Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 652: Securities with collective daily limit!

Countless news are spreading and fermenting.

The trading time is getting closer and closer to 1pm sharp.

At this time, everyone in the Yuhang main hot money group where Su Yu belonged was discussing the market situation.

I don’t know who it was, but at this time, I suddenly sent screenshots of the stocks held by several major funds of the ‘Anzhao Fund’ company to the group.

"Damn, that's awesome. It turns out that Mr. Su has already pointed out the way for everyone, right?"

When everyone saw that several major fund products under the 'Anzhao Fund' company had invested heavily in core stocks in the main areas of 'big finance' such as securities, Internet finance, banking, and insurance more than a month ago, at this moment, I felt in my heart. They were all greatly shocked.

"What's ridiculous is that the main fund products under the company 'Anzhao Fund' were scolded miserably by investors who invested in these fund products. Many people said they would block the company's entrance and force redemption. What’s the share?”

"Haha, this is... so dramatic."

"Isn't it true? No one has thought before that the main fund products and investment and trading strategies of the 'Anzhao Fund' company follow the main fund products of the 'Yuhang Series' managed by Mr. Su?"

"Who would have thought so much before the 'big financial' market came out?"

"Hey, why didn't you pay attention to the hidden information in this market before? What a mistake."

"It turns out that Mr. Su was optimistic about the main direction of 'big finance' more than a month ago. This forward-looking vision... is really incredible."

"The key is that Mr. Su was optimistic about it more than a month ago, but he can endure it until now to focus on the market and reveal his motives. I think this is the best thing."

"Indeed, this patience is truly admirable and admirable."

"Can anyone explain why Mr. Su had to choose to pull the deal in these two days? Why couldn't it have been done before?"

"Perhaps the market for the main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' has not finished, and market expectations have not been formed? There is also the possibility that the good news in the direction of 'big finance' is too far away, even if Mr. Su forcibly pulls the market It seems that without the continuous positive stimulus from the news, it is estimated that it will be difficult to maintain it continuously and eventually form a consistent situation of joint efforts in the whole market. After all, the size of the main line of 'big finance' is too big. In the hands of Mr. Su, Yu The capital volume of the aviation system can only be used as a ignition operation. Whether it can actually come out depends on the concerted efforts of active funds in the market."

"There are some of these factors, but more deeply, I think there are other factors."

"That's for sure. Otherwise, why did the 'Big Finance' line only achieve a breakthrough this time, while the other times had a negative impact on the market?"

"Anyway, Mr. Su's timing on the board is really amazing."

"No, it would be a pity if the 'national team' doesn't invite Mr. Su to run the team."

"If you ask, Mr. Su probably won't go."

"Yes, within the system, there is no freedom outside the system. Are private equity funds bad? Why should they be subject to supervision and restrictions?"

"Looking at the overall market sentiment at noon, after the market opens later, it is estimated that individual stocks in the 'big financial' field will still be robbed by funds, right?"

"Definitely, maybe we can see the entire 'brokerage' sector hit the limit today."

"I dare not say that the 'brokerage' sector will reach its daily limit, but the 'Internet Finance' sector will most likely reach its collective daily limit today."

“I really didn’t expect that the ‘Internet Finance’ sector would perform so strongly amid the riots among brokerage firms.”

"There is a reason why the 'Internet Finance' sector has performed so strongly. After all, now the main focus is on 'Internet software' stocks. The market has soared in the second half of this year, and there are so many new investor groups entering the market." , like 'Flush, Oriental Fortune, and Great Wisdom', these three platforms that mainly provide trading software and consulting services, can their performance not skyrocket? What's more, 'Oriental Fortune' acquired a brokerage company and also launched a fund sales business. , it can be regarded as an authentic ‘Internet brokerage’ platform company.”

"I am also very optimistic about the check of 'Oriental Fortune'. Unfortunately, it has reached the limit today and I cannot increase my position even if I want to."

"Then why are the votes of 'Hengsheng Electronics, Yinjie Technology, Jinzheng Technology, Changliang Technology...' so powerful?"

