Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 656: Actively exposed trading seat!

"What's wrong?" Noticing Lin Tingzong's unhappy expression, the company's general manager Gu Chijiang asked with a smile, "Why are you still not happy when the market rebounds across the board?"

Lin Tingzong sighed lightly and replied: "The main reason is that I am not sure whether the rebound in the 'Technology Growth' line can last. This time, although our fund immediately reduced its position in 'Infrastructure' and 'Infrastructure' at a relatively high point in the market," The early core main lines such as "military industry" have achieved the strategic change of "high and low switching".

However, the direction we switched completely missed the direction of the main line of the market.

Currently, we have basically no chips in the ‘big finance’ line, especially in the two core sectors of ‘brokerage’ and ‘internet finance’!

If we currently switch heavily to the ‘technological growth’ line, the subsequent rebound will not be as good as expected.

At the same time, the two major sectors of 'Securities' and 'Internet Finance' continue to violently break upward and enter an extremely strong main uptrend. If there is no chance for a correction...then we will be quite passive in terms of positions. Not only will The market has been significantly undervalued, resulting in the result of earning only the index but not making any money, and it is very likely that the entire market will continue to suffer the consequences of funds being siphoned off by the main line of 'big finance', making the line of 'technological growth' appear correspondingly weak. The correction trend has also caused the net value of our fund products to continue to retreat and continue to be sluggish!

But at this time, we rashly rebounded in the line of 'technological growth', and the volume and energy performance were good. When there seemed to be some signs of the end of the adjustment, we took out positions in this field to pursue the general 20% increase from the bottom. Gains were seen among core constituent stocks in the 'Securities' and 'Internet Finance' sectors.

Then, once the 'technological growth' line forms a bottom reversal trend.

This further opened up the subsequent continuous profit-making effect, formed a double reversal in sentiment and investment confidence, and caused the entire market to form a trend of parallel breakthroughs in "big finance" and "technological growth".

At this time, it seems completely unnecessary for us to adjust positions on a large scale to pursue the main line of "big finance".

Moreover, if the main line of market conditions rotates.

If we pursue the main line of 'Big Finance' at this time, we will most likely miss the opportunity to make up for the increase in the main line of 'Technology Growth' and fall into the short-term correction trend of the main line of 'Big Finance'.

So, it’s a bit difficult to handle!

The overall market trend is very good, but which main line do you prefer? But he hesitated. "

After listening to Lin Tingzong's words, Gu Chijiang pondered for a while and said: "Since we are not sure yet, we can also intervene in both main lines, provide half of the chips for the 'technological growth' main line, and intervene in the 'big finance' main line. Conduct investment transactions with a parallel strategy of focusing on both lines.

In this way, no matter what happens next.

The market is on these two main lines, which one should be focused on?

Then, we will not have the result of a sharp short market, and we will avoid the risk of concentrated positions.

When the market conditions are not so clear, we can only sacrifice part of our profit expectations and choose investment strategies that are less risky. "

Although the company's two main funds are in the main line of the market in this round.

They failed to accurately grasp the context of the development of the market's main lines, and failed to move from high to low, from the early popular main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', to perfectly cut into the main line of 'big finance', and get these two or three In this trading day, the main line of 'Big Finance' made explosive profits.

However, they avoided the sharp decline in the early popular main lines such as "infrastructure" and "military industry" in the past few days.

At the same time, in the past few days, the trend of the main line of 'Technology Growth', although not as good as the main line of 'Big Finance', has barely kept up with the broader market, which is not bad.

That is to say, although it is not perfect, it is still a relatively good position adjustment strategy.

And, compared to last year.

This year, the net value performance of the company's two main fund products is not bad. The investor group is also quite satisfied with the current net value performance of the two main funds.

In this way, Gu Chijiang felt...this result was enough.

"What Mr. Gu said... is correct!" Lin Tingzong thought for a while and said, "Since we have missed the opportunity and missed the violent breakthrough trend of the 'big financial' sector in front, then the only choice at this moment is A compromise plan is more appropriate to divide the positions into two main lines of chips."

