Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 670: The list of dragons and tigers in the two cities that exceeded expectations!

Of course, in this institutional community's collective bullish and sanguine mood.

Many financial groups who have not entered the market but are seeking to enter the market see the market gradually weakening during the day and are also thinking about whether there is a lower entry position.

Many major institutional funds who plan to increase their positions but are still slightly hesitant also have the same idea.

In short, at this stage.

The expectations of a 'bull market' are still increasing, and there is still a steady stream of capital groups entering the market. Similarly, there are still hesitant capital groups who are waiting for the opportunity to take over at low prices, and they also think that the market may rebound, not a reversal of the bull market. There are still many financial groups.

Just overall, the financial power of the bulls and the emotional response of the bulls.

In the entire market situation, it still clearly has the upper hand.

At noon, apart from the existing market sentiment reaction, there was no clear positive news. Regulators seemed to be temporarily on the sidelines, and the entire news was in a vacuum.

And in a purely emotional reaction.

In the afternoon, after the market reopened.

There are many profit-making funds on the market that can still hold positions calmly in the morning, as well as many historical holding chips that have been unwound. After discovering that there is no new market news that is good and exciting, and the two markets have clearly differentiated, it is extremely possible. There may be a quick correction, and if it continues to push back below 3,000 points, the intensity of the selling will become significantly heavier.

There were many potential long-term funding groups that originally planned to actively scramble for funds and actively undertake the project.

Seeing the possibility of an adjustment in the market, he thought that it might be more appropriate to take over the market at a low level, so his enthusiasm for taking the initiative to take over the market was significantly reduced.

The power of short selling and the power of long taking over are ebbing and flowing.

This directly caused the market to fluctuate all the way down after opening in the afternoon.

Throughout the afternoon trading period, except for the securities sector and the Internet financial sector, which still maintained a certain strength in the market, the other major main lines were all in a weak trend pattern of shock and decline.

Among them, especially the early main areas such as ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’.

After losing the recognition and active commitment of the main funds, the selling force within its main line area became particularly heavy.

Around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, there was a relatively concentrated panic selling trend.

Finally, when 3 o'clock in the afternoon came, the two markets ushered in the closing time.

After a day of violent fluctuations, the Shanghai Stock Index managed to close near the flat position, with a false negative line; while the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index, ChiNext Index, and Small and Medium Enterprises Index all closed down. Among them, the small and medium-sized board index closed with a decline of 14%.

The A50 index has received strong support from the main line of 'big finance'.

In the end, it still closed with a 01% increase.

Amid violent fluctuations, the two cities traded a total of 4.9 billion in volume energy. Compared with yesterday, there were obvious signs of shrinkage, but overall, the volume performance was still in an extremely active state. On the stock market in the two cities, regardless of whether it was bullish or For short positions, trading is relatively active and liquidity is very sufficient.

In addition to index performance, the core main line areas of the two cities.

The main line of 'big finance' is still the best, especially the securities sector and the Internet finance sector, which still lead the industry sectors and concept sectors of the two cities. Both sector indexes closed with an increase of more than 2%. Among them, the core components Stocks, 'Western Securities' closed up 11%, 'Flush' closed up 93%, just one step away from the daily limit, 'Huaxin Securities' rose over 4%, with an intraday turnover of 9.8 billion; 'Hengsheng Electronics' It rose 57%, and the intraday turnover rate reached about 7%...

As for the two core weight sectors of insurance and banking.

Although the growth rate and performance are not as good as those of the securities sector and the Internet financial sector.

However, in terms of closing results, the indexes of the two major sectors still significantly outperformed the index. Among them, the banking sector index closed up 78%, and the insurance sector index closed up 83%. Among the internal core component stocks, China Merchants Bank rose by more than 1%, and Ping An Insurance rose more than 5%, Huaxin Insurance rose more than 3%...

The main line area of ​​‘technological growth’.

Conceptual fields such as ‘film and television media’, ‘Internet software’, ‘Internet applications’, and ‘smartphone industry chain’.

Only the 'Film and Television Media' sector index ended in the red, up 77%.

The remaining branches of various conceptual themes are all declining to varying degrees.

Among them, the 'film and television media' sector, such as 'LeTV, Huayi Brothers, Guangguang Media, Ciwen Media...' a number of popular component stocks have gone out of a clear trend of rising and falling today, and on the market, the main forces The net outflow of funds is very obvious.

‘Infrastructure’, ‘military industry’ and other early popular main line areas.

As well as a number of concept sectors with fluctuating investment logic based on conceptual themes such as the ‘Eurasian Economic Belt’, ‘New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road’, and ‘Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises’.

Today is another general decline.

And within these fields, the 'military industry' and 'nuclear power' sectors have become the main forces of decline.

The core concept stock in its field, 'Bluestone Heavy Equipment', closed at the daily limit yesterday, and closed at the lower limit today, and its charm has not diminished. 'Fushun Special Steel' fell 76%, and the intraday trading volume, compared with yesterday There was a huge explosion in volume, 'Shanghai Construction Engineering, Beijiang Communications Construction, Hongdu Aviation, Aviation Power, Aerospace Technology, Aerospace Development, Beixin Road and Bridge, Yaxing Anchor Chain, Dachain Heavy Industry...' All the stocks were It closed with a sharp drop, with the declines exceeding 3%, significantly underperforming the market index.

