Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 736: Skyrocketing, skyrocketing!

Hearing He Hong's words, Xu Zhongji, who was standing next to He Hong, chuckled and responded: "The core main line of 'big finance', the two sectors of securities and Internet finance, have seriously deviated from the lower moving average, and the technical trend has been seriously blunted. , the deviation is no longer a day or two.

Many of the major capital groups that held positions in the past also made the same judgment as you.

That's why in the past two days, many smart capital groups, when the "Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect" was favorable, went to cut the market and do low-level main line rotation.

But what was the result?

The core main line of "Big Finance", after a brief adjustment during the day, continued to short-squeeze and rose, reaching a new high.

Moreover, popular core stocks in the two major sectors of 'Securities' and 'Internet Finance' have set off another round of daily limit trading.

Let me say, under the extreme bullish sentiment, under the basically certain bull market pattern.

Don't predict short-term trends like this.

All we need to know is that the bull market pattern is confirmed and expectations for a reversal in the market's macro-financial situation are getting stronger and stronger. The market conditions of the securities, Internet financial sectors, and even the core main lines of 'big finance' have not yet finished. As long as you choose to hold shares, short-term adjustments are inevitable.

If you just want to avoid it.

Then, there is a high probability that the possible extreme main rise will be avoided.

Since we already have sufficient holding cost advantages in the two core main areas of "big finance" and "big infrastructure", we should take advantage of this advantage.

Keep up with the development of market trends, and pay attention to the big trends, and just ignore the small trends.

In the entire market, no one can accurately predict the fluctuation trend of the index and market on the daily trend time and time again, and even the stock gods cannot do it.

So, just figure out the big investment direction.

Blindly predicting short- and medium-term adjustments in the market and trying to accurately hit the market rhythm will lead to picking up sesame seeds and losing the watermelon! "

"Mr. Xu is right." He Hong nodded with a smile and said, "I just feel that the main core trend of the market has not changed, so naturally we should continue to follow the market trend and maintain static positions."

As the two of them had a brief conversation...

At the same time, among the large group of retail investors gathered in the discussion area of ​​the trading platform, the discussion intensity and topic refreshing speed were also particularly intense.

"There is no doubt that the securities sector and the Internet financial sector are still the strongest core sectors in the market!"

"Although the index opened higher than expected, a number of specific popular stocks are still hot, and the market conditions today should not be bad."

"Judging from the trends in the call auction stage, the stocks that performed strongly were the stocks that showed a strong profit-making effect in yesterday's session."

"The check of 'Huake Dawn' is really strong. If it continues to hit the daily limit today, it will be the 18th daily limit."

"The check of 'Huake Dawn' will most likely continue to hit the daily limit today, right?"

"Looking at the popularity of the 'sub-new stocks' sector, as long as the index does not fall sharply, the 'Huake Shuguang' check will definitely hit the daily limit."

"Fortunately, I chased the check for 'Huake Dawn' yesterday."

"Previously, 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' hit 23 consecutive daily limits. Now... depending on the situation, the number of consecutive boards of 'Huake Dawn' will probably exceed the check of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment'!"

“The current overall market situation is better than when the ‘Blue Stone Heavy Equipment’ check was launched!”

"The check of 'Huake Dawn' should be the main source of speculation in the entire market recently."

"To be precise, it should be the main line of 'technological growth' and the main line of small-cap concept stocks."

“The leader in the main line of ‘Big Finance’ should be the Three Musketeers of ‘Internet Finance’.”

"And the leaders in the main line of 'big infrastructure' should be the two heavyweight stocks 'China South Locomotive and China North Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corporation' that Mr. Su's 'Fortune Road' increased its positions yesterday, right?"

“I have to say that the trend of the Three Musketeers of ‘Internet Finance’ is indeed strong.”

"Especially the 'Flush' check, the increase this month is close to 150%, right? The number of days without daily limit is really very few."

"In addition to newly listed stocks, as well as recent new stocks such as 'Bluestone Heavy Equipment' and 'Huake Dawning', as well as stocks that are heavily beneficial to the resumption of trading, among the stocks that naturally change hands at the daily limit, the check of 'Flush' should be Is it the number one stock in the entire market in terms of gain?”

“Looking carefully, it’s true!”

“I feel like the Three Musketeers of ‘Internet Finance’ can continue to rise, right?”

"It goes without saying that it can definitely still rise, especially the 'flush' check, which can definitely double."

"I can't figure out why the market value gap between the 'Flush' check and the 'Oriental Fortune' check is so big. The difference is about 5 times. Judging from the user base of the two trading platform software, it shouldn't be the 'Flush' check." Check, more?”

