Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 658: The 24-game ‘Big Monster Stock’ has come to an end!

"Yes!" Zhou Kan said, "In the direction of 'big finance', as long as there is a slight correction, funds will pour in endlessly, and the number of funds to take over is really endless. Under this tyrannical market takeover performance, it feels like' Big Finance's line will be marked by a continued short squeeze."

Currently, in the direction of ‘big finance’.

Zhou Kan feels that the main source of bargaining chips for the sell-off is the short-term profit-taking funds that have intervened in recent days, as well as the huge amount of locked-up funds that have been trapped in this area in the past.

In essence, the logic of market outlook expectations for the line of ‘big finance’.

Nothing has changed at the moment. Not only has it not changed, but it continues to get stronger.

As future expectations continue to increase, the gap in future expectations of its related core stocks has not narrowed amid the continuous surge in stock prices.

Since the expected difference has not narrowed.

So, if you dare to attack aggressively in this position and raise funds on a large scale, there will naturally be no shortage of funds.

He feels that this is the fundamental reason why the main line of "big finance" is obviously stronger than the broader market and other main lines of the market in terms of market trends.

"It would be fine if we go for a sustained short squeeze." Xu Xiang responded, "The Shanghai Index needs a strong mainline market to maintain its position near 3,000 points, so that it can continue to stimulate the market's investment sentiment and speculation sentiment. This makes the 'bull market expectations' more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people."

During the brief exchange between the two...

Within a few minutes, the securities sector index had further rebounded to a 5% increase.

At the same time, driven by the rebound of 'big finance', a number of other industry sectors and concept sectors in the fields such as 'technological growth', 'big consumption', and 'non-ferrous cycle' have also rebounded, while 'infrastructure', ' In the main areas that were popular in the early stage, such as the military industry, the trend of rising and falling has become more and more obvious.

"Sure enough, 'Big Finance' is still strong. It has recovered most of the intraday decline in early trading so quickly."

Seeing the changes in market conditions, it has returned to a rebounding pattern with 'big finance' as the core. The vast number of retail investors gathered in the discussion area of ​​the trading platform were once again attracted by the 'big finance' field, especially the securities sector and The strong trend of the Internet financial sector is shocking.

"It seems that the early main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' are indeed yesterday's work."

"The core main lines of the market have been switched. The early popular main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' will naturally not be as strong as in the early stage without the main funding focus and concentrated attention. However, I think these early popular lines It shouldn’t be possible to adjust the main line by much, right? After all, the overall market situation is still looking good.”

"The index has such a continuous positive breakthrough. If it doesn't rise, it will already fall."

"Good guy, does it count as a fall if it doesn't rise now?"

"Although Mr. Su's 'Fortune Road' seat has never appeared in the core stock dragon and tiger list selling seats in the early popular main areas such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', compared with the early popular areas like 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' Regarding the trend of the main line and the main line of 'big finance', even if Mr. Su has not cleared his positions in the main line fields such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', he has probably already reduced his positions significantly."

"Mr. Su must have significantly reduced his positions in the main line fields of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry'. could there be such a huge amount of funds to increase the main line chips of 'big finance'? Let me tell you...this At that time, we should not have any illusions about the early main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry'. The correct operating idea is to step up and follow Mr. Su's pace of position adjustment and pursue securities in the 'big finance' field and Internet finance sector stocks. .”

"Even if the main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' rebound, they will definitely not be the mainstream sectors of the market."

"Yes, chasing stocks in the securities and Internet financial sectors is the way to go."

"Securities are the standard-bearer of the bull market. Once the bull market comes, the securities sector will at least double its price. The securities sector has been rising sharply for three days. If you are still unable to realize the big trend of the securities sector, then it is very inappropriate. "

"Haha... Indeed, I chased the 'Huaxin Securities' check in the early trading. Although I was temporarily trapped, I didn't panic at all."

"I chased the 'Oriental Securities' check. It opened sharply higher in the early trading and then fell rapidly. I thought I was going to lose money today. Unexpectedly... I actually got a daily limit."

“When buying stocks, you must buy stocks with an upward trend.”

"Yes, you must not buy stocks that are already in a state of adjustment."

"In short, stocks that continue to underperform the market must not be held for a long time."