As for other peripheral main-line fields such as 'big consumption', 'non-ferrous cycle', 'pharmaceutical business', 'animal husbandry', 'agriculture'... etc.

In the early stage, there was no independent trend that the main funds paid special attention to.

At this moment, in the overall turbulent and declining trend of the market, there is no obvious large-scale active selling trend.

In these main areas, whether it is related industry sectors, concept sector indexes, or related core stock market trends, they basically follow the fluctuations of the market index, and still do not show any independent trends, and there is no main capital. Traces of concentrated undertaking or concentrated selling.

Overall, today's market trend is not good, but it is not bad either.

The main money-making effect is still concentrated in the main line field of "big finance". In other main line fields, the money-making effect has obviously declined.

But despite the overall market conditions and the overall money-making effect, the tide has receded.

However, the strength of the bulls' takeover is still not weak, and even based on the highest point in the session, many core stocks did not fall back significantly at the close. Even the group of takeover funds that chased after the highest point in the session, within the day The quilt cover is not deep either.

According to past market trends, such a high and then a fall trend is expected.

It is very likely that there will be some good news in the evening, and it will open higher tomorrow morning and hit a new high. The trapped intraday funds will still be able to make a profit.

So, while the market closes...

The majority of investors both on and off the market were slightly disappointed with this closing situation.

However, the vast majority of investors have not wavered in their belief in the bull market, as well as their continued bullish investment confidence and sentiment.

On the contrary, many people believe that the opportunity to increase their positions at low prices is getting closer.

And according to the public data disclosed by the two cities after the market closed, it can be seen that under the overall market shock and adjustment, the financing balance of the two cities has not decreased, but is still increasing. It has reached nearly 980 billion, which is far from one trillion. The pass is getting closer.

Similarly, in addition to the substantial increase in the balance of financing and financing.

At 5:30 pm, the refreshed data on the Dragon and Tiger rankings of the two cities showed.

Major institutions and hot money players have also made significant adjustments to the core stocks of the 'Big Finance' main line on the list, as well as the main line of 'Technology Growth', especially the core stocks of the 'Film and Television Media' sector. , 'Military Industry' core stocks in the main line fields still show a continuous trend of increasing positions.

Among the 41 stocks on the list in the two cities, the data of the Dragon and Tiger List disclosed by each stock is based on it.

Institutional seats still show a net buying trend, and the total net buying funds are still as high as 7.8 billion. In the market, first-class hot money seats also basically show a net buying trend.

Among them, data from the Dragon and Tiger List of ‘Western Securities’ are shown.

The three institutional seats are still increasing their positions, with a total net purchase of 2.9 billion, and the two institutions have sold a total of 8.9 billion. The remaining two hot money seats, 'Yanjing Outdoor Street' and 'Shenzhen Yitian Road', have a total purchase of 7800 million, and other hot money seats were sold for a total of 63 million.

You can see it through the dragon and tiger list data of this check.

The ‘Yu Hang Department’ funds and the ‘Chunhui Road’ funds that were previously involved are still locked up, with no signs of selling.

The Dragon and Tiger ranking data of ‘Flush’ is shown.

Institutions also bought heavily at high levels, while hot money seats were sold, but the transaction volume finally disclosed showed that the overall market still showed a net buying trend.

Even the core stocks in the main line of 'military industry', which fell sharply today, include aviation power.

In terms of the data of the Dragon and Tiger List, the main funds also showed a net buying trend.

Only for the 'Blue Stone Reload' check, the Dragon and Tiger List data displayed showed that the main financial groups sold 500 million chips on this check today. Among them, the 'Rongcheng Gang' who intervened yesterday had basically sold off all the chips. On the scene, the trading seats of several major "Rongcheng gangs" had a total sales volume of 3.2 billion.

Generally speaking, according to the disclosed data of the entire Dragon and Tiger rankings.

It can be seen that in the overall market shock and adjustment situation, the continuous buying power of main funds and the willingness to increase positions have not weakened due to the adjustment of market conditions, but have faintly strengthened. Mainly in this form, A large amount of funds for reducing positions and selling still come from a large group of retail investors.

"I thought that with today's market performance, the main financial groups would reduce their positions in large quantities. Unexpectedly... the data of the two cities' dragon and tiger rankings were much better than expected!"

After the data on the dragon and tiger rankings of the two cities were released, some people among the large group of investors who gathered in the discussion area of ​​the trading platform and the holding area of ​​major stock investment discussion platforms sighed with joy.

"Indeed, the key is that both President Su and Alliance Leader Zhang have locked up their positions."

"You still thought the market was going to have a deep correction, and that's it? Haha... Since the adjustment is only of this extent, then tomorrow... there will be no problem if we continue to increase our positions and go long."

“According to the fund buying and selling patterns disclosed in the two cities’ dragon and tiger lists, I estimate that it will be difficult for the index to return to the 3,000-point level.”

