Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 608: Change in investment strategy!

Su Yu thought for a while, looked at Liu Yuan, and said: "We can slowly change our trading ideas, start taking profit and exit, slowly adjust our macro investment strategy, and adjust our main positions to the main line of 'big finance'.

However, when taking profit and exiting, you still have to pay attention to the method and method.

At the current stage, despite the two main lines of ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’, emotional expectations have entered a climax stage.

However, as the stock price lags behind sentiment and expectations, it has not actually peaked yet.

At this time, we want to exit slowly and respond in advance of the market by reducing positions and taking profits. So, first of all, we need to clearly understand where the stock price trend cycle of the main core stocks in our positions has developed.

After all, even if they are in the same main line of investment.

The trend patterns of their corresponding concept stocks and core investment stocks are not completely different.

When we build a position, we pay attention to the concept of "removing the weak and retaining the strong". Then when we enter the trading strategy and enter the stage of reducing positions and taking profits, we must also follow this trading principle and concept, that is, in terms of trend form , there are signs of peaking, or the market is very divergent. At the peak of emotional expectations, the trend is still not smooth, obviously unable to keep up with the market, or even weakly held stocks with core concept stocks rising, then you can give priority to reducing holdings and taking profits.

The trend is relatively smooth, the current sentiment and expectations are still improving, and the market liquidity is very abundant for the main line leading concept stocks.

You can continue to hold positions and let profits continue to run.

Just like what Guobing said just now...

The two main investment lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the concept sections and themes centered around the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises' In the industry sector, in the continuous performance of the market for almost half a year, too many main funds have gathered and settled.

At the same time, after the Shanghai Stock Index broke through the pressure level, it took on too much incremental off-market funds.

In this case, so much money is concentrated in these core main areas.

Except for occasional extreme negative blows in the market.

As long as the market develops naturally, even if the sentiment and expectations of these core main lines peak in the short term, the buying and selling volume of the stock price that continues to rise will be unbalanced and unable to continue to create higher market space, then the market will turn around. A correction will not be a straight up and down trend.

It will inevitably stay at the top of the short-term stock price for a long time.

Otherwise, with so much money entering, there is no way to exit. This is determined by the sufficient liquidity of the market.

Therefore, at this stage, even if we want to gradually reduce our positions and take profits, we don't have to be too anxious. If we see signals on the market, we can reduce our positions if we can. If we feel that it is not the right time to reduce our positions, we should wait a little longer.

All in all, after changing the overall trading strategy, don't be anxious during the operation.


At present, our company and its main fund products have a very large influence in the domestic asset management industry and even the financial trading market.

There are many retail investor groups in the current market.

As well as many major institutional groups, they are basically watching the operation and changes of our ‘Yuhang Investment’ trading strategy.

In this way, in order to avoid the huge fluctuations we cause in the financial trading market.

And to avoid the trouble and impact of too many follow-up orders in the market on our trading strategies.

Whenever we are reducing positions and taking profits, we must carefully avoid the market dragon and tiger list. We must not expose our trading seats before the overall lightening and taking profits trading strategy is completed. "

Su Yu's words were not just meant for Liu Yuan.

At the same time, it was also told to the entire main fund trading room, the trading team leaders of each group, and the leading fund managers of several main fund products.

Liu Yuan nodded and responded with a smile: "Master, I remember."

"Mr. Su, in addition to emotions and expectations that have reached a climax, the main chips of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' are in line with the strategy of reducing positions and taking profits, as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road',' Conceptual themes such as the reform and reorganization of central enterprises and state-owned enterprises, core concepts, and stock holdings..." Zhao Lijun thought for a while and asked at this time, "Our positioning chips in the direction of 'Internet Finance' also need to be closely related to 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' Will these major core main line holding chips also perform the same operations of reducing positions and taking profits?"

In the past two months, there have been two main lines of investment in ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’.

As well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', several core concepts and themes have continued to break through, and the trend has been rising, attracting the attention of market investors crazily and absorbing the huge and active market. funding and OTC incremental funding groups.

The line of ‘Internet finance’ is a branch of the main line of ‘technological growth’.

Despite the holding support of the ‘Yu Hang Group’, its trend is still obviously not as good as that of the core main fields of ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’.

Although, several main funds of the ‘Yu Hang Group’.

Investments in the direction of ‘Internet finance’ are currently extremely profitable.

However, Zhao Lijun’s intuition is that in the direction of ‘Internet finance’, profits have not yet been realized and short- and medium-term expectations and emotions have reached their peak.

That's why he had this question.

Su Yu responded: "The positions held in the direction of 'Internet Finance' have not yet reached the peak of short- and medium-term expectations and emotions. When profits are realized, you can hold the position unchanged."

"I think it's not just the lack of expectations and the peak of emotions. In fact, in the direction of 'Internet finance', we can continue to increase our positions and go long." While Su Yu was speaking, Li Meng thought for a while and responded, "If the main line of market investment is, After the short-term and medium-term expectations and sentiments of the core main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' have reached their peak, the huge main capital group has fallen into a shock correction and retreated to take profits. It is necessary to find other investment main lines in the market and form a main line switch.

Then, based on our previous analysis of the market macro trend and the main line market switching judgment.

With such a huge amount of main funds withdrawing, if we want to keep these main funds on the market and be able to undertake the continued speculation of these main financial groups and active financial groups, and have medium and long-term expectations, the only main line area that can condense emotions is 'big finance'. This main line, as well as the main line of 'technological growth' that has basically been fully adjusted so far.