"These are companies that focus on the development of 'financial trading software'. Nowadays, among the thousands of domestic core financial institutions such as securities firms, banks, and insurance companies, who is not focusing on launching their own 'mobile client' software? These demands are To be honest, if these votes have such expectations, can they not rise? In other words, these votes can be regarded as the direct beneficiaries of the market outbreak. "

"No wonder, damn... I just figured out the logic of these votes now."

"With Mr. Su's 'Yuhang Department' as the main focus, good news as support, and the catalytic effect of the market itself, I think there is no need to analyze too much at this time. As long as the market volume is strong and remains at the level of 500 billion, then Just buy brokerage stocks without thinking. With the current position of the brokerage sector, it’s not like I’m going to say... first speculate in about double the sector index space, and then talk about adjustments.”

"Haha, I agree. At this time, just buy securities stocks without thinking."

"We have prepared the funds and are waiting to raise money in the afternoon. Is there anyone in our group who can replicate what leader Zhang did when he forcibly blocked the 'Huaxin Securities'?"

"Forget it, the check of 'Huaxin Securities' is not something that ordinary main funds can seal."

"If you want to seal the check of 'Huaxin Securities', you must prepare at least 1 billion in funds, right?"

"Just wait for Mr. Su to force the ban today. I feel this way."

"Regardless of whether the market is closed or not, after the market opens, I will be the first to grab it. The "securities" sector has exploded like this. It is basically an operation of picking up money. If you buy it today, you will definitely not lose money."

With the rapid refresh of messages in the group...

Amid much attention, 1 o'clock in the afternoon arrived and the two cities reopened for trading.

As soon as the time hand crossed to 1 o'clock, the market conditions of the two markets changed rapidly. The Shanghai Stock Index rose straight up, rapidly refreshing the intraday increase to a height of 8%, while the securities sector and the Internet gathered the attention of the entire market investor group. The financial sector is even more concentrated, with the sector index rising even faster than the index.

It's almost ten seconds.

The securities sector index jumped to more than 7%; the Internet financial sector index even broke through to an intraday increase of 5%.

And within the two major sectors, there were several component stocks hovering at the daily limit in the morning.

At this moment, due to the extreme rush to raise funds, all stocks were listed on the market and reached the daily limit.

Among them, within the securities sector, the three weighted stocks of "Huaxin Securities, Huatong Securities, and Huatai Securities" have a market increase of 8% at this moment, especially the stock price of "Huatong Securities" , just a little bit, it hit the daily limit.

Of course, in addition to the securities and Internet financial sectors.

The banking and insurance sectors are also experiencing extreme riots at this moment, further rising in a straight line, with Industrial Bank and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank rising directly to 7%.

At 1:01, there was only one minute left until the market reopened.

‘Huatong Securities’ hit the daily limit and was hanging at the daily limit. More than 290,000 orders were sold out in just 5 seconds.

At 1:02, the stock price of Huatong Securities hovered near the daily limit for less than 1 minute. More than 300,000 consecutive major buying orders were placed, completely clearing out all pending orders on the daily limit. , sealing its stock price at the daily limit.

This is the second super-weighted stock in the securities sector to hit the daily limit of 100 billion yuan.

At 1:03, the Shanghai Composite Index was approaching an intraday gain of 3%. At the same time, the point index broke through the 2950 mark, continuing to hit new rebound highs this year, new annual highs, and even new highs in three years after 2011.

At 1:05, 'Huaxin Insurance' hit the daily limit, and it only took one minute for its increase from 5% to the daily limit. Its straight-line upward trend shocked the market. After all, this is a heavyweight stock in the insurance sector. The market capitalization is significantly larger than that of Huatong Securities.

At 1:09, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index broke through the 3% intraday increase, and the securities sector index achieved an intraday increase of more than 5%. Within the entire sector, the number of stocks with daily limit reached 12.

At 1:12, the main net inflow of funds in the securities sector reached the level of 4.5 billion, and the total net inflow in the two days reached more than 7.5 billion.

At 1:15, ‘Huaxin Securities’ broke through the 9% increase, showing its desire to close the market.

At 1:16, inside Yuhang and Yuhang Investment Company, in the main fund trading room, Su Yu stared at the market with his eyes fixed on the market, paying attention to the changes in emotions and the follow-up of the main funds in the direction of the entire 'big finance'. Suddenly he asked Zhang Guobing, "Guobing, take a look at all the orders placed on 'Huaxin Securities'. How much funds are there in total?"

