Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 660: 140 billion asset management volume!

Seeing the opening of the two markets, countless investor groups inside and outside the market were excited.

Among them, many investor groups are already in the call auction stage, desperately continuing to pursue hot concept stocks in the two core popular sectors of securities and Internet finance.

And a few minutes later, when the market ushered in formal continuous bidding transactions.

I saw that the 'Securities' and 'Internet Finance' sectors, which had originally opened higher and led the gains, continued to be rapidly pushed up by the capital groups that rushed to take over. The main line of 'Big Finance' continued to siphon the market's incremental funds and active capital groups, becoming a market icon. The core main line area with the highest degree of success.

At 9:37, after a huge change of hands at the beginning of the market, "Western Securities" continued to seal the daily limit upwards.

It has achieved the first five consecutive stocks since the "Securities" sector's counterattack, and has also become the most popular stock in the two cities.

At 9:42, after a huge change of hands, 'Flush' continued to seal its daily limit, achieving four consecutive daily limits, and at the same time, its market value reached 15 billion.

At 9:47, the securities sector index rose again by more than 2%. However, at the same time, compared with last Friday's volume and energy performance, it shrank significantly, showing a trend of shrinking and oscillating upwards.

At 9:50, the main sectors of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', which have been weaker than the market trend in recent days, started to rebound. Related core stocks and concept stocks all showed obvious signs of bargain hunting funds.

At 9:55, the Shanghai Stock Index reached about 5%, that is, around 3100 points, but encountered resistance and fell into a shrinking sideways trend.

At 10:15, while the Shanghai Composite Index was shrinking and fluctuating from its intraday high, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index rebounded strongly. A number of 'technological growth' mainline concept stocks in the two major index components, such as 'Infrastructure', ' Like the early main line concept stocks such as "Military Industry", there are obvious traces of main capital attention, and the core weight stocks of GEM such as "LeTV, Wangsu Technology", as well as the main line concept core stocks of "Technology Growth" also appear There is a relatively obvious upward trend, which is a counter-balance to last Friday's trend.

At 10:25, the overall market pattern formed a shrinking, oscillating and rising trend with the main line of 'Big Finance' as the core, and individual stocks in the two popular sectors of 'Securities' and 'Internet Finance' were no longer aggressive at this time. , the active capital groups in the market that were originally strongly attracted by the main line of 'big finance' have dispersed to other main line areas for trading.

At 10:30, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index continued to fluctuate around 3100 points. The internal market was surging, one after another, and the rotation of hot spots became frequent.

At 10:35, the check of 'Blue Stone Reload', which once rose 5 points, turned down again and returned to near the flat price. At the same time, it drove the 'sub-new stock' sector and 'sports' sector. The industrial development sector is also out of a clear trend of rising and falling.

Witness the market's steady trend for the first hour since it opened.

The majority of investors in the market still react aggressively, both operationally and emotionally.

Moreover, the incremental capital crowd pouring into the market has not only not weakened, but has continued to increase during this stage.

On major stock discussion platforms and stock trading discussion platforms across the Internet, it can be clearly felt that some almost new investor groups are beginning to emerge.

And off-site, regarding the brokerage business department.

The number of investors who are queuing up to open the financing business, queuing up to open GEM rights and other businesses are also continuing to grow. At the same time, the number of new account opening groups is increasing rapidly, and there are two people in the sales department because they are queuing up to open an account. ?1?5 who quarreled over the issue and then got into a fight also became a hot search topic at this time.

Regarding the new institutional level, it has been since the Shanghai Stock Index broke through the 3,000-point limit.

The number of companies registered for investment consulting and financial consulting also increased instantly, and countless over-the-counter capital allocation companies sprung up under various names like mushrooms after a rain.

At the same time, some private capital is active.

For example, the large-scale private capital gathered through Internet financial platforms also began to target the A-share financial market at this time, entering the market through various channels and under various names.

Of course, amid the changes in market expectations that the central bank intends to loosen money and cut interest rates and reserve requirement ratios.