After saying that, Lin Tingzong began to put aside his hesitation and quickly issued corresponding instructions to the traders.

At Jingda Investment Company, the two main fund products, under Lin Tingzong's decision, began to take advantage of the high prices to reduce their holdings of some of the 'technology growth' stocks that had been involved in the early stage, and then pursued high-level stocks in some of the 'securities' and 'Internet finance' sectors. At the time of core component stocks.

Anzhao Fund Co., Ltd. is also located in Yuhang.

At this moment, the fund managers related to several of the company's main fund products, as well as general manager Qin Qiuyue, and fund manager Zhou Hui, were all in a happy mood, and their eyes were glowing with excitement.

"I have to say, Mr. Su is still the best!" Qin Qiuyue looked at the securities sector index that had soared to a 65% increase and sighed happily, "The explosion of the securities sector was so fast that it exploded. In three trading days, The general rebound increase of more than 20% is really a growth that lags behind for several months, and it is made up in three days.”

The explosion of the entire securities sector, as well as the main line of 'big finance', was stronger than she had previously expected.

Much faster.

It was not until this moment that she intuitively felt the market trend pattern of "the horizontal is as long as the vertical is as high", and she understood how accurate Su Yu's judgment on the main line of the market was, and at the same time, she also truly felt After nearly two months of waiting, the wait was finally not in vain.

Zhou Hui responded with a smile: "Has Mr. Qin noticed what everyone said in the internal group of major investors in our main fund? Many investors are praising Mr. Qin? Those big financial companies that have heavily invested in us before 'The main line of dissatisfaction, or comments criticizing us, have all disappeared."

"This is a normal thing." Qin Qiuyue smiled and said, "In the final analysis, retail investors still follow their emotions when trading and judging the market. They are happy when it goes up, and they become pessimistic when it goes down. .”

Zhou Hui nodded and said: "Indeed, this is also the reason why in our big A market, when it is optimistic, it is extremely optimistic, and when it is pessimistic, it is extremely pessimistic. The market pendulum effect is huge, whether it is individual stocks or corresponding stocks. The main market trend and the overall valuation of the entire market are always influenced by emotions. Without a reasonable pricing mechanism, there will be no so-called slow bull trend.

As long as the institutions of the investment group do not change.

Then, the fundamental situation of big A being dominated by emotions is probably not going to change. Bulls are short and bears are long, and it will definitely be the norm. "

"You want to say... we don't need to be overly optimistic, right?" Qin Qiuyue looked at Zhou Hui with a smile.

Zhou Hui nodded slightly and said: "Well, I think we should have a clear understanding of the market. Although the pendulum effect of the market is unavoidable, overestimation is overestimation, and underestimation is underestimation. No matter how the market changes, valuation Mean reversion will always happen.

What is investment profit, what is risk profit, what is sentiment premium, what is valuation repair.

As fund managers, we should still be aware of this.

But now, market sentiment has entered a fiery stage, and "bull market expectations" have gradually penetrated into the minds of the majority of investors in the market.

It is estimated that this hot money-making effect of the market will continue for a long time.

It will take at least half a year or a year.

We don’t have to worry too much in this half year or one year. We can carry out investment transactions and market making according to relatively radical investment strategies. "

"Agree!" Qin Qiuyue said with a smile, "Keep a clear head, but you still have to follow the market trend."

While the two were talking...

The market trading time has unconsciously moved to around 10:30.

I saw that after an hour of intense trading, the market pattern of the entire market at this moment has gradually stabilized, forming a main line of 'big finance' leading the rise, 'technological growth' making up for the rise, 'big consumption', 'non-ferrous metals' Cyclical' and 'Chemical Petroleum' followed the market fluctuations, and the main lines of 'Infrastructure' and 'Military Industry', which had retraced sharply in previous trading days, rebounded slightly and recovered from the decline.

And when the overall market pattern begins to gradually become fixed.

The time-sharing trading volume performance of the two cities began to gradually stabilize at this time.

