Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 733 The rapidly changing market capital aspect!

"Damn it, Mr. Su's 'road to wealth' has appeared again."

After the data on the dragon and tiger rankings of the two cities were refreshed and the whole network saw that the seat of 'Fortune Road' was on the list, there was a heated discussion. In the main hot money group of Yuhang where Su Yu is located, the discussion heat of the big hot money groups also exploded. .

"Not only did it happen, but it also continued to be a net buying trend. In total, a net buying of 6.6 billion chips was made on the two stocks of China South Locomotive \u0026 Rolling Stock Corporation and China North Locomotive \u0026 Rolling Stock Corporation. Unexpectedly... these two checks were made today I felt a little weird when the price limit reached the daily limit, and I didn’t expect that Mr. Su was behind the wheel.”

"I don't see anything special about these two checks? Is there a major change in fundamentals?"

"Are these two checks following the hype of the hot sector of 'high-speed rail'? Logically speaking, the future performance expectations of these two checks, as well as the expectations of fundamental changes, should not be as high as those of 'Hua Guo Railway Construction, Hua Guo Communications Construction, Hua Guo Construction' It is only right that the major infrastructure-heavy stocks with Chinese prefixes such as China State Construction Engineering Corporation, Huaguo MCC, and Huaguo Construction are strong."

"'Huaguo Railway Construction, Huaguo Communications Construction, Huaguo China Construction, Huaguo MCC, Huaguo Construction...' These state-owned enterprise infrastructure stocks with the prefix "Hua", logically speaking, the "Yuhang Group" under Mr. Su's 'The main funds have already made plans, right? Moreover, hasn't the stock 'MCC' been Mr. Su's favorite stock for continuous trading in the second half of this year, especially from June to September? ?”

"Two stocks increased their positions significantly at the same time. Why do I think it's not that simple?"

"Previously, Mr. Su's 'Yuhang Department' funds also increased their positions in the stock 'China Construction' on a large scale. I don't think it has any special meaning."

"Is it possible that Mr. Su suddenly increased his position in the two checks of 'China South Locomotive and China North Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corporation'? The fundamental logic is to follow the logic line of 'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises'? After all, we have to say 'New Era'" On the road, the Maritime Silk Road' is a big logical background, 'Huaguo Railway Construction, Huaguo China Construction, Huaguo Communications Construction, Huaguo MCC, Huaguo Construction...' These are the infrastructure stocks with the prefix "Hua" , obviously the concept is purer.”

"These two checks...the logic of 'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises'? Improbable, right?"

"Can these two checks be merged and reorganized?"

“Believing in the merger and reorganization of these two checks, it is better to believe in the merger of two barrels of oil. Why not believe in the merger and reorganization of ‘Huaguo Construction and Huaguo MCC’?”

"Actually... it's not impossible."

"Currently, the logical line of 'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises' still lacks some catalysts. At least for now, the merger and reorganization cases that occur in the market are basically in the concept of local state-owned enterprise stocks, and the merger of large central enterprises , it hasn’t happened yet, right?”

“Doesn’t the mixed-ownership reform of the ‘Huaguo Petrochemical’ check count?”

"It definitely doesn't count. The mixed-ownership reform of Huaguo Petrochemical feels like the thunder is loud but the raindrops are light."

"Yes, I feel that if we want to make big achievements and make big moves in the 'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises', it must be supported by actual mergers and reorganization cases of large central enterprises. Only in this way can we have real room for imagination. At present, On the line of 'big infrastructure', the core market support force is actually the expectation of 'the road to the new era and the Maritime Silk Road' from the macroeconomic strategic direction."

"So... the logic of the two stocks 'China South Locomotive and China North Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corporation' is indeed the logic of superimposing the concept of 'high-speed rail' on the 'road in the new era, the Maritime Silk Road'?"


"In fact, considering the explosion of future construction mileage of 'high-speed rail' and the increasing direction of new foreign orders brought about by the macroeconomic strategy of 'new era road and maritime Silk Road', 'China South Locomotive and Rolling Stock Locomotive' and ' CNR's fundamental changes and changes in future performance expectations are still very strong."

"At present, the fundamental logic behind these two checks, which were met with a large-scale increase in funds by Mr. Su's 'Yu Hang Department' today, must be the mileage explosion of the 'high-speed rail', as well as the 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road' These two major logical factors, and the rest...we can only rely on guessing."

"There should also be a market hype factor of 'high-low switching' in the main line of 'big infrastructure', right?"

"'High-low switch'?"

