Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 721: The main trend is the result of the concerted efforts of market funds!

"The so-called logic of 'good things are bad when they come to fruition' seems to be basically non-existent when bull market expectations are getting stronger and the market's bull market pattern is becoming clearer!"

We saw several popular core themes of ‘big finance, big infrastructure, military industry, and technological development’.

After the low-level mainline sectors such as 'big consumption, non-ferrous metal cycle, petrochemical industry, pharmaceutical business, coal...' and their core stocks hit the intraday pressure level, they quickly began to recover the previous correction decline in the intraday. At this moment, Su Yu Within the main hot money group of Yuhang.

With the rapid refresh of messages in the group.

Many large investors in hot money couldn't help but express such sentiments.

"It seems that just like before, the two strongest sectors, securities and Internet finance, have completed rapid adjustments within the day, giving no buying opportunities for deeper corrections at all."

“This shows that there are still too many financial groups chasing these two core sectors, both inside and outside the market.”

"I have to say that in the past half month or so, the market volume has been increasing, which is really scary."

"Yes, the transaction volume of the two cities has reached a scale of almost 800 billion. This volume performance has far exceeded the volume performance of the 2007 bull market, right?"

"Well, the market's turnover in the past few trading days has already reached a record high."

"We can't just look at volume to show performance. Compared with the market capitalization of the two cities in 2007, in today's market, although the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index is still over 3,000 points, the overall market capitalization is no different from the market capitalization at the peak of the bull market in 2007. The market has expanded a lot in recent years!”

"Yes, but although the market value is almost the same as at that time, if you include the trillion-dollar margin balance, the market liquidity has definitely not reached its peak due to the rapid inflow of incremental funds on and off the market."

"Not only are we far from the top, I guess we have just reached the bottom of the mountain."

"Based on the market trends during this period, the turnover and market liquidity, as well as the combined continuous profit-making effect, are basically much higher than everyone expected. These factors that exceed expectations should also be the same Will it push up the previous investment expectations of various institutional groups for the main line of 'big finance'? In other words...these market factors are why the securities and Internet financial sectors are so strong, and funds from all parties simply do not wait for the depth of these two core sectors. Adjustment is the reason for the radical and crazy rush to raise funds.”

"That's how it is. Market liquidity performance that far exceeds previous expectations will naturally rapidly push up market expectations for the main line of 'big finance.'"

"Let me just say that in the early stages of the bull market, you just need to focus on the 'securities' sector and work hard."

"Before the securities sector is not expected to be completely full, the main financial groups gathered in the main line of 'big finance' should not easily withdraw and fully turn to the low-level main line area. After all...the core main line chips are lost, but It won’t be easy to get it back.”

"What the hell, isn't it? Just when I wanted to do a 'high-low switch' to get a little more profit, I was dumped and I lost my chips in an instant."

"What's this called... picking up sesame seeds and losing the watermelon."

"At what stage do you expect the average growth of the securities sector and the Internet financial sector to be?"

“Looking at the market turnover compared to the explosive multiple at the beginning of the year, we can easily estimate that if the market can maintain the current average turnover of 800 billion, and the balance of financing and financing remains above one trillion, then the benchmark securities sector will The share prices of individual stocks at the beginning of the year should have increased by 3 to 5 times. Of course, individual core leading stocks have generally increased by 3 to 5 times in the sector. It is optimistically estimated that they can also become 10 times big bull stocks. "

“Market liquidity and transaction volume have far exceeded the peak data of the last bull market, and in recent years, the operating environment of securities companies has also improved. Logically speaking... the valuation level of the entire sector is unreasonably higher than that of the previous bull market. The valuation level in the bull market is still low, and there must be an average increase of 3 to 5 times.”

"The key is how long can the market's average capacity of 800 billion and the balance of financing and financing of trillions be maintained? This is the market growth rate for the securities sector, and even for the corresponding sectors of the main lines of 'big finance' such as insurance, banking, and Internet finance. The most important basis for valuation.”

" one can say for sure, right?"

"I think we can be completely optimistic. After all, how much has the M2 data increased over the years? If the central bank changes its macro monetary policy in the future, then the current financial easing situation faced by the market will be many times higher than in 2007. If I am optimistic about the estimate, I think it will not be difficult at all for the future market turnover data to reach the scale of one trillion, and it should be achieved soon."