Finally, when 11:30 noon arrived, the two cities ushered in the midday closing moment. The Shanghai Index remained at the intraday high and fluctuated. The Shenzhen Index and the ChiNext Index rebounded and increased, slightly stronger than the Shanghai Index. The two major indexes, the Small and Medium Enterprises Index and the A50 Index, The index rose by more than 4%.

That is, the overall market pattern is a partial weight adjustment.

However, most heavyweight stocks, as well as small-cap concept stocks, surged simultaneously.

Among them, the main line of ‘big finance’ has attracted much attention.

At the close of trading at noon, the 'Securities' sector index rose close to 8%. Within the entire sector, there were only 7 stocks that had not reached their daily limit; the 'Insurance' and 'Bank' sectors once again rose by more than 4%, among which 'China' Tongbao's daily limit; the 'Internet Finance' sector is still second only to the securities sector today. Within the sector, there are still more than 10 stocks that have reached their daily limit. Among them, in the last few minutes of midday, 'Oriental Fortune' rose again The daily limit was sealed, and the half-day turnover reached about 2 billion.

Under such a closing situation...

At noon, the entire market was amidst heated discussions among the broad investor group.

Everyone's expectations for the market conditions, as well as the market performance that has emerged, and their emotional expression are still extremely excited and excited.

And off the market, there are countless new investor groups.

We are still actively entering the market, and securities companies are still busy with their financing business and new account opening business.

Moreover, the regulatory agencies that review new fund products are extremely busy at this moment. According to internal information, more than 300 new fund products have been approved for approval within half a day.

There are also many ‘southern capital’ groups living in Hong Kong.

At this time, we watched the A-share market explode and continue to make money.

They also couldn't wait for the opening of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect, so they used other methods to borrow the channel and go north to enter the market.

Under the influence of these emotions, as well as the news, and the money-making effect of the market itself exploding...

Even though the news was quiet at noon.

Wait until the market reopens for trading in the afternoon.

The entire market still erupted in a wave of rapid buying.

This wave of rapid buying almost unanimously poured into the already very popular main line field of "big finance", adding fuel to the fire, pushing the entire "securities" sector up to the collective daily limit again.

At 2:05 p.m., the core weight stock of ‘Huaxin Securities’ once again reached its daily limit.

The brokerage sector index hit a 42% increase. Within the entire sector, except for a few brokerage stocks that were suspended from trading, all other brokerage stocks hit their daily limit.

Moreover, at this moment, the intraday trading volume of ‘Huaxin Securities’.

Compared with yesterday, the volume was extremely large, reaching the daily turnover mark of 10 billion, setting a new high in the daily turnover of individual stocks in the past five years, and once again shocking all investor groups participating in market transactions.

"Damn it, 10 billion turnover!"

Seeing "Huaxin Securities" sealing the daily limit after an explosion of 10 billion in funds, countless pairs of eyes of the entire market investor group were filled with shock. In an instant, countless people expressed emotion.

"Oh my God, I remember the beginning of the year, last year and the year before last, when the market conditions of the two cities were at their lowest, the total daily trading volume of the two cities was only over 10 billion. Now, the daily trading volume of a single stock of 'Huaxin Securities' is, It’s reached the 10 billion level, it’s really awesome... I’m so impressed!”

"What a shocking scene. I wonder who is the big boss who is in charge of sealing the title of 'Huaxin Securities' today?"

"No matter who it is, this scene is so shocking!"

"10 billion, that's 10 billion, the market is simply crazy!"

"The explosion was so explosive that... all three senses were shattered."

"So many institutions have said that market capital is not good. Is this a bad capital situation?"

"It's completely unimaginable. Can anyone tell me why the market has exploded so rapidly recently? Hell, the turnover of a single stock has exceeded 10 billion."

"The fundamental reason is that the market is not short of funds."

"What kind of funds are missing? At present, confidence in the property market has not been restored. As soon as the money-making effect of the market came out, countless active funds outside the market poured in. To be honest... Under this situation, the market turnover of 600 billion The performance is really not surprising at all.”

"Yes, yes, in the final analysis, it is still at this time, and there is no 'vampire' effect of the property market."

