Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 630 The ultimate money-making effect!

Chapter 631 The ultimate money-making effect!

"Haha..." After listening to Yu Lei's analysis, Liu Guanhai smiled, nodded, and said, "Yes! After more than a month of back and forth, I finally saw an opportunity for a market breakthrough. [.\\nCOM Thoughts The chapters updated by Rabbit are the most complete and comprehensive, and the error-free content is repaired in the most timely manner. Due to caching reasons, browser access is recommended.\\nCOM official website]

Sure enough, 'the strong always remain strong'.

After continuous shock adjustments, the entire main financial group on and off the market was entangled in huge differences.

In the end, after the emergence of the big monster stock "Blue Stone Heavy Equipment", the market's overall investment sentiment, hype sentiment, and expected effects, as well as the willingness of the main funds to undertake, still turned to "infrastructure" and "military industry" which are popular in the market. The main line continues to converge.

This is not in vain for our holding the position for more than a month!

Next, it should be the harvest season again. I hope that this wave... The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index will be able to rebound under the leadership of the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the market's super monster stock 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment'. In one go, just like when it broke through 2,500 points before, it directly reached the 3,000 point mark.

Only the 3,000 point mark was achieved.

Only the broad group of investors inside and outside the market will believe without any worries that the "bull market" is coming.

And as long as the expectations of a ‘bull market’ come true, a steady stream of incremental capital flows from the sidelines will increasingly converge into the market.

A bull market can really be expected. "

As the saying goes, whether it should fall or not, it must rise.

The market adjustment in the past month, whether it is the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index or the core market lines of "infrastructure" and "military industry", has maintained an extremely strong fluctuation trend.

At the same time, the amount of energy has almost not depleted and has remained above the 400 billion mark.

This gave Liu Guanhai a great premonition.

He had a premonition that this round of market rebound from April in the first half of the year was not just a rebound, but a reversal with high probability, which was a sign that the market was turning from bear to bull.

As the two discussed...

Market hours continue to move forward.

The main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' continued to rebound, and the Shanghai Stock Index continued to break through.

In the entire market, whether it is a group of leading concept stocks centered on core concepts such as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', or the 'Blue Stone Heavy Industry' The concept stocks in the 'nuclear power' sector driven by this big monster stock are all rapidly exploding in volume at this moment, showing an extremely strong upward trend, and the intensity of funding and the effect of following the trend are also getting stronger and stronger. .

It seems that after almost a month of sideways adjustments and fluctuations in the market.

These core popular main lines, as well as the corresponding concept leading stocks, during the period of shock, and the main financial groups were washing the market again and again, finally regrouped the chip structure and formed a full-scale explosive power.

As a result, at this moment, the market not only breaks through the trend, but also breaks through the trend.

"Holy shit, shit... it's too strong. The trend of the check of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' is too strong, right? Damn it, 18 consecutive daily limits, it's simply shocking!"

Seeing that the market trend is getting stronger and stronger under the leadership of the stock "Blue Stone Heavy Equipment", some people among the retail investors gathered in the discussion area of ​​the trading platform expressed emotion.

"Not only was it shocking, it was shocking beyond measure."

"Haha, what about the agencies that previously valued the 'Blue Stone Reinstallation'? Their faces are no longer swollen now, right?"

"Hey, isn't it normal for these institutional groups to get slapped in the face?"

"Before the check of 'Bluestone Reloading' was launched, the target price evaluated by the institution was less than 2 yuan. Compared with the current price of nearly 20 yuan, the gap is a full 10 times, 10 times. This is outrageous."

"Toothpick meat has turned into thigh meat!"

"Damn it, I sold it on the 15th daily limit. When I sold it, I thought my selling point was good enough, but I didn't expect..."

"Who would have thought that the check would be in this situation?"

"You can only say that the market is too crazy, right?"

"The fact that 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' has reached its current form also illustrates that the 'military industry' line is the biggest core line this year!"

"But, compared with other stocks in the main line of 'military industry', isn't this valuation overvalued again?"

