Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 600: The bull market is coming earlier than expected (13)!

It was hard for him to imagine how the other party could achieve such performance when the volume of fund products under its control was already over 10 billion.

Compare the performance of several major fund products of the ‘Yuhang Series’.

The entire market, including all fund products including public funds and private equity funds, have truly become invisible products.

"Manager Fang, this round of 'Yuhang Investment' plans to issue a 30 billion yuan fund product called 'Yuhang No. 4'..." Mou Zhengxing paused and asked, "What do you think?"

"What do you think?" Fang Xinsheng did not answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

Mou Zhengxing thought for a while and said: "The reason why the 'Yu Hang Series' fund products are so popular among market investors, and why OTC share transfers can command such a large premium and become so popular, is mainly because of their outstanding performance and profitability. Net worth growth is basically unique in the market.

However, we all know it.

The difficulty of growing the net profit of a fund product is inversely proportional to the size of the fund product.

The smaller the asset size of a fund product, the easier it is to move around in the market, the larger the operating space, and the less difficult it is to naturally increase the net profit value.

In fact, this can also be seen from the net profit performance of several major fund products of the 'Yuhang Series'.

For example, after the establishment of the 'Yuhang No. 1' fund, in the first closed period, the net profit can easily increase tenfold, while the subsequent two main funds, 'Yuhang No. 2' and 'Yuhang No. 3', It is impossible to show this kind of net profit growth rate, it can be seen that it is average.

Also, market liquidity is limited.

For fund products that are too large, entry and exit will be a huge problem when market liquidity is slightly sluggish.

Now, when the 'Yuhang Investment' company launches a new fund product, the planned fund-raising scale is actually set at the terrifying amount of 30 billion.

I'm thinking……

Does this explain that Mr. Su from the ‘Yu Hang Department’?

Do you think the market liquidity and market continuity will continue to be popular? Or maybe he should still be very optimistic about the market outlook, right?

However, I estimate that the ‘Yuhang No. 4’ fund product will be launched after the fundraising is completed.

The planned position and direction of subsequent entry into the market should no longer be the two main market investment directions of ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’.

After all, these two main lines have been analyzed by us just now.

Obviously, it no longer has the cost-effectiveness of investment, and the main fund of the 'Yu Hang Group' is very good at creating the main line investment market and instigating the market investment sentiment. Therefore, there is a high probability that this main fund will not be in the relative position. At this high position, we will continue to increase our positions in the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' to support the major institutions and various main funds already on the market. "

After listening to Mou Zhengxing's analysis, Fang Xinsheng pondered for a moment and responded: "What you said does make sense. Indeed, the difficulty of growing the net profit of a fund is obviously inversely proportional to the size of the fund's assets. It is indeed intriguing that the 'Yuhang Group', the main force in the market, is issuing a 30 billion fund product at this time.

No matter which aspect you analyze it from.

Mr. Su from the 'Yuhang Department' should be quite optimistic about the market outlook, otherwise he would not have raised funds for such a large-scale product.

After all, judging from the previous operating model and style of this organization.

This institution is not like a public fund institution that only focuses on product scale.

Since the other party has set up a fund product operation model that extracts excess profits when the net profit reaches a certain level, it must still aim to increase the net profit.

But a 30 billion fund product...

For fund products of this size, if there are certain problems with the overall market conditions.

That is to say, if the market really just rebounds, rather than reverses, and subsequently falls back to the market trend of the first half of this year, these 30 billion fund products will basically be unable to do anything significant on the market, and This... is obviously not like the trading style of Mr. Su from the 'Yu Hang Department'.

In other words, Mr. Su is trying his best to issue such large-scale fund products at this time.

It must be that the overall market situation will continue to deepen, and there is still a lot of room for the Shanghai Index to rise. When the company issues such fund products, it can also improve the performance of the new fund products when the market liquidity is sufficient. Make the decision you have now.

Of course, it is not just the main institution, the 'Yu Hang Group', that is promoting such a large-scale fund product.

