Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 713: The market trend following the realization of good news!

However, amid the continued rise in bullish sentiment.

In the evening, as many investors expected, the regulatory authorities did not release new benefits to the market. At the same time, the trend of the external market also showed a certain retracement fluctuation.

Then, during the two days over the weekend, the market news was equally quiet.

Faced with the retracement of the external market and the calm performance of the two days of weekend news, some investor groups who originally had high expectations for the market trend on Monday began to be obviously disappointed and lowered their expectations for the market outlook. At the same time, , the bullish sentiment inside and outside the market has also dropped significantly.

And when the time reaches November 17, before the market opens on Monday.

The bullish sentiment in the two cities, as well as everyone's expectations for the market's opening, have gradually returned to a relatively rational state.

Of course, even if the current bullish sentiment in the market has returned to a relatively rational state.

Generally speaking, bullish sentiment still maintains suppression of bearish sentiment.

At the same time, due to the official opening of the "Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect", many major "southern" financial groups are already looking forward to it, waiting for the market to swarm in after it opens.

After all, the money-making effect shown by A-shares in the second half of the year.

Obviously it exceeds Hong Kong stocks.

These "southern" funds that have been active in the Hong Kong stock market before are inevitably a little jealous when faced with the extreme profit-making effect of A-shares.

It was just previously restricted by the investment rules of the two places, as well as issues such as capital investment channels.

Unable to enter the market in time for trading.

Now, the opening of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect has given these "Southern System" funds a better channel to enter the A-share market. Naturally, this group of "Southern System" investors who have long been eyeing the money-making effect of A-shares have become excited. I am ready to make a move and want to enter the market as soon as possible to grab funds.

There is also the official opening of A50 index futures and China Securities 500 index futures.

At this time, it also gives many major financial institutions and large investor groups more ways to go long in the market.

Under the influence of these pre-market emotions and factors converging on various news...

At 9:15, when the two cities entered the initial call auction stage, there were only more than 2,000 stocks in the two cities, and there were still about 1,500 stocks that opened higher, and a number of popular main lines that performed outstandingly last week, especially It is a group of core weight stocks in the main areas of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure', all of which are generally opening higher.

At the same time, the newly opened main contracts of A50 index futures and China Securities 500 index futures are trading on the market.

At this moment, the number of active buying orders also increased dramatically.

On the first day of listing, its two major index futures also opened higher by 37% and 43% as stocks in the two cities generally opened higher.

At 9:16, the number of stocks that opened higher in the two cities obviously decreased amid rapid fluctuations in their market prices.

However, amidst the decrease in the number of red-plate stocks, the number of core-weighted stocks in the main lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure' is obviously still increasing, and stocks such as 'Huaxin Securities, Huatong Securities, Huashang Securities, Huatai Securities, Hua Commercial Bank, Huaguo Bank, Huajian Bank, Huanong Bank, Huaguo Construction, Huaguo Railway Construction, Huaguo Communications Construction, Huaguo China Railway...' and a large number of "Hua" heavyweight stocks, The volume of active buying on the market and the high opening range continue to increase.

There are also three main futures contracts on the market: CSI 300 Index futures, A50 Index futures, and China Securities 500 Index futures.

Its active purchasing behavior is also increasing with the times.

Among them, the increase in the main A50 index futures contract has rapidly expanded to 5%, the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 index futures have reached an increase of 41%, and the China Securities 500 index futures have fallen back, and the increase has returned to 31%. According to several The reaction and trend of the main contracts of large index futures.

It can be seen that it is affected by the official opening of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect.

At the beginning of the call auction between the two cities, the main buying funds in the market were completely concentrated on a group of heavyweight blue-chip stocks in the Shanghai stock market.

Of course, such a trend was basically expected by the major financial institutions before the market opened.

After all, the first batch of trading stocks to enter the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect can only be a group of heavily weighted blue-chip stocks in the Shanghai stock market in terms of liquidity.

In other words, after the launch of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect, the direct beneficiaries will be the immediate targets.

That's how blue-chip heavyweight stocks are.

In particular, the main line weight stocks of "big finance" and "big infrastructure" have already achieved strong profit-making effects and have strong expectations for the market outlook.

At 9:17, the initial call auction price patterns of the two cities continued to develop in this direction.

I saw a number of blue-chip heavyweight stocks in the two core market areas of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure'. The market trend is getting stronger and stronger, and the active buying volume is more and more concentrated in the weighted popular stocks, while other small and medium-sized stocks Board concept stocks and marginal mainline concept stocks showed signs of continuing to fall.

