Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 654: Comprehensive changes in macro-financial aspects!

According to information released publicly by the central bank.

The central bank will increase open market operations, further increase market liquidity, and provide stronger impetus for macroeconomic recovery.

Between the lines of the news, there are many hints of the possibility of future interest rate cuts and RRR cuts.

Of course, the biggest boost to market sentiment and confidence in this news is not the news itself, but the expectation behind the news that the central bank's monetary policy will shift, and that monetary policy will shift from tightening to loosening.

The so-called expectations are more important than the news itself.

As long as the central bank reveals this expectation, it will release the possibility of interest rate cuts and RRR cuts in the future.

Then, under the change of expectations, domestic financial institutions can change their business ideas, boldly expand capital, provide funds more aggressively, and stimulate the macro economy. At the same time, the A-share market can also usher in the easing of monetary policy. Next, more incremental funding.

In general, the signals released by the central bank to the market exceeded the market's original expectations.

Originally, many financial institutions, as well as many investment research institutions, expected the central bank to make changes in monetary policy in the middle of next year, or in the second half of the year. Unexpectedly... this change came sooner than everyone expected. It was faster, and it took more than half a year.

Under this positive stimulus that exceeded expectations.

Whether it is financial institutions, investment institutions, or investor groups... emotions are reaching a climax of excitement.

Financial institutions are cheering that the hard days are finally over and they can finally free up more funds for capital expansion; investment institutions are cheering that the macro-financing situation has finally changed and the capital market has finally ushered in a golden period of investment with ample liquidity; The investor group is cheering that the good news supporting the bull market has finally arrived, and imagining tomorrow's market trend, it is certain that another positive line with heavy volume will directly break through 3,000 points.

Under the clear positive impact.

No matter which corner of the market or which discussion platform investors gather on.

Everyone has the same view, that is, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index will definitely step on 3,000 points tomorrow, and the "big financial" sector will definitely continue to run upward tomorrow.

At the same time, everyone agrees that the bull market has arrived.

After the central bank's positive announcement, the external market trend was also good in the evening.

The next day, stimulated by these positive factors, and under the influence of the "Yuhang Group", the core main force in the market, for two consecutive days, the mainline stocks of "Big Finance" were frantically raised on a large scale.

Before the market officially opened, investment sentiment in the two cities had already exploded.

Countless investors are staring at the market prices of the two cities, as well as the stocks they like or hold, all of which are trading at daily limits.

"The market sentiment is so hot. According to this emotional response, the market won't go directly over 3000 points when it opens, right?" At around 9 o'clock in the morning, in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Xiniu Fund Company, the main fund trading room, the man in charge of 'Man Mou Zhengxing, the trading fund manager of the Niu No. 2 fund, glanced at Fang Xinsheng, the general manager of the asset management business beside him and the fund manager of the two funds, Man Niu No. 1 and Man Niu No. 2, and asked, "You Do you think it would be feasible if the Shanghai Stock Index directly crossed 3,000 points at the opening and left a gap here?"

Fang Xinsheng squinted his eyes and responded with a smile: "If the Shanghai stock index can jump directly upward today, crossing the 3,000-point mark, leaving a gap at this key point without covering it, then naturally it will be The most ideal market trend is also the strongest market trend performance.


Fang Xinsheng paused and then said: "I'm afraid that after the market opens higher than 3,000 points, the volume will increase sharply, and the market's follow-up volume will not be able to sustain the market at this position, forming an obvious high opening. If the downward trend develops like this, there will be many variables in the subsequent market trend.

Of course, looking at it as a whole.

The market's investment sentiment and speculation sentiment have been completely stimulated by many positive news.

As long as the volume of energy remains at a strong stage of more than 500 billion, the expectation of a "big bull market" will not weaken, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index should not be as extreme as before.

Fortunately, the central bank's internal meeting yesterday released a clearer signal.

This is more effective than the current direct interest rate cuts and RRR cuts.

After all, the formation of expectations has a greater role in promoting market conditions than the direct fulfillment of expectations.

This time, the regulators were smarter.

There are clear expectations of changes in the macro-capital landscape, and there are expectations that the central bank will cut interest rates and reserve requirement ratios in the future. Even if the Shanghai Stock Index is very likely to rise and fall today, it is still stuck at 3,000 points, so the future market expectations should be relatively high. beautiful.

Generally speaking, it doesn’t matter how the Shanghai Stock Index goes at the moment.

There is no need for us to be pessimistic. It is still the right thing to actively trade, keep up with the main hot spots in the market, and make quick profits at the right time. "

"Yeah!" Mou Zhengxing nodded, "Fortunately, we have laid out a lot of positions on the main line of 'big finance' before. Otherwise, this time, the whole main line of 'big finance' broke out so suddenly and violently, it's really... It’s hard to get in.”

In the past two days, the securities sector has been going extremely strong, which is completely an extreme short squeeze trend.