"It doesn't have to be that complicated. Anyway, it's always right to follow Mr. Su when buying and selling. The stocks Mr. Su is buying are definitely the stocks with the strongest trends in the market. If you follow them, you will definitely make money."

"The key is that Mr. Su has bought too many stocks now, and it's difficult to follow the market."

"Wouldn't it be nice to just pick any of the stocks Mr. Su bought?"

"Hey, actually, if you can't choose stocks well, you can also buy industry-graded funds, such as Securities B, which comes with leverage!"

"This is a way, I'll give it a try."

While everyone was discussing, the time had moved to 11:30, and the two cities closed at noon.

After half a day of violent fluctuations, the Shanghai Stock Index closed at a 24% gain at noon, basically recovering most of the intraday losses.

The Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index rose 89% and 79% respectively, slightly weaker than the Shanghai Index.

The half-day turnover of the two cities reached 9.8 billion. Compared with yesterday's market volume, it has declined somewhat, but not by much. The market volume is still very active.

The performance of the core main lines of the two cities.

The securities sector experienced violent shocks and closed with a half-day gain of 88%. The Internet Financial Sector Index closed up 59% at noon. The two major sectors ranked first in the two cities' industry sector growth lists, and ranked first in the two cities' conceptual sector growth lists. First, the core hot spots of the market, as well as the main direction, still revolve around these two major sectors.

In addition to the securities and Internet financial sectors that led the gains.

Although the performance of the two major sectors of banking and insurance during the day was not as outstanding as these two major sectors, they also outperformed the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index and performed relatively strongly.

‘Technology Growth’, ‘Big Consumption’, ‘Nonferrous Cycle’, ‘Petrochemicals’ and other main sectors.

The half-day trend was slightly weaker than the performance of the main line of "Big Finance", but they still maintained their red market status, and many of the constituent stocks also followed the index and set new rebound highs this year or new annual highs.

As for ‘infrastructure’, ‘military industry’ and other early popular main areas.

A number of related industry sectors and concept sectors have all come out of the trend of rising and falling after a period of heavy volume.

The two major feeder markets are ‘sports industry development’ and ‘sub-new stocks’.

A number of stocks in the main concept field of 'Sports Industry Development' have fallen into an adjustment trend with the huge increase in volume of 'Leiman Optoelectronics'; ''s high level exploded, and many new stocks that had followed the trend of 'Bluestone Heavy Equipment' also experienced drastic adjustments, either rising higher and falling, or falling straight down.

Of course, during the market adjustment of these two major branches.

In these two major concept sectors, there are also many low-level concept stocks that have not kept up with the leading concept stocks before, and today they are making up for their gains.

In addition to these core main areas.

Other non-hot areas such as ST sector, restructuring backdoor, pharmaceutical business, animal husbandry, agriculture, etc.

Today, there is clearly a trend of making up for the increase, and its overall market performance is stronger than the previous popular main lines such as "infrastructure" and "military industry", and even stronger than many industry sectors and concept sectors in the main line of "technological growth".


Although the market conditions in some core main areas have shown obvious differentiation and violent fluctuations today.

However, the overall market performance is still as strong as ever. Compared with the previous few days, the overall money-making effect of the market has no obvious decline or decline.

Moreover, the volume can remain stable, and the ‘bull market expectations’ continue to deepen among the broad investor groups both inside and outside the market.

What's more, of the more than 2,000 stocks in the two cities, more than 1,500 stocks are still in the red at this moment, and more than 40 stocks have sealed their daily limits.

Faced with such a closing situation at noon.

The vast investor groups inside and outside the market are naturally satisfied in their hearts.

After all, when most stocks keep closing in the red, the money-losing effect of the market is very small. Most of the investor groups participating in market transactions still have red accounts, even if some of them chase high prices in the early trading stage. Investors who raised funds were temporarily trapped at this moment, but everyone was still confident about the market performance in the afternoon and the market performance in the future, and there was no pessimism spreading.

"Today, in the direction of 'big finance', many stocks in the 'securities' sector and the 'Internet finance' sector have continued to surge. However, I did not expect that the differentiation and shock... turned out to be such a strong high-level shock pattern."

At noon, after a brief review, many large hot money investors in the Yuhang main hot money group where Su Yu was located were still discussing the changes in the market intensely and looking for possible trading opportunities in the afternoon trading. .