At present, we are in the domestic asset management industry.

A number of leading asset management institutions in the industry, such as E Fund, Hua Nuo Fund, Huayin Asset Management, Huarui Asset Management, etc., are also working hard to prepare for the issuance of major fund products.

This should be a very important signal for the current market.

After all, from a macro level analysis, no matter how good the future performance of the fund products issued by these institutional groups is, at least at this current time point, the issuance of these fund products can bring huge off-market growth to the market. Amount of funds.

Preliminary expectations are that these fund products, at least in the short to medium term, can bring at least 100 billion in incremental capital to the market.

Coupled with the induction of the money-making effect of the market itself.

The incremental funds from new retail investors that have recently followed the trend, as well as the incremental funds from many institutions with low positions that continue to increase their positions.

There is also the continuous increase in the market's margin financing and other leveraged funds, as well as the influx of other off-market financial management funds.

Taken together, the overall market expectations have changed, market investment sentiment and investment confidence have also fully recovered, and have entered a positive stage again.

As the market develops in the future, short- and medium-term incremental funds can still be expected and will continue to flow.

As long as the market has sufficient expectations for incremental funds, then... under the continuous surge of incremental funds, the market situation will not be different. "

"Yeah!" Mou Zhengxing chuckled after listening to Fang Xinsheng's analysis and said, "Looking at it this way, I feel that the market's 'bull market' is obviously promising!"

Fang Xinsheng responded: "The major logical foundations of the 'bull market' are indeed becoming more and more mature now."

"Since the logical foundations of the 'bull market' are becoming more and more mature, should we...should also take action?" Liu Xin, the general manager of the 'Xinniu Fund' company, did not know when he had walked into the After entering the trading room, he heard the conversation between the two and said with a smile, "I'm going to issue another major fund product. What do you think?"

"At this time?" Mou Zhengxing said subconsciously, "Mr. Liu, at this time, with the issuance window of the 'Yuhang No. 4' fund, it will not be very good if we issue new fund products, right? There are many high-net-worth customers in the market. The crowd has been attracted by the launch of the 'Yuhang No. 4' fund product. We are launching a new product at this time... we shouldn't be able to attract many customers."

"Not necessarily." Liu Xin chuckled, "The performance of our 'Manniu No. 1' fund product is not bad. In the city of Shenzhen, and even in the entire Pearl River Delta region, there are still many investment customers who trust our fund products. of."

Fang Xinsheng heard Liu Xin's words, thought about it carefully for a while, and said: "I agree with Mr. Liu, there is actually no problem in issuing new fund products at this time.

First of all, the issuance of the ‘Yuhang No. 4’ fund will attract many high-net-worth customer investment groups outside the market.

This is for sure.

However, the "Yu Hang Group" cannot capture the entire OTC investment market. Especially in our Pearl River Delta region, the influence of the "Yu Hang Group" on the OTC fund investment market is not as great as we imagined.

Speaking of which, the real opponents we face are private equity institutions similar to ours in the entire Pearl River Delta region.

As for the current main fund products operated by these private equity institutions, there is still a big gap between the performance of our "Manniu No. 1" fund products.

at this time……

In the OTC investment market, major institutional groups have begun to take action. At the same time, the OTC market has also begun to set off a fund investment boom.

If we don't take the opportunity to issue new fund products and eat accordingly, our high-net-worth customer base will trust us.

At the same time, if we increase the scale of our fund’s asset management.

Then, this part of the customer group will be instantly won over by other private equity institutions or public equity institutions that are issuing new fund products.

There are also signs of a ‘bull market’ in the current market, which are getting stronger and stronger.

If we do not issue new fund products at this time and let this window period pass.

Once the market continues to accelerate, we will have no extra funds in hand to deploy operations, which will cause us to miss many opportunities.

Therefore, on the whole, at this time, a new main fund product is added.