"The logic is different. 'Tonghuashun' has no self-operated brokerage business, and 'Oriental Fortune' has become a veritable 'Internet brokerage' company since it acquired a brokerage company. The expectations and performance of both companies in the future will explode." The expectations are also completely different.”

"Which check has more potential?"

"It's hard to say. I feel like there's more room for Flush, right? After all, the market capitalization is much smaller, and the flexibility of the stock price is much higher."

"What about the check for 'Great Wisdom'?"

“The number of users of the trading software platform ‘Great Wisdom’ is not at the same level as Flush and Oriental Fortune, right?”

"Of course we know that they are not on the same level, but the market value is not on the same level either. At present, the market value of the 'Great Wisdom' check has doubled, and the market value is less than 5 billion. Only the 'Flush' check has a market value of less than 5 billion." One-third of the market value of 'Oriental Fortune' and one-seventh of the market value of 'Oriental Fortune'."

"Actually... I think there won't be much difference in buying any one of the three checks."

"As long as there is no problem with the expected logic of 'Internet brokers' and 'Internet finance', the three checks will basically rise simultaneously. At most, the difference is that they rise first and then rise later."

"'Hengsheng Electronics, Yinjie Technology, Jinzheng Shares... where are these stocks?"

"The logic of these stocks should be more towards 'financial technology', right? However, I heard that the trading system of the Shanghai Stock Exchange is made by 'Hengsheng Electronics', so there should still be relatively large room for it."

"Not only the trading system of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, but also the trading systems of more than 20 domestic securities firms, more than 20 banks and more than a dozen insurance companies are all produced by the company 'Hengsheng Electronics'. If you ask me... With the mobile Internet's full explosion, coupled with the stimulation of the overall bull market, the performance of these 'financial technology' stocks will definitely have an extreme explosive trend. At the current price, you can buy them casually."

"If we want to say that the investment logic is clear, stocks in the securities sector are more secure."

"But in the securities sector, it feels like the leader of the sector has switched from 'Hua Investment Capital' to 'Pacific Securities'."

"There is no fixed leader in the securities sector."

"Yes, the previous Western Securities, the 'Huai Capital' a few days ago, and the current 'Pacific Securities'... really don't have a fixed leading target."

"The market capitalization of stocks in the securities sector is generally quite large. After pulling up, the pressure on the market will naturally be great. Funds are not allowed to switch? It is difficult to continue to develop the market by forcefully pulling up the market. I think it is quite reasonable to keep switching the leading position like this. Okay, the market is good when there is even rain and dew."

“Shouldn’t the leader of the securities sector be ‘Huaxin Securities’?”

"The leader in terms of weight is definitely 'Huaxin Securities', but as for the leader in terms of increase...'Huaxin Securities' obviously does not qualify."

"The trend of the check of 'Huaxin Securities' is really too rough."

"The check of 'Huaxin Securities' is only suitable for allocation by major institutions with large capital volumes. It is not suitable for us retail investors at all. Buying this check is similar to buying a securities ETF fund."

"Hehe, I think if you can't choose stocks well, it's good to choose funds."

“What funds can generally outperform the market index?”

"Classified funds, look at the classified fund 'Securities B'. The increase in more than half a month is almost 5 times. Not only has it significantly outperformed the market index, but the increase is basically the same as the most powerful 'Western Securities'. It's only slightly behind the 'Flush' check."

"Graded funds should have leverage, right?"

"Well, it naturally comes with leverage, but this thing is definitely a killer weapon in the bull market. It is very suitable for investors who are not good at stock selection and do not meet the financing conditions."

"Damn it, it's really a killer for the bull market. I'll give it a try and I think it's a good thing!"

"By the way, no one is paying attention to the two freshly released concept stocks of China South Locomotive and China North Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corporation Limited under Mr. Su's Fortune Road concept? I want to increase my position in these two checks after the market opens. What do you think? "

"You can buy it, but the market value of these two checks is a bit large, and the space is probably very limited!"

"With the current market conditions, don't the main financial groups just like heavyweight stocks with large market capitalization?"

"It also depends on what kind of heavyweight stocks in the main line field, such as 'Huaguo Petroleum, Qianzhou Moutai, Shenhua Coal, Yangtze Electric Power...' Haven't these heavyweight stocks with large market capitalization not risen in recent times? Moreover, Not only has the check of 'Shenhua Coal Industry' not increased in recent times, it has actually fallen a lot."

"'Shenhua Coal Industry' has fallen below its net asset value, which is outrageous."

"Who is calling the coal industry serious overcapacity? The coal bosses have gone bankrupt. It's no wonder that the stock price of Shenhua Coal has risen."

"The coal industry is definitely hopeless. In the futures market, the price trend of thermal coal is even more tragic."

"In any case, it is safer to focus on the main lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure' when it comes to investment."

"The market is also developing along these two core lines."