"And the central bank's favorable documents last night, right?"

"Well, everyone found that the central bank wants to shift its monetary policy and further release the currency liquidity in the market, which will naturally squeeze out more funds."

"Sure enough, confidence is more important than gold!"

"No, facts have proven that as long as the market's investment confidence can be fully established, the market can have a sustained money-making effect, and the amount of energy and funds is not a problem at all."

"Damn it, it really feels like everyone is frantically scrambling for money."

"If you don't grab it now, when will you wait?"

"The sooner you grab chips, the sooner you make money. The stock of 'Huaxin Securities', which opened at a high price yesterday, has already made a profit of one board today."

"So is the 'Oriental Fortune' I'm after!"

"After the index breaks through 3,000 points, it is really a no-brainer to buy. You can make money from anything you buy."

"Look at today's market. There are more than 2,000 stocks, and more than 1,900 stocks are red. If you buy them with your eyes closed, you can still make a lot of money!"

"Since I entered the market, I have never seen such a market situation before. Sure's better to come early than to come by chance!"

"The securities sector has collectively raised its limit for two consecutive days. This trend... is so fierce. It seems that the Shanghai Stock Index will not be able to stop it from reaching 4,000 points by the end of the year."

"From a technical point of view, after the Shanghai stock index fluctuated sideways for more than a month, it is obvious that it is now continuing to break through."

"Looking at the overall situation, this is considered a second wave trend, right?"

"It is definitely the second wave, 3,000 points... This is not just the foot of the mountain. At this time, we must hold on to the chips and only increase the position, not reduce it."

"Such a good market price is not something that was trapped before. Who is selling it?"

"It was said before that in the main line of 'big finance', trillions of accumulated chips were locked up, and it was impossible to pull them up. Now look at it... it's really a slap in the face!"

“This is not the first time these institutional groups have been slapped in the face, so it doesn’t matter.”

"It feels like the market's volume of 600 billion has exploded in the past two or three days, especially the entire 'big finance' main line. The daily turnover has been over 50 billion. With this level of volume performance, I feel that the entire 'big finance' main line has The early holding chips should have been loosened by now, right?"

"It must be loose. You can tell by looking at the chip distribution structure of many stocks."

"Sell it. At this time, I wish those guys who were trapped in the 'big finance' field before would sell more, so that they can have the opportunity to pick up chips at a low price!"

"Indeed, the line of 'big finance' is currently the buying point for all declines and all corrections."

"Hey, it's so annoying to talk about it. I was planning to buy the stock 'Western Securities' this morning, but I didn't buy it. I just canceled the order and wanted to buy 'Huaxin Securities' but I missed it."

"In this situation, once the core leading stocks are closed, it is usually difficult to open."

"The market sentiment is so hot. If you don't chase the leader, you'll be fine chasing the trendy stocks. You can just make money casually!"

"Well, I have already backhand bought the "Shanghai Steel Union" which has not yet reached its daily limit. I hope this leading concept that had an explosive performance last year will also perform well this year."

Amidst everyone's heated and even heated discussions...

The time arrived at 3pm.

After intense trading, the two cities came to a close.

The Shanghai Stock Index opened higher and moved higher, finally settling at 22 points, up 87%; the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index rose 97% and 21% respectively; the remaining core important indexes, the A50 Index, benefited from the resumption of the brokerage sector. A concentrated daily limit was reached, closing up 65%, while the small and medium-sized index closed up 11%, driven by the 'Internet Finance' sector.

In addition to the overall surge in the indexes of the two cities, the transaction volume also surged further, reaching 9.8 billion.

Compared with yesterday, the volume continues to explode.

And the stock of 'Huaxin Securities', at the final close, a total of 3.9 billion was traded in the day, reaching a new high in individual stock trading volume since the Shanghai Stock Index rebounded from 2,000 points at the beginning of the year. It was also the first stock in recent years to have an intraday trading volume exceeding 10 billion in stocks.

As for the performance of various main lines of the market.

