Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 591: The bull market is coming earlier than expected (4)!

There are few people he admires in the entire industry, but there is no doubt that Su Yu is one of them.

"Boss, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index has successfully exceeded 2,500 points, ending the large fluctuation range that lasted for two or three years in the early stage. It should have completely opened up the market's upward space, right?" Zhou Kan thought for a while and continued, "And the market's volume can Performance has been gradually rising recently. Looking at today's situation, it is estimated that the turnover of the two cities will exceed 230 billion. This volume can show... Compared with two months ago, it has changed a lot. It feels like the pace of the bull market is... It’s indeed getting closer.”

Xu Xiang nodded slightly and said: "It is indeed good that the market's upward trend and volume can cooperate, but whether it can get out of the bull market trend depends on the subsequent profit-making effect of the market and the main line market, and whether it can be further deepened and stay. Only by capitalizing on the recent large-scale influx of incremental funds.

If the market volume can increase, it must be stabilized before the market can move.

Otherwise, it will be the flower in the mirror and the moon in the water.

If you want to retain the large amount of incremental funds that have come in, so that they can continue to carry out market acceptance, investment, and speculation in the market, you need to further deepen the market's main market trends and the money-making effect.

After all, everyone who enters the market wants to make money in the market.

If the money-making effect on the market is reduced, the main market cannot go further, and everyone cannot make money, or in other words, lose money, then this part of the incoming funds will naturally gradually withdraw when the money-making effect is lost, and when the market gradually Losing this part of the incremental funds and reducing the capacity will inevitably lead to problems in the market's acceptance.

As long as there are problems with market acceptance, it is normal for the market to enter an adjustment stage.

Therefore, after the Shanghai Stock Index breaks through 2,500 points, whether it can really open up the space upward, or... whether this is really a successful breakthrough, we have to observe again before we can make a final judgment.

As for the bull market…”

Xu Xiang paused, pondered for a moment, and then said: "Until the market situation comes out, everyone can only guess and predict.

At present, the market's bullish fundamentals show signs of strengthening.

At the same time, the evolution of trends and sentiments, as well as the evolution of market investment confidence, have also been strengthened.

But it remains to be seen whether it can eventually emerge, whether it can form a bull market trend, and whether it can form such consistent expectations in the minds of the majority of investors.

What we can do currently is also something that requires special attention.

That is to say, we must pay close attention to the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the core conceptual lines of 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises'. Can we Going further, more main investment directions will be derived. Can this kind of big logical investment thinking cover the entire weighted blue chips and high-performance white horses, and even the entire market?

As long as the investment logic of these main lines can further ferment and diverge in the market.

Then the market will naturally not be bad.

So we don’t have to focus on the bull market or anything like that, we just need to grasp the current market conditions and opportunities. "

"The current market situation and timing?" Zhou Kan thought for a while and asked, "The boss is talking about the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, and Maritime Silk Road' , 'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises', are these core concepts the main thread?"

Xu Xiang nodded slightly and responded: "After the 'Yu Hang Group' announced its net worth and performance, and after the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index broke through the 2,500-point shackles, with the large-scale inflow of incremental funds from the sidelines, it is obvious that 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' The expectations and capital inflows of the two main lines, as well as the core conceptual lines of 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road' and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', are still increasing.

At the same time, the market’s investment sentiment and investment confidence in these major main areas are also reflected.

Thanks to the explosive performance of several major funds of the 'Yu Hang Series', as well as the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' in the past two months, as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road', and Maritime Silk Road The sustained money-making effect expressed by the core concepts of "road" and "reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises" is also being further enhanced.

In these major main areas...

The continued inflow of funds, coupled with the further enhancement of investment sentiment and investment confidence.

It can be predicted that the market trends of the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the core concepts of 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises', are definitely There is still a period of main upward trend that has not been completed.

This period of main upward trend was stimulated by the main force of funds from the ‘Yu Hang System’.

It's obvious that acceleration has begun.

Similarly, along with the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the market main lines of the core concepts of 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises' In the market, other traditional investment main lines with the same logic should still have great speculation and investment potential.