Zhang Guobing took a look and responded: "There are still 300 million pending orders in total, but there are not many super large orders at the level of 10,000 lots. They are mainly composed of orders from retail investors."

"Okay!" Su Yu nodded slightly, "Put this stock up with a sum of funds."

"Laying 'Huaxin Securities'?" Zhang Guobing asked.

Su Yu nodded slightly: "At this moment, your 'Yuhang No. 3' main fund has the most remaining liquidity, and the corresponding position line is also slightly lower. It would be better if you take the lead."

"Okay!" Zhang Guobing nodded.

Then, he issued the corresponding buying order to the trading team behind him.

When the order was issued, within a few seconds, hundreds of millions of funds were poured into the market of "Huaxin Securities".

Continuous 10,000-lot level main buy orders cover the entire "Huaxin Securities" real-time transaction interface.

In just one moment, hundreds of millions of funds.

All pending orders from above the stock price of "Huaxin Securities" to the daily limit were cleared.

At 1:17, after hundreds of millions of funds were used to clear out all sellers' orders above "Huaxin Securities", the stock price of "Huaxin Securities" went straight up, hitting the daily limit in a flash.

I saw ‘Huaxin Securities’ hitting its daily limit.

In the trading room at this moment, Zhang Guobing did not wait for Su Yu's instructions, and quickly tapped on the keyboard to transfer all the 1 billion funds in the trading account under his control in the form of continuous large orders of 10,000 lots according to the daily limit price. The number was hung on the board of 'Huaxin Securities' in one breath.

And when his list is posted.

Appeared on the disk of ‘Huaxin Securities’.

It was a violent closing of more than 500,000 orders, which directly blocked the buying channel of "Huaxin Securities" and completely sealed the leading stock in the brokerage sector at the daily limit.

And when the daily limit of ‘Huaxin Securities’ is sealed.

The intraday trading volume of this stock also surged to over 7 billion.

Among them, the trading seats of the 'Yu Hang Series' have purchased more than 1 billion of this stock today.

And when the stock of ‘Huaxin Securities’ reached its daily limit...

In the entire market, the main line of ‘big finance’ broke out and became even crazier.

In just a moment, the securities sector index soared to an intraday increase of more than 8%, showing a collective daily limit trend; the insurance and banking sector indexes both further exploded in a straight line, rising to a height of nearly 5% during the day. The Internet financial sector has also kept up with the gains of the securities sector. Within the sector, in addition to the negative news, several concept stocks that have only resumed trading today and other concept stocks have already rushed to the daily limit.

At this moment, the market's hype and trend-following sentiment exploded again.

Countless funds are buying without thinking.

Countless investors are aggressively using their credit accounts to finance the purchase of heavyweight stocks in major insurance, banks, and securities companies.

“Damn it, ‘Huaxin Securities’ is up to the limit!”

In an instant, the vast group of retail investors gathered in the discussion area of ​​the trading platform were filled with emotions. At the same time, the shocked look in their eyes could not be concealed at all.

“Is this the first time in four years that ‘Huaxin Securities’ has reached the daily limit?”

"It's not the first time. I remember the time when 'Guangda Securities' triggered the market's own index, it also had a daily limit, but that time it only lasted for a while, and then it collapsed at the opening in the afternoon."

"Does Oolong finger count?"

"If the Oolong finger is not counted, then this is the first time."

"The key is that the check of 'Huaxin Securities' has a market volume of 7 billion today. This is the most shocking thing. This volume should be a new high volume for individual stocks in the market this year, right?"

“Well, ‘Huaguo Construction’ once had a capacity performance of 6.3 billion, but compared with today’s ‘Huaxin Securities’, it is definitely a bit lower.”

“It’s crazy how much money is chasing the main line of ‘big finance’ today.”

"There is no doubt that the bull market is coming!"

"I agree, the brokerage sector has reached its daily limit, which is definitely a bull market coming!"

“More than six years have passed since the last bull market ended, and it’s time!”

"It really brought tears to my eyes. I never thought that in my lifetime, I would still see the collective rise of the 'securities' sector."

