Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 614: The gradual flight of profitable funds!


"What a strong market trend. Today in the main line of 'big infrastructure', a number of industry sector and concept sector indices closed at new highs."

Some people among the majority of retail investors lamented.

"Fushun Special Steel has almost tripled the space, Chengfei Technology has almost quintupled the space, Huaguo MCC has increased by more than 150% in a quarter, China Airlines Hi-Tech and Aerospace Development have benefited from the resumption of trading, and they have even gone out of 15 consecutive boards. Trends, as well as Beijiang Communications Construction, Shanghai Construction Engineering, Hongdu Airlines... The big monster stocks in the main field of "big infrastructure" in the market basically have an increase of more than 300% this round. Hehe, this market round The rebound centered on the main line of 'big infrastructure'... the trend is indeed explosive!"

"Can this be called a rebound? Is it enough to be called a reversal?"

"After the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index breaks through the 2,500-point limit, it is already a reversal in the market trend."

"I feel like the bull market... is really coming soon!"

"Whether it's a rebound or a reversal, this round of trading relies on the main line of 'big infrastructure'. Everyone must have made a lot of money, right?"

"Barely, the account profit doubled in one quarter."

“I caught the big monster stock ‘Chengfei Technology’, and my account barely tripled, which was enough to make up for the losses from last year and the year before.”

"I hold Huaguo Construction and Huaguo Baosteel. My account profit is not as good as everyone else's, but I still made more than 50% of the profits."

"I hold real estate-related on-market funds, and the increase in one quarter has exceeded 30%."

"Damn it, you are all so strong. My account has just turned from a loss to a positive one. Hey... I have been holding stocks in the main line of 'Technology Growth' and wasted a lot of market time. Now I have changed my position and switched to On the main line of 'big infrastructure', we have just made about 10% profit."

"The CEFC Securities I hold, I feel like I have completely missed the market."

"In recent months, CEFC Securities has only rebounded 5%. It has indeed failed to keep up with the broader market index. Of course... it has not kept up with the index increases of various sectors and concept sectors in the main line of 'big infrastructure'."

"This year's market is actually very easy to trade. After all, the main line switching is not frequent. As long as you rely on the main line of 'big infrastructure' to trade, you can make any amount of money."

"Hey, I have summed it up in recent months. In a word, don't be tough with the market."

"Yes, for the weak main line sectors, there are no stocks that the main funds are paying attention to. The more you look forward to it, the less it will rise. In other words, the more it falls, the weaker it is, the stronger the money-losing effect will be."

"Holy shit, it's really true. I had already copied LeTV after it fell to the bottom after that big drop. I didn't expect that after taking it for so long, not only did I not make any money, but it actually dropped in the market index. Wave after wave of new highs and continuous losses, hey... Damn, holding this kind of stock is really painful. Fortunately, today, I realized this cognitive error of my own and finally closed the position. After leaving the warehouse, I felt that my whole body was relaxed.”

"It is right to cut positions. There is really no need to hold junk stocks like LeTV."

"You cannot hold stocks that continue to lose money."

"Yes, the more painful it is to cut the flesh, the deeper it will be. In the end, it won't be able to be cut off."

"The key is that after being too deeply invested, holding shares will affect your mood too much. It's simply torture."

"Indeed, so... we still have to do something in the market where there is a sustained big main line market. Only a sustained big main line market can't trap people. Even if the buying position is higher and it is temporarily trapped, as the market As the trading time goes by, the trap will be resolved quickly.”

"Haha, this is the truth. I bought the MCC check at a relatively high position. I was worried that I would be trapped in the peak again. Unexpectedly, not only did I get out of the trap quickly, but I also made a profit recently. It has made a lot of money, and it has become my most profitable stock in the past few months.”

"Yes, yes, stay away from the areas where the market is easy to lose money and stay close to the areas where the market is easy to make money."

"Only in the main fields where it is easy to make money can it be relatively easy to make money. In the fields where it is easy to lose money, the difficulty is not that high. We Xiaosan are ordinary people and do not have the information channel advantages of institutions. , and do not have the capital advantage of the hot money giants, so naturally they have to follow the market trend. My requirements are not high, as long as I can outperform the market index, it is enough for me."

"Haha, I understand the same."

"In this round, the main line market of 'big infrastructure' has developed to this point. Mr. Su of the 'Yuhang Department' is really making crazy money!"