Generally speaking, the market at this time... is still the best time to make money. "

Zhou Kan heard Xu Xiang's analysis of the current market situation, pondered for a moment, and responded: "That's true. I feel that the market trend is indeed accelerating in the short term."

"Oh, by the way..." Xu Xiang paused and then said, "How are the related application and approval work for the new fund products that our institution plans to establish now going?"

Zhou Kan responded: "We have already submitted a declaration to the regulatory authorities. It is estimated that there will be a response in the next two days. After the regulatory authorities respond, we can prepare for the official issuance."

"Okay!" Xu Xiang nodded and said nothing more.

And at this time, at the same time...

Within E Fund, Pingyin Asset Management, Yinghui Fund Company, Huaxin Securities Proprietary Investment Department, Huatong Bank Proprietary Securities Investment Department, Shenzhen Xiniu Fund Company, etc., a series of asset management institutional groups , everyone's discussion on today's market trends, as well as the fund's net value and specific positions announced by the 'Yu Hang Group' is still high.

Among them, within Pingyin Asset Management.

General Manager Liu Ziliang looked at the unparalleled performance of several major fund products of the 'Yu Hang Series' and the announced weights of each stock position, and sighed again in frustration.

Through the actual market trends, it has been proven that the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the core concepts of 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises' In the main direction, the 'technological growth' line, there is indeed a big gap in terms of expectations, current valuation levels, investment sentiment, investment confidence, chip structure and other aspects.

At the same time, it also proves the fact that their previous investment strategies were selectively wrong.

In the entire process of building the main line of the market and inducing market breakthroughs, compared to the "Yu Hang Group" organization, they have failed miserably.

Fortunately, they did not stick to the wrong investment strategy in the end.

Seeing that the market trend was wrong, they promptly changed their investment strategies and trading strategies. Otherwise... they would not only completely miss the breakthrough market of the Shanghai Stock Exchange over the past two months and the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the 'European economy' The main upward trend of the core concepts of "Belt", "New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road" and "Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises" may have to be adjusted along with the main line of "Technological Growth", resulting in a lot of losses. , seriously underperforming the broader market index.

Although, they corrected their investment strategy mistakes in time.

However, compared with the first-mover advantage of the Yuhang Group, there is still a huge gap in terms of market profit harvesting and fund performance.

"This President Su from the 'Yuhang Department'... is really admirable!"

Although the other party was once considered a strong market rival by him, after seeing the performance of the funds of the 'Yu Hang Group', looking back at the history of market trends, and thinking about the other party's precise market judgment, he still had to admire him in his heart, and said with emotion: “This market research and judgment ability and investment strategy execution ability are probably only achieved by Mr. Su in the entire market.

Hey...there are still 4 months until the end of the year.

According to the performance of the "Yuhang Series" fund products, if the market performs well in the next four months, I can't imagine what the final performance of these major fund products will be like. "

"The performance of the 'Yu Hang Group' is indeed exaggerated." Chen Shen, the fund manager standing next to Liu Ziliang, responded, "It is incredible that a fund with a scale of tens of billions can still have such performance. , but...Mr. Liu, what we should pay attention to at this moment is the series of market trend consequences that this performance announcement of the 'Yuhang Department' can bring to the market, right?"

"Yeah!" Liu Ziliang nodded and asked, "What do you think?"

Chen Shen responded: "I feel that the market has been stimulated by the performance of the 'Yu Hang Series', and the overall trend is strengthening. The two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt' and 'New Era Road and Maritime The trends in the core concepts of the Silk Road and the reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises are also strengthening."

"It's not just that." At this time, the trading team leader Gao Yixiang also interjected, "I feel that the entire market has begun to move, and the incremental funds in the market have also increased significantly today. The Shanghai Stock Index has increased by almost 20 billion compared with yesterday. Ah, this amount can increase incrementally, it’s simply terrifying.”

