental Entrepreneurship continued to bid upward and were also swinging at the daily limit. , Oriental Securities rose by 8.67%, which is also a continued upward bidding trend. Huatong Securities rose by 3.12%, and Huaxin Securities also broke through the 2% mark.

And due to the continuous strong performance of ‘Securities and Venture Capital’.

Today, in the "big finance" field of "insurance and banking", the other two major weights also show signs of capital attacks. The sector rose by 0.67%, ranking at the forefront of the growth of the industry sectors in the two cities.

In addition to 'securities and venture capital', there are also industry sectors and concept sectors related to 'big finance'.

Other industry sectors and concept sectors performed relatively weakly.

In particular, in the early popular main concept areas such as 'mobile Internet', 'smartphone industry chain', 'reorganization backdoor', etc., the market selling pressure and capital outflows are relatively obvious, and related popular core stocks, except for a few stocks that are both concurrent For stocks with the concept of 'financial' attributes, other stocks... all show a more or less low opening state.

Overall, in the collective bidding time performance from 9:15 to 9:20.

The market conditions seem to be further concentrated in the fields of "securities, venture capital" and even "big finance".

"I feel that market funds are inflowing into the 'securities and venture capital' sector, and the market is becoming more and more concentrated." At 9:21, in the internal trading room of Zexi Investment in Shanghai, Zhou Kan observed the market and said, "Mr. Xu , such a situation... shows that the market’s pursuit of this main line of the market has reached its peak, right?”

"That's right!" Xu Xiang nodded slightly, "Emotions can't go any further. In addition, the line of 'securities and venture capital' exploded too fast and moved too fast. The chip structure was seriously unstable and profits piled up too quickly. , it is estimated that today... the market price of this line will show a divergent trend of rising and falling."

"If this line diverges, funds should flow back to the early hot concept sectors, right?" Zhou Kan thought for a while and said, "The two core areas of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' have been adjusted for several days. As for the main concept, there may be a chance for a strong rebound.”

"With the resumption of IPOs, this potential market is negative and suppressed. I am afraid that core concepts such as 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' in the GEM direction will not have any opportunities." Xu Xiang said, "Active funds in the market are in 'Securities , Venture Capital' When this line diverges, some of it may return to the early hot spots, but this part of the funds...does not have the ability to dominate the market."

"The current market sentiment seems to be extremely hot."

"In fact, the entire market has almost reached the end of the hype. Once market expectations are reversed by the news of the restart of IPOs, and the underlying bull market logic of the surge in 'securities and venture capital' is falsified, then a major market adjustment should occur. It’s arrived.”

"Then we..." Zhou Kan paused, "Do we need to reduce the fund holdings to the lowest level?"

Xu Xiang thought for a while and said: "Our positions are currently not high, and the positions on the main conceptual lines of 'mobile Internet', 'smartphone industry chain', and 'restructuring and backdooring' have been basically cleared. Even if the IPO is restarted and the market takes advantage of the situation to adjust, it will not have a great impact on us."

"Let's keep some dynamic positions..."

"Although the hope of a comprehensive bull market is very slim, the probability of another big bear market with the index at this position is also very small."

"I estimate that even after the market hype ends, the market will fall into a correction."

"It should also return to a volatile market."

"In a volatile market, there is actually no shortage of money-making opportunities in the market, so... we don't need to be too pessimistic."

"If it really adjusts, it is estimated that the index will go back to 2200 points again!" Zhou Kan said, "Maybe it is possible to fall into the box shock range of 2000 points to 2200 points again. It should... never fall. At the 2,000-point mark, as for the GEM, if market expectations completely change, the risk may be far greater than that of the main board."

"After all, after the restart of IPOs, stocks in the so-called emerging economic sectors on the GEM will no longer be scarce."

"In addition, since the beginning of this year, the growth rate of the GEM has been much greater than that of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, and the overall valuation of the GEM is almost 2 times higher than that of the main board."

“I feel that the valuation difference between the two will eventually return to the same level.”

"In this way, market expectations change, the GEM valuation collapses, and the depth and breadth of the adjustment will inevitably be much greater than the Shanghai Index."

"Not necessarily." Xu Xiang said, "Although the overall valuation of several major lines in the GEM direction is much higher than the market average valuation, the imagination space for the development of its future business scale and the room for future performance explosion are still It is the most anticipated among all industries and concept fields in the market."

"The so-called valuation collapse..."

"In the end, it still comes down to how market funds are chosen and what consistent expectations everyone has."

"Okay, let's wait until the market news becomes clear and the trend reaches that point to discuss subsequent changes in market conditions and investment strategies!"

"Currently, we still have to settle for the current market conditions."

"The two stocks of Orient Securities and Orient Venture Capital... have obviously become the leading stocks in the core main line of the market. Although there is a possibility of differentiation in the 'securities and venture capital' line today, the overall market has not come to an end. , so... there are still huge speculative opportunities for leading stocks."

"Zhou Kan..."

Xu Xiang paused and said: "While these two checks haven't completely sealed the daily limit, let's just place a large order to grab the funds. The third board will determine the dragon. These two checks have already started to follow the trend. There is basically no suspense about the third board. "

"If we buy like this... aren't we carrying the sedan for Fortune Road again?" Zhou Kan frowned slightly.

But after he said this, he still issued the "big order main seal" buying order to the traders without hesitation.

Xu Xiang smiled and said: "As long as we can make money, it doesn't matter who carries the sedan chair for whom. In the line of 'securities and venture capital', these two checks have formed the core leading trend, which is in line with our trading logic. Then it is only natural for us to follow the trend and speculate.”


"In the end, we still deal with the market and numbers."

"Therefore, sometimes the thinking should be simpler, focus on the basic trading logic, and strictly abide by the trading rules. Others... are just useless interference information and can be ignored."

