Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 628 The so-called ‘independent trend’!

Later, when 3 o'clock in the afternoon came, the two markets ushered in the closing time.

Only the Shanghai Stock Index rose during the day and continued to close up to 79%, while the two major industry mainline related sectors of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', 'Central Enterprises and State-owned Enterprises' Main-line sectors related to conceptual themes such as "Reform and Reorganization'", as well as corresponding core concept stocks, all recovered their intraday losses and maintained their red closing prices.

As for the main lines of "technological growth", "big consumption" and "big finance" that once surged strongly during the session and rebounded sharply.

At the moment of closing.

Then they swallowed up all the gains during the day and returned to a weak and volatile situation.

At the same time, despite the violent market fluctuations, the turnover of the two cities remained above the level of 400 billion, maintaining relatively active market liquidity.

Faced with such a closing situation.

The investor groups in the two cities, both on and off the market, were all lamenting.

At the same time, we firmly believe in the two major industry main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as core component stocks in the main line areas of hot market concepts such as 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', 'Central-owned and State-owned Enterprise Reform and Reorganization', etc. , will continue to set new highs, and there are more and more investor groups who firmly believe in the core main line of the market and can 'the strong will always be strong'.

among a large group of investors.

When the popular main lines of the market, "infrastructure" and "military industry", are getting stronger and stronger in the volatile trend, any adjustment can be quickly repaired during the session.

With the selling of many main funds and profit-making funds.

Investment sentiment and speculation sentiment in these main areas have not only not declined, but continue to intensify.

"The market performance of the popular main lines of the market, infrastructure and military industry, is really tenacious. The market trends of these two main lines this year have obviously exceeded expectations."

Among the main hot money group in Yuhang where Su Yue belongs, there are also hot money bosses who can't help but sigh.

"It has indeed exceeded expectations. I feel that it is even stronger than last year's 'Internet Finance', 'Smartphone Industry Chain' and 'Mobile Internet' concepts in the main line of 'Technology Growth'. In the recent quarter, 'Infrastructure',' There are countless popular core stocks in the main areas of military industry and the number of stocks that have doubled."

"What's a doubling? For example, 'Chengfei Technology, China Airlines High-tech, Aerospace Development...' these leading stocks involving the concepts of 'military asset restructuring' and 'military asset securitization', which one is not a four- or five-fold increase? "

"Hehe, that's right..."

“I feel like this year’s market situation is much better than last year’s!”

"As long as you focus on the main market trends of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', it is actually not difficult to make money."

"It is indeed not difficult, but the market conditions in the first half of the year are still quite difficult."

"This year's market situation, I feel, is completely driven by 'Mr. Su'. The wave of market prices in April and May, as well as the market situation from the end of June to now, are basically driven by Mr. Su, and they are all centered around ' The two main industry lines of "infrastructure" and "military industry", as well as the "Eurasian Economic Belt", "New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road" and "Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises" are developing."

"Hehe, let me tell you... Mr. Su probably didn't expect that the two main markets he brought out, 'infrastructure' and 'military industry,' would develop to the point where they are now, right?"

"That's true..."

"The development of the two main industries of infrastructure and military industry to the current market situation is mainly due to the macroeconomic factors such as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', the 'New Era Road, the Maritime Silk Road', and the 'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises'. The positive impact of economic policies, right?”

"Without the positive impact of these major macroeconomic policies, these core main market trends would not have reached the current stage."

"It's hard to say. In fact, from a macro perspective, the fundamentals of the two major industries of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' have also improved significantly."

"There has been an improvement, but without the catalyst of favorable policies, I am afraid it will still be difficult for funds to form consistent expectations in this direction. This can be seen from the main areas of 'tech growth', 'big consumption' and 'big finance' Well, speaking of future expectations and fundamental changing trends, there should be certain expectations for these major areas, right? However, various financial groups are unable to form a more consistent trend in these major areas. expectations.”

"The future expectations of the 'technological growth' line are indeed relatively clear, but the adjustment of time and space is still insufficient at present."

"As for the two lines of 'big consumption' and 'big finance'..."

"At present, I'm afraid it's not time for the fundamentals to reverse, right?"