The brokerage sector collectively hit the daily limit, with an intraday increase of 47%; the 'Internet Finance' sector rose by 11% during the day; film and television media, domestic software, Apple concepts, smart cities... and other concept sectors in the main line of 'technological growth' all increased at an average rate of 11%. It varies from 3% to 4%.

Others include mainline sectors such as ‘big consumption’, ‘non-ferrous cycle’, and ‘petrochemical industry’.

The growth rate is basically between 5% and 5%, which is slightly weaker than the index performance. However, a number of core stocks in its sector have basically kept up with the index growth.

The core main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', which have risen sharply in the past few months, have recently been clearly abandoned by active market capital groups, as well as those surrounding the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, and Maritime Silk Road' , 'Reform and Reorganization of Central Enterprises and State-owned Enterprises' and other conceptual themes with main lines oscillating among large concept sector groups.

It rose slightly today.

The growth rates of many related industry sectors and concept sectors are between 5% and 1%.

Overall, although these major main areas still seriously underperformed the broader market index, they finally did not continue to fall, and judging from the intraday market, there are also a lot of bargain-hunting funds entering these areas.

Of course, though.

These main areas, and their related conceptual sectors, still severely hindered the two cities today, becoming the main areas leading the decline in the two cities. They also restricted the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index. The securities sector collectively rose to the limit, and the insurance and banking sectors rose by more than 3%. In the end, the Shanghai Stock Index still underperformed the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index.

However, overall...

Although the market trends in the early main lines such as ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’ were not satisfactory.

However, the overall money-making effect of the market, as well as the continued hot sentiment created by the main line of 'big finance', are clearly further stimulating the nerves of off-site investors in the market, and are increasingly implanting 'big bull market expectations' more deeply into the market. in the minds of all investor groups, both internal and external.

Compared with the initial main lines such as ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’, it has driven market sentiment and investment confidence.

Nowadays, the continuous riots on the main line of 'big finance' and the extreme money-making effect they have condensed are obviously stronger and more violent.

After the market closes.

Discussions and emotional catharsis among investor groups in the two cities are still fierce.

Especially when the dragon and tiger rankings of the two cities were announced at 5:30 p.m., everyone discovered that on the dragon and tiger rankings of 'Huaxin Securities', the 'Yu Hang Group' seats on Fortune Road were still being purchased, and The buying funds were still as high as more than 200 million, and everyone was directly petrified.

"Oh my god, is Mr. Su... crazy?"

When the "Huaxin Securities" dragon and tiger list blinded everyone's eyes again, everyone was simply unbelievable. Even the main hot money groups in Yuhang, where Su Yu was located, faced This data on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking made my heart explode in the same way.

"This kind of extreme rush for funds is really rare. Did Mr. Su not have a position in the 'Securities' sector before?"

"No way? It shouldn't be!"

"How else could it be possible to get so many chips in the securities sector for three consecutive days? The check from Huaxin Securities alone should be no less than 3 billion in funds."

"If Mr. Su really didn't lurk before and directly pulled the market...hehe...then the market of the securities sector is really going to continue to be short squeezed."

"Oh my God, according to Mr. Su's buying news, this can't be true, right?"

"Then why are you going crazy for chips in the securities sector?"

‘Aren’t you already crazy now? "

"Damn it, Mr. Su really hasn't exhausted all the bargaining chips for a series of main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', right?"

"It shouldn't be possible, right? Looking at the positions of the institution 'Anzhao Fund', the other party started almost 2 months ago when the 'Yuhang Group' headed by Mr. Su last announced its market positions and made its net worth public. The main line of 'big finance' has been established on a large scale! Logically speaking... the changes in investment trends and changes in core positions of several major funds of the company 'Anzhao Fund' must have been affected by Mr. Su."

"It's hard to say. Until now, Mr. Su's 'Fortune Road' seat has not appeared on the core main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry'. It stands to reason that Mr. Su is on the core main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' , but with hundreds of billions of chips, it’s hard to avoid being on the Dragon and Tiger list with such a huge amount of chips, right?”

"Anyway, as soon as the "Huaxin Securities" dragon and tiger list came out today, there are really more speculations. At present, no one should be able to gain insight into the position structure of Mr. Su's "Yuhang Department".