"The expectation that the central bank's monetary policy will shift... is indeed rumored in the market, but it remains to be seen whether it can be finalized!"

"It depends on the other side of the ocean, what will the Fed do?"

"According to the expectations of many financial institutions in the external market, after the Fed withdraws from its loose monetary policy, the path to raising interest rates should not be easily opened."

"If the expectations of the external market are more optimistic, then the central bank will indeed have more cards."

"Take a step and take a look, I think."

"Indeed, with so much analysis and consideration, it is better to follow the money-making effect of the market. As long as the core money-making effect of the market is still in the main areas of 'big finance, big infrastructure, military industry, and technological growth', then everyone will rely on these Just a few main lines will do the trick."

"You still need a certain amount of faith, otherwise you will easily be thrown off the bus."

"Yes, since I changed the way of holding positions every other day and concentrated my heavy positions on the 'securities' sector, I have really realized the saying 'holding shares is more difficult than being a widow'."

“Holding shares is inherently harder than being a widow!”

"The key is to remain unsold under extreme market fluctuations while watching the market. It really tests your mentality."

“Since last Monday’s plunge, not many people can withstand the violent level of adjustment in the ‘big finance’ line!”

“The key is that the technical picture has deviated so far and it can continue to rise.”

"This is the combined force of the market and the continuous short squeeze, which will kill investors who are not firm in holding shares."

"In fact, this trend will cause the stock price to continue to rise. After being separated from the costs of most investors, the upward pressure will become smaller and smaller."

"I agree, so the main uptrend of 'Big Finance' has not officially arrived yet, right?"

"Isn't it here yet? The securities sector index has basically doubled in more than half a month."

"To be precise, in the main line of 'big finance', the main rise in the banking and insurance sectors, which have lagged behind in growth, has not yet fully arrived."

"Actually, I think if you want to 'switch high and low' in the market, you should switch high and low within the core popular main line areas."

"Well, yes, I always feel that today's guidance is focused on the low-level main lines of 'big consumption, non-ferrous metal cycle, petrochemical industry, coal, pharmaceutical business...' and there are basically no expectations for a reversal of industry fundamentals. I will do 'high and low' here. It’s not very wise to switch to big money when the market changes.”

"It can only be said that judging from the market performance at this moment, it is not very wise, right?"

"But it also illustrates the point that the market is always right. The real mainline market trend is formed by the concerted efforts of all the capital groups in the market, rather than by one or two funds guiding the market."

"This point is strongly agreed. Only the market direction that can produce a unanimous and joint effort among the market capital groups is worthy of continued trading and continued attention."

"From the perspective of other main funds, which have led the market several times, we have to say... Mr. Su, who has led the main trend of the market several times, is really awesome!"

"Yes, every time Mr. Su triggers the main trend direction of the market, a consistent synergy of market funds is formed."

"Indeed, otherwise how can we say that Mr. Su is the only major financial institution in the market?"

"The key is the determination to hold shares, which is also unparalleled."

"In recent trading days, on the Dragon and Tiger List, 'Fortune Road' and its related institutional seats have either not appeared, or if they have appeared, it has been a net buying trend. This should explain Mr. Su's 'Yu Hang Series' fund. The position weight direction is still on the main line of 'big finance, big infrastructure', right?"

"There should be no doubt that this is still on the main line of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure'."

"What else can I say? Just continue to firmly hold the core popular leading stocks of these two main lines. I think the core main line of 'big finance', a possible short-term peaking sign, should be the favorable policy of the central bank's monetary easing. , after it is fully implemented, the moment when market expectations are completely fulfilled, before that, no matter how the technical aspects deviate, the situation of the main funds rushing to raise funds should not change significantly."

"I also think it should be that time. In short... the current 'big finance' line is definitely not yet full of expectations and fully realized."

In the midst of heated discussions and the collision of various market analysis opinions.

Come 3pm.

The two cities ended the day's trading and ushered in the final closing moment.