"The entire year this year has been developing according to the main market trends of 'big infrastructure' and 'big finance'. This is obviously a replica of last year's two core main market trends of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain'."

"Whether it is a replica of last year's market trend or not, it is always right to buy stocks in the market areas where the main financial groups in the market are most concentrated and follow the trend and rush to raise funds. Although now... the intraday trading volume of the two cities has exploded. The scale has reached more than 800 billion, but if you want to significantly outperform the market index, you still have to rely on the core and main lines of the market."

"I haven't said anything yet, but I will definitely continue to increase my positions in securities and Internet financial stocks!"

"Chasing 'sub-new stocks' is also good. Since the listing of 'Bluestone Heavy Equipment' hit the extreme hype range of 23 daily limits, the market for 'sub-new stocks' has been really good for more than half a month. Near-end sub-new stocks, It’s simply a market engine for huge profits.”

"Now that new stocks are listed, they start with a daily limit of 10."

"This will give the previously listed new stocks a higher space for speculation. I haven't mentioned it yet... I will continue to rush to raise funds to undertake the 'Huake Dawning', and I am optimistic that this check will continue to set a new record for the company."

In the update of the extremely popular investor discussion topic...

The five-minute suspension time passed by in a flash, and under the spotlight, the two cities ushered in the official continuous bidding trading period.

I saw that the time hand had just passed 9:30.

The stagnant market conditions of the two markets changed rapidly in an instant under the intense trading of large-scale buying and selling orders.

At 9:31, a number of core market indexes such as the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index, ChiNext Index, Small and Medium Enterprises Index, and A50 Index all rose rapidly.

And at the same time, ‘Huake Dawn’ was under the continuous buying of tens of thousands of large orders.

Lightning sealed the daily limit.

This check has become the 19th consecutive stock market since its listing. It can be said that it is getting closer and closer to the consecutive record set by Blue Stone Heavy Equipment some time ago.

At 9:32, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index rose sharply to more than 5%, and the securities sector index and Internet financial sector index also surged to more than 2%.

At the same time, the ‘sub-new stocks’ sector surged by more than 1%.

It squeezed into the second place in the concept sector growth list of the two cities.

In the field of 'sub-new stocks', due to the fact that 'Huake Shuguang' closed its daily limit within seconds after the market opened, other near-end sub-new stocks were once again swarmed by a large number of active short-term capital groups in the market to pursue them. Among them, the check of 'Blue Stone Reload' increased by 5 points in a straight line in one minute, and its market increase instantly shot up to a 23% increase in the day.

At 9:33, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index continued to expand to 6%, while the A50 Index rapidly expanded to the 1% increase mark, continuing to set new highs for this round of rebound, new annual highs, and new intraday highs.

Also at the same time.

Yesterday, the two non-bus transportation sectors of 'China South Locomotive and China North Locomotive' were focused on the seats of 'Fortune Road' and bought heavily, the New Era Road, the Maritime Silk Road concept and high-speed rail, and the reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises. The core weight stocks in the conceptual field have all seen a continuous attack of thousands of large buying orders, and the stock prices have risen linearly.

And due to the instantaneous changes in the stocks of China South Locomotive and China North Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corporation.

The non-bus transportation industry sector, as well as the 'high-speed rail' concept sector, have risen one after another, with sector index gains ranking among the top three in the two cities' industry sectors and concept sectors.

At 9:34, under the continued strong performance of the securities and Internet financial sectors.

The banking and insurance sectors are also rising rapidly, and the sector index gains are significantly stronger than the performance of the broader market index.

At the same time, the gap between the actual growth rate of the main A50 index futures contract and the A50 index has once again widened, and the growth premium of stock index futures has become obvious.

At 9:35, the ‘Internet Finance’ sector index rose close to the 5% mark.

Among them, among the stocks in the sector, 'Great Wisdom' once again hit the daily limit strongly, 'Flush' stock price rose linearly, up more than 7%, 'Oriental Fortune' stock price rose rapidly, up more than 5%, and the trend of the 'Internet Finance' Three Musketeers , are getting stronger and stronger as the market trading time goes by.

Moreover, these three stocks have attracted much attention and discussion among investors in the market.

It also went up in a straight line, and all of them ranked among the top five investors in the two cities in terms of attention and discussion, second only to the discussion heat of the two checks "Huake Dawn" and "Huaxin Securities".

At 9:36, the Shanghai Composite Index reached the 1% increase mark, setting a new intraday high, surpassing yesterday's intraday high, setting a new high for the year, and a new high for this round of rebound.

At the same time, the growth rate of the ‘Internet Finance’ sector and the ‘Sub-New Stocks’ sector both exceeded 5%.

The securities sector's increase expanded to 32%, and the two major sector indexes, banking and insurance, rose by more than 5%, slightly lagging behind the securities sector.