Financial institutions have also begun to release water into the market, and various loan approvals have become more relaxed. This has naturally led to many investor groups entering the market to invest with leveraged funds from consumer loans.

There are also some active off-market financial groups who originally had their sights on the property market.

At this time, seeing that the stock market became more active than the real estate market, and the money-making effect also became more and more popular, they couldn't help but shift their attention and invest funds in the A-share market.

There are also new fund products and a rapidly expanding base of fundamentalists.

It is also fueling the rapid entry of funds into the A-share market.

And according to market reports, the scale of new public funds in the past half month has reached more than 500 billion. Countless public funds and private equity institutions are taking advantage of the booming market sentiment and investment confidence to aggressively expand their portfolios. The scale of asset management has attracted countless new off-site investors with sufficient advertising and publicity effects, and introduced more and more off-site funds into the financial market.

There are also capital groups that originally invested in the bond market.

At this time, I saw the extreme money-making effect of the stock market explosion.

At a time when ‘bull market expectations’ have swept across the market and beyond like a hurricane, and have begun to clearly penetrate into the minds of investors both inside and outside the market, they have also changed their investment goals, from the bond market to the stock market.

Under the influence of so many financial factors both on and off the market...

The buying power of the A-share market shows no signs of weakening as the index fluctuates and rises step by step. On the contrary, it is getting stronger.

“The fermentation speed of ‘bull market expectations’ is really rapid!”

Seeing that the market showed no sign of retracement adjustment at all, and as long as the index adjusted slightly downward, buying orders on the market would come in endlessly. At around 10:40, in the main fund trading room of Zexi Investment Company in Shanghai, Xu Xiang With his eyes fixed on the changes in the two markets, he couldn't help but sigh: "In the era of mobile Internet, the fermentation speed of information is too fast, and the ecological transformation of market conditions is also much faster than before. It seems... that the entire market The continued short squeeze market trend will continue for a while.”

"Indeed!" Zhou Kan responded, "In just four trading days, the voice of the 'bull market' has already resounded throughout the entire market. I feel that the arrival of the mobile Internet era has significantly increased the speed of information dissemination. , everyone’s expectations have changed much faster than before.”

"This will contribute to the pendulum effect of the market!" Xu Xiang said, "It is both a good thing and a bad thing."

Zhou Kan chuckled and said: "In any case, with this kind of expected fermentation, first bringing in various financial groups outside the market, for the market, for us, it is still a good thing. As for other things, You can definitely look at it later."

"But, boss..."

Zhou Kan said this, paused, and then said: "The main force of the 'Yu Hang Group' has been increasing its positions on a large scale in the securities and Internet finance sectors for the past four consecutive trading days. Isn't it a bit too deliberate? Really? The securities sector and the Internet financial sector, as the market's "bull market expectations" are getting stronger and stronger, are the directions in which active financial groups in the market should bear the brunt of increasing their positions. It stands to reason that the funds of the "Yu Hang Group" are completely There’s no need to guide me so deliberately!

I'm wondering if this capital was really in the direction of 'big finance' before.

There is really no hidden layout.

Therefore, now we continue to increase our positions and grab funds, hoping to make up for the corresponding positions.

After all, the current asset management scale of this fund is already over 100 billion. The layout of this level of capital groups, especially the conversion of main positions and the conversion of main lines of investment, is extremely difficult. They had not had time to make large investments before. It actually makes sense to increase the number of chips in the main direction of 'Big Finance' on a large scale.

Although everyone regards the main capital of the 'Yu Hang Group' as the market trend vane.

But in fact, no one can hit the main pulse of the market every time and every step, so as to make a perfect trading strategy!

I'm wondering, are we overestimating the capital of the 'Yu Hang Group'? "

"You are not wrong to think so." Xu Xiang thought for a moment and said, "No matter whether the funds of the 'Yu Hang Group' have completed the layout of core positions in the direction of 'big finance', it cannot be changed." The direction of travel of the core line of big finance.