"Well!" Wang Jinglun, another trading team leader, also said, "I feel that the market has broken away from the previous capital structure of the stock game. At the same time, with the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt ', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises' and other core concepts have strengthened. Other traditional industry sectors with low valuations, as well as blue chip stocks, have also ushered in many main players. With the attention of funds, I feel that as long as there are stocks with potential in the market, funds are rushing to raise funds. Mr. Liu and Manager Chen... I feel that after the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index has completely broken through the 2,500-point limit, it has opened up the space for a 'bull market'!"

"Bull market?" Liu Ziliang was slightly shocked when he heard these two words.

Chen Shen and Gao Yixiang were also quite shocked. They looked at Wang Jinglun in surprise and asked, "Jinglun, are you too optimistic?"

"No, no... I am optimistic." Wang Jinglun emphasized, "It is the trend of the market, which has already shown this trend."

"Not necessarily?" Gao Yixiang said, "Although the current market trend is hot, it is not certain whether the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index can definitely stand at 2,500 points. This bull market... we have to wait until the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index crosses 3,000 points before we can talk about it, right? Now when we talk about a 'bull market', if the market has not gotten rid of the volatile market pattern, it will be very passive for us to change our strategy."

After experiencing a wave of disastrous failures on the main line of ‘technological growth’.

Now, in the entire asset management and trading department, everyone is obviously wary and risk-aware of radical changes in investment strategies.

"I don't think so." Wang Jinglun said, "The incremental funds in the market have increased sharply, and countless large funds have entered the market to aggressively raise funds. This is something that the market has truly reflected. The market capital situation has greatly improved. This is what everyone They are all things that can be clearly seen.

Secondly, the future expectations and investment sentiments of the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the core conceptual lines of 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises' , hype sentiment, investment confidence... and a series of logics are still increasing, which is also reflected in the market.

In terms of regulatory authorities, everyone also hopes to induce a bull market to improve the market's financing environment and lay the foundation for the registration system in the future market.

At the same time, this round of performance of the ‘Yu Hang Group’ was announced, as well as this organization’s acquisition of ‘Anzhao Fund’.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, they all have a purpose!

Moreover, it can be seen that the ‘Yu Hang Group’ organization is in a state of obvious expansion, both in terms of investment strategy and company business operations.

This shows that this institution, which is highly concerned by everyone and is known as the beacon of the market, is also obviously optimistic about the market outlook.

Otherwise, they would not aggressively expand their business at this time and rapidly expand their institutions' asset management scale through mergers and acquisitions.

Obviously, the other party did this because they wanted to gather more funds to enter the market. "

After listening to Wang Jinglun's analysis, Liu Ziliang thought about it carefully for a while and responded: "If you think about it from the perspective of Jinglun's analysis, the logic is quite smooth."

"Mr. Liu..." Chen Shen hesitated and reminded, "I think... let's take a look again?"

Since the last time Liu Ziliang took the lead in investing in the main line of 'technological growth', he still has a shadow in his mind about the rash change in investment strategy.

So, in His will.

At this time, I am willing to give up part of my profits and make investments on the right side, rather than take risks and change my current investment strategy and invest on the left side.

Liu Ziliang smiled and said nothing. Instead, he turned to Gao Yixiang and asked, "Team Leader Gao, what do you think?"

Gao Yixiang thought for a while, his eyes quickly passed over the faces of Liu Ziliang and Chen Shen, hesitated for a while, and said: "I think... it is better to observe for a while, and wait for the market trend and the main line of market to further come out, and then take a closer look. Adjust your investment strategy to be better.

If there is a "bull market", with the current position level of our fund, we will not miss too many market opportunities.

If there is no bull market, and we change our investment strategy at this time, further increase our positions, and increase the level of fund holdings, then if the Shanghai Stock Index does not stand firm at 2,500 points here, the market outlook will quickly enter the adjustment stage again. In the early stage, the large box was not broken, and the market With expectations falling across the board, then we... are afraid that we will have to make the same mistakes again. "

"Okay!" Seeing that neither of them agreed to change the investment strategy and increase the fund's position level at this time, Liu Ziliang smiled and did not insist, "Then let's see again!"

And as the discussion among several people ended...

At this time, the market's trading hours also happened to move to 1 p.m., and the two cities ushered in the official continuous bidding trading period in the afternoon.

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