"That's for sure. With tens of billions of positions, you can earn tens of billions of profits."

"The money earned by the fund cannot be entirely attributed to Mr. Su, right?"

"I heard that several of the main fund products of the 'Yu Hang Series' have very high excess profit sharing. Although not all of it can be attributed to Mr. Su, Mr. Su definitely made a lot of money."

"The 'big infrastructure' line was originally initiated by Mr. Su, and it will definitely make a lot of money."

"But the fact that the boss earns so much has nothing to do with us."

"It really has nothing to do with it, but the positions of the 'Yu Hang Group' and the direction of heavy positions have a lot to do with us. At the same time, they have a lot to do with the overall trend of the market."

"It can be said that the investment sentiment of the entire market is basically tied to the 'Yu Hang Group', the main force in the market."

"Hey, the Dragon and Tiger List is out, let's take a look at the Dragon and Tiger List!"

"Damn it, institutional seats are still being bought like crazy."

"The major stocks on the list are still clustered in the main direction of 'big infrastructure', and there are still many active hot money groups."

"Judging from today's Dragon and Tiger List data, there is still no need to worry about the core main line of the market, 'big infrastructure'. Just hold shares with confidence."

"Indeed, it is obvious that the main line of the market, 'big infrastructure', can continue to rise."

"Tomorrow we will continue to increase our positions on the main line of 'big infrastructure' and continue to increase our positions on the main line of 'military industry'. I feel that this round... the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index will definitely reach the 3,000-point mark."

"Let's see, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index should hit the 3,000-point mark this week."

"In addition to today's Dragon and Tiger ranking data, today's market financing data is also growing, and the financing balance has increased by nearly 5 billion."

"What does this mean? It means that there are funds outside the market, or crazy entry."

"It shows that the bullish sentiment in the market is still growing. Everyone is firmly optimistic about the market outlook and is taking positions."

"Not only the financing balance is rising, but also the positions of many major fund products within the fund industry and various institutional groups should also be showing a continued upward trend."

"Nonsense, do you need to say this? There are 6 institutions disclosed on the Dragon and Tiger List!"

"In short, the market's positive outlook continues, and whether it is the index or the core line of 'big infrastructure', it will definitely still rise."

"There is no other way for the market except to continue to rise."

"Just watch, the Shanghai Index breaks upward, and it will definitely break through 3,000 points."

"It feels like the bull market has arrived. At this time... holding the chips in hand and being firm and unwavering is the most correct thing to do."

"Yes, yes, let the market fluctuate, and you must not lose your chips."

"We must learn from Mr. Su's pattern. In this round of the 'Yu Hang Group', we have really not moved at all since we established positions in the main market line of 'big infrastructure'."

"We must learn from Mr. Su's pattern!"

"Damn it, the financing balance in the market has risen too fast, no way... I have to raise money tomorrow."

"Also, the trading volume of the two cities has exploded very quickly. It is now close to 400 billion. I wonder what the trading volume of the two cities will be after the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index breaks through 3,000 points?"

"I'm afraid it will reach the 500 billion level, right? Haha... This energy level is already a bull market, right?"

In the midst of extremely excited discussions.

Everyone is showing off their account profits, and everything they look at is good for the market, and all they think about is the strong bullish sentiment of stocks hitting their daily limit.

In the evening, external market trends suddenly poured cold water on such market sentiment.

In terms of external market trends, U.S. stocks fell by more than 3% that night, and a huge negative line directly swallowed up almost half a month of gains in the previous period.

So, the next morning.

Market investment sentiment has obviously cooled down.

Of course, in recent months, when the Shanghai Stock Index has made continuous breakthroughs and the market has been booming in making money, the actual trend of the Shanghai Stock Index has no longer followed that of the U.S. stock market. This has also led to the fact that at this moment, although the mood has cooled down, most investors In my heart, I still feel that the Shanghai Stock Index, and even the entire market, can continue to get rid of the influence of US stocks and embark on an independent upward trend and sustained breakthrough trend. Therefore, there are not many investors who are really worried about the market trend and want to reduce their positions to avoid risks.

At 9:15, the collective bidding in the two cities began.

As expected by most investors, at the beginning of the call auction.