And at this moment, the check of 'Pacific Securities' rose straight up, hitting the daily limit.

At 9:37, ‘Pacific Securities’ sealed its daily limit and continued to block ‘Western Securities’ and ‘Hua Investment Capital’, becoming the new core leader of speculation in the entire securities sector.

At 9:38, ‘Blue Stone Heavy Equipment’ rose by more than 7%, and it was likely to hit the daily limit.

At the same time, the ‘sub-new stocks’ sector index surged by more than 3%, further exceeding the intraday increase of the ‘Internet Finance’ sector index and squeezing into the first place in the concept sector gain list of the two cities.

At 9:39, ‘Blue Stone Heavy Equipment’ reached its daily limit, and the big monster will not die.

At 9:40, driven by the daily limit of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment', the 'sub-new stocks' sector index rose further. At the same time, the 'military industry' sector, as well as 'nuclear power', 'military-civilian integration', 'Beidou Navigation', and 'domestic "Aircraft carrier" and other related concept sectors were fully promoted.

At 9:41, the ‘National Defense and Military Industry’ industry sector index showed a straight upward trend.

Among them, among the stocks in the industry sector, "Aerospace Development", "China Airlines Heavy Machinery" and "Chengfei Integration" followed the trend and rose.

At 9:42, 'Chengfei Integration', which opened low, turned red and rose. However, the buying volume was still relatively lacking, the volume expansion was relatively limited, and the sustainability was not high.

At 9:43, 'Aerospace Development' and 'China Airlines Heavy Machinery' rose by more than 5%, and the 'National Defense and Military Industry' industry sector index rose by more than 5%, squeezing into the top five in the two cities' industry sector growth lists, changing the market's main trend. , once again presented a pattern in which 'big finance' takes the lead, 'big infrastructure' related industry sectors, and the 'defense and military industry' industry sector follow suit, further attracting major financial groups to gather in these main areas.

At 9:44, ‘LeTV’ and ‘Wangsu Technology’ made changes.

Driven by the continued strength of 'Internet finance', the spillover effect of major funds following suit has rapidly spread to the field of 'domestic software', and related to 'film and television media', 'Internet software' and 'Internet applications'. Industry sector indexes also followed suit and rose.

At 9:45, the increase in the main A50 index futures contract expanded to 75%.

At the same time, regarding the related on-site fund products in the securities sector, especially among the derivative fund products, the intraday increase of the graded fund product of 'Securities B' has jumped straight to above the 5% increase mark, and the intraday transaction volume, It also exploded in volume. Within 15 minutes, the transaction volume reached 3.6 billion, and it was very enthusiastically sought after by the vast number of investors on the market.

At 9:46, the securities sector index expanded to 5%.

At 9:47, ‘Hua Investment Capital’ came from behind and hit the daily limit after ‘Pacific Securities’.

At 9:48, when Huazhong Capital hit the daily limit, the check "Flush" also quickly hit the daily limit.

At 9:49, 'Flush' closed the daily limit before 'Huazhong Capital', once again setting a new record high in stock price, as well as a new high in the year.

At 9:50, ‘Hua Investment Capital’ successfully sealed the daily limit.

At 9:51, the 'Internet Finance' sector index rose to 22%, regaining the top spot among the concept theme sectors in the two cities. The 'sub-new stocks' sector fell back to second place in terms of gain, but the 'sub-new stocks' sector index rose to the second place. The near-end sub-new stocks in the 'field' are also setting off a trend of rising by the limit, driven by the two big monster stocks of 'Huake Dawn' and 'Bluestone Heavy Equipment'.

At 9:52, the turnover of the two cities exceeded 150 billion, continuing to show a trend of heavy volume.

At 9:53, the number of daily limit stocks in the two cities that are not on the straight-line board has exceeded 30. The money-making effect of the entire market is still overwhelming.

At 9:54, as the market continues to increase, the main financial groups that follow the trend and rush to raise funds are in the core main areas of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', 'technological growth' and 'military industry'. On the premise that both stocks and popular leading stocks have risen, they have spilled over into some main areas that are relatively low. Among them, the automobile industry sector, retail, food and beverage, and household appliances in the 'big consumption' field have begun to gradually rise. , and absorb the surging buying power of the main financial groups.

"Skyrocketing, skyrocketing!"

At 9:55, in Yuhang, Anzhao Fund Company, in the main fund trading room, fund manager Zhou Hui stared at the major indexes where the technical aspects of the two cities were still severely divergent and passivated, and were still rising sharply, as well as the core The expressions in the eyes of several major industry sectors could not hide their excitement, but at the same time, they were also a little uneasy and worried: "If the short squeeze continues and the surge continues, I will almost lose my bargaining chips."

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