Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 719: The rotation of the main line in the market!

As soon as the market resumed trading, the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index, and ChiNext Index all rose rapidly again.

And amid the upward trend of major indexes.

In the morning, the performance was strong near midday. Core stocks and industry leading stocks in low-level main areas such as "big consumption, non-ferrous metal cycle, coal, petrochemicals, pharmaceutical business", which have condensed part of the money-making effect, all ushered in a wave of concentrated active buying. , the share prices of corresponding stocks climbed rapidly upwards.

At the same time, a number of popular main lines such as ‘big finance’, ‘big infrastructure’, ‘military industry’, and ‘technological growth’ continued to lead the gains in the early stage, which performed strongly in early trading but subsequently fell significantly.

At this moment, the amount of selling energy on the market has once again increased significantly.

Correspondingly, the stock prices of popular stocks and leading stocks with heavy weights have also come under pressure, with stock prices retracing and stagnant time-sharing trend patterns showing heavy volume.

At 1:02, non-ferrous metals and coal prices surged, with the sector ranking among the top three in the two cities.

At 1:03, a number of core stocks in the coal sector such as ‘Shenhua Coal, Chongzhou Coal, Jinxi Coal, Pingmei Group...’ showed an explosive straight-line upward trend, and the bottoming out trend was extremely obvious.

At 1:04, stocks in the 'Nonferrous Cycle' sector such as 'Western Mining, Zijin Mining, Yundian Copper, Tianqi Lithium, Qilu Gold...' followed a number of core stocks in the coal sector. There is also a straight-line pull-up.

At 1:05, the two major concept sectors of 'white goods' and 'baijiu' were also ranked among the top five concept sectors in the two cities. Among them, the three white goods giants of 'Gree Electric Appliances, Midea Electric Appliances, and Haier Electric Appliances', and The stock prices of the three major liquor giants, Qianzhou Moutai, Wuliangye and Luzhou Laojiao, have exploded in volume, rising by more than 5% in a straight line, significantly outperforming the major market indexes, and showing an obvious reversal trend of bottoming out.

At 1:06, the food manufacturing industry sector also ranked among the top five industry sector growth lists in the two cities.

At 1:07, on November 11, the 'retail' concept sector and the 'Internet e-commerce' concept, which had soared once, made a comeback at this moment. Corresponding core stocks and concept stocks also attracted the attention of a large number of buying Zijin groups. .

At 1:08, the intraday increase of 'Huaguo Petroleum' expanded to 3%, and the intraday turnover expanded to 2.5 billion. Although this turnover was not as high as that of 'Huaxin Securities', the leading brokerage stock with the highest turnover in the two cities. It's too interesting to see, but compared with the trading volume of Huaguo Petroleum in the previous trading days, during the same time period, it was obviously a large increase in volume.

However, the intraday trading volume of 2.5 billion funds.

It is somewhat surprising that this super market-weighted stock with a market capitalization of trillions can increase by more than 3 points.

Of course, this also shows that in the "Huaguo Petroleum" check, more than 90% of the liquid chips have been locked up in the continuous downward trend over the years. At this moment, at this historical low of the stock price, the pressure to hold the market is not strong. It is not heavy, and the resistance to the upward movement of the stock price is not great.

At 1:09, driven by the rapid rise of "Huaguo Petroleum" by more than 3%.

Stocks such as "Petrochemical Oil Services, Taishan Petroleum, Hongyu Fuel..." in the "Petrochemical" sector also rose sharply.

Among them, the check for 'Hongyu Fuel' was due to the smaller circulation plate.

The main short-term speculation funds that poured in directly pushed the price up to the daily limit in one fell swoop.

At 1:10, with the daily limit of 'Hongyu Fuel', the entire 'Petrochemical' sector's intraday increase rapidly expanded to more than 2%, and it also ranked among the top five in the two cities' instant growth lists of industry sectors.

At 1:11, the automobile sector in the 'big consumption' field also moved again.

‘Changan Automobile, Great Wall Motor, Shanghai Automobile Group, Huaguo FAW, Guangzhou Automobile Group...’ A number of core component stocks have led to higher volumes.

Among them, the trend of "Shanghai Automobile Group", which is the leader in the sector, has begun to fully follow the market trend of "Huaguo Petroleum". The time-sharing volume can continue to expand, and the increase has jumped from around 2% to more than 3%.

At 1:12, compared with the market situation in the morning that the popular main lines such as 'big finance, big infrastructure, military industry, and science and technology growth' were all leading the rise, the overall market performance at this moment has completely changed, 'big consumption, non-ferrous metal cycle, petrochemical industry' 'Several main lines have become the main lines leading the market at this moment.

Among them, there are many conceptual sectors such as white goods, liquor, automobiles, oil mining, gold... etc.

It has comprehensively surpassed a number of strong concept sectors such as "big finance, big infrastructure, military industry, and technological growth" and other popular main lines, and has become the conceptual theme that temporarily leads the market.