Of course, if the current position of the 'Yu Hang Group' in the direction of 'big finance' is not enough.

Then, the market trend in the 'big finance' line may become more radical.

After all, when everyone realizes that there is no cost gap between themselves and the core main funds of the 'Yuhang Department', the competition with each other for funds will become more intense.

There is also the fact that the 'bull market expectations' have just begun to ferment. A number of core stocks in the main line of 'big finance' have generally only made about 20% of their gains in just a few trading days. Compared with other main lines of the entire market, , especially compared with the core main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' that have led the market significantly, the current line of 'big finance' still has huge room for growth, both in terms of valuation and future expectations, and the market is active. Funding groups, as well as large-volume incremental funding groups that follow up off-site.

There is no doubt that they will continue to gather in this direction on a large scale and increase their positions to go long.

In any case, the core main line of 'big finance' has completely replaced the early popular main lines such as 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', and has become the unshakable core main line leading the gains in the current changes in market conditions.

What we can do at this time...

That is, we are not afraid of any intraday adjustments in the market, hold positions patiently, and wait for the market to move upward step by step to create high space, and further expand our position profits. "

"Well!" Zhou Kan nodded, "the two months at the end of the year are destined to be the two months when the main line of 'big finance' shines in the entire market."

As the two people sighed, the market trading time continued to move forward to about 10:50.

At this time, the two core sectors of securities and Internet finance also saw relatively obvious trend differentiation of corresponding stocks, and formed a clear sense of hierarchy in market performance.

Such as the securities sector.

Western Securities rose by the daily limit, forming a five-day trend; Guangda Securities, Orient Securities, Southwest Securities, and Pacific Securities fluctuated at intraday highs of 4% to 5%; Huaxin Securities, Huashang Securities, Huatong Securities, and Huatai Securities fell to 2% during the intraday period. 3% shock, Founder Securities, Northeast Securities, SDIC Capital... were significantly weaker than the performance of the securities sector index, all below the 2% increase.

Internet finance sector.

Tonghuashun, Great Wisdom, and Jinzheng shares have reached their daily limit and have formed a four-board trend, becoming the first echelon of sector leaders; Hengsheng Electronics, Oriental Fortune, Yinjie Technology, Changliang Technology, and Shanghai Steel Union have seen gains ranging from 4% to 4%. Between 7%, the trend of high fluctuations is obvious, and the buying orders are strong on the market, making it the second echelon of stocks in the sector; other stocks, such as Tianyu Information, Tianyang Technology, Compass, etc., basically follow the same trend as the market, and are For non-core stocks, on the market, buying orders are weaker than those of the previous concept stocks.

Others include insurance, banking sectors, and a number of stocks in the main line of "technological growth".

The performance is basically similar to that of securities and Internet finance, the two core sectors that receive the most attention in the market.

This shows that when the extreme hype gradually subsides and the market's investment sentiment gradually stabilizes, then, whether it is the active capital group on the market or the incremental capital group newly entering the market, it is no longer a mindless pursuit of positions. Instead of buying all stocks in related conceptual fields regardless of their merits, they selectively buy stocks with higher identification, higher expected logic and better fundamentals.

And when the market performance becomes more layered.

Then, the pattern of general and synchronous rises in individual stocks across the market will diverge and collapse.

The market will continue to fluctuate around high-quality stocks and leading stocks, and these high-quality stocks and leading stocks will more easily attract the main capital groups in the market to take over, thus creating a market pattern of 'the strong will always be strong'.

In other words, after the main trend of the market becomes clear.

The market will automatically make a choice between strong and weak stocks, and will automatically select leading stocks, and funds will be more concentrated on leading stocks.

This is the so-called trend discovery and trend selection in changing market conditions.


Amid the strong market fluctuations, 11:30 arrived.