The line of ‘Internet finance’ is the market branch line of ‘technological growth’.

It is also the market branch of "Big Finance".

In other words, if the market situation reaches its peak in the short and medium term of the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', and then switches to the main line after a shock correction, then... regardless of whether the subsequent main line of the market will focus on the direction of 'big finance' The rotation should focus on the direction of 'technological growth', so the market line of 'Internet finance' should be unavoidable for funds.

in this way……

I feel that the market for the ‘Internet Finance’ line has not yet reached its real major improvement stage at this point in time.

Moreover, because of this previous line, it was severely dragged down by the correction of the market's main line of 'technological growth'.

Both emotional changes and expected changes are at a relatively low level.

It's just because we have some positions in this direction that many funds that follow our trend are hoarded in this area. Only a small amount of funds are maintaining the market trend on this line, making this line the latest trend. In two months, it barely kept up with the trend of the market.

But actually, for this line.

It is still a trend pattern that looks strong but is actually weak.

In other words, this line has not been the mainstream of the market in the past six months. It seems that the overall growth rate of the sector is increasing, but in fact, its internal chip structure has been in the adjustment stage. "

"Well, what Mr. Li said makes sense." Su Yu looked at Li Meng with a smile. He still admired and agreed with her market analysis and insights. "In the line of 'Internet finance', if there is a suitable If there is a pullback opportunity, we can indeed continue to increase our positions and go long.”

"Okay!" Zhao Lijun nodded in response as his doubts were resolved.

Start formulating a corresponding action plan immediately.

"Mr. Su, in fact, in the main areas of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', there are several core concepts surrounding the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises'. Among the concept stocks, there are some industry sectors and concept sectors that are obviously sluggish. I think... there are still certain opportunities at present." Zhu Tianyang said, "I think that in the process of reducing positions and taking profits, some stocks can still be appropriately carried out. treated differently.


I think the core conceptual themes of the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises' are all important strategic concepts in the macroeconomic direction, and their expectations and imagination space are It should not be a short- to medium-term hype concept like a previous positive concept, but one with long-term hype and expected effects.

I think that for these major conceptual themes, even if short-term sentiment peaks, profit margins are too heavy and need to be cleared.

Well, after the profits are cleared.

That is to say, after these core main lines have experienced shock corrections and possible in-depth adjustments, there are still speculation and investment opportunities.

Especially for sectors that are relatively sluggish in this round, I think there are higher opportunities for subsequent investment and speculation.

For example, the high-speed rail construction sector has become my country’s external business card. "

Su Yu responded with a smile: "Tianyang, your statement is correct, but in this market, regardless of the size of the funds, we cannot actually choose multiple opportunities at the same time, and can only focus on one aspect.

It is true that under the macroeconomic strategic plan formulated by the country.

These major market main lines, which are the core of the "big infrastructure" strategy, are definitely expected to exist for a long time to come.

But when we look at the current situation, it is obvious that there is a mainline market that is more cost-effective and has investment space.

In this way, when we choose the direction to focus on.

Then you must focus on investing in main lines that have more investment space and more cost-effectiveness.

Such expectations for the 'big infrastructure' line will continue to strengthen in the future, and after the current emotional climax of the market on this line, this big main line has undergone certain adjustments, and the internal chip structure has been readjusted, which has solved the current accumulation process. If there is a serious profit-taking problem, is still too late for us to turn the position back.

Just like the main line of ‘technological growth’ last year and early this year.

Until now……

I have never denied that the line of ‘technological growth’ still has strong expectations and performance fulfillment capabilities.

However, as traders, while we have a long-term perspective, we should also focus on the changes in the current market conditions and implement our trading strategies!

Those participating in market transactions, regardless of retail investors, hot money, or institutions.

Their only purpose is to make money and profit.

In this way, the funds entering the market will inevitably converge in the main areas where it is easier to make money, more likely to generate expected differences, and more able to condense the effect of sustained money making, that is, the market always fluctuates in the direction of least resistance.

In terms of operation, we must also follow this basic logic and underlying operational thinking.

Otherwise, it is possible to experience a roller coaster ride in the market changes, or, like many investors in the market, to make index profits but not make any money. "

"Okay, Mr. Su, I understand!" After listening to Su Yu's analysis, Zhu Tianyang felt enlightened, nodded, and responded.

Everyone discussed and analyzed among themselves.

After Su Yu analyzed the market conditions, he issued instructions to each trading group to change their trading strategies.

The lunch break passed in a flash, and the two cities ushered in the afternoon trading session.

I can only see the emotions brewing at noon and the impact of the news.

After the trading time entered 1 o'clock, the core indexes of Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index suddenly surged upward and once again set new intraday highs.

At the same time, when the index breaks upward.

As the main lines of "infrastructure" and "military industry" with the strongest market sentiment and expectations.

As well as the concept sectors and industry sectors related to core concepts and themes such as 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', they also surged rapidly, setting new intraday highs simultaneously. .

As for the 'Yuhang No. 4' fund product, it has begun to gradually build positions in the securities sector.

Even the entire main line of ‘big finance’.

However, when the market index broke through upward, and the core main lines of the market such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' continued to gather popularity and sentiment, and continued to siphon active funds from the market, it also continued to maintain weak fluctuations, and did not see the strong performance in the early trading in the morning. I don’t see the main force of funds continuing to join forces in this direction. a\u003evas\u003ediv\u003eScan the QR code to download Red Sleeves and join Xiaoxiang to receive benefits. Newcomers can read for free for a limited time div\u003ediv\u003ediv\u003e

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