"'Big consumption' is closely related to macroeconomic recovery. In fact, under the current basic logic of expecting macroeconomic recovery, future expectations are not bad. As for the 'big finance' line, it has benefited from the market's growth in the past six months. The trend performance, as well as the rising market transaction volume and the balance of financing and financing, actually have very strong future expectations, but at the current stage, funds do not agree with it.”

"On and off-site funds cannot form synergy in these low-level main lines, and I do not agree with the expected logic of these main lines. In the final analysis... I think there are still active capital flows on the market, and there are too many popular main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' As a result, although the turnover of the two cities has exploded to about 400 billion, there is still an obvious lack of funds in certain areas of the market. Without funds to pay attention, how can there be any market?"

"The most important thing is, isn't it because retail investors are following the trend, unlike other places? In fact, it is not just the main lines of 'tech growth', 'big consumption', and 'big finance' that have certain expectations and cannot gather funds. The negative expectation is that, except for the popular main lines of the market such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', no other market main line can gather funds to join forces at this time."

“Isn’t the following sentiment of retail investors following the effect of continuous making money?”

"In fact, in the past few days, the main market lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' have continued to fluctuate violently, which is the best time for the market to 'switch between high and low'. However... funds on the market have never been able to form a synergy, and at the same time, There is no other big boss like Mr. Su who dares to take advantage of his strong capital volume to continue to market, pull up corresponding core concept stocks, create space in one go, and further gather market attention and sentiment."

"How can it be so easy? When the market is so divergent, other major financial groups, as well as large and powerful institutions, even with the huge capital volume of Mr. Su's "Yuhang Department", do not dare to be long on a certain company on a large scale. The main line is to take in chips like crazy and force the market upward!"

"That's right. In such an obvious and big disagreement, forcing a settlement will only lead to a more miserable death."

"In fact, in the final analysis, it is because other large and major institutions lack the courage to gather funds and focus on one direction to make breakthroughs."

“It’s not that they lack courage, it’s that even if they go all out and continue to invest big funds, it may not help.”

"Yes, remember June, right? When there were also differences in the direction of the market breakthrough... During that time, when the market was choosing the main direction, funds from all parties were focused on 'infrastructure', 'military industry' and other 'big infrastructure' projects." There are also huge differences in whether we should focus on the direction of the market or focus on the main line of 'technological growth'."

"At that time, many major financial groups in the market, instead of uniting together, concentrated on the main line of 'technological growth' and continued to buy, in an attempt to concentrate their financial advantages, pull out the 'technological growth' line, and condense market sentiment and weather conditions. Is it possible to follow the trend and create an upward breakthrough trend in the line of 'technological growth'? But the it successful?"

"If you ask me, the market's core main trend must be caused by the combined efforts of all factors in the market. Only then can we get out of a sustainable market. It is difficult, too difficult to rely solely on the guidance of one stock or a small number of major financial groups. !”

"Indeed, the fundamental reason why Mr. Su was able to pool his financial advantages and create market trends for the two core main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' was to enable these two main lines to continue to lead the index to breakthroughs and create a magnificent main uptrend. The reason is that, in addition to the impact of the 'Yuhang Series' fund managed by Mr. Su on market sentiment and the majority of investor groups, the most important thing is that from a macro perspective, there are the 'Eurasian Economic Belt' and 'New Era Road'. ", the Maritime Silk Road', and the 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises' are supported by several major and favorable policies. Without the support of these major and favorable policies, I am afraid that President Su will not be able to drive these core themes."

"Funds work together...the market is paying more and more attention to the synergy effect."

"This is inevitable. The Zhuanggu era has long passed with the collapse of the Delong system."

“Now, what matters is the synergy of emotions and the synergy of funds.”

"At least for now, in the market, the main areas where it is easiest to form emotional synergies and financial synergies are still the two main industry lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as those surrounding the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road', "The Maritime Silk Road' and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises' are the main themes of the hype, and as for other market main lines... the differences should not be resolved in a short period of time."

"And if the differences cannot be resolved, there will be no sustained money-making effect and market trends!"

"This also shows that in the coming period, the overall market situation will definitely continue to revolve around the main areas of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry.'"

"Does this mean that the market's 'high-low switch' should not happen now?"