“Using the ‘Blue Stone Heavy Equipment’ check as the valuation benchmark, all stocks in the main line of ‘military industry’ will be revalued.”

"There must be a revaluation!"

"The main financial groups in the market are already moving towards the logical line of revaluation of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry'."

"Breakthrough, breakthrough...the index is here, there is only one way to break through, right?"

"'Blue Stone Reload' has been so hyped by the main funds of all parties in the market, can the Shanghai Stock Index not break upward? Moreover, it has been sideways for more than a month, and the adjustments have been sufficient. It is most appropriate to break through now. opportunity."

"Making positions, I decided to carry out a full-scale positioning here!"

"Still sticking to the main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', there is no doubt that if the index hits upwards to 3,000 points, the market's popular main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' must be the main attackers."

"Yes, yes, the sword must be pointed at 3,000 points."

"The big monster never dies. Compared with Chengfei Technology, China Airlines High-tech, and Aerospace Development in the early part of this year... the check of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' can really be regarded as the number one big monster stock!"

"Absolutely a super monster."

"Looking at the resolute strength of the 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' sealing the board today, it is obvious that the check will be raised tomorrow, right?"

"It can definitely still rise, and there is no doubt that it will probably rise by the limit tomorrow."

"Looking at the trend of today's popular main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', and looking at the results of the entire market being driven by the stock of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' today, it is obvious that the check of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' will open tomorrow." If the price is at a premium, it is entirely possible for it to continue to rise.”

"Hey, I'm too timid today and didn't dare to go up. I'll give it a try tomorrow."

"I got timid this morning too."

"All the 18 super monster stocks with daily limit are out. The market situation should be in a bull market, right?"

"Although I agree with the current market trend, which is a bull market, the structure of the bull market must be confirmed only after the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index crosses 3,000 points."

“It’s not a bull market, it’s more of a bull market.”

"Indeed, overall, the market this year is much better than last year."

"Mainly, the market performance of popular main lines of the market such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' has exceeded expectations."

“I feel that the hype effect of this wave of ‘Blue Stone Reinstallation’ will directly drive market sentiment to a very high effect.”

"It will also directly drive a huge amount of incremental funds into the market, right?"

"That's for sure. Who wouldn't be jealous of the potential investor groups outside the market after seeing the super profit-making effect of 'Blue Stone Reload''s 18 daily limit?"

"Not to mention, it was just a few days ago that I entered the market with funds after seeing the continuous performance of 'Blue Stone Reload' that exceeded expectations. The market really did not deceive me. Although I have not made a lot of money in the past few days since I entered the market, It’s not much, but I still make money, much better than last year and the year before that.”

"The trend of 'Blue Stone Reload', for the market, the most important promotion effect is for new stocks, right? Such a strong money-making effect will at least attract a large amount of funds to enter the market, and new funds will , it must be placed at market value and funds need to be locked.”

"Well, the main thing is that after new funds come in, they will definitely buy other stocks."

"Yes, this is incremental funds!"

"This is the source of motivation for the market to continue to rise in the future!"

"The balance of financing in the key two cities continues to increase. I always feel said that one day, the balance of financing in the two markets will go straight to one trillion, right?"

"Hehe, I think it's very possible."

"Not to mention the balance of financing and financing has reached one trillion yuan. I think if the volume continues to grow like this, the transaction volume of the two cities may reach one trillion yuan."

"Is exaggeration?"

"I also think it's an exaggeration. You know, in 2007, when the bull market was at its craziest, the highest transaction volume between the two cities was only 700 to 800 billion."

"Times are changing. I don't think if the market creates a bull market here, the transaction volume will stop at around 700 or 800 billion. After all, look at the current transaction volume of the two cities, it is now generally around 400 billion. Ah, think about when the market started in June, how much was the volume of the two markets at that time? How long has it been? The volume of the two markets has more than doubled. If there is a bull market, I think at least it will not be It’s as simple as doubling the capacity.”

"If the financing balance of the two cities reaches one trillion yuan, the transaction volume of the two cities will inevitably reach this point."

