Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 274: Invisible on the Dragon and Tiger List!

Su Yu pondered for a moment and said, "Maybe funds will quickly attack the 'Internet Finance' line."

"The line of 'securities and venture capital' has been differentiated. Can the line of 'Internet finance' still rise?" Li Meng said with some confusion, "The logic of the current hype in various aspects of the line of 'Internet finance' is different from 'Securities and venture capital' are both worse!"

"It's a bit worse, but after all it belongs to the 'finance' concept sector, doesn't it?" Su Yu said, "And this sector can also be connected with the 'mobile Internet', and... the Shanghai Steel Federation's check came out, Although I don’t know which fund is leading the speculation of this check, at this time, the old demon comes out and has a very big boosting and guiding effect on other stocks in the same sector.”

"Funds obtained from "securities and venture capital" positions reduction and profits in the morning."

"If you don't leave the market, you will find a relatively low sector to trade."

"As for the seesaw effect between the GEM and the main board, various funds in the market at this time should have clearly felt it. Everyone also knows that the line of 'securities and venture capital' is seriously bound to the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, and this line has fallen into differentiation and adjustment. , then the Shanghai Stock Index will not be easy to pull, but the pressure on the ChiNext Index will be reduced."

"Therefore, if this part of the market does not have the funds to leave the market, it will never choose the concept of the main board direction."

"And in the direction of GEM..."

"The two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' are severely suppressed by potential negative effects. Really smart funds will definitely not do it."

"So, after choosing, there is a high probability that only the 'Internet Finance' sector can do it."

Li Meng thought carefully about Su Yu's analysis before responding: "It makes sense... but it's a pity that in the field of 'Internet finance', we have no position chips for a long time."

"There is endless money to be made in the market." Su Yu smiled and said, "It is enough to grasp the main trend and make a high probability of making money."

"Oh, right……"

Su Yu paused and then said: "How much have the two funds reduced their positions in total this morning?"

"A total of 27 stocks have been reduced. From the opening in the morning to the end of noon, according to your instructions, a total of more than 1 billion has been reduced." Li Meng replied, "12 of the stocks have already been cleared."


Li Meng paused for a while and continued: "We did not make much profit on the 12 stocks that have been cleared. We only made an average profit of 10%, which seriously underperformed the growth of the 'Securities and Venture Capital' sector index."

"It doesn't matter." Su Yu said, "These fringe concept stocks are only bought to diversify positions. They are not the main source of profit for our fund. They can make an average profit of 10%, which is good. Others have already reduced their positions, but they have not yet The cost of the 15 stocks that were cleared is already very low now, right?"

Li Meng glanced at the background and responded: "After reducing our positions, our holding costs for these 15 stocks are already about 35% lower than the current market price, which is enough to cope with any sudden market risks and achieve a profitable exit."

"That's good!" Su Yu smiled and nodded, "Continue selling in the afternoon, and at the same time, except for 'Oriental Venture Capital, Oriental Securities, Huaxin Securities, Huatong Securities, Shibei High-tech, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech, Zijiang Enterprise... and other 12 stocks The most core stocks can be reduced, and others can be reduced.”

"The amount of funds we hold is too large. Even for major market concepts such as 'securities and venture capital' with ample liquidity, it is not easy to exit the market in a short period of time."

"So, we have to get started before the bad news about IPO restarts in the market starts to spread."

"By reducing positions and taking profits, we can reduce the cost of holding positions to a level lower than that of most major institutions holding positions in the market. Only in this way can we take full initiative."

"Understood!" Li Meng responded.

Later, lunch time arrived, and everyone took advantage of the break to return to the trading room after eating.

In terms of market news, analysts from various securities firms and public equity institutions are still enthusiastically calling for a bullish market and shouting strategies for laying out a bull market.

Major online stock forums, communities, and the majority of retail investors are also optimistic.

Everyone did not pay too much attention to the sharp plunge in the morning market, and they all believed that the afternoon market would easily retract the morning's dive.

After all, any plunge in the index during this period has been compensated for by subsequent market changes.

This has caused everyone to form a habitual thinking, thinking that diving is no big deal. No matter how the index changes during the session, in the end, it will still follow the trend of new highs after new highs.

Even during this period...

There are already many retail investors shouting that ‘any sharp intraday drop is a good buying opportunity’ and ‘financing will follow up, leverage will follow up’.

And just as this investment sentiment continues to be hot, the market's investment thinking inertia has clearly formed.

Bull market expectations are already strong enough.

The time reached 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and the two cities ushered in the second half of trading time.

Just after the market opened, the index adjusted in the morning experienced a sharp pull. The 'venture capital and securities' sectors, as well as the concept sectors related to 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', all advanced together, leading the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index. Within 10 minutes, several major indexes, including the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index, broke through the 1.5% increase again.

However, pure emotional riots are suppressed by the negative news that the market IPO is about to restart.

It cannot replace huge incremental funds to continuously promote the index.

Therefore, after a wave of emotional funds were consumed, the index's rising trend stagnated and fell into sideways fluctuations again.

