Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 696 The choice of opportunity!

The last comprehensive bull market in the market was too far away.

When the last bull market broke out, he had just entered college and had no real feelings or experience, so he did not understand the crazy bullish sentiment in the market under the K lines, and the countless stock riots caused by the market evolution. Even though In the later review, he imagined it, but it was far from the market breaking through 3,000 points this time. After entering the bull market stage, he felt so strong, and he was not as excited as he is now.

"The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index is at 3300 points. There shouldn't be much pressure now." Su Yu hadn't spoken yet. Zhao Lijun beside Wang Can had already answered, "Even if we can't break through 3300 points today, we will definitely be able to break through 3300 points tomorrow and the day after tomorrow." Breakthrough, now, the market's 'bull market' pattern, under two consecutive days of strong counter-packages, should have been recognized by the vast majority of investor groups both inside and outside the market.

Now that the bull market pattern has been completely formed.

Then, whether it is profit taking on the market, arbitrage chips, or incremental capital groups outside the market, they should be more inclined to the long direction.

That is to say, the profits and settlements that have not yet been cleared should not be sold as before.

Those potential long funds that were hesitating on the sidelines before will no longer hesitate and will continue to pour in quickly to grab high-quality chips in the market as soon as possible.

In other words, under this counter-conversion trend, both inside and outside the market.

The power of bulls and bears will inevitably change again. The power of bears will further weaken rapidly, while the power of bulls will increase rapidly.

Therefore, this is the 3300 point.

Under such a market development situation, the Shanghai Stock Index cannot be stopped.

In fact, what is important now is no longer the development of the index, but the two core main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the related 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', The most important are the core conceptual themes of the reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises, as well as the development of the core threads of "big finance" and the subsequent expected changes.

If the two core main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the early popular main lines of 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises', have indeed ended the adjustment and entered the In a new rising cycle.

Then, in line with the strong expectations and continued short squeeze trend of the core line of 'big finance'.

Feeling the target of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index.

In the short term, it can be as high as 3,500 points.

At least the two core main lines go hand in hand to continue to expand the money-making effect of the market. In terms of volume performance, and even the potential long capital groups outside the market, there should be a big change. I feel that the market volume of more than 700 billion will not It is a periodic high point of quantity and energy.

The volume of energy in the two cities still has the potential to continue to rise, or even rise sharply.

Of course, if these popular main lines in the early stage cannot be linked to and involved in the main line of 'big finance'... on the contrary, it will distract the attention and concentration of the market's core main funds and short-term active capital groups. The overall market trend is unfavorable. "

"The two early core themes of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the related core conceptual themes of 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', It should be that the adjustment has been completed and it has entered a new upward cycle, right?" After Zhao Lijun's analysis, Liu Yuan, who pondered for a moment, also responded at this time, "And the market volume of more than 700 billion can completely support the market. Multiple main lines are moving hand in hand, and I feel that the short-term target of the Shanghai Stock Index can continue to be moved up to 3,500 points."

"From a technical point of view, as well as the corresponding macro policy news stimulation judgment, the early popular main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry' should have bottomed out in the short term." Zhu Tianyang next to Liu Yuan thought for a while and said in a deep voice. , “After the plunge the day before yesterday, the floating chips in these core main line areas, as well as the hold-up orders from chasing highs in the previous period, have basically been cleared away. Most of the chips that should be sold were sold when the plunge occurred the day before yesterday.

Then, after these two days, it rebounded sharply.

The newly added major financial groups have basically completed the exchange of chips in this range.

Coupled with the positive macro policy news, the market profit-making effect brought about by the main line of "big finance", and the "bull market pattern" that has been recognized by the vast majority of investor groups inside and outside the market.

In the short term, the main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry', as well as the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises', as well as several related conceptual themes, and their corresponding industries There is absolutely no reason for stocks that are core components of sectors and concept sectors to continue to fall and adjust.

It’s just the differentiation of strengths and weaknesses within the main line area…

This should always be there.

However, this internal differentiation in the main line field should have little impact on the overall market conditions and overall money-making effect.

Looking at the core line of 'big finance', since the expectations and pattern of the 'bull market' have been recognized by the vast majority of investors inside and outside the market, and the market volume can be reflected, the scale of the balance of financing and financing is reflected, and the acceleration of IPOs Moving forward... these are all good for the main line of 'big finance', especially the securities sector and the Internet finance sector!

There are multiple positive supports that can be foreseen in the future.

The market certainty of the "big finance" line is obviously no problem.

Since there are no problems with the future expectations of these core main lines, and the basic conditions for continued upward breakthroughs are still in place.

In essence, the market has only one way to continue to rise. "

"At this time, there is no need to analyze too much about the overall market performance and index performance." When Zhu Tianyang said this, Zhang Guobing, who had been silent, answered the conversation. He smiled and said, "Since the market has entered In the "bull market" pattern, then we do not need to analyze too many possible index trends. As long as the overall trend of the market is upward, and important support lines and favorable expectations in the direction of macro policies are still there, then we It should be light on the index and heavy on individual stocks.

In this current situation.

This can be seen through the strong rebound in the market over the past two days.

The core areas where the market is the strongest, or has a sustained trend of strength, and can comprehensively outperform the market, are mainly the major areas of 'infrastructure', 'military industry', 'big finance', 'technological growth', and 'big consumption' .

Needless to say, we have fully discussed the basic investment logic of each main line before.

The key is how the core branches related to our positions in each main line field will go next. This is what we should pay most attention to.

At present, within these core main areas.

