Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 686: The scale of two-in-one financing exceeds one trillion!

"Hey, among the stocks on the list, the main institutional groups did not sell many chips, and in the entire Dragon and Tiger list data, institutions are still in a state of net buying."

I saw the dragon and tiger lists disclosed by the two cities.

At this moment, many large investors in the main hot money group of Yuhang where Su Yu was located were obviously stunned.

"Not only did the main institutions not sell many chips, but many well-known sales department seats also did not sell many chips. Overall, there was no panic selling among the large financial groups in the market today, and the entire Longhu All the large funds on the list are capable of buying and selling, and they are basically balanced between long and short.”

"This shows that as the most core main financial group in the market, they are still very optimistic about the market outlook."

"It also shows that the funds used to smash the market today are not funds from the institutional groups that intervened earlier!"

"Well, based on the disclosed data of the Dragon and Tiger List, it can be clearly seen and inferred that...the extreme plummeting trend of the market today is fundamentally caused by short-term profit taking and unwinding of arbitrage. The 'Chengfei Integration' The negative impact of the check has not shaken the holding logic and investment logic of big funds."

"Yes, especially Mr. Su's Fortune Road, Alliance Leader Zhang's Chunhui Road, and Chief Rudder's Jiefang South Road... all are still locked today. This is better than what everyone expected before the Dragon and Tiger Ranking data came out. But It’s a lot better, the big guys are keeping their positions locked, no matter’s a very clear signal!”

"Furthermore, according to the data of the entire Dragon and Tiger List, the total net sales of 51 popular leading stocks by large funds is only more than 40 million. However, with a net sales of more than 40 million, it is obvious that most of these stocks cannot be sold. It has reached the limit, which shows that the main net selling chips today are retail chips."

"It's mainly about short-term profits and settlement of arbitrage!"

"Hey, since the 'big money' has basically not been released, then there is no need to worry too much about this market situation."

"Well, I was quite worried when I saw such an index trend, but now after seeing the clear data of the Dragon and Tiger rankings, I suddenly feel this position, if it falls, it will continue to shock, and I will not be so confident in holding shares. There is nothing wrong with firm short-term profit taking and short-term unwinding, and further consolidating the chip structure."

"Isn't it just that...the more extreme the shock, the more money can be laundered."

"With so much energy in the market today, most of the short-term profit-making and short-term unwinding orders accumulated in the past two weeks should have been cleared out, right?"

"The 760 billion energy must have been cleared away."

"Today's market situation of extreme explosive volume and decline, according to the sentiment and psychology of the majority of retail investors, as long as they hold profitable positions, I am afraid that not many people will be able to resist selling and continue to lock up their positions."

"Haha, the more you look at the data on the Dragon and Tiger List, the more it looks like a big money washout."

"Isn't it just washing dishes?"

"Oh... Today's data on the Dragon and Tiger List is really beyond expectations, especially for the 'Hua Investment Capital' check. The stock price has dropped to the limit. Among the disclosed trading seats, institutional seats actually bought more than 20 million yuan in net. Measure energy.”

"I originally thought that the market index would open sharply lower tomorrow, but now look... the index may open higher tomorrow."

"It's unlikely to open higher, but at least it shouldn't plummet again."

"If it plummets again, the market will really be unable to bear it."

"Looking at it this way, not only can't today be said to be a selling point, but it is actually a good buying point?"

"The bulls and the shorts are talking about each other, and it can't be said to be a pure buying point."

"Anyway, today's drop, coupled with the data on the Dragon and Tiger List, has in disguise removed the upward pressure above the index's current position to around 3,300 points."

"Yes, I agree with this. After this drop, the pressure near 3,300 points has been completely cleared."

“Before, the index continued to fluctuate around 3300 points. If it could not break through the pressure mark at this point, I felt that the market was going to adjust back, but I didn’t expect it to be as violent as it was today, but well... As everyone said, as long as The main players with large funds are still in an obvious lock-up state and are unwilling to easily sell the high-quality chips they grabbed at low prices, so the overall 'bull market' pattern of the market will not cause major problems."

"There is no big problem with the overall 'bull market' pattern of the market!"

"The biggest impact today is just emotions."

"'s still a short-term sentiment."

"Again, if Mr. Su's main funds of the 'Yuhang Department' are still locked up, then you can continue to take a high look."

"In fact, today's main line of 'big finance', although the securities and Internet financial sectors have fallen sharply, they have not made excessive adjustments."

“Compared with the main lines of ‘infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’, the ‘big finance’ line certainly fell less today.”