At this moment, the number of red stocks in the two cities also continued to fall, reaching 1,200.

At the same time, the increase in the main contract of 'China Securities 500 Index Futures' fell back to 28%. At the moment when the main futures contract was listed, that is, the traders who bought long 2 minutes ago had already appeared. Small losses.

Similarly, the main contract of the 'A50 Index Futures' that was listed for trading at the same time continued to expand its increase to more than 6%, and on the main contract market, the number of long-term buy orders continued to increase rapidly, and the number of orders continued to rise. The upward momentum was not suppressed by short orders at all.

At 9:18, the collective bidding situation in the two cities became increasingly clear.

The three major sectors of securities, banking, and insurance as the main line of "Big Finance" took the top three in the industry sector growth lists in the two cities.

Then, what comes after.

It is the industry sectors such as building decoration, building materials, commercial real estate development, machinery and equipment, and public transportation in the main line of "big infrastructure", and then... automobile consumption, food and beverage, film and television media, Internet software, Internet applications and other industry sectors Slightly red plate.

Similarly, when the stocks with heavy weights in the "securities, banks, and insurance" sectors are getting stronger and stronger.

A number of stocks in the 'Internet Finance' sector are also rapidly following the trend, and the active buying power on the market is also increasing rapidly.

It's just that in the 'sub-new stocks' sector, some problems have arisen at this time.

I saw that the entire 'sub-new stocks' sector opened lower at this moment, showing a slight decline.

Among them, the absolute hot stock within the sector, 'Hua Ke Shuguang', has seen significant loosening in the market. Although its stock price, at this moment, still maintains the form of a straight-line daily limit and opening, its closing order, compared with before It has dropped sharply, and the number of orders to be matched displayed on the market has reached 60,000 lots at this moment, exceeding all the trading volumes of the 16 consecutive daily limit boards before this check.

And this means that... this check will most likely be difficult to keep open today.

It also means that this core leading stock, which has hit 16 unlimited daily limits and set a new record for new stock listings, is finally about to usher in the time to change hands and open the market.

Similarly, it is affected by the high probability of the opening of the "Huake Shuguang", the absolute leading stock in the "sub-new stock" sector.

During last week's rebound, the new stock "Blue Stone Heavy Equipment" hit a four-game streak. At this moment, there was also a huge divergence on the market.

I saw on the disk that the number of trading orders planned to be matched was as high as 10,000 lots.

At the same time, the price opened higher, with a gain of only 89%, which was far lower than everyone’s pre-market opening expectations for this stock.

At 9:19, the market call auction trend became more and more differentiated, and its shape and pattern became more and more obvious.

When time reaches this moment.

The high opening trend of the two core main lines of "big finance" and "big infrastructure" is already very obvious.

Moreover, a group of heavyweight core stocks in its main line field are opening higher, and the main buying capital groups are rushing to raise funds. It is also becoming more and more obvious.

In other main areas, signs that many false orders have begun to be gradually withdrawn are becoming more and more obvious.

At the same time, the form of collective bidding in the market is gradually changing.

The trends of the main futures contracts of several major indexes also changed simultaneously, and there was a clear sense of hierarchy.

I saw that the opening range of the main contract of 'A50 Index Futures' further climbed to 73%, the main contract of 'CSI 300 Index Futures' remained unchanged at around 4%, and the opening range of the main contract of 'China Securities 500 Index Futures' The increase has further fallen below 2%, only maintaining a slightly higher opening trend.

Subsequently, when 9:20 arrived, the two cities entered the formal call auction session where orders cannot be canceled.

I saw the market situation after countless false orders and cancellations...

Of the more than 2,000 stocks in the two cities, there are only about 1,100 stocks, and they still maintain a trend of opening higher. Compared with the initial call auction time of the two cities at 9:15, it can be said that it has fallen sharply.

But just when the number of red stocks fell sharply, it almost showed a 50-50 situation.

A group of heavily weighted blue-chip core stocks focusing on the core lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'big consumption', especially the major sectors of banking, insurance and securities in the main line of 'big finance', have a market value of several hundred, The leading blue-chip stocks in the two cities with a market value of hundreds of billions or even trillions still maintain a positive and upward trend. Whether it is the volume of active buying on the market or the overall number of matched transactions, they are all changing with the times. All increase.

In particular, the securities sector has attracted much attention from investors both inside and outside the market.

This weighted sector is known as the 'Bull Market Pioneer' and the 'Bull Market Flagbearer' by the majority of investor groups. Although the individual stocks within the sector have risen sharply in the early stage, at this moment, all the stocks in the sector still maintain their collective strength. A high opening trend.