"Indeed, the market funds are so violent. Today, not only the 'Securities' sector collectively hit the limit, but the 'Big Financial' sector is rioting across the board. The rebound of other mainline stocks in the market is also very strong."

"A bull market, no doubt about it...this is a bull market across the board."

"It's finally here. I've been waiting for it for five years. Five years... Do you know how I got here in these five years?"

"I hope this time I can get my money back."

"I bought Huaxin Securities in the last bull market with a capital of 80 yuan. Can I get it back this time?"

"Damn it, an 80-yuan book? That's awesome!"

"Don't worry, we will definitely be able to recover. Isn't it just 4 or 5 times the space? We are optimistic that the market value of 'Huaxin Securities' will reach trillions in this bull market, which is the same as the market value of foreign investment banking giants."

“The index can make such an extreme reversal, and ‘big finance’ can explode with such explosive market power... It’s all thanks to Mr. Su!”

"Yes, this round, Mr. Su is definitely the first to win."

"In the last round, the comprehensive breakthroughs in the main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' were not also caused by Mr. Su? Hey... speaking of this, why do I always feel that Mr. Su is driving the market with a mission? Its purpose is to create a big bull market in accordance with the expectations of the regulators.”

"No matter what the purpose is, the bull market is coming and it is good for everyone."

"This is a golden opportunity to make money!"

"I bought financial stocks without thinking. I liquidated all my other positions and swapped them for financial stocks. Since the bull market is here, brokerage stocks are definitely the leaders and will definitely lead the market to rise."

"It's necessary, otherwise would the call of 'Bull Market Flag Bearer' be in vain?"

"With leverage, there are too many stocks in the 'big financial' field that can be purchased with financing."

"The market is so prosperous, it's like dreaming back to 2007."

"The daily turnover of the entire 'securities' sector has exceeded 35 billion, and the net inflow has reached over 6 billion. This should be the first time!"

"Well, it was really explosive."

"The daily limit stocks in the two cities also hit a new high today, a total of 89 stocks!"

"The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index has risen by 15%. Is there going to be a '100-share daily limit' today?"

"Damn it, after the 'brokerage sector' index rose to more than 5%, active funds in the market obviously began to overflow from the main line of 'big finance' to other low-level main lines."

"The stocks in the 'mobile games, smartphones, Apple concept, domestic software, mobile payment, film and television media...' sectors in the main line of 'technology growth' are also experiencing explosive growth."

"Buy, what are you waiting for? Just buy as much money as you have."

"No matter what stock you can buy, you can buy it. At this time, if you buy it, you will make a profit."

"It's coming, it's coming...The bull market is coming!"

In the midst of extremely exciting emotions, extreme following the trend, and chasing funds after following the trend...

With countless news updates in the discussion area of ​​the trading platform, as the market trading time went by, at 1:43, the securities sector index rose to a high of 37%. The entire securities sector stocks, except for the three stocks that were suspended from trading, were all closed. Dead limit.

So far, after a lapse of 6 years, the securities sector has once again seen a shocking market scene of collective daily limit.

After the entire securities sector reached its daily limit...

In the entire market, the huge group of follow-up funds flowing in the direction of 'big finance', seeing that there was nothing to buy, quickly overflowed into low-level main areas such as 'technological growth', 'big consumption', 'non-ferrous cycle', 'medicine', and In addition, some of the bargain hunting has returned to the core main areas such as 'military industry' and 'infrastructure' in the early stage.

At 1:47, there was a huge overflow of funds following the trend.

The core stock in the main line of 'Technology Growth', 'LeTV', suddenly jumped straight up and hit the daily limit. In just three to five minutes, the amount of funds exploded to more than 500 million.

At 1:52, it was affected by the rebound of ‘LeTV’.

The check of ‘Internet Speed ​​Technology’ followed the trend and rose rapidly, and with the rush of countless funds, it hit the daily limit price.

After that, 'mobile games, smartphones, Apple concepts, domestic software, mobile payments, film and television media...' These were at relatively low levels, and they also had very strong expected concept sectors. They all rioted one after another, and corresponding core stocks were listed on 'LeTV. Driven by , Internet Speed ​​​​Technology', they also exploded in volume.


In the field of "big consumption", such as "white goods, liquor, food" and other sectors, there is also a rapid riot.