At the same time, the two core mainline popular stocks of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' have rapidly risen and rebounded violently, such as 'Hua Qingbao, Changqu Technology, Wangsu Technology, Fenda Technology, LeTV', etc. , after rising by more than 5% and encountering obvious selling pressure, it failed to attract more follow-up orders. In the end, they surged higher and fell back. The popularity that was finally gathered was lost again during the surge and fall of the stock price. .

"It's poisonous, isn't it? You can't pull it off?"

Seeing that a number of early popular stocks such as 'Hua Qingbao, Changqu Technology, Wangsu Technology, Fenda Technology, and LeTV' fell rapidly, the main funds to follow the trend were extremely scarce, and the retail investors who had already followed the trend were extremely depressed.

"The main force of garbage, you don't even dare to pull this? You have to wait for the 'securities and venture capital' section to attract the funds before you stop!"

"What the hell, they are all the main players without any structure, and no one dares to raise the daily limit!"

"It's really unreasonable to keep underperforming the market. If I had known... I should have pursued 'securities and venture capital'. They are really useless main force. They can't even catch up to a fraction of the wealth road."

"Hey, it's a pity that Fortune Road's current main focus is in the fields of 'securities and venture capital'."

"These junk dealers really deserve to lose money. The index is at a new high. Hua Qingbao has been adjusting it for several trading days. It's almost 20%, but it still doesn't dare to pull."

"It's not that you don't dare to pull it, but you didn't notice you have no funds to follow?"

"Nonsense, if you don't push the daily limit, who will follow?"

"I just jumped in. I thought it would hit the daily limit, but I didn't expect... I got tricked again. If I had known, I wouldn't have sold Huatong Securities."

"The securities and venture capital sectors are still reliable. The 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' lines, it seems... are completely hopeless."

"The market has continued to rise sharply, reaching new highs every day. It has been like this. If the market adjusts, then it must not plummet? I finally understand that the market situation has completely transferred to the securities and venture capital sectors. At this time, it is no longer possible to Spending time here is a complete waste of time and money. Sell it, sell it, and follow the path of wealth to pursue securities."

In the midst of everyone's discussion...

As if one was ebbing and the other was ebbing, a large number of popular stocks surged higher and fell back in the core concept field of the GEM. In an instant, the securities and venture capital concept sectors resumed their upward trend, and the sector gains climbed back to 5%. Huatong Securities, which has become the most popular stock in the market, has once again gathered huge capital flows and once again tried to break the market.

At the same time, riots occurred in the ‘Internet Finance’ sector.

Huake Financial, Hengsheng Electronics, Great Wisdom, Flush, Oriental Fortune, Jinzheng Shares, Changliang Technology... nearly 10 stocks have experienced linear rises.

"Hey...the market has actually turned to the 'Internet Finance' sector."

On the occasion of the large-scale riots of 'Internet finance', Xie Wanting, inside the Yanjing and Anlan Funds and in the trading room, said in surprise: "What's the point? The market prices of the 'securities and venture capital' sectors are divided, and the 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone' sectors are divided." The two main lines of the mobile phone industry chain were pulled together, and in the end it was this sector that broke out."

"Derivatives under the main line of 'securities and venture capital'." Next to Xie Wanting, Zhou Guohua said, "It is also because the market turnover is limited, and the funds that various parties have reduced their positions in 'securities and venture capital' in the morning have been "Mobile Internet" and "Smartphone Industry Chain", the two core main lines of GEM, cannot be pulled down, so we have no choice but to make a choice at the moment."

After being reminded by Zhou Guohua, Xie Wanting pondered for a moment and finally understood: "The main line has diverged, but the branch lines derived from it have spread. The market trend today is... really interesting."

"A large number of profit-making orders have been accumulated in 'securities and venture capital'. If we don't make adjustments during the session, it will be impossible to continue to move up with the current active funds in the market." Zhou Guohua said, "And during this adjustment period, there is always a need for other branches. , to take over the market and funds.”

"As for the entire market, currently only the 'finance' line has been recognized by funds from all parties and the majority of retail investors."

"Unfortunately, the size of insurance and banks is larger than that of the securities sector. With the amount of active funds in the current market, it is impossible to leverage them. Therefore... funds come and go, and only the once-exploded 'Internet Finance' The areas that have been speculated on are the most suitable to take on the market conditions at this moment.”

“This field is backed by the main line of ‘finance’.”

"At the same time, the vast majority of stocks in the concept sector are small and medium-sized stocks with limited circulation, so it is not difficult to pull them up."

"Furthermore, it can be regarded as a touch of the concept of 'mobile Internet'."

“In this field, whether it is funds pursuing the financial line or funds focusing on the ‘mobile Internet’ line, it is good.”

"However, it exists as a short-term successor to the market."

"When the intraday adjustment of the core main line of 'securities and venture capital' is completed and active funds from all walks of life converge towards it again, the market for the branch line of 'Internet finance' will have little support, so...even if it is rushing at this moment It came out, but there was no continuity.”

"Active funds from all walks of life have reunited..." Xie Wanting muttered Zhou Guohua's words, paused, and asked, "Teacher, do you think the line of 'securities and venture capital' can be improved to a higher level?"