When the market closed at noon, the Shanghai Stock Index made no new breakthrough during the session and was still oscillating around 3100 points. As the main line leading the gains that attracted the most attention in the market, the main line of 'big finance', especially the securities sector, The Internet financial sector still maintains a high and volatile trend. The component stocks within the sector have shown an obvious differentiated trend pattern and have not formed a further general breakthrough trend.

Except for the main line of ‘big finance’.

Today's main line of 'technological growth', as well as the popular main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' in the early stage, have strengthened compared with last Friday's market trend, attracting the attention of a lot of 'high-low switching' funds.

It was affected by the trends of the two stocks of ‘Blue Stone Heavy Equipment’ and ‘Leiman Optoelectronics’.

The two major conceptual themes of ‘sub-new stocks’ and ‘sports industry development’, which had shown signs of counter-contracting in the early trading, also surged higher and fell back at this moment, without showing any obvious money-making effect.

During the lunch break, after the market closes.

The news is still calm, but the emotional response on major stock discussion platforms across the Internet is still choppy and excited.

Even many large-funded institutional groups.

Even if they saw the market trend diverging, they did not hold back at all. During the lunch break, they stepped up their efforts to mobilize funds, preparing to take advantage of the market differentiation and shock stage to further grab high-quality stock chips with strong market performance, and further occupy the leading position in the development of the bull market. Take the initiative.

The overall sentiment of the market remains positive and the overall financial situation is still increasing.

The market opens in the afternoon.

The two cities continue to maintain high levels of shock, and in the form of shocks, whether it is the main line of 'big finance', or 'technological growth', 'infrastructure', 'military industry', 'big consumption', 'non-ferrous cycle', and 'petrochemical industry' In all main areas, under the volatile trend, the stocks that performed strongly in the morning market are still getting stronger and stronger, and the buying orders on the market are also getting stronger. Compared with those individual stocks that can only follow the market and have no obvious independent trend, the signs of differentiation are getting stronger. It's becoming more and more obvious.

Finally, when the market closed at 3 p.m.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange index is at 29 points, up 53%. The Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index have also increased by about 5%, which is not much different from the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index.

In addition to index performance.

The volume of the two markets has increased, with a total transaction volume of 7.7 billion, which continued to shrink compared with last Friday.

However, even if it is a relative shrinkage, compared with the market half a month ago or even a month ago, this level of volume and energy is definitely still a substantial increase in volume, and the market liquidity is very abundant.

As for the main line performance of the two cities.

The securities and Internet finance sectors in the main field of 'big finance' are still the best, with gains of 73% and 98% respectively, leading the industry sectors and concept sectors of the two cities. Others, 'technological growth' related concept sectors , industry sectors, as well as the 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' main line-related industry sectors and concept sectors, which ranked second in terms of gains, and all outperformed the market index.

After the market closes.

Although everyone is not as excited about today's market trends as they were in the previous trading days.

However, after seeing that the Shanghai Stock Index has broken out of its five consecutive positive streaks and stood firm at 3100 points, and further set a new high for this round of rebound and a new high for the year during the session, everyone's predictions and expectations for the market outlook are, Still very optimistic and positive.

Later, at 5:30 pm, the rankings of the two cities were refreshed.

I saw the buying seat of the only brokerage stock listed on the Dragon and Tiger List, that is, the buying seat of 'Western Securities', and the iconic trading seat of the main fund of 'Yuhang Group', that is, 'Huaxin Securities' Yuhang Fortune Road' seats are still buying chips.

"Damn it, Mr. Su bought securities stocks for five consecutive days. This has never happened before, right?"

Seeing the 'Fortune Road' seats, they are still buying brokerage stocks, and it is still the same large-scale net buying as before, without selling a share. Many investor groups inside and outside the market were once again shocked, and even many People have been shocked by the extreme buying behavior of the 'Yu Hang Department'.

"How optimistic is Mr. Su about the market situation of the 'Securities' sector!"

"With this pattern, there are still large-scale purchases on the 5-link board. Just say this pattern... in the entire market, which other major funds can compare?"