"Indeed, I placed an order of almost 5 million near the flat price of Orient Securities and Orient Fortune stocks, but I didn't buy any chips. Later I saw Orient Securities rising straight up, and I was shocked. It was still at the daily limit. Placed orders are rushing to raise funds, and the trends in the two major sectors of securities and Internet finance, to be honest... are much stronger than I expected. They simply refuse to adjust."

"The main reason is that Mr. Su has been too hasty to buy in this wave, and the expected benefits in the direction of 'big finance' are also continuous. At the same time, the market's investment sentiment and investment confidence are also obviously higher than a few months ago, Mr. Su said. When the market heights of the main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' hit the market, it came much more violently. In this way... the market trend of the main lines of 'big finance' is naturally more volatile than the original market trends of the main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry'. Violent.”

"Now, the market's 'bull market' expectations have been formed. Don't think about buying chips at low prices."

"Indeed, from today on, I plan not to do short-term trading, and just hold a full position in a few core stocks in the securities and Internet financial sectors. In the bull market stage, in fact, it is better to hold on to holding stocks and cover stocks for short-term and frequent trading. The profits are more.”

"I agree, at this time, we must change our trading thinking."

"I have to say that Mr. Su's situation is really big. This time the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index reached 3,000 points. In total, he really lifted it up by force."

"Now 3,000 points have been stepped on by the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index. Now... we have to look back at 3,500 points and 4,000 points!"

"Hey, I guess we can see the Shanghai stock index reaching 4,000 points by the end of the year, right?"

"It's hard to say 4,000 points, but it shouldn't be difficult for the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index to reach 3,500 points. After all, the 'big financial' line can pull up the index, which is really powerful."

"With such strong market acceptance, I feel that the securities and Internet financial sectors can continue to rise in the afternoon."

"In the bull market stage, all pauses and rest periods are a process of fermentation of bullish sentiment. If nothing else goes wrong, after the opening of the market in the afternoon, both the index and the overall market should be able to continue to rise. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index If the market closes in the red, there will be no suspense."

"I just raised some money and continued to buy in the afternoon. Which one do you think is better between the 'Huaxin Securities' and the 'Oriental Fortune' checks?"

“In terms of flexibility, the check from ‘Oriental Fortune’ is definitely the one.”

"I also feel that the check of 'Oriental Fortune' has much better flexibility than the check of 'Huaxin Securities'."

"The 'Internet brokerage' industry is still promising in the future. With the business layout of 'Oriental Fortune', under the east wind of the bull market, there should be no big suspense about the future market value reaching 100 billion."

"If it's 100 billion, there won't be much room. After all, the check now has a market value of 40 billion."

"Choose 'Flush'. The current market value of this check is only over 10 billion, which is only one-third of the market value of the 'Oriental Fortune' check. With the same business, more users, and future potential, it should not lose." Oriental Fortune's check, at least compared to the current market value of the Oriental Fortune's check, there is a lot of room for supplementary growth in the 'Flush' check. At the same time, the 'Flush' check recently also has a huge impact on the entire 'Internet Finance' sector. The absolute core concept leader.”

"The check of 'Flush' is good or not, and there is no problem with its logic. However, today it is completely at the daily limit, and there is no chance to buy it at all."

"Opportunity to buy, the entire 'big financial' main line fell sharply in early trading. When the market divergence was the largest, the daily limit was still high. At that time, most of the orders could be bought, but now, it is definitely difficult. , but no matter what...this check has been hitting the daily limit for several times in a row, and there will definitely be a buying opportunity tomorrow.”

“Comparing the two checks ‘Flush’ and ‘Oriental Fortune’, the check ‘Hengsheng Electronics’ is not bad at all!”

"That's right, most of the domestic trading systems and quotation systems are from the company 'Hengsheng Electronics', and this stock also has the concept of 'Ali Baba'. Since the end of September, 'Ali Baba' has been listed on the US stock market. After the listing, the market's hype in this area has not actually formed a climate. I feel that sooner or later, there will be a big wave in this concept field."