Even 'Founder Securities', which was relatively weak before and continuously underperformed the market, has maintained a high opening trend at this moment.

Its market rose as high as 53%.

As for the more popular heavyweight securities stocks such as "Huaxin Securities, Western Securities, Huashang Securities, Huayin Capital, and Huatong Securities", their market opening ranges at the moment are even above the 1% increase mark.

Of course, there are such riots in securities, banks, and insurance.

As the main line of "big finance", the "Internet finance" sector, which is significantly more flexible, has not fallen behind at all.

At this moment, the entire 'Internet Finance' sector index opened higher, with an increase of more than 1%, maintaining its leading position as the conceptual sector in the two cities.

And the core stocks in its sector...

For example, 'Flush' continued to open higher at a 3% increase; the two weighted stocks of 'Oriental Fortune and Hengsheng Electronics' opened higher by about 5%, and stocks like 'Great Wisdom' became increasingly popular. The higher the price, many investors believe that the component stocks with serious demand to make up for the increase have opened higher than the 5% increase, showing that funds are still frantically rushing to raise funds, and there is a high probability that they will continue to hit the daily limit.

At 9:21, the popular weighted stocks on the main lines of "Big Finance" and "Big Infrastructure" continue to rise.

‘Huake Shuguang’ in the ‘sub-new stock’ sector finally broke the market, and its stock price fell rapidly from the daily limit. At the same time, the number of orders to be matched on the market also increased rapidly.

Along with the stock price of ‘Hua Ke Shuguang’ broke through the market.

A number of "technological growth" concept stocks associated with it, as well as various marginal mainline concept stocks, have even fallen back one after another.

Among them, the high opening gains of the 'Blue Stone Reload' check were all wiped out instantly, falling directly to near the flat position, and the active selling pressure on the market is still increasing crazily.

At the same moment, the number of red stocks in the two cities once again dropped to around 1,000.

At this time, the number of red stocks began to be lower than the number of stocks that opened lower and fell.

The overall shape of the market, from a generally higher opening at 9:15, has rapidly transformed into a situation of obvious shock and differentiation, and the profit-making effect has been significantly reduced.

But at the moment when red stocks in the two cities continued to fall.

The increase in the main contract of 'A50 Index Futures', which reflects the opening strength of market-weighted blue-chip stocks, continues to rise, reaching 81% at this moment.

“The collective bidding trends in the two cities feel a bit obviously lower than pre-market expectations!”

Seeing that the number of stocks in the red market in the two cities has begun to be lower than the number of stocks that opened lower and fell, at 9:22, in the Magic City, inside Zexi Investment Company, in the main fund trading room, Zhou Kan stared at the real-time changes in the market, Wei Wei He frowned and said: "Boss, I feel that today's market conditions are probably not optimistic. The benefits of the 'Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect' and the listing of 'A50 Index Futures' and 'China Securities 500 Index Futures' are great." The probability is that a good thing will turn into a bad thing.”

"To be precise... the market situation of small-cap stocks is not optimistic." Xu Xiang squinted at the call auction trends of the two cities and responded with a smile, "Shanghai has directly entered the first batch of the 'Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect' list. The blue-chip weighted stocks in the market are still obviously supported by favorable conditions, and they can also directly face the continuous attacks from a large number of incremental capital groups.

In any case, the market as a whole is making money.

That is, under the ‘bull market’ pattern that everyone agrees on.

The incremental funds that the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect has brought to the market are substantial.

These incremental funds will not be able to take care of many small-cap concept stocks in the market in a short period of time, but their stimulating effect on heavyweight stocks should still be very significant.

What’s more, the current two core themes of ‘big finance’ and ‘big infrastructure’ are.

Under the support of the expected logic of the 'bull market', and under the guidance of the two major macroeconomic strategic guidelines of 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road' and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', there are already strong expectations and expectations of fundamental reversal. , these groups of incremental funds brought about by the "Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect" have no reason not to increase their positions on a large scale in these main line areas.

Therefore, we analyze it from the perspective of capital change direction and from the perspective of market outlook expectations.

The trends of the two core main lines of "big finance" and "big infrastructure" are likely to follow the trend of a number of small and medium-cap stocks and become increasingly divergent.

And under the continuous concentrated attack of incremental capital groups.

I am afraid that it will be difficult to see an extreme correction like last Monday. After all, there are still expectations of the central bank cutting interest rates and lowering reserve requirements! "(End of chapter)

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