"Yes, I also think that might be the case."

"The bull market of 2007 cannot be compared with now. The market circulation chips at that time were much less than now. At the same time, at that time, there was no margin financing business, and funds could not increase leverage at will. But look at the scale of margin financing now. The growth rate is very rapid, and it is not far from the 900 billion mark. It is foreseeable that if the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index can steadily break through 3,000 points, the market's popular main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the blue-chip weight stocks of the entire market, will If we can truly usher in a revaluation, then it will not be difficult for the financing balance to exceed 900 billion."

"I agree. As long as the money-making effect of the market continues to expand, more and more funds will enter the market, and the transaction volume will become higher and higher. Naturally, the balance of financing and financing will also increase dramatically."

"Bull market, bull market... I also feel that the bull market is getting closer."

"At this time, the most important thing is to get high-quality chips from the market."

"Indeed, the so-called bear market is short, and the bull market is long. If you want to make a lot of money in the bull market, you have to cover stocks. No matter how the market fluctuates, I will remain unmoved."

"Hey, continue to lock up 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' stocks."

"If it's less than 3,000 points, I won't sell any share anyway."

"The market has been fluctuating continuously for more than a month, and the market has been continuously beaten in the face. I have endured it all. Is it possible for me to hand over my chips at this time?"

"Unless the market price doubles again, at this time, I may sell based on my mood."

"How can it be doubled? At least three or five times the market price should be considered before exiting and taking profit."

“But now that the bull market is here, there should be investment opportunities for ‘big finance’, right?”

"Theoretically, this is the case, but it still depends on the direction of the market's combined funds. At present, there are no signs of the large financial groups in the market gathering towards 'big finance'."

"Hey, the logic of 'big finance' is not bad, but in this field, the hold-up is too deep!"

"Indeed, in the entire 'big financial' field, there are at least 1 trillion hold-up orders. With such a heavy hold-up pressure on it, how much funds can be combined to move the market? And these main funds are willing to hold up the market. Do you want to get rid of the trap? I’m afraid it’s not that easy.”

"Relatively speaking, for mainline sectors such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' that have gone out of trend and have continued to make money and continue to follow the trend, the holdup has been almost digested, and the upward pressure is smaller."

"Well, this should be the reason why the main financial groups in the market have not been able to form consistent expectations in other main areas, and they can only focus on the main areas such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', right?"

"Absolutely. So, as long as the basic logic does not change, you can continue to stick to the popular main lines of the market such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', maintain a firm position, and wait for the flowers to bloom."

In the midst of extremely fierce and exciting discussions among the majority of retail investors.

The market trends in the two cities continue to move in a unilateral direction.

That is, a number of concept stocks in popular main areas such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as a number of core component stocks, continue to trend stronger and stronger.

And others...

Main areas such as ‘technological growth’, ‘big consumption’ and ‘big finance’.

Under this market trend, the core component stocks and concept leading stocks are obviously weak under the guidance of the terrifying money-making effect of 'Blue Stone Reload', and cannot keep up with the rise of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index. , still losing blood.

A large number of early potential main funds gathered in these low main line areas.

As well as the capital groups that had previously fled from the popular main lines of the market such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' through the so-called 'high-low switch', at this moment, after discovering market consensus expectations and the main direction of possible breakthroughs, they concentrated again in the previously popular main areas. Later, they also sold these low-level mainline concept stocks that could not form a synergy of funds, and quickly returned to buy up chips of these core popular mainline stocks at high levels.

Funds have returned to popular main lines such as "infrastructure" and "military industry" in an all-round way.

At the same time, it is also due to the super profit-making effect of ‘Blue Stone Reload’ and the various incremental funds entering the market to create new ones.

Popular main lines of ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’.

There are also a number of concept sections that revolve around the concept themes of 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', etc. Moments of 'Return of the King' have appeared one after another. Many The tickets hit new intraday highs one after another, and the volume continued to climb, crazily expanding the market's money-making effect, and also crazily attracting the attention of potential investors outside the market.

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