"The concept of 'Ali Baba' is biased towards the conceptual fields of 'Internet software' and 'Internet applications'. Generally speaking, it belongs to the main line of 'technological growth'. However, from the end of June to now, 'technological growth' has 'This major main line is basically in a sideways adjustment situation. The 'Ali Baba' line has no big market performance, which is too normal. However, with the subsequent adjustment of the 'Technology Growth' line, it has ended. , many 'Internet software' and 'Internet application' companies have experienced explosive growth in performance, and I still believe that the main concept field of 'Ali Baba' will definitely be speculated by funds."

"Generally speaking, even with the check from 'Hengsheng Electronics', there is a lot of room for expectation, right?"

"Coupled with the expectations of a 'bull market', I think that the check of 'Hengsheng Electronics' will definitely have a space height of 3 to 5 times in the future."

"I agree. After all, many financial institutions such as securities firms, banks, and insurance companies are currently developing handheld clients. These businesses... are basically one of the main businesses of 'Hengsheng Electronics'. Its future main business, revenue , the potential for huge profit explosion is still very high.”

"In fact, in the entire 'Internet finance' direction, future performance expectations are not bad."

"Last year, the 'Internet Finance' sector was purely a concept. This year... coupled with the 'bull market' expectations, there will probably be large-scale speculation in the direction of performance realization."

"Yes, concept hype, the final goal is to realize the performance expectations?"

"That being said... I feel that the prospects for the main line of 'technological growth' are still good. Maybe, after the main line of 'big finance' creates space and fulfills certain 'bull market expectations', 'technological growth' will 'This line can still replicate last year's glory."

"It's totally possible!"

"In fact, as long as the market volume can continue to be maintained at 500 billion, or even above 600 billion, the market conditions will not be bad."

"Yes, yes, quantity leads to market price!"

Along with the rapid refresh of messages in the group, there are also in-depth discussions among the big hot money investors in the group on changes in market conditions.

Before I knew it, 1 p.m. arrived.

I saw that the market had just entered the trading period, and the stagnant disks of the two cities began to change rapidly.

The two major sector indexes, the securities sector and the Internet finance sector, surged higher as soon as the market opened after the emotions brewed at noon. The stocks within the sector, especially the core stocks with high popularity and focused on by the majority of investors in the market, such as ' Stocks such as Huaxin Securities, Huatong Securities, Oriental Fortune, Hengsheng Electronics, etc. almost immediately ushered in a wave of concentrated buying as soon as the market opened, pushing their stock prices up by more than 1 point. .

Subsequently, the main line of ‘big finance’ continued to receive concentrated attention and attention from the capital groups inside and outside the market.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index have also continued to recover.

At the same time, thanks to the passive pull-up of the index by the main line of 'Big Finance', a number of stocks in other main line areas of the two cities also received more or less attention from funds, and their stock prices fluctuated and rose.

This overall pattern of continued fluctuation and strength in the two cities lasted until around 2:10 p.m.

Then, due to the excessive market selling suppression of 'Blue Stone Reload' and the lack of market acceptance performance at such a high level, this check once again suffered an intraday profit after the intraday turnover rate exceeded 55%. The extreme selling of funds suppressed the market.

At 2:15, ‘Blue Stone Heavy Equipment’ fell rapidly, and the intraday decline once again touched the 5% mark.

At 2:20, panic selling at profit margins appeared on the market of Bluestone Heavy Equipment, and its stock price hit a new intraday low, falling by about 7%.

At 2:26, ​​‘Blue Stone Reload’ quickly hit the limit after its intraday turnover rate exceeded 65%.

At 2:27, after 'Blue Stone Reload' hit the lower limit, the funds for bargain hunting further dropped sharply, and a large amount of profit-taking funds that continued to sell were blocked at the lower limit. At this point, this check completely ended its The record of 24 consecutive boards was the highest, creating a trend that was extremely high during the day, killing all the funds that were invested at the height of 25 boards today, as well as by bargain hunting during the day, totaling 2.9 billion.

‘Blue Stone Reload’ walked out of the sky and released the sky after it fell to the limit.

The structure of the two cities, which had been driven by "big finance" and had been fluctuating upward, suddenly changed rapidly again.

Profit-making funds gathered in the main line of 'big finance', 'technological growth', 'big consumption', 'infrastructure', 'military industry' and other main areas were greatly affected at this moment, and they were all on the corresponding stock market. , carried out rapid concentrated selling.

At 2:30, when the market enters the half-hour period of late trading.