No matter how much money can be raised in the end, it will be more beneficial to our company’s current development and fund operation strategy. "

"Haha..." Liu Xin heard Fang Xinsheng's words and laughed loudly, "Manager Fang still has a great view of the overall situation."

"Mr. Liu is too generous." Fang Xinsheng responded.

Liu Xin continued to smile and said: "Since everyone has no objections, it is settled. After the release of the 'Manniu No. 2' fund, Zhengxing... you will be the fund manager of this fund product. , I wonder if you have any objections."

Mou Zhengxing did not expect that he would take this step to the position of fund product. He was a little surprised and pleasantly surprised. He responded: "Thank you, Mr. Liu, for your trust."

"However, what do you think the amount of funds to be raised for the 'Manniu No. 2' fund product we plan to issue should be set?" Liu Xin thought for a while and asked, "The planned fund-raising scale is too large. If the amount of funds raised is insufficient, it will damage the image of our organization, but if the planned fund-raising scale is too small, it will not be of great significance to our organization's subsequent market layout, and it will appear to be useless."

"How much money does Mr. Liu want to raise?" Fang Xinsheng asked directly.

Liu Xin paused and responded: "I have decided to raise 3 billion to 5 billion in funds. What does Manager Fang think?"

"Absolutely." Fang Xinsheng responded, "This size, given the current market liquidity, can be used to shift the main line of investment, which is conducive to making net profit, continuing to accumulate our company's reputation, and at the same time, it can also respond to our company's Currently, we have the greatest ability in customer accumulation.”

"Okay!" Liu Xin said, "Then I will ask the fund operations department to start preparations."

After saying that, Liu Xin continued to briefly chat with the two about the recent market conditions, then asked some questions about the recent fund product performance, and left the trading room directly.

And with his departure, at the same moment.

Far away in the Magic City, inside Zexi Investment Company, the main fund trading room.

Zhou Kan looked at the increase in the financing balance of the two cities announced by the market and couldn't help but be surprised and said: "Boss, the financing balance is growing too fast. I feel that the market's incremental funds are becoming more and more urgent. "

"Isn't this a good thing?" Xu Xiang chuckled, "The market situation is essentially driven by funds. Now...the market's incremental funds have begun to accelerate, so in terms of market conditions, it is estimated that the extent of adjustment will also become increasingly large. The narrower it is, the time for a renewed upward breakthrough will not be too far away.”

"Yeah!" Zhou Kan nodded and said, "I do feel that the path of the market's correction and decline has been completely blocked by the rapid entry of incremental funds. As long as the index and the main core stocks continue to fall, they will continue to fall. Funds will come in endlessly.”

"This shows that the overall market pattern of the market has completely changed." Xu Xiang said, "That is... the 'bull market' that everyone is looking forward to has probably already arrived!"

"Are you here already?" Zhou Kan was excited.

Xu Xiang nodded and responded: "On the K-line pattern of the market, we naturally need to continue to observe and observe, but other factors such as off-site sentiment, confidence, funding, macro policy expectations, macro currency liquidity expectations... , its expected direction has been completely reversed.”

"Haha, that's great..." Zhou Kan responded, "Finally, we have waited for another magnificent 'bull market' in the market."

"Yes!" Xu Xiang responded with a smile, and then asked, "When will the approval of our company's new fund products be released?"

Zhou Kan thought for a while and said, "It should only be a day or two!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the head of the company's fund operations department knocked on the door of the trading room, walked in, looked at Xu Xiang sitting in front of the fund's main control computer with a smile, and reported: "Mr. Xu, According to the reply letter from the regulatory authorities, the approval of our 'Zexi No. 2' fund product has been passed."

"Okay!" Xu Xiang was very excited when he heard the news, and said with a smile, "Manager Chen, now that the approval results of the new fund have been received, let's quickly prepare for the issuance of the new fund. The fund is officially launched. The date is set for the day after tomorrow, we... have to get ahead of the official launch of the 'Yuhang No. 4' fund!"

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