"That's right, 'Huaguo Construction, Huaguo Railway Construction, Huaguo Communications Construction, Huaguo China Construction, Huaguo MCC, Huaxin Building Materials, Huaxin Cement...' these 'Hua Xin' heavyweight stocks of infrastructure construction are in During the previous rise in the market of "big infrastructure", it has been speculated by a large number of financial groups, and the stock prices have exploded. The current stock prices of these stocks are lower than those of "China South Locomotive and China North Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corporation". Weighted stocks are at a high stage of valuation and stock price, which also gives relatively low-weighted stocks like China South Locomotive and China North Locomotive \u0026 Rolling Stock Co., Ltd. an opportunity to repair their valuations and speculate, and this is not the main line of business. What is the 'high-low switching' logic?"

"If you understand it this way, it makes sense!"

"Similarly, in the fields of 'machinery equipment', 'public transportation' and other fields, some of the large-cap heavyweight stocks that are strong today should have the same logic, right?"

"In general, even though the market is a bull market, stocks on the same main line cannot push their valuation levels too far and will always rise in rotation. Some heavyweight stocks, which were strong in the early stage, will rise first. , after opening up the valuation space first, you should wait sideways for the valuations of subsequent stocks to catch up. After all, it is still difficult to open up the entire market space just by relying on the continuous rise of a few stocks."

"No matter what the reason and specific logic is, I feel that since Mr. Su's 'Yuhang Group' has focused on and increased its positions in the two heavyweight stocks in the high-speed rail sector, China South Locomotive and China North Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corporation, then we will We should focus on paying attention to these two stocks at all times. Even if you don’t agree with their relevant investment logic, you still have to pay attention to the market trends of these two checks and their impact and catalytic effect on the overall market trends.”

"That's for sure. No matter which logic line Mr. Su follows, he will definitely not buy stocks randomly."

"It's a pity that the market size of these two stocks is too big."

"The core hot spot in the market and the main preference of funds now is that they like large-cap weight stocks. I think it's not a problem if the market is larger."

"Well, yes, the current main trend in the market is indeed still in heavyweight large-cap stocks."

"As long as there is no problem with the main market trend, there is basically no risk of following the trend."

"The market changes in the core line of 'big infrastructure' are really tenacious. Originally, I thought that Mr. Su's 'Yuhang Department' funds had basically switched to the main line of 'big finance', but seeing that Mr. Su's recent The two positions of Wealth Road's seats on the Dragon and Tiger list have increased their positions. It seems that Mr. Su's 'Yuhang Series' main fund products have still not given up on the core line of 'big infrastructure' in terms of position structure!"

"How can we give up? Isn't the core trend of the market this year 'big infrastructure'?"

"The key is the macroeconomic strategic concept of 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', coupled with the recovery of the real estate market, and the supporting upper-level economy such as 'acceleration of urbanization', 'rural revitalization', and 'investment-driven economy'" The expectations for the development strategic plan are too strong. It is difficult not to rise. It is difficult not to be speculated by the main financial groups in the market. To put it bluntly... the 'big infrastructure' strategy is the core line of macroeconomic development. Don't speculate on this. , what else can be speculated on? Could it be that the valuation is still too high if you go back to speculate, and the internal chip structure has not fully digested the consolidated main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain'?"

"With a turnover of more than 800 billion yuan in the two cities and tens of billions of incremental market funds every day, only the two core lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure' can carry the continued hype of such a large capital group." ? If these incremental funds are returned to focus on the two major conceptual themes of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', I feel that it can blow up the small and medium-sized market index and the GEM index in an instant."

“In fact, if the bull market stage of the market started from April last year, when the ChiNext Index started to move, now, after one and a half years of market evolution, the growth rate of the ChiNext Index and the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Index is still significantly greater than that of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index. , really counting...the Shanghai Stock Index can only be regarded as making up for the increase, but cannot be regarded as leading the increase."

"If you ask me, in fact, the bull market in the market also started in April last year."

"Remember in June or July last year, Mr. Su shouted out the conclusion of a bull market? It's just that... not many people listened."

“The market trend cycle of the small and medium-sized board index and GEM index does not feel synchronized with the market trend cycle of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index and the A50 Index.”

"It's kind of like taking turns."

"When the main market trends of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure' in the direction of the main board continue to develop for a period of time and initially fulfill expectations, I feel that the subsequent market direction will most likely switch to the small and medium-sized board index and the GEM index." 'Technological growth' and 'conceptual growth', shall we? The two major conceptual themes of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', although the hype was intense last year and the valuations were generally high, after this year After digestion and adjustment, I feel that in the bull market stage, the entire market valuation level is increasing, and it also has the power to launch a round of market conditions."