"Regardless of whether the 'Yuhang Department' headed by President Su has lurked the main line of 'big finance' in advance, I feel that the short squeeze on the main line of 'big finance' will definitely happen next."

"I agree. Damn it, the expectations of the 'big finance' line are too strong!"

"However, expectations are getting stronger, so there should be some differences tomorrow, right?"

"Well, today's transaction volume of 'Huaxin Securities' has reached 10 billion. Tomorrow, there will definitely be some differences in the direction of 'big finance'. The funds that intervened in the direction of 'big finance' in the early stage will obtain more than 20% of the total in the short term." After huge profits, there will definitely be a strong desire to reduce positions and stop profits.”

"The divergence is just right. I'm just waiting to buy it."

"This check from Western Securities seems to be the absolute leader in the securities sector this round. I feel that after the market opens tomorrow, there is a high probability that the daily limit will be sealed and it will take a four-board space, right?"

“Based on today’s Dragon and Tiger ranking data of ‘Huaxin Securities’, there won’t be much problem with Western Securities tomorrow.”

"We still have to see how the check for 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' will go tomorrow. Damn it, the daily limit is 24. It's simply blinding the market and shattering its outlook."

"The key is that the regulators have stopped investigating recently. This is a very important signal!"

"'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' is a new stock, how to check? And if the new stock is not allowed to be speculated, how can the IPO be carried out? Isn't this a shame on the part of the regulators? The big leaders have all said that the capital market should be activated. At this stage, regulators should turn a blind eye to excessive market hype."

"Hey, judging from the direction you mentioned... I feel that there is still a lot of potential for the 'sub-new stocks' branch!"

"Something must be done. Unfortunately, among the newly listed stocks recently, there are no stocks with the concept of 'big finance', otherwise it will definitely explode."

"There should be a follow-up, but I don't know how long the fire of 'big finance' will last?"

"Based on the incoming incremental funds of at least 10 billion for many consecutive days, a sustained market trend of at least half a month, or even a month of continuous main rising market is a minimum."

"At least for now, there is no need to worry about the 'big finance' line."

"The check for 'Blue Stone Reload' was actually a bit heavy in the late trading, and the funds were a bit rushed. I feel that the 25th board tomorrow will not be so easy to seal."

"The main reason is that the position is too high, and the funds that dare to undertake it have been greatly reduced."

"Indeed, I am not a person who is afraid of heights, but I don't dare to take the position of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment'."

“Is there any new stock that’s the best in history?”

"It is also the new stock with the largest difference in market expectations before and after its listing. It is funny to think that before this check was listed, the target price estimated by the institution was 85 yuan. It is almost 15 times different from the current market price."

"After three consecutive days of extreme surges in the securities sector, the future should be purely a paradise for big funds. If we are really short-term, I think there are more opportunities in the 'Internet Finance' sector."

"I agree, the core main sectors of 'big finance' such as securities, insurance, and banks should mostly follow the trend in the future. They are indeed a paradise for big funds. Within the 'Internet Finance' sector, currently, except for 'Oriental Fortune' and 'Hengsheng Electronic 'Two Checks' and other concept stocks are basically small and medium-cap stocks with a market value of less than 10 billion, or even around 10 billion, which are obviously easier to speculate, and their elasticity is higher than the 'big financial' mainline stocks on the main board. According to Hyping in this direction is obviously better.”

"There are also venture capital, equity funds, and private equity financial concept stocks. Can we also dig deeper?"

"Currently, these are not financial stocks with pure concepts. You should not be in a hurry. Once you finish speculating on stocks with pure financial concepts, when the securities, insurance, banking, and Internet finance sectors have risen to such an extent that the financial divergence is even greater, and the stock prices are obviously higher than the market price. At this time, active speculation funds should dig out and speculate on these low-level concept stocks."

“In short, it’s right to stick to the ‘Internet Finance’ sector first.”

“I wonder if Mr. Su’s previous layout chips in the ‘Internet Finance’ sector have been sold?”