The major core indexes in the two cities, as well as the core main lines, all showed a rapid diving trend with temporary heavy volume.

At 2:35, in just a few minutes, more than 10 of the 87 stocks that had reached their daily limit in the two cities had crashed. Among them, Changliang Technology in the 'Internet Finance' sector had exploded, and its stock price instantly crashed. It fell to around a 7% gain.

At 2:38, 'Leiman Optoelectronics', which was originally in the red and fluctuated upwards, also fell sharply at this time, once again falling to near the intraday low of the stock price. At the same time, within the main line of the entire 'sports industry development' concept, the concept of football , Winter Olympics concept, and outdoor sports concept sectors were all affected by this and turned green and fell.

At 2:42, the securities sector index fell back to a 25% increase from the 45% increase recorded in the afternoon session.

At 2:45, in the early main areas such as "military industry" and "infrastructure", many stocks that had risen and fell were once again taken over by active capital groups who were "switching high and low", and there was a short-term surge.

At 2:48, the securities sector index continued to fall back to the 3% increase position. At the same time, the ST sector, restructuring borrowing, petrochemical industry, animal husbandry, agriculture, rural revitalization, electric power, public transportation, etc. had obvious gains in the past few days. At this time, the marginal concept sectors and mainline sectors, which underperformed the market and were relatively stagnant, suddenly received intensive attention from main funds and bucked the trend and strengthened.

Of course, this also shows that in the last ten minutes of this late session.

Many funds that have been released from core main areas such as 'big finance', 'technological growth', and 'big consumption' have begun to move towards the idea of ​​​​"switching high and low" to do trading.

At the same time, it also shows that everyone’s confidence in the market is still very high.

Otherwise, these funds will not choose to continue buying.

At 2:51, the Shanghai Stock Index fell back to a 01% gain from its highest gain of 67% in the afternoon, while the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index fell back to a 5% gain.

At 2:55, the turnover of the two cities reached more than 580 billion, which was slightly smaller than yesterday.

At 2:57, when the entire Shenzhen market entered the final call auction moment, Changliang Technology closed the daily limit again. At this moment, the 'Securities' and 'Internet Finance' sectors ushered in concentrated purchases of large funds.

Finally, when 3 o'clock in the afternoon came, the two markets closed.

I saw that the Shanghai Index was set at a 05% increase, which was almost at 3080 points; the Shenzhen Index and the ChiNext Index increased by 49% and 53% respectively; and in addition to these important indexes, the A50 Index closed today with an increase of Thanks to the strong fluctuations in the main line of 'big finance', it still exceeded 2%.

Faced with such a closing result...

Although the majority of investors inside and outside the market are a little depressed about the diving trend of the two cities in late trading, they are generally quite satisfied. After all, even in terms of the closing results, there are still more than 1,300 stocks in the two cities, maintaining the same level. Red market closing situation.

And after the market closed, ‘Blue Stone Heavy Equipment’, the leading concept stock, triggered a rapid plunge in the two cities in late trading.

Its market attention has also skyrocketed further, triggering extremely fierce long-short debates, and even triggered heated debates about the 'sub-new stocks' sector and subsequent listings of new stocks.

Some people think that this check has been seriously overdrawn. Today's intraday high is the peak of the stock price that this check can never exceed in the future.

Others believe that as long as the bull market continues.

So, as the core concept leader of the market, ‘Blue Stone Reloading’ will have its stock price turn around sooner or later.

Of course, what everyone is discussing more is the impact of this check on the ‘sub-new stocks’ sector and the subsequent formation of new stocks.

Everyone is guessing, the entire market, in the new shares issued in the next two months.

Is there any new stock that can surpass the check of "Blue Stone Reload" or come close to the record of "Blue Stone Reload"?

Except for the discussion about this check.

Inside and outside the market, the eyes of the majority of investor groups are still mainly focused on the direction of ‘big finance’.

And as the market time went by, when the Dragon and Tiger lists of the two cities were announced, everyone discovered that among the mainline constituent stocks of 'Big Finance' on the list, the 'Fortune Road' trading seats of the Yuhang Group were still continuing to buy. This kind of The discussion heated up and exploded. Countless people were shocked to the point of numbness by this extreme buying operation of the 'Yu Hang System'. They were dumbfounded and unbelievable! (End of chapter)

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