At 1:13, the increase in the 'Securities' sector further fell back to less than 1%, and 'Huaxin Securities', the core leading stock in the securities sector, had a daily turnover of around 7 billion, and the stock price also followed the volume. The burst of energy becomes weaker and weaker.

At 1:14, the intraday increase of Flush fell to about 3%, and its stock price fell back from the daily limit in early trading, reaching about 7 points.

At 1:15, the stock price of ‘Chengfei Integration’, a core stock in the ‘military industry’ sector, plummeted again, and the intraday decline expanded to about 4%.

At 1:16, the growth rate of the 'Internet Finance' sector also dropped below 1%. In the entire sector, only 'Great Wisdom', a component stock with a strong logic of compensating for gains, can continue to maintain its daily limit. Other popular concept stocks , the stock price fell sharply compared with the early trading.

At 1:17, the turnover of the two cities reached the 500 billion mark.

At 1:18, the stock prices of the three giants Gree Electric, Midea Electric, and Haier Electric in the white goods sector further expanded, reaching more than 5%.

At 1:19, the stock price of "Rambus Electric" stood at the 5% increase mark amid the expansion of time-sharing volume.

At 1:20, Changan Automobile's stock price broke through the 7% increase mark.

At 1:21, the stock price of Hua Investment Capital, a leading stock in the brokerage sector, plummeted by 5 points in one minute, and its volume and energy were further amplified.

At 1:22, ‘LeTV’ almost wiped out all the gains it had made after the market opened.

At 1:23, the "Quantong Education" that originally hit the daily limit exploded, and the index trend of the entire "Internet Online Education" concept sector suffered a sharp setback. Its hype logic seems to have shown signs of wavering.

At 1:24, the stock price of 'Netspeed Technology', a core leading stock of 'domestic software' and a heavyweight component of the GEM Index, fell below the flat price and bucked the trend and entered an underwater shock.

At 1:25, the small and medium-sized board index also showed a sharp downward trend.

At 1:26, the ChiNext Index, which once expanded its gains in the early afternoon trading, quickly rebounded under the steady decline of core popular component stocks such as "LeTV, Internet Speed ​​Technology, Oriental Fortune, Flush..." It retraced and returned to the midday closing point.

At 1:27, the Shanghai Composite Index began to trade sideways between 10% and 20% as the Small and Medium Enterprises Index and ChiNext Index continued to retreat.

at the same time……

On the other hand, the 'A50 Index' continued to strengthen, continuing to widen the gap with the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index, GEM Index, and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Index, further expanding the intraday increase to around 20%.

At 1:28, the stock price of Huaguo Petroleum once again expanded to the 4% increase mark.

At 1:29, ‘Shenhua Coal Industry’ rose by more than 5%.

At 1:30, the stock price of "Qianzhou Moutai" also hit the 4% increase mark.

At 1:31, the stock price of Shanghai Automotive Industry Group Co., Ltd. broke through the 6% increase in one fell swoop, leading the gains of many constituent stocks in the A50 index.

After midday, the market was closed for half an hour.

The disk trend patterns of the two cities, as well as the main line market performance patterns, have obviously become more and more distinct compared with the midday closing time.

I saw that the main line of 'big finance', which is strongly related to the 'Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect', 'A50 Index Futures', and 'China Securities 500 Index Futures', has experienced a comprehensive and sharp correction after a strong rise in the early trading. Because of these favorable conditions in the early trading, a lot of funds taken over at high levels were all locked up at intraday highs for a while.

Similarly, there were a number of low-level and marginal main lines that were once siphoned away by the core main lines of "big finance, big infrastructure" and "technological growth".

When there is no way to fall.

Finally, we ushered in a strong counterattack that bottomed out, and the volume increased significantly.

"Damn it, today's market trend is really exciting."

After 1:30, a group of retail investors gathered in the discussion area of ​​the trading platform were extremely surprised and sighed when they saw such a market trend and the main line market performance.

"Who would have thought that the benefits of the 'Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect' would actually be negative for the entire 'big finance' main line!"

"The so-called realization of good news is bad news. Today's market trend really fully explains this sentence."

"Damn it, you made me chase the high point in the early trading."

"Those who are chasing 'big finance' today should have been stuck for a while, right?"

"It will definitely take a while, but for the 'big financial' line, I feel that this is still not the high point where the market will end. After adjustments in the future, it will definitely hit a new high point."

“Although it’s not the high point where the market ended, it still feels uncomfortable if I get caught!”

"Next, the market should switch the main line between high and low, and rotate the main line market to a low level, seriously lagging behind the corresponding main line area of ​​the market, right?"

"Sure, isn't it already shown on the board?"

"The core line of 'big finance' has been pulled so fast in the early trading, and I feel bad. As expected..."

"The funds from the 'Southern Department' that have been chased in today must have been trapped, right? Haha... It's rare to see domestic institutions be so smart."

"Today, when the main line of 'big finance' is fully pulled up in early trading, the funds that take out positions and take profits in the main line stocks of big finance and enter the low-level main line stock field are definitely the smartest capital groups in the market."