"Who can predict the subsequent main line market rotation? Let me say... it is more important to seize the current opportunity."

"Of course, the two core main lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure' are definitely the core main lines of the market at present."

"Mr. Su's 'Yuhang Department' funds should be well-established in the main areas of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure', right? Since Mr. Su's 'Fortune Road' seat is on the Dragon and Tiger list, it is still If we continue to increase our positions in these two core main lines of stock chips, we can continue to rely on these two main lines and continue to make orders. As for the main line of the market, when will it rotate and switch? We have a limited amount of funds. It should not be something we can control. At this time, the best trading strategy is to follow the trend."

"Following the trend is definitely a safer approach, not to mention that the market's investment risk appetite is so high now. Even if you follow the trend, you won't be able to catch it."

"This is... we need to carefully observe the trend of the two checks of China South Locomotive and China North Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corporation Limited tomorrow."

"Yes, let's see how these two checks will subsequently promote the entire main line of 'big infrastructure', or the concept of the branch line of 'high-speed rail'."

"Whether there are any potential major benefits, or whether there are expectations for the logical line of 'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises', we should be able to see some clues from the market trends of these two checks tomorrow."

With the rapid refresh of messages in the group.

As well as the in-depth analysis of the dragon and tiger lists of the two cities by the hot money tycoons in the group, as well as the in-depth review of the market conditions and individual stocks of the two cities.

As time continues to pass.

A number of major investment institutions inside and outside the market, including public funds and private equity funds.

The eyes of many asset management managers and countless people in the industry have also focused on the two stocks of China South Locomotive and China North Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corporation, and each of them inquired about and analyzed these two heavyweight stocks through their own personal connections and insights. , the logic of today's daily limit, as well as the internal logic and reasons why the main funds of the 'Yu Hang Group' suddenly increased their positions in this stock significantly.

However, no matter how everyone analyzes and inquires.

In terms of news, there is no news about these two stocks.

There is no big news that everyone thinks, and there is no trace of the merger or reorganization of the two companies. There is only the sparse and ordinary news that the national delegation has placed several large orders for high-speed rail construction when visiting foreign countries. The industry is flat and good.

Of course, there are benefits to the macro-economic grand strategic concept of "On the Road to the New Era, the Maritime Silk Road".

Still a steady stream.

Governments at all levels, as well as relevant central and state-owned enterprises, are releasing relevant benefits in this regard and resolutely advancing this macroeconomic strategic concept.

And the news in this regard is good and exciting.

News about 'Huake Shuguang' setting its 18th daily limit since the listing of new stocks, as well as the two cities' consecutive turnover exceeding 800 billion, continuing to set new highs in transaction volume, and 'Huaxin Securities' consecutive transaction volume exceeding 10 billion, and the balance of the two financing continued Maintain various hot news on the stock market with a scale of over one trillion.

It has also appeared in major domestic financial media and reported extensively in securities newspapers and financial newspapers.

Due to these hot news reports about the stock market, as well as the intentional or unintentional guidance from the regulatory authorities on market investment sentiment, as time goes by, the novice investor groups outside the market who are not very sensitive and do not know much about the stock market have even begun to Potential investors who are completely unfamiliar with the stock market are also attracted by these news hot spots one after another, and turn their attention to the A-share market, which is rising steadily and making money more and more popular.

At the same time, in the over-the-counter fund market.

Equity fund products, stock-oriented fund products.

Driven by the publicity of investment institutions, securities companies, banking institutions and other fund sales institutions, as well as the profit-making effect, it is also showing a trend of explosion.

Many institutions have launched hybrid stock-oriented equity fund products.

Under the hot subscription and rush buying by fund investors, Japanese disks appear frequently.

And this means that many investor groups who are not familiar with stocks and do not have the confidence to directly participate in market transactions are borrowing fund products and quickly entering the market on a large scale.

Of course, with the opening of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect.

Capital groups from the "Southern Group" and overseas investment institutions have also flooded in on a large scale with the continued hot market conditions and actively participated in the A-share market.

In general, as the market index continues to break through and the money-making effect continues to be interpreted.

The market's investment sentiment and investment confidence have fundamentally changed compared to half a year ago, a year ago, or even a month ago.

In other words, the entire A-share market.

At this time, a complete bull market sentiment gene and investment confidence foundation are already in place, and the huge financial situation is also changing rapidly.

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