"This only proves that Mr. Su has a broad vision and is not just making market decisions based on the market conditions in front of him."

"Mr. Su has increased his holdings in the securities sector on a large scale for five consecutive days, which is enough to show that Mr. Su's view on the bull market is quite firm."

"There is no doubt that Mr. Su agrees that the market has entered a bull market stage."

"Originally, I thought that when 'Western Securities' reached the five-consecutive mark, it had exceeded market expectations and was almost there. Looking at this situation, the check of 'Western Securities' tomorrow will most likely rise even more!"

"Mr. Su is really awesome. He took over many hot money chips from several companies today."

"The operation of 'Fortune Road' is the real operation skill of big funds in the market. Other main funds are really weak compared to 'Wealth Road'."

"Bull market, bull market...remember, this is already a bull market!"

"To raise funds tonight, I will continue to buy stocks in the securities sector tomorrow, and then I will buy the check for 'Western Securities'."

"The check of 'Flush' did not show up at Mr. Su's 'Fortune Road' seat today. I wonder what Mr. Su thinks of this check?"

"The 'flush' check should still increase, right?"

"The two checks of 'Flush' and 'Western Securities' are the two heroes of the main line of 'Big Finance'. There is no doubt that these are the core leading stocks in the main line of 'Big Finance'."

"Please remember, this is already a bull market! The position of brokerage stocks is actually quite low. At this time... you can continue to buy without thinking."

"I agree, if you don't buy securities in a bull market, there is something wrong with your brain!"

"As I said before, at least double your position before considering reducing your position. Currently, the leading stock 'Western Securities' has not doubled yet, so why panic? The market in the securities sector is definitely not over."

"However, compared with the securities sector, the overall valuation of the 'Internet Finance' sector is actually a bit high!"

"Well, the 'Internet Finance' sector is mainly due to the fact that Mr. Su held relevant stocks in the early stage. As a result, this sector has not been fully adjusted by the market, and its valuation has always been quite high. However, the market value of individual stocks in this sector has They are not large, but due to strong expectations for the future, the flexibility is still very high."

"The bull market emphasizes momentum rather than quality. As long as the elasticity of future expectations is high, just one word and it's done!"

In the heated discussion among many investor groups on the Dragon and Tiger Lists of the two cities, in response to the main funds of the 'Yuhang Group', they increased their positions in the main line stocks of 'Big Finance' on a large scale for 5 consecutive trading days, and continued to buy securities companies and Internet finance concept stocks. When motivation is discussed.

At this moment, Yuhang, Yuhang Investment Company, is in the main fund trading room.

Li Meng, general manager of the company's asset management business, vice president of the company and nominal fund manager of the four main funds, reported to Su Yu after sorting out the position data of each main fund in the background: "We are in the securities and Internet finance sectors. , several of the constituent stocks that I hold are almost reaching the mark-raising line.”

"Which stocks are about to reach the quotation line?" Su Yu asked.

Li Meng responded: "Let's not talk about the check from Oriental Fortune. We participated in the fixed increase of this stock. The original position is restricted, and the position of this check was originally above the quotation line. Recently, like 'Heng Sheng' Electronics, Tonghuashun, Jinzheng Shares, Yinjie Technology, and Great Wisdom', these core concept stocks in the Internet financial sector, have also reached more than 9% of the overall shareholding, and are on the verge of raising the mark.

In the direction of the securities sector...

The shareholdings of several heavyweight stocks such as Huaxin Securities, Huatong Securities, Huatai Securities, Huashang Securities, Guangda Securities, and Industrial Securities all account for about 5% of the company's overall shares.

For example, in the three stocks of "Western Securities, Orient Securities, and Pacific Securities", our shareholding ratio has reached about 4% of the overall shareholding. There is not much room to buy further.