He has been practicing in the A-share market for almost ten years.

I've been down and out, I've been successful, I've been in huge losses, I've been in big profits...

Now, as he is in charge of Zexi Investment, he has tens of billions of fund management rights, and he has the top hot money position in the market. He is no longer so obsessed with the battle of morale and reputation in the industry.

"Okay!" Zhou Kan responded, looking back at the board again and saying no more.

And as ‘Zexi Investment’ rushes to buy...

At 9:24, both Oriental Venture Capital and Oriental Securities closed their daily limits. Among them, the volume of matching orders on the Oriental Securities market increased from more than 40,000 lots to more than 80,000 lots in an instant.

Finally, at 9:25, the collective bidding in the two cities ended.

The Shanghai Stock Index opened 0.68% higher, regaining the 2400 mark, and the ChiNext Index opened flat, with the index at 1357.11.

The main concept line, sectors and individual stocks.

The main conceptual line of 'securities and venture capital' and related concept sectors still led the gains in the two cities. The securities sector opened up 2.36% and the venture capital concept sector rose 1.93%.

Related core concept stocks, Zhezhou Oriental Wuliang hit the daily limit, Oriental Securities' call auction greatly increased the volume and hit the limit, but during the call auction, the transaction volume exceeded 100 million, Oriental Venture also opened at the daily limit, and during the entire call auction period, the transaction volume was 19 million It's about the same as yesterday's call auction volume.


Shibei Hi-tech opened up 4.88%, Zhangjiang Hi-tech opened up 3.96%, Zijiang Enterprise opened up 3.22%, Huaxin Securities opened up 3.17%, Huatong Securities opened up 2.86%, Huaxin Securities opened up 2.42%, basically... ...These core popular stocks, which are being chased by funds on a large scale, have outperformed the sector index and the market index, continuing the hot market situation of the previous two days.

In addition to the core hot spots of ‘securities and venture capital’.

Concepts related to 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' in the direction of GEM, as well as concepts related to 'oversold rebound' and 'restructuring backdoor' in the direction of small and medium-sized board concept stocks, all performed relatively weakly, without any adjustment. Signs of rebound and counter-package.

Among them, core concept stocks...

Huaqingbao opened lower by 1.33%, Internet Speed ​​Technology opened lower by 1.89%, Changqu Technology opened lower by 0.93%, and Fenda Technology opened lower by 0.77%. Xinwei Group finally opened the lower limit in the collective bidding, and finally opened lower by 6.79%. Hilong Software, which was subject to much speculation before, is still at the lower limit and ranks at the forefront of the decline lists of the two cities.

"Market conditions and funds are further concentrated in the conceptual fields of 'securities and venture capital'." Seeing this opening situation, Yu Hang, inside the 'Yuhang Investment' company, Li Meng reported to Su Yu in the trading room, " It seems that the market trend... is moving towards the results of our discussion last night. The market differentiation in the main concept field is expected to come soon, and we have to be prepared to exit."

Su Yu nodded slightly and said: "The overall market situation is concentrating, but the market situation in the 'securities and venture capital' line is dispersing. Today, the two big players, 'insurance and banking', actually made some movements. As expected, Today, the market will have a relatively violent high-level dive.”

"According to this opening scene and emotional reaction..."

"Once the incremental funds in the market fail to keep up, I'm afraid the market will only be able to sustain itself for one morning at most."

"The market has spread to the entire 'big financial' field, so with the current market capital, it is completely unable to lift it."

At present, taking the Shanghai stock market alone, the total turnover per day is only about 60 billion. With this amount of funds... it is very unrealistic to fully stimulate big finance.

However, at this moment, the emotion has reached this point.

Moreover, the 'Securities and Venture Capital' sector has already moved for two or three consecutive trading days in advance. If the two major financial sectors of 'Insurance and Banking' remain motionless, then the core 'Securities and Venture Capital' sector will have an upward trend. , will also be severely restricted, and even the basic logic of the bull market in the entire market will be shaken.

Once the basic logic of the bull market is shaken, the overall expectations of the market will completely change.

No matter the index or individual stocks, it is even more difficult to go up.

"So, our best time to exit the position is during the morning trading hours, right?" Li Meng said with a smile, "Where to start reducing?"

"From the stock pool where we have established positions, the relatively marginal stocks that have not been focused on by funds will start to be reduced." Su Yu said, "During the differentiation of the main line market, the phenomenon of the strong getting stronger will be more vivid, from weak to Strengthening the gradual reduction of positions and taking profits will help us maximize our profits."

Ever since they established their position, the main concept line of ‘securities and venture capital’ has been rioting until now.

The average growth rate of the sector is close to 13%.

As for the more than 40 concept stocks they hold positions, since the completion of the position building, the average increase has reached around 18%, which can be regarded as completing the established investment profit target.

"Okay!" Li Meng responded and began to give instructions.

Su Yu glanced at Li Meng, thought for a while, and then said: "To reduce positions is to reduce positions, but it does not require continuous selling by market price sellers. Differentiation does not mean collapse. During the period of main line market differentiation, there is still no shortage of liquidity in this field. , and I guess the news of 'market IPO restart' will not come out so soon. We still have a lot of time to harvest profits, so we don't have to be too anxious. At the same time... we still have to avoid our seats. At this time, big The scale appears on the dragon and tiger list.”

"Yeah!" Li Meng nodded, "I understand that we don't have too many positions in these relatively marginal small-cap concept stocks. We will be careful under the current liquidity."

After speaking, she continued to convey instructions to the traders.

At this moment, as her order was issued, the time quickly came to 9:30, and the two cities entered the formal continuous bidding transaction stage.

I saw that after 5 minutes of short-term emotional fermentation, the market situation became further extreme.

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