"Hey, I was really frightened during the session, especially when there was a panic and sell-off at the end of the session. Looking back now... there are many popular stocks today, and they are all good buying points."

"At least stocks like Flush, Oriental Securities, and Western Securities are definitely good buying points today."

"If there are no accidents, based on the data of this dragon and tiger list... As long as there is no extreme negative blow in the evening, there is a high probability that the core hot stocks in the main line of 'big finance', especially the securities sector and the Internet finance sector, will be successful tomorrow." To achieve a high opening.”

"Don't talk about the high probability, it will definitely be repaired."

“It’s just that I’m not sure whether I can reverse today’s decline.”

"Even if the situation cannot be completely reversed tomorrow, today's big negative line will definitely be able to be repaired in the future."

"This negative line can be repaired before the 17th at most."

"Don't just pay attention to the data on the Dragon and Tiger rankings disclosed by the two cities. The balance of the two financings disclosed after the market closed today also exceeded expectations!"

"Yes, yes, the balance of financing and financing, under the overall market crash, did not expect to decrease but increase. It really broke through to more than one trillion in one go."

"The balance of financing and financing has exceeded one trillion for the first time. This is indeed a big deal for the market."

"The financing balance continues to skyrocket, and the chip capital groups that are unstable in the market are swept out in a wave. I feel that in the future... maybe the index will move more smoothly."

"After careful analysis, I feel that even the 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' sectors that are weak today have almost fallen, right?"

"It depends on how everyone understands the two main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', and it also depends on whether the main financial groups in the market feel that the investment logic of the 'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises' has been shaken. If this happens tomorrow, The rebound trend of the two major main lines is good, so we can follow up and place orders appropriately. Looking at the major popular main lines in the entire market, it is indeed...the two major main lines have been adjusting for one or two months. At this moment, they are a bit It’s so frustrating.”

"How can the investment logic of the core conceptual line of 'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises' be shaken? This is a macroeconomic strategic concept!"

"If you ask me, these two main plots today were simply killed by mistake."

"How do you feel that the market has a capacity of more than 700 billion, but the liquidity is not too abundant?"

"After all, the market has expanded a lot in recent years. However, based on the scale of the financing balance and the market transaction volume shown today, it is obvious... the subsequent market transaction volume will probably continue to break through upward. Today's 7,600 If it can perform in billions of dollars, it will never be the top of the market in terms of transaction volume.”

"I believe this!"

"Actually, today's drop is a bit nonsensical. No matter whether it is market news, some original investment logic, or market outlook expectations, there has been no fundamental change."

"Didn't I say it? It's mainly caused by short-term profit taking and unwinding of arbitrage."

"Bear markets often rise sharply, and bull markets often plummet... No matter what the market situation is, it never happens overnight. After a continuous short squeeze, it is normal to have a rapid correction. Even though the index fell sharply today, in fact, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index is 20 days below the The trend line is still some distance away, and the trend line has not been destroyed.”

"Well, the 20-day line should follow tomorrow. The Shanghai Stock Index should step on the 20-day line below and continue to rebound and rise."

"No matter how the index goes, as long as the main line of 'big finance' does not collapse, I think the index will not fall much at worst, and the limit of 3,000 points is almost there."

"It will definitely not go back to 3,000 points."

"I also think that the index will not go back to the 3000-point position even if it reaches the limit of correction. After all, the 3000-point position was the real breakthrough point that many major institutions frantically increased their positions and rushed to raise funds. So many funds worked together to make a breakthrough. Yes, there is absolutely no reason to let the index fall back and allow short-term funds to get on the train at a low level.”

"If the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index really falls back to 3,000 points, it means that this is not a true comprehensive bull market."

"Yes, if it really falls back to the 3,000-point mark, it basically means that this is a rebound."

"Let's look at the actual trend in the next few trading days. Generally speaking, bull markets rarely have continuous plummeting trends."

"According to the data on the Dragon and Tiger List of the two cities, the rebound and recovery of the index tomorrow should be what everyone expected. If the trend does not follow this expectation and the index does not perform like this, then you have to be vigilant. Although currently both inside and outside the market, the majority of The vast majority of investor groups, including the vast majority of institutional capital groups, already believe that the market has entered a bull market stage, but there are still many investor groups who believe that this is a shock to the market. In other words ...The market is not without a lot of disagreements at this position, otherwise today’s profit taking and settlement of arbitrage would not have been so violent.”

"Yes, you still have to be relatively vigilant."