On the contrary, Industrial Bank, China Commercial Bank, Huaxin Insurance, Ping An Insurance, Ping An Bank... we can continue to buy these heavyweight stocks in the insurance and banking fields on a large scale and hold the overall position, which is far away from the holding line, and according to our With your investment plan and trading plan, even if you fill up your positions, it is impossible to touch the quotation line of these stocks with a market value of hundreds of billions. This is nothing to pay attention to. "

"What is the total holdings of the main funds under our company?" Su Yu asked.

Li Meng responded: "The current total holdings are around 90 billion, of which the main line positions of 'big finance' already account for 70 billion. The current major funds have a total remaining liquid cash of close to 35 billion. The total fund position line has reached the 75% water level."

"Is the asset management scale of our fund already around 125 billion?" Su Yu was shocked when he heard the data compiled by Li Meng.

In the past few days, the fund's asset management scale has increased, as well as its actual net worth.

Something clearly exceeded his expectations.

"Yes!" Li Meng nodded and said, "Including the current asset management scale of several major funds of 'Anzhao Fund', the asset management scale of the funds managed by our institution has almost reached 140 billion."

"No wonder many stocks bought the position of the holding line so quickly." Su Yu sighed with a smile, and said helplessly, "Since the position limit is about to be reached in the direction of 'big finance', we can only diversify the main line Invested.”

"Well, that's my idea too," Li Meng said, "But if we use the remaining working capital to use other main lines as much as possible, which main line should we choose?"

Su Yu thought for a moment and asked, "We should have a lot of bottom line in the main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry,' right?"

Li Meng nodded and said: "There is still a bottom position of close to 10 billion."

"Then as the market outlook develops, take advantage of the main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' to see an obvious continuous sharp decline, and then go back." Su Yu said, "But when the position is reversed in 'infrastructure', When it comes to the main line of 'military industry', the focus needs to change and we can no longer follow the original path."

"What you're talking about..." Li Meng didn't fully understand for a moment.

Su Yu said with a smile: "The expectations in the fields of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' are still there, but the chip structure has changed, and the current relative position is high. We want to diversify our layout and then return to 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' 'For these two main lines, we can no longer choose the branch areas and corresponding core stocks that have been overdrafted by speculation in the past few months. We must choose the relatively stagflation before. The market is still at a low level. The market was previously. What we have left behind is a branch line with strong expectations for the future and strong logic."

"What about?" Li Meng asked.

Su Yu responded: "Let's carefully analyze the sectors of public transportation, high-speed rail, and machinery and equipment. If we want to turn around these two main areas when the main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' continue to be adjusted. I know we can focus on the sectors, but we still have to sift through the specific targets.”

"Okay!" Li Meng nodded, "However, it seems that there is a certain opportunity in the 'technological growth' line, right?"

"Yes!" Su Yu said, "It's just not big. We are deploying in the field of 'technological growth', and liquidity will be a problem. The size of our institution's funds has increased to this point. In terms of market selection, we That means you can only choose big opportunities and have to give up some small opportunities.”

The larger the amount of capital trading, the more choices must be made based on market conditions.

Su Yu understood this deeply.

Therefore, he is concerned about the line of 'technological growth', but he will never be heavily involved in this field.

After all, although individual stocks in this field have high elasticity, once they encounter a direct negative blow, it is still troublesome for them to safely withdraw.

"Okay!" Li Meng nodded, knowing the trade-offs involved.

"One more thing." Li Meng paused and then said, "Our company's 'Yuhang No. 2' fund product has reached the one-year closed period settlement time this month. At the current time point, we are Should we settle this fund product first, or should we continue to operate it closed until the end of the year and conduct net settlement with the 'Yuhang No. 1' fund?"

"What do you think?" Su Yu asked.

Li Mengmeng thought for a while and said: "Since we pulled out the main line of 'big finance' and drove the Shanghai Stock Index to fully break through the 3,000-point pressure level, the market has started a bull market. With the rapid recovery of market sentiment and confidence, it has begun It has been completely opened up, and the current 'bull market expectations' are taking root in people's hearts.

It can be expected that the market trends in the two months at the end of the year will probably not be bad.