I saw that the Shanghai index was at 67 points, up 05%, approaching the 3400 point mark, continuing to close the positive trend; while the Shenzhen Index and the ChiNext Index rose by 79 and 63% respectively. Among them, the A50 Index was in the late trading stage , there was a slight fall, but it still closed above the 2% increase mark. As for the weakest small and medium-sized board index, it only rose slightly by 21%, barely maintaining the red market trend.

In addition to the performance of the index.

In terms of the transaction volume performance of the two cities, the transaction volume of the two cities successfully reached the 800 billion mark, with the transaction volume reaching 2.1 billion, once again setting a new high in the history of A-share transactions.

As for the major core main lines, as well as the market performance of popular main lines.

Judging from the final closing results, the securities, banking, insurance, and "Internet finance" sectors of the "Big Finance" main line took back the top spot leading the gains in the two cities.

After that, there are several main-line related industry sectors such as "big infrastructure", "military industry" and "technological growth".

The increase ranked second.

At one time, it rose sharply near midday and at the beginning of the afternoon. It once condensed the low-level main areas with strong profit-making effects, such as 'big consumption, non-ferrous metal cycle, petrochemical industry, coal, pharmaceutical business...' Mainline-related sectors have gone out of a clear trend of rising and falling. The corresponding core popular stocks and industry leading stocks have basically fallen back to the starting point of the straight rise in stock prices near midday in the morning.

As for the market, there are a number of core popular stocks and industry leading stocks that receive the most attention from investors.

'Huaxin Securities', the absolute leading stock in the brokerage sector, has an N-shaped trend during the day, with a turnover of 6.9 billion throughout the day, which once again set a new high for this stock in terms of turnover, and continues to rank among It ranked first in the trading volume rankings of the two cities and ended with a 22% increase.

'Hua Investment Capital', a new leader in capital speculation in the brokerage sector, is stuck in the 'Western Securities'. The stock price finally closed with an increase of 13%. Although it failed to continue to hit the daily limit, this closing increase can be regarded as the highest during the day. point, which obviously exceeded the expectations of many financial groups who were speculating on this stock for this check.

'Western Securities', the early leading stock in the securities sector, closed with a 75% increase today. Although it is not considered a strong stock in the securities sector in terms of intraday gains, it has experienced an absolute increase from the bottom to the present. Generally speaking, this check is still the undisputed leader in the securities sector.

'Flush', the core leader in the Internet financial sector, closed at a 22% increase amid violent fluctuations today. The day's turnover reached more than 3 billion, setting a new high since the check was launched. Although the stock price performance has slipped from the daily limit, the performance is still considered strong, and it also reached a record high closing price.

'Great Wisdom', as the leader of speculation in the Internet financial sector for the 'Flush' check, has maintained its daily limit closing pattern in the past two days, and in the late trading stage, the selling orders on the daily limit board have significantly shrunk. This shows that for many investors who hold this check, the chips at this position are still very precious, and everyone's reluctance to sell is quite obvious.

As for popular stocks such as 'Oriental Fortune, Hengsheng Electronics, Jinzheng Shares, Yinjie Technology...'.

Although the performance is relatively inferior to Flush and Dazhi stocks.

However, it also comprehensively outperformed the market index and the increase in the 'Internet Finance' sector index. The overall performance was significantly stronger than the market.

As for the main direction of ‘sub-new stocks’ that have been continuously speculated by funds...

The most popular "Huake Shuguang" continued to maintain the daily limit closing pattern, closing the 17th daily limit since the listing of this check.

For other sub-popular stocks, there are obvious differences on the market.

For example, the check of 'Bluestone Heavy Equipment', which is also among the top ten in the market investor attention list, its stock price failed to rise in the late trading stage with the growth of 'big finance, big infrastructure, military industry, and technology'. The re-emergence of the core main line recovered the intraday plunge, and in the end it only recorded a high opening and low closing, barely a red market situation.

And under the influence of the check of ‘Blue Stone Reinstallation’.

The trend of popular stocks such as 'Leiman Optoelectronics, Shanghai Sanmao, Fushun Special Steel, China Airlines Heavy Machinery, Aerospace Development...' that had a strong correlation with the trend of this check has also been significantly affected, and the long and short differences on the market are relatively large. Seriously, they only achieved a slightly red closing situation, significantly underperforming the market index.

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