"Tomorrow we will see how the funds that took over today's buried chips will choose?"

With the refresh of group news and the release of the dragon and tiger ranking data of the two cities, the big hot money players in the group have an in-depth interpretation of the market outlook.

As time goes by...

On the Internet, major financial media websites, institutional analysts, investment consultants, as well as major stock commentators and financial influencers are also conducting in-depth analysis and interpretation of today's rare and extreme plunge in the market.

In the analysis and interpretation of these people, everyone still insists on being bullish in their mid- to long-term investment strategies.

Still insisting on the conclusion that the market is in a bull market stage.

However, in terms of short- and medium-term market trends and opinions, after this huge negative line during the day, the differences between long and short began to increase significantly.

Some analysts believe that the Shanghai Stock Index will continue to adjust back.

Other analysts believe that the Shanghai Stock Index will quickly repair this big negative line, continue the previous short squeeze trend, and hit the 3300 point level again, as well as higher space.

Of course, if you complain about the market and think that the market is over, the Shanghai Index will fall below the 3,000-point support.

There are still many investors who have returned to the large box range of 2000 points to 3000 points.

In general, under today's huge negative line, the market's overall bullish sentiment, whether it is short-term bullish sentiment or long-term bullish sentiment, has declined, and the market's long-short divergence has increased. , investment confidence and long-term confidence are obviously declining.

And when the time comes at night.

Regulators did not express any response to today's extreme market plunge.

It just continued to reiterate the high-level policy on "activating the capital market" and expressed its intention to further protect the development of the domestic capital market.

At the same time, it seems that the market has continued to release some expected benefits.

Late at night, the external market trends did not follow the changes in the A-share market during the day. They continued to open higher and move higher, setting new highs in the near future.

In particular, several major U.S. stock indexes continued to surge by more than 5%.

Among them, the Nasdaq index soared by 5%.

Facing the good response to market news, as well as the hot performance of the peripheral market, there are also after-hours ranking data of the two cities that clearly exceed the expectations of the majority of the market's main financial groups and core investor groups... and a series of other things. factor.

The next day, Tuesday, November 11th.

The mood before the opening of the two markets was significantly better than the mood after yesterday's opening.

And on major online stock investment discussion platforms, there are also many retail investor groups who have begun to express their regret for not increasing their positions at the end of the day yesterday.

Even, continue to speak out on the topic of shorting the market.

Not only are there no longer any panicky comments, but opposition voices have become mainstream.

In other words, judging from the pre-market sentiment alone, yesterday's panic effect has been basically eliminated, and the overall bullish sentiment in the market still suppresses the shorts.

Just like this change in market sentiment, everyone is looking forward to it.

At 9:15 a.m., the two cities ushered in the initial trading stage of collective bidding.

I saw the freeze-framed disks of the two cities jumping rapidly before everyone's attention, and the scene that everyone was looking forward to appeared.

More than 2,000 stocks participated in transactions in the two cities.

At the beginning of the call auction, there were nearly 1,600 stocks showing a rising trend.

Among them, the market's core leading stocks and concept leading stocks that hit the limit and plummeted yesterday can be said to have become the pioneers of rebound recovery, such as 'Flush', 'Oriental Fortune', 'Hengsheng Electronics', 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment', ' China Airlines Heavy Machinery', 'LeTV'...these tickets basically rebounded at a 4-point increase in the initial stage.

Of course, the check that caused yesterday's market crash was the "Chengfei Integration" check.

At this moment, it is still showing a trend of limit-down, and on the limit-down board, more than 500,000 orders are closed, with no signs of opening.

In addition to this group of core stocks.

The main core lines of the market, as well as the performance of conceptual sectors and industry sectors.

The ‘sub-new stocks’ sector, which had the strongest performance yesterday, continued to lead the gains in both markets today at the beginning of the call auction.

And because of the special day of today’s ‘Double Eleven’.

The food and beverage sector, white goods sector, retail sector, and sectors with the concept of 'Internet e-commerce' in the 'big consumption' sector are behind the 'sub-new stocks' sector, and have also become the focus at the beginning of the market's collective bidding. Beautiful scenery.

As for the main line of "big finance" that serves as the center of market conditions.

There has been a rebound, but it has not formed an independent trend leading the rise, and the magnitude of its rebound has not exceeded that of Internet software, Internet applications, film and television media, military industry sectors, etc.

But anyway...

According to the market situation shown at this moment.

The expected form and actual performance of the market's recovery from yesterday's extreme plunge are still very obvious, which will help further ferment the market's bullish sentiment.

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