Moreover, the development of most core market conditions will continue to revolve around the main line of 'big finance'.

We have finally taken the absolute initiative in the main direction of "big finance" and completed the layout of positions. We are just waiting for the market conditions to further ferment and expand the profits of the positions.

At this time, if the net value settlement is carried out, the closed operation status of the fund will be ended, and the subscription and redemption restrictions will be opened.

First, it is not cost-effective and will harm our further profit gains.

Second, this will directly expose all positions of our main funds, which will be detrimental to our subsequent operations.

Third, this will also shape our overall investment plan and trading plan, which will have a high probability of affecting market changes. After all, the capital groups following our institutions now cannot be underestimated.

Of course, at this time, the net value settlement of the 'Yuhang No. 2' fund will be carried out.

On the other hand, it also helps our institution to immediately recover excess profits from fund operations, and the collection of excess profits will greatly improve our institution's current cash flow and liability status. "

In order to win the project of "Yanjing Sankuai Online" and fully acquire the "Anzhao Fund" company.

At the current stage, the company is burdened with 2 billion in short- and medium-term loans, 1 billion from Zhenhua Capital, and 1 billion from Huashang Bank.

Although there is no rush to repay these two funds now.

But being owed so much made Li Meng, who had never owed so much money, always feel like something was stuck in his throat.

"And..." Li Mengmeng thought for a while, and then said, "Didn't you say before that you planned to win the 'Nide Era' project with Mr. Du of 'General Atlantic Capital'? I heard from Qianqian that the current The project is already underway. Once the project is launched, we don't have that much money to invest, so we have no choice but to liquidate the net value of the 'Yuhang No. 2' fund.

Based on my personal thoughts and practical interests.

I definitely hope to delay the net value liquidation of the 'Yuhang No. 2' fund for another two months at the end of the year.

However, based on certain current development needs of the company, it is not impossible to conduct net worth liquidation at this time. "

Su Yu said with a smile: "We have only had preliminary contact with the 'Ningde Era' project. Even if everything goes well, the final investment participation will probably be made after the year. Therefore, we will invest in the 'Yuhang No. 2' fund It is entirely feasible to postpone the net value liquidation time of the product to the end of the year.

As for our company's liabilities, as long as the company operates normally, then this 2 billion debt is not a problem at all for us.

Speaking of which, at this time...

As long as we want it, let alone 2 billion, even if it is 5 billion, many financial institutions will rush to grant it to us. "

"Then we delay the net value settlement of fund products. What do investors say?" Li Meng asked again.

Su Yu said with a smile: "When our fund was established, it was clearly stated in the subscription provisions that our institution's closed operation phase of the fund and the net value settlement cycle will benefit the fund investor group that subscribes and will not harm investors. In the case of collective interests, does it have sufficient decision-making power? Regarding this point, I will explain it through the internal investor group and email later.”

After saying that, Su Yu returned to his office and began to write a 'letter to investors'.

Then, this letter was sent to all existing fund share holders of the ‘Yuhang No. 2’ fund product through a mass email.

And when everyone received this email, everyone disagreed.

After all, the market conditions are just right, and net worth settlement at this time is not good for the 'Yuhang Investment' institution, nor are they the holders of fund shares.

Moreover, given the current share of the main fund products of the ‘Yu Hang Series’, they are very popular in the over-the-counter transfer market.

Investors who need money urgently want to cash out and leave.

It is completely possible to transfer funds at a substantial premium through the over-the-counter fund share transfer market.

Especially when Su Yu sent the internal letter, it only took more than an hour.

The internal letter he wrote quickly spread through the investor group that holds fund shares to many major financial institutional groups who are interested in paying attention to the news of the "Yu Hang Group" institutions.

For a time, it can be said that the entire domestic asset management industry.

Everyone knows about the main fund products of the "Yu Hang Series", delayed net value settlement, firm optimism about the development of the market outlook, and investment judgments with a firm bull market view.

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