Zhou Guohua smiled and nodded: "In the market hype, differentiation is not the end point, but the consistency of the explosive volume after differentiation is the key point. In terms of the time window of the hype alone, the current news that 'the market IPO is about to restart', It has not been completely clear and spread. The expected atmosphere of the bull market is strong, and although the market turnover growth is slow month-on-month, it is still growing month-on-month after all."

"In addition, the 'securities and venture capital' sector, except this time, has not performed at any other level throughout this year."

"On the contrary, it has been in the core sector of adjustment every time. Before this hype, both the absolute and relative position of the stock price was the lowest sector in the entire market."

"So, under the superposition of various expected changes..."

"This kind of retaliatory rebound from a historically low position can still maintain a relatively optimistic attitude if it does not really explode into huge amounts, touch the core area of ​​solid holding chips, and is not hit by sudden heavy negative impacts. His performance is outstanding.”

"As expected, there shouldn't be any large-scale sales on Fortune Road today, right?"

"But why do I feel that... he was responsible for the morning's trading?" Xie Wanting said, "This guy rarely plays his cards according to common sense. No one knows how many securities, venture capital funds he has in his hands now." 'The bargaining chip in the field, and even I suspect that his main positions have all been transferred to the line of 'securities and venture capital', just waiting to reap the benefits of IPO issuance, blowing out false bull market declarations, and massively boosting 'securities, venture capital' The large institutions that are in charge of the venture capital market.”

"Then let's wait until the Dragon and Tiger rankings are revealed." Zhou Guohua smiled, "Although I don't play according to common sense, no one should be able to make trouble with profits, right?"

"Okay!" Xie Wanting was excited.

It was a rare occasion when she and her teacher had completely different opinions, and now...she really wanted to see if today's game was caused by Fortune Road.

While the two were talking, time had passed by 2 o'clock.

I saw that the market conditions were completely different from when they opened in the afternoon.

The two main core concept stocks of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', which had rebounded violently before, have now retracted their gains of 4 or 5 points from the highest point in the session, and have fluctuated sideways at 1 or 2 points. position, and the main flow of funds on the market once again showed a state of net outflow.

The 'securities and venture capital' concept sector, which had been differentiated and adjusted before, fell back after a brief rebound of 5%, and continued to maintain a 3% to 4% increase range. Among them, the core popular leading stocks, Huatong Securities returned The closure failed, and the stock price increase shrank to around 6% again.

The conceptual sector related to ‘restructuring and backdooring’ was completely abandoned by funds before and plummeted sharply.

At this moment, there was still an overall sharp decline, and related core concept stocks almost dominated the decline list of the two cities.

Unexpectedly, the 'Internet Finance' sector, which emerged in the afternoon, is still shining brightly, and has caught up from behind, surpassing the 'Securities and Venture Capital' sector and becoming the conceptual sector leading the gains in both cities. And due to the sharp rise in the market prices of this sector Driven by this, the GEM index did not fall much even though the two core main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' were in the doldrums again, and maintained a sideways fluctuation.

As for the "big finance" field that has performed slightly before, the insurance and banking sectors.

Now it has completely sunk and only maintains a slightly red disk.

On the contrary, the 'big consumption' and 'big real estate' sectors have completed the relay to finance today. Compared with the previous trading days, they appear quite strong.

Finally, when the market closes at 3 o'clock.

The Shanghai designated price is at 1.32%. Compared with the highest point in the session, it has fallen back by more than 1.5%. However, even if the drop is relatively large, it still stands firm at the 2,400-point mark and maintains a strong trend of continuous surges; the GEM designated price At 1.19%, it stood at the 1370 mark and reached a new historical high.

For such a closing result...

The vast investor base in the market is actually not very satisfied.

Of course, everyone's dissatisfaction is not with the index, but with many popular main lines in the market such as 'securities, venture capital', 'mobile Internet', 'smartphone industry chain', which have clearly surged and fallen, and their related core concept stocks. , after all, these areas are where truly active retail investors chase and gather on a large scale.

The money-making effect in these areas is not good, and even the money-losing effect is obvious, no matter how much the index rises.

Most retail investors chasing the market will naturally not be very happy.

However, even if everyone is not very satisfied with today's market trend, they still have great expectations and expectations for the market outlook and the future of many main lines of the market.

At the same time, everyone is concerned about the trend of Fortune Road, the main capital...

Whether Fortune Road will continue to buy core stocks in the concept of 'Securities and Venture Capital' today, and whether it will sell out of the two main core stocks of 'Mobile Internet' and 'Smartphone Industry Chain', is also a matter of great concern and intense discussion. They are all looking forward to the refresh of the Dragon and Tiger List.

Finally, at 5:30 pm, the Dragon and Tiger rankings were refreshed.

Investors in the entire market, including many large institutional groups, focused their attention on the refreshed Dragon and Tiger list, but found that among the more than 20 stocks on the list, Fortune Road was not found.

"It's actually locked?"

Seeing the refreshed Dragon and Tiger rankings, the fund manager of Yanjing and Shenhua Fund, Chang Lili, was very surprised: "I thought you were in charge of Huatong Securities, but now I see... I'm overthinking it!"

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