With such a trend, as long as you hesitate for a moment, you will miss the buying point.

Even though the trading volume of the securities sector has been rising continuously in the past two days, and has reached a volume of 30 billion yesterday, according to his observation, the core main funds that can decisively and significantly increase positions in the securities sector within these two days are still Not much. There are still a lot of funds at this moment, which have missed the main line of "big finance".

"Market sentiment has developed to this point, and expectations are forming quite quickly." Fang Xinsheng said, "At this time, for the main line of 'big finance' that has formed consistent expectations, it is hesitant to consider the so-called cost of building a position." If you follow some trading rules that say you cannot chase high prices during the trading session, you are destined to remain short."

"So... our next trading goal is to buy stocks in the field of 'big finance' regardless of cost?" Mou Zhengxing asked.

Fang Xinsheng nodded and said: "Of course, the entire market, capital flow has been fully concentrated in the direction of 'big finance'. If we don't continue to increase positions in this field, which field can we increase positions in? And compared with the previous period, it has continued to rise sharply. Main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', whose valuation levels have been fully restored, as well as the main line 'technological growth' which has surged last year and created wave after wave of hype, today's stocks in the main line field of 'big finance' , in fact, the price-performance ratio is still very high, and the relative position of the stock price is not high.

For trading, it should be said that this time is the clearer right-hand opportunity.

In order to avoid the main line of the market, we developed towards the main line of "technological growth" when switching between high and low.

Therefore, a lot of positions were laid out in the main line of ‘technological growth’.

Now, since the market has not chosen the main line of 'technological growth', but has chosen the line of 'big finance' as the main direction of the market.

Then, we must correct our previous investment strategies and trading methods.

It is only appropriate to gradually reduce the stakes in the main line of 'technological growth' and further focus the chips in the direction of the main line of 'big finance'. "

"Okay!" Mou Zhengxing nodded.

Then, the corresponding trading strategies are quickly distributed to each trading group.

Similarly, in the main internal fund trading room of Principal Financial Investment Company in Shanghai, Zhao Zhongming, the fund manager responsible for the 'Principal Future Investment Mixed Selection' fund product, glanced at the time and quickly issued an order, asking each trading group to All the remaining liquidity in the fund will be placed to raise orders for securities stocks.

At the same time, when placing orders to increase positions and buying securities stocks regardless of cost, you should also quickly place orders to reduce positions in stocks on other main lines, so as to withdraw funds and further gather the holding chips onto the main line of "big finance".

After all, there is so much news that is good for the main direction of "big finance".

Moreover, it can be expected that subsequent benefits in the direction of "big finance" will follow one after another.

So, if we don’t increase our positions at this time, when will we increase our positions?

"Boss, are you buying everything at the daily limit?" Yi Xiaopeng, the trading team leader, was confused and asked again.

Zhao Zhongming nodded and said: "Since the direction of the market has been determined, there is no need to hesitate. The securities companies' stocks will be placed in a balanced position, and the orders will be placed according to the daily limit price to grab funds. At this time, at this point in time, no matter how much the cost , there is a high probability that you can make money by buying.

Furthermore, the securities sector is compared to the height of the entire market at this time.

In particular, compare the valuations of sectors such as ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’ in the early stage, as well as the stock valuations in the main line of ‘technological growth’.

However, it has just broken through the previous sideways trend, and an opportunity on the right has just appeared.

Under such an opportunity, if we care about the cost space of opening a position for a few short points, there is a high probability that we will always be short, or miss more profit margins, which will increase the cost of opening a position. "

"Understood!" Yi Xiaopeng nodded and ordered the traders to execute the instructions quickly.

Following Yi Xiaopeng's instructions, the traders executed the instructions.

At this time, the market time has moved to 9:15, and the two cities are ushering in collective bidding.

I saw that under the intense and high-pitched emotions of countless investor groups, the stagnant market prices of the two markets began to jump rapidly.

First of all, what catches everyone's attention is naturally the securities sector, which has attracted countless attention from the market in the past two days.

The securities sector at this time.

Assisted by last night's positive bombing and intensifying emotions, the sector index jumped directly from the position where trading was suspended yesterday to a 23% increase. In the entire main line of 'big finance', other sectors such as 'Internet Finance' In the concept sector, insurance, and banking sectors, the initial call auction openings at this moment also directly opened to an increase of more than 3%.

As for the core stocks within its relevant sectors.

Many core leading stocks such as 'Western Securities, Oriental Securities, Guangda Securities, Pacific Securities, Flush, Great Wisdom, Jinzheng Shares, Yinjie Technology, Changliang Technology...' that hit the daily limit yesterday, at this moment, they also opened directly. At the position of the daily limit board, countless large funds were directly raised and blocked on the daily limit board, resulting in a situation where the daily limit was opened.