"I also think it is basically impossible for the index to fall back to 3,000 points."

"The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index broke through 3,000 points. You must know that it was the main line of 'big finance' that made it strong. Nowadays, major institutions have tens of billions or hundreds of billions of funds entering the market and are holding chips on a large scale. This kind of Under such circumstances, will the index be allowed to fall, allowing retail investors and other major financial groups who did not get on the bus before to get on the bus again at a low level? I think this is simply impossible."

"Hey, I think so too...those financial groups who want to re-enter the market at a low level are destined to be short-lived."

"With this overall data performance of the Dragon and Tiger List, I feel that even if the market news in the evening is not favorable, the index will most likely continue to open higher tomorrow."

"I agree, it must be higher."

"I'm not saying...the market in this form cannot trap people at all."

"Anyway, I feel that as long as the overall trend of the market continues to be upward, then even if it briefly chases higher, it doesn't really matter. It will all be resolved and profits will be made anyway."

"This is the truth. In a bull market, there must be a bull market position pattern."

"I must learn from Mr. Su. After buying, I must have a lock-up pattern. No matter how the market fluctuates in the short term, I will remain unmoved."

"Mr. Su's relevant trading seats today have not continued to buy. Does this mean that the layout of the 'Yu Hang Department' funds in the 'big finance' line has been completely completed?"

"I don't know, but it's most likely completed!"

"In the main line fields of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' which have been declining rapidly, there are no traces of Mr. Su's related seats being sold out. I don't know that Mr. Su is now in the two main fields of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry'. Do you still have any positions?”

"I think there must be some. Mr. Su won't invest hundreds of billions of funds in the main line of 'big finance', right?"

"That's definitely not the case, but if we talk about the core main lines of other markets, the line of 'technological growth' is also possible!"

"It's impossible. Mr. Su doesn't seem to be very optimistic about the 'technological growth' line, except for the 'Internet finance' sector that follows the logic of the main line of 'big finance'."

"I think it's not that I'm not optimistic, but that the 'technological growth' line is too small and has limited liquidity. It can't carry the large amount of funds that Mr. Su has, and it can't be deployed on a large scale. If the intervention is shallow, , small-scale holdings actually have little impact on the change in the net value of the entire fund. It is a pity to abandon what is said to be tasteless, so on the main line of Mr. Su's 'technological growth', there is no trace of Mr. Su's large purchases."

"No matter what the reason is, I know clearly that Mr. Su will not intervene in the main areas, so it's better to avoid them."

"I agree, there are so many stocks in the market that can do so much, why choose the uncertain ones?"

"It is still more certain to follow the main line of 'big finance' and make corresponding component stocks in the securities sector and Internet finance sector. It is obvious... No matter how the market index performs in the future, the main line of 'big finance' has formed an obvious and sustained rise. It has broken through the trend, completely replicating the main trend of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' in the previous period."

"Yes, just continue to do the main line of 'big finance'!"

"As the so-called 'strong will always be strong', as long as the market volume can be maintained in the two core sectors of securities and Internet finance, I think the subsequent market space will definitely be very broad."

"According to the logical expectations of the bull market, these two major sectors generally have room for at least doubling."

"Keep buying, keep going long..."

"And have you noticed that, although the overall market trend has been adjusted today, whether it is the acceptance of main funds or the performance of financing balances, it has shown a continuous upward trend. This shows that the main financial groups, as well as new inflows, have continued to rise. The financial crowd in the market is obviously still accelerating.”

"Reverse the package, reverse the package, I am optimistic that the index will turn back tomorrow and continue to hit new highs..."

As the major stock discussion platforms across the Internet continue to have extremely heated discussion topics among retail investors, as well as the continued fermentation of bullish sentiment.

In the evening, there was news that the upcoming Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect will bring more than 100 billion in incremental funds to the market.

I also started to browse major stock discussion platforms.

Similarly, a number of false and true rumors about "pension funds entering the market" are also continuing to ferment in depth on major stock discussion platforms.

The external market continued to advance in the evening.

And due to the overall surge in the trend of the US stock market, after completely recovering the previous decline, many institutions’ comments and analysis and judgments about the possible peak of the US stock market and the possible end of the multi-year bull market in the US stock market disappeared in an instant, and became concentrated on the bullish trend. Analyze and judge.

Under the influence of the occasional positive effects in the evening and the continued surge in external markets, the market continued to surge.

The next day, Thursday, November 6th.

At 9:15, as everyone expected, the two markets continued to open higher despite the obvious adjustment in the index yesterday. For a while, many stocks that had been adjusted yesterday recovered directly under the instant high opening trend. Yesterday's intraday correction and decline once again set a new high for this round of rebound, and even a new annual high for this year.

"Looking at the shape of the initial call auction, there is a high probability that the two cities will open higher again!"

At 9:16, in the Magic City, inside Zexi Investment Company, in the main fund trading room, Zhou Kan stared at the two markets that had entered the initial collective bidding form, and said with some surprise: "Boss, this is the index's seventh consecutive Is the sky opening higher? This market... is really strong. It seems that even if profit taking and hold-up orders are suppressed, the index and corresponding core stocks cannot fall at all. "

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