The strongest branch areas are mainly ‘military asset restructuring’, ‘high-speed rail’, ‘securities’, ‘Internet finance’, ‘film and television media’, and ‘domestic automobiles’.

We currently have huge positions in the core branch areas of "high-speed rail", "securities" and "Internet finance".

I'm thinking……

Now that these major branches have emerged in the market, the market has shown an obvious sense of hierarchy.

So, should we continue to diversify our positions and slightly adjust the position structure of the main funds? "

When Zhang Guobing said this, he looked away from the trading boards of the two cities and instantly turned to Su Yu, asking, "Mr. Su, what do you think?"

Su Yu smiled softly and did not answer. He turned to look at Li Meng aside and asked, "What do you think, Mr. Li?"

Li Mengmeng thought for a while and said: "It's not impossible, but based on the market conditions in the past two days, it is obvious that the 'Securities' and 'Internet Finance' sectors are still stronger, and the follow-up of these two sectors is Expectations are indeed continuing to increase.

For example, the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect was launched on November 17.

There are also follow-up performance forecasts, as well as news revealed by the central bank about interest rate cuts, reserve requirement ratio cuts, and reforms and restructuring in the financial sector.

So far none of them have been fulfilled.

Since the expectations have not yet been realized, it means that there is still huge room for speculation in its stock price.

Since we have taken the lead in these two major sectors and acquired a large number of high-quality stock chips, there is no way to sell at this time.

After all, it’s not a selling point here anyway.

Therefore, my suggestion is that since we have been deeply involved in the main line of 'big finance', we have a strong position cost advantage.

Then you don’t have to worry about it anymore.

Since there are no problems with the market conditions, and there are no problems with the expectations and sentiments in the direction of 'big finance', as well as the intensity of speculation, then just continue to hold the chips and let the profits continue to run.

As for what Guobing just said, opportunities in the direction of ‘film and television media’ and ‘domestic automobiles’.

Use our remaining funds to increase the position appropriately. Let's get the admission ticket first. After the bottom position is established, the subsequent market will have a more obvious main line market switch and a clearer main line market differentiation pattern, and then adjust the position layout. , it is not too late to adjust the position structure in a timely manner. "

"This... is not impossible." Zhang Guobing responded.

Su Yu continued to look around at the core traders who were having a heated discussion with a smile, and said: "In the 'bull market' situation, it is easy for people to get lost in the bustling scene of the market. As I said... we, We must look at the essence through the phenomenon. In the market, which main line is strong and which main line has large and flexible short- and medium-term market conditions. We cannot just focus on the market and the current follow-up of the buying capital group.

It is still necessary to focus on following up on the expected changes in the market.

There is no doubt that today, although the two main lines of "infrastructure" and "military industry" are related to the "Eurasian Economic Belt", "New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road" and "Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises" Close industry sectors and concept sectors comprehensively led the market.

However, this is due to strong favorable incentives.

It cannot simply be regarded as the spontaneous behavior of the main financial groups of all parties in the market. The intensity and sustainability of the market must be questioned.

On the other hand, look at the several core weighted sectors in the main line of 'big finance'.

In the absence of obvious positive news stimulation, its market trends and corresponding sector index increases can still strongly outperform the broader market index at sustained short-term highs.

So, this shows that this main line is still the area where the main financial groups in the market follow the trend and increase their positions with the highest intensity.

In this case, there is no reason to reduce the holdings of this core main line of chips.

Of course, other main lines and branch lines with explosive potential and huge expected changes are also worth noting, but... when the amount of funds in hand cannot take into account multiple market trends, we still have to put the bowl of rice in hand first. , finish eating, otherwise it is very likely to be a 'monkey carrying corn', without any attention to either end.

It is impossible for one person to sit on two chairs at the same time.

As market traders, we are the same when the amount of funds in hand cannot take into account multiple main line market trends. "

"Understood!" Zhang Guobing nodded after hearing what Su Yu said, and then said, "Mr. Su, then we... still stick to the previous trading strategy and continue to increase our positions in stocks in the direction of 'high-speed rail concept'?"

Su Yu nodded slightly and said without hesitation: "Continue, since the expectations of the 'bull market' are still increasing, and the main buying capital groups of all parties are still following up quickly, there is no reason not to continue to increase positions. Since the index has formed a reaction, Bao, a new short squeeze situation has taken place, then follow the original trading strategy and directly fill up the fund’s positions!”

He knew that after this period of time, positions continued to increase.

The remaining liquidity funds and remaining positions of several main funds of the 'Yu Hang Series' are running out.

At this time, if you continue to increase your position and grab funds, even if the temporary purchase cost is much higher than before, the impact on the overall cost of holding the position is basically minimal.

"Okay!" As Su Yu finished speaking, all the core traders in the trading room responded.

Afterwards, eyes focused on the two markets again.

At the same time, corresponding instructions to continue buying were also conveyed to each group of traders from the fund managers and trading team leaders.

After that, there will be tens of millions or hundreds of millions of funds.

Continue to rush into the corresponding target stocks amidst the crackling of the keyboard, and continue to grab funds to increase the stock price.

In the continuous increase of positions in the "Yu Hang Series".

At 1:22, the two stocks of China Southern Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corporation Limited and China North Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corporation Limited surged in unison, with their share prices rising by more than 6%. For a time, other investor groups who paid attention to these two stocks felt worried. These two stocks are filled with a lot of nonsense.

At the same time, it is also the first time.

Expectations arose in everyone's mind that these two stocks would be merged and reorganized.

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