And there are many 'big finance' companies like 'Huaxin Securities, Huatong Securities, Huatai Securities, Ping An Insurance, Ping An Bank, China Pacific Insurance, Huaxin Insurance, China Commercial Bank, Industrial Bank, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, Huajian Bank...' The current opening range of core weight stocks is more than 3%. In particular, the opening range of several securities weight stocks is more than 5%.

In addition to the main line field of 'big finance' that exploded into the market.

Other main market areas.

Main areas such as 'Technology Growth', 'Big Consumption', 'Non-ferrous Cycle', and 'Pharmaceuticals', related concept sectors, industry sector indexes, and high opening ranges are all between 1% and 2%, which have an impact on sentiment. , but in fact, compared with the main line of 'big finance', the impact of emotions on these concept sectors and industry sectors is not that huge.

As for the early core main sectors such as ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’.

At this time, the opening pattern basically showed a flat situation, even like the core stocks in the main line fields of "infrastructure" and "military industry" held by the "Yu Hang Group" before, such as "Hua Guo Construction, Hua Guo Zhong" China Metallurgical Corporation, China Construction Engineering Corporation, China Railway Construction Corporation, China Communications Construction Company, Conch Cement, Huaxin Building Materials, Gemdale Group, Kewan Real Estate, China Fortune Land Development, China Airlines Shenyang Aircraft Corporation, Aviation Power, Aviation Technology...' and dozens of other companies At this moment, heavyweight stocks also showed an obvious trend of opening slightly lower, and a lot of active selling emerged on the market.

Moreover, these stocks have basically underperformed the market in the past two trading days.

At a time when "Big Finance" is experiencing an all-round surge, these stocks not only failed to keep up with the increase in the index, but also dropped significantly by several points. It can be regarded as the weakest performance area in the market in recent trading days.

In addition to these core main lines, there are also branch lines.

The 'sub-new stocks' field and the 'sports industry development' field, which have received considerable attention from the investor community before, at this moment, the high opening range of the two major concept sectors is basically in line with the 'technological growth', 'big consumption', and 'non-ferrous cycle' When the main line areas are at par, it can be considered as keeping up with the performance of the market.

However, there are two core stocks in its two major branch areas.

'Leiman Optoelectronics' opened higher at this moment, also reaching more than 5%, and the check of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment', under extremely high market attention, maintained the trend of opening at the daily limit at this moment.

Thereafter, as the collective bidding time goes by.

The performance of major market main lines remained unchanged overall.

After that, when the trading time passed 9:20 and the two cities entered the call auction stage where orders were truly irrevocable, the performance of the major main lines fell slightly.

However, the time was getting closer and closer to 9:25.

In the last three minutes of the call auction, the main line of 'big finance', which is the core of the market, began to gradually rise again and returned to the opening position at the beginning of the call auction.

Finally, when 9:25 came, the two cities ended the entire collective bidding process.

As expected, the Shanghai Stock Index opened as high as 37% and settled at 83 points, leaping over the important 3,000-point mark and leaving about 30 points at this extremely important pressure point. gap, showing an extremely strong opening trend.

Except for the Shanghai Index, the opening gains of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index were all above 1%.

In particular, the A50 index opened higher and even reached a 24% increase. The strong trend is clearly visible.

As for the final opening performance of major popular main lines in the market.

The securities sector opened 11% higher, leading all industry sectors and concept sectors in the two cities.

The insurance and banking sectors followed, opening 23% and 79% higher respectively.

After the "big finance" related sectors, the film and television media, Internet software, Internet applications, and food and beverage industry sectors followed, with higher opening ranges ranging from 1% to 2%.

After that, the main areas of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', such as 'defense and military industry, commercial real estate, construction decoration, building materials' and other industry sectors, either opened flat or opened slightly lower, becoming a drag on the major market indexes, and also It has become the main leading industry sector in the market.

In terms of conceptual sectors, the layouts of the two cities are similar.

The two major concept sectors of "securities" and "Internet finance" led the gains, followed by banking, insurance concepts, mobile payment, smart cities, domestic software, Apple concepts, electronic information, liquor, white goods and other concept sectors.

As for the concept sections related to several major conceptual themes in the early stage, such as 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', there are also 'military-civilian integration, domestic aircraft carriers, Beidou Navigation, Shanghai Concept sectors such as the Municipal Free Trade Zone, Northeast Revitalization, Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone, and Pearl River Delta Economic Zone clearly underperformed the market's major core indexes, showing a trend of opening flat or slightly lower, and have become the market's leading losers. A number of concept sections.

Under this opening pattern...

Especially when you see the securities sector, in the entire call auction transaction, the volume exploded to 1.5 billion at the opening, with an increase of 5%; you see that 'Big Finance' continues to lead the rise across the board in both markets; you see the inside of the 'Internet Finance' sector Core stocks opened at daily limits one after another.

The inner emotions of the entire market and most investor groups have further increased.

Inside and outside the market, the bull market flames ignited by the "Yu Hang System" and the investment confidence continuously bombarded by the positive market macro news are becoming more and more enthusiastic and popular.

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