The Shanghai Stock Index, and even the entire market, has not been greatly affected by the trend of U.S. stocks. Whether it is the core industry sectors in the main line of 'big infrastructure', the concept sector, or other core main line-related sectors in the market, it still maintains a stable trend. The trend of opening slightly higher, and corresponding to the market's popular leading concept stocks, the premium effect is also more obvious.

At 9:25, the collective bidding in the two cities ended.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index still opened slightly higher by 19%, while other Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index maintained a flat opening trend, and were not affected by the negative impact of the sharp decline in U.S. stocks at all.

Such an opening situation in the market has caused some weakening investment sentiment both inside and outside the market.

Instantly it rose again.

Everyone feels that A-shares have finally stood up.

Everyone feels that the pattern of A-shares leading the global stock market has finally been born.

At the same time, many people believe that the market trend that started in June in the second half of the year is no longer a rebound, but a reversal.

Everyone feels that the Shanghai Stock Index has the ability and strength to fully impact the 3,000-point mark at this position.

Everyone feels that the market with "big infrastructure" as its core theme can continue to make breakthroughs and further expand the money-making effect with the continuous incremental funding.

However, this extremely high, relatively consistent long sentiment and bullish view.

After the market enters the formal continuous bidding transaction stage.

When taking 'Huaguo Construction', 'Huaguo Railway Construction', 'Huaguo Communications Construction', 'Huaguo MCC', 'Huaguo Baosteel', 'Gemdale Group'... and other 'big infrastructure' core weight stocks , as well as a number of popular concept leading stocks such as 'Chengfei Technology', 'Fushun Special Steel', 'China Airlines High-Tech', 'Aviation Power', 'Aerospace Development'... etc., when strong selling broke out.

Market trends, however, began to deviate seriously from sentiment.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the entire "big infrastructure" main line was fully adjusted.

A number of popular core concept leading stocks, as well as core weight component stocks, exploded in volume at an extremely rapid rate, and their stock prices fell rapidly and fell back under the pressure of a huge amount of selling.

same time……

In the main line of "big infrastructure", there are some fringe concept stocks that have been hot topics in the past and whose concepts are not so pure.

At this moment, extremely explosive flash crash trends occurred one after another.

"Is this...the main line of 'big infrastructure' starting to loosen its chips?"

At around 10:20 a.m., in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Xiniu Fund Company, in the main fund trading room, Mou Zhengxing stared closely at the rapidly changing market conditions of the two cities, and saw correspondingly heavy stocks and conceptual leaders in the main line of 'big infrastructure' falling rapidly. The trend of individual stocks did not rebound quickly. I couldn't help but say in surprise: "Looking at this trend pattern, it should be that within the main line of 'big infrastructure', a huge amount of profit orders have accumulated, and they have begun to reduce positions and stop profits, and sell orders." Bar?"

Standing next to Mou Zhengxing, Fang Xinsheng, who was also paying close attention to the market trend, had bright eyes, nodded slightly, and responded: "It should be that profit taking has begun to take profit. Sure enough... there are many smart main funds in the market! About Many funds can still detect the expected changes in sentiment on the core line of 'big infrastructure'.

I just didn't expect that this was the first shot of profit-taking and selling, and the cause of the outbreak of short-term risks in the market.

It turned out to be a plummeting trend from the outside.

Alas, although the main line of 'big infrastructure' has reached its current position, it needs a correction and shock to clean up the excessive accumulation of profit-making, but these profit-taking funds are smashed at this time and are held by the external market. Having a loose nose is still a bit unpleasant! "

The Shanghai Composite Index finally got rid of the influence of the external market, and in recent months, it has developed an independent trend.

Now, if we are coerced by the main funds and follow the external market, wouldn't it restrict the market's upward space and prolong the adjustment time at this stage?

Fang Xinsheng felt very contemptuous of the main funds that were smashing the market at this time.

However, contempt is contempt.

As a result, these main funds have stirred up the market, causing the internal chip structure of the entire "big infrastructure" main line to begin to loosen.

He still has to follow the changes and trends of the market to perform operations.

As the saying goes, you cannot go against the market trend at any time.

Now that the internal chip structure of the main line of 'big infrastructure' has begun to loosen, and the deposited profit-making funds are pouring out, and the incremental capital groups gathered in this direction both inside and outside the market have obviously begun to be unable to bear the market, then the correct operating strategy , the only thing left is the 'big infrastructure' main line chips held by the main funds that follow the sell-off and take profits!


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