"Let me just say, this is a comprehensive bull market, and the main lines of the market will definitely rotate."

"Hey, I had no choice but to chase the main line stocks of 'Big Financial' last Friday. I'm going to give you a sap today. It's so... I would have known better not to change positions."

"I've said it before, the bull market is here, and the individual stocks in the market are just the difference between early rise and late rise. Before the stocks you hold have not risen sharply, you should still cautiously adjust positions to chase higher prices. After all, if you hold on to it, you will always It is better than following the wrong market rhythm and continuing to miss the market."

"Then now...should I sell securities and stocks again and buy back my previous stock position?"

"It is obvious that this should be done. At this time, the market has just carried out a 'high-low switch' trend, and all low-level stocks have just begun to rebound. At this time, it should be the right time to adjust positions and pursue pursuit."

"Hey, it's too difficult. I feel like no matter what I do, it's all wrong. Who said it's easy to make money in the bull market?"

"Haha...I adjusted my position to pursue."

"I chased Shanghai Automobile Group Co., Ltd., which has the strongest rise. I hope the main force will not bury me."

"I chased the 'Changan Automobile' check, and seeing this check... it seemed like it was going to rise by the limit. The automobile sector was really strong today, ranking first in the two cities' price increase lists."

"The 'automobile sector' has been doing well recently, right?"

"Well, last week's market growth, although the automobile sector did not perform outstandingly, it also outperformed the market."

"The macro-economy needs to recover. As the top priority of the 'big consumer' market, the 'auto market' is definitely promising in the future. We are firmly optimistic about the comprehensive recovery of the 'auto industry'."

"Why not buy 'Ankai Bus, Yutong Bus, Zotye...' these automobile stocks with a smaller circulation market? Isn't it said that stocks with a small circulation market are relatively easier to speculate and have higher stock price elasticity?"

“Having said that, it also depends on the current market’s capital preferences and style!”

"Yes, it is obvious that although many major financial groups in the market today are reducing their positions and taking profits in the high-priced and popular main areas such as 'big finance, big infrastructure, military industry, and technological growth' that have surged in the early stage, and are investing in large-scale Adjust positions in the low main line area, but through the specific trend of the A50 index, we can still find the market's capital preference, which has never left the core blue-chip stocks and industry leading stocks. In short... it is the current market investment style, still It is the large-cap stocks that are stronger than the small-cap concept stocks.”

"You can know this by looking at the gap between the trend of the A50 index and the trend of the small and medium-sized board index."

"It's still a weighted blue-chip stock market!"

"That's for sure. In the early days of the bull market, the first priority is to break out the market's valuation system, raise the valuation of particularly undervalued stocks, and let big funds rush into the market... A total of 800 billion in the two cities in one day Turnover, if the main funds don’t buy undervalued, high-quality blue-chip, blue-chip and high-performance weights in the market, then what should they buy? Small-cap concept stocks are only suitable for large-scale hot money active in the market. For these large-scale main players who can directly guide the macro trend of the market Institutions are not suitable at all, so... in the first stage of the bull market, blue-chip stocks with large market weights will definitely rise. Let's... follow this direction, and there will always be nothing wrong."

"I agree, last year was the growth stock market with the concepts of 'GEM' and 'SME Board' as the main focus, so today it is definitely the turn of the weighted blue-chip stock market. The market's weighted blue-chip stocks cannot be valued, and they were already speculated last year. In fact, high-concept growth stocks cannot rise. After all, after seriously breaking away from the weighted blue-chip valuation system, if they continue to speculate at higher levels, the basic logic does not support it, and the stock price has no support."

"Yes, yes, just move in this direction..."

In the midst of active and heated discussions among many retail investor groups.

The market trading time has passed 2 o'clock in the afternoon without realizing it.

I saw that the market pattern of the two markets in this market has undergone new changes compared to half an hour ago.

A number of core large-cap weighted stocks and industry leading stocks in the main line areas of 'big consumption, non-ferrous metal cycle, petrochemicals, coal' and other main areas that have strongly counterattacked at low levels. At this time, after a large amount of the intraday bullish takeover power was consumed, as the top touched more With the holding pressure position, the rising trend of stock price has also begun to slow down.

In fact, many core stocks have already shown obvious stagflation sideways patterns.

As for the midday session in the morning and the half-hour opening session in the afternoon, heavyweight stocks and leading stocks in popular core main lines such as 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', 'military industry' and 'technological growth' were sold by a large amount of selling funds. For stocks, after hitting intraday lows, selling volume can gradually decrease.

At this moment, it started to slowly pick up again.

And on the market of stocks such as 'Huaxin Securities, Flush, Oriental Fortune, LeTV, Wangsu Technology, Chinese Commercial Bank, Ping An Insurance...' and other stocks, the obvious active buying power has begun to suppress the selling power again, and the stock price The momentum for further declines has clearly been lost.

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