Core stocks such as the two white goods giants Gree Electric Appliances and Midea Electric Appliances, as well as the liquor duo Qianzhou Moutai and Wuliangye, all experienced explosive gains in just a few minutes.

There are also the main areas of ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’ that have suffered heavy losses in recent times.

This time, there was also a rapid rebound.

Leading concept stocks such as 'China Airlines Heavy Machinery, Fushun Special Steel, Shanghai Construction Engineering, and Beijiang Communications Construction' have rebounded rapidly and recovered their early losses. Among them, especially the check of 'Fushun Special Steel', the 'Blue Stone Heavy Industry' Under the height of the "nuclear power" hotspot created by the installation, the anti-packaging limit has been achieved.

At 2:05, after the market entered the last hour of late trading.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index continued to refresh its intraday increase to 27%, while the Growth Enterprise Market Index and Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index also reached a height of 2%.

Among them, especially the A50 index.

Driven by the extreme riots of 'big finance' and the collective daily limit of the entire 'brokerage' sector.

Even though the two major weighted main sectors of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' did not perform as expected in the corresponding constituent stocks of the A50 index, the intraday increase of this important index directly reached the 5% increase mark, and as the trading time went by , is still continuing to rise higher.

At 2:15, the daily limit of individual stocks in the two cities exceeded 100, achieving the daily limit of 100 stocks.

At the same time, the central bank's internal meeting officially began, the market macro news became more radical, and there were more and more good rumors.

At 2:20, the turnover of the two cities reached more than 570 billion, and it is estimated that the daily turnover will exceed 600 billion. There is no suspense.

And also at this moment.

On the Internet, someone posted photos showing that.

In a certain sales department of "Huaxin Securities" in Shanghai, a long queue of investors waiting to open the financing business has already formed.

2:30, a time when the market generally plunged in the past.

The Shanghai Composite Index, as well as other major market indexes, not only did not plunge lower, but continued to rise.

Among them, the Shanghai Stock Index has refreshed its point height to 2965 points, which is getting closer and closer to the 3000-point mark above. At the same time, everyone’s expectations for the Shanghai Stock Index to hit 3000 points and completely open a bull market are getting higher and higher.

At 2:40, the daily limit of stocks in the two cities exceeded 110. The market's profit-making effect was the highest this year.

At 2:45, when the market entered the last 15 minutes, the transaction volume of the two cities had reached the 600 billion mark, setting a peak transaction volume after the last bull market.

At 2:50, 'Ping An Insurance' hit its daily limit, and its intraday turnover reached 5 billion.

At 2:55, the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank reached its daily limit, and orders of 100 lots appeared on the market. At the same time, the banking sector index rose by 75% during the day.

At 2:57, when the Shenzhen Stock Exchange entered the call auction.

Many core stocks in the sector have shown signs of large-scale fund raising at the level of thousands or tens of thousands of shares.

Finally, when 3 o'clock in the afternoon came, the two markets ushered in the closing moment.

I saw that the Shanghai Index was set at a 47% increase position. The intraday increase of the ChiNext Index and the Shenzhen Index was basically the same as that of the Shanghai Index. At the same time, the A50 Index's intraday increase reached 89%.

In addition to index performance.

The core main lines of the market, the brokerage sector, rose by more than 8%, the Internet finance sector rose by more than 8%, the banking and insurance sectors rose by 5%, and other industry sectors and concept sectors also achieved red closing conditions.

Overall, there are no concept or industry sectors that fell in today's market.

In the entire market, there were more than 2,000 stocks. Except for those that were suspended, less than 100 stocks ended up falling. The hot money-making effect could be said to have reached its extreme.

At the same time, the money-making effect is extremely expanded, and it goes straight to the atmosphere of the last bull market in everyone's memory.

The intraday trading volume of the two cities has soared all the way to 2.9 billion, which not only set a new annual high, but also almost hit a record high in A-share history.

Faced with such closing results.

Faced with the high market volume performance of more than 600 billion, and the collective daily limit of the securities sector.

Not only the investor groups who are paying attention to the market are extremely shocked, but even the regulatory groups and the super main institutions of the "national team" who are silent in the field are dumbfounded and unbelievable at this moment!

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