"It's not that it won't happen. Oversold rebounds of low-priced stocks should still be possible, but there will be problems with the sustainability, and we need to lower our expectations when making orders."

"Without sustainability, why not focus on the main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry'?"

"I agree, at least if the popular main lines of the market such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' can still gather emotions and follow the trend, if you trade around these fields, you should be able to get out of the game even if you can't make money."

"However, it is also true that the popular main lines of the market such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' have experienced heavy volume and stagnant growth in recent days! It feels like many main funds are still clearly taking profits."

"Many tickets have doubled. At this time, it is not surprising to take profits."

"As long as the differences in other main lines are still relatively large, then I think it is not a big problem to continue to focus on the main areas of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry.'"

"There is no problem in continuing to speculate and market around these main lines, but the key is to pay attention to the movements of Mr. Su's "Yuhang Department" funds."

"That's for sure. After all, Mr. Su's 'Yuhang Department' funds have a huge impact on the market."

“If Mr. Su’s ‘Yu Hang Group’ also starts to reduce positions and take profits in the main fields of ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’, I’m afraid the money-making effect of these popular main lines will drop sharply, right?”

"If the 'Yu Hang Group' really stops making profits, the popular main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' will probably not only have a sharp decline in the profit-making effect, but also have a high probability of repeating the main line of 'technological growth'" Market trends, right? Extreme adjustments are definitely inevitable."

"But it should be difficult to detect the movements of Mr. Su's 'Yuhang Department' now."

"Indeed, the main fund products of the 'Yu Hang Series' have just announced their net worth and position data not long ago. I estimate that these data will not be announced again in the short term. As for the market disclosure level, only Longhu Mr. Su’s seat on the ‘Fortune Road’ is on the list.”

"Mr. Su knows that he has too much influence on the market, so he should deliberately avoid his 'Fortune Road' seat and appear on the Dragon and Tiger list, right?"

"This is also possible..."

"Hey, so... we can only rely on guessing?"

"It's almost impossible to guess, but based on the weight of the core stocks held by the 'Yu Hang Group' last time, it should be easy to guess, right? For example, several major fund products of Mr. Su's 'Yu Hang Group' are in the 'China On the tickets of China National Metallurgical Corporation, China Airlines Optoelectronics, and China Airlines Shenyang, the position weights are quite high, and the chips are very large."

"With such a huge amount of funds, if they want to stop their profits and exit the market, there shouldn't be any traces on the market of these stocks?"

"It makes sense, haha... Then let's observe from the stocks with heavy holdings in the 'Yu Hang Group'."

"As long as there are no obvious changes in the trend of these stocks that continue to explode in volume and dive, then continue to stick to the concept of leading stocks in the market's popular main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry'. As long as the eyes of retail investors and the market's main following sentiments can still If we focus on these areas and the money-making effect has not been lost, then we can continue at the original pace.”

With the rapid updating of news in the group, and the analysis and discussion of market conditions by hot money players...

The time quickly slides to 5:30 pm.

The dragon and tiger lists of the two cities were announced.

I saw that under the violent fluctuations in the market today, a total of 51 stocks in the two cities were on the list.

Among the stocks on the list, in addition to some stocks that are good for the resumption of trading, as well as newly listed stocks and sub-new stocks, the vast majority of the stocks on the list are still concentrated in the main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as 'Asia' "European Economic Belt", "New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road" and "Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises" are among the main areas of related concepts and themes.

Of course, among the stocks listed in these core main lines of the market.

According to the trading seats disclosed, it can be found that hot money is still active, and institutional trading is also very active.

On many popular stock trading seats, some institutions are selling and some are buying.

In short, at the current position, whether it is the index or specific stocks, the differences between long and short funds on the market are quite huge.

And in this long-short divergence of main funds.

In the evening, the external market continued to rebound, and the overall trend showed a clear reversal.

The next day, under the guidance of external market expectations and emotions...

Everyone thought that the Shanghai Composite Index could end its adjustment this time and continue to make an upward breakthrough under the leadership of the market's popular main lines such as "infrastructure" and "military industry."

As a result, after a brief surge, the market once again experienced heavy volume and stagflation, forming a downward and volatile trend.

In the end, when the market closed at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, it even closed down by 11%, which disappointed investors who were full of expectations in the early trading!

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