"Whether Mr. Su sells it or not, the market should not be able to avoid the 'Internet Finance' sector."

"Yes, I will continue working on 'Flush' tomorrow. I am quite optimistic about this check. At the same time, the trading software platform, Flush, has more users than 'Oriental Fortune', but in terms of market value, it is 3% behind." More than 100 times, there is obviously a need to make up for the increase. Of course, the business model of Oriental Fortune is definitely different, and with the business blessing of the acquired securities company, the market value and performance expectations should be higher, but this is too high. too much."

"We are also optimistic about the stock 'Flush'..."

In the continuous refresh of messages in the group, the entire network's discussions on the 'Huaxin Securities' Dragon and Tiger List data, the subsequent market trends, and the 'Yu Hang Group' financial institutions have not stopped, and continue to become more popular and more popular. The explosive situation is progressing, and more and more new investors who do not understand the stock market or stocks at all are beginning to pay attention to the market due to the fermentation and spread of these news and remarks.

At this moment, inside the Yuhang Investment Company where Su Yu worked.

In the main fund trading room, Su Yu smiled and looked at the dragon and tiger ranking data published by the two cities, as well as the increasingly explosive market investment sentiment, feeling happy in his heart.

"Today you asked Fund No. 1 and Fund 2 to continue to buy the stock of 'Huaxin Securities' and leave a name on the Dragon and Tiger List. The main reason is to cause our institution to have a strong presence in the securities sector and the entire main financial line. Isn't it the illusion of insufficient holding chips?" Seeing Su Yu's expression, Li Meng, who was standing next to him, pondered for a while and said, "This will give the market a wrong direction and interpretation, which will prompt the 'Big Finance' Is the market development of the main line more radical?"

Su Yu nodded slightly and praised: "Smart, that's what I mean. Our capital volume is too large. In terms of main line investment, in addition to guiding the changes in the market's main line sentiment, we also need to guide the main funds in the market. For our position structure expected changes.

We cannot let them completely guess our position structure and trading motives.

Otherwise, we will easily get trapped in a cocoon and be restricted by the main line of market trends we pull out.

After all, there are not many major financial groups in the world who are willing to selflessly support others.

If everyone knows that our position weight in the direction of 'big finance', especially in the two major sectors of securities and Internet finance, has approached 48 billion, then... when the sentiments and expectations of these two sectors have slightly changed. Depletion, the funds undertaken at a relatively high level will rapidly decrease sharply.

At that time, our huge position will not only help the development of the main line market.

On the contrary, certain containment and restrictions will be formed.

But when everyone thinks that we don’t hold many positions in this field, and that our holding costs are similar to everyone else, then the enthusiasm of funds to continue to raise funds and follow up in these fields will greatly increase, and the pressure in the direction of 'big finance' will continue to increase. The empty effect will also be stronger.

Previously, when we were outsourcing the main lines such as ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’.

Try to avoid the Dragon and Tiger ranking data.

It makes it impossible for anyone to guess how much leverage we still have in the main areas of ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’.

On the one hand, it is indeed to avoid causing violent fluctuations in the market, not to damage the overall pattern of the market, and not to severely damage the market's investment sentiment and investment confidence.

On the other hand, I also want everyone not to give up the illusion of luck in their hearts, and create an expectation that we still have positions in the fields of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', making everyone think that we have not had time to fully adjust our positions and carry out operations. Market 'high-low' operation.

Now, in order to avoid excessive market speculation on our institutional positions.

In the early stage of main rise and short squeeze when the main line of 'big finance' is still expected to continue to increase, we must try our best to indicate our attack direction and our motivation, so as to attract more funds to follow the trend and take over, and create a higher space for market conditions. .

In the early days, we had to hide our actions. Now, we have to selectively and proactively expose our seats so that everyone can clearly guess our actions. "

"Understood!" Li Meng said with a smile, "Since our institution is already at the center of the market's attention and the cusp of the storm, we must use this extremely high level of attention to proactively guide the capital group to give us hope. The market direction will converge and further expand our space to extract profits from the market." (End of this chapter)

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