Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 739 The market is soaring across the board!

Just as this bullish sentiment continues to ferment and surge. ▲𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑔𝑙𝑒 Search for 𝑠𝑡𝑜520.𝑐𝑜𝑚▲

With some impact from the news at noon, the one and a half hour break passed by in a flash.

Unconsciously, 1 o'clock in the afternoon arrived, and after a brief suspension of trading for an hour and a half, the two markets once again ushered in the official continuous bidding trading period.

I saw that the time hand had just passed 1 p.m.

The core indexes of the two cities, including the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index, ChiNext Index, the Small and Medium Enterprises Index, and the A50 Index, which all closed higher in the morning, all rose rapidly again, and the time-sharing volume also exploded again in an instant, with countless major buyers The capital crowd is further pouring into the market.

At 1:01, the Shanghai Stock Index reached the 70% increase mark.

At 1:02, the number of red stocks in the two cities reached 1,870, with less than 200 stocks still in decline.

At 1:03, the main core stocks of 'Big Finance' and 'Big Infrastructure', as well as industry leading stocks, continued to maintain sideways fluctuations, but 'Technology Growth', 'Military Industry', 'Mobile Internet', and 'Smartphone Industry Chain' ', 'Big Consumption', 'Petrochemicals'... and other main areas, as well as 'electronic information, film and television production, mobile games, mobile payments, smart cities, liquor, white goods, automobiles, retail, e-commerce, Internet e-commerce... ...' and many other conceptual theme sections continue to undergo comprehensive changes, frantically attracting the participation of major financial groups.

At 1:04, the 'National Defense Industry' sector rose by 5% during the day, and the entire sector has begun to set off a rising trend.

At 1:05, the intraday increase of the ‘sub-new stocks’ sector continued to set a new intraday high, and the daily limit trend became even more intense.

At 1:06, the "Northern Navigation" check hit the daily limit, and drove the "Beidou Navigation" concept sector to further advance rapidly.

At 1:07, the stock of Northern Navigation reached its daily limit.

At 1:08, in the field of 'big consumption', the retail sector continues to attract the attention of major buying funds. In addition to the 'Sanjiang Shopping' check, Wangfujing, Yonghui Supermarket, Sanlian Supermarket, Renrenle... and other sectors Component stocks have shown a straight-line upward trend.

At 1:09, the "Wangfujing" check began to hit the daily limit.

At 1:10, the stock price of Wangfujing hit its daily limit.

At 1:11, the intraday increase of the 'retail' industry sector was driven by a number of component stocks and quickly passed the 5% increase mark.

At 1:12, liquor and white goods moved simultaneously.

At 1:13, the stocks of a number of liquor brands including Wuliangye, Tuopai Shede, Shanxi Fenjiu, Luzhou Laojiao, etc. concentrated on rising prices, rapidly attracting major buying funds.

At 1:14, ‘Haier Electric’ rose by more than 5% during the day, followed by Gree Electric and Midea Electric.

At 1:15, ‘Rambus Electric’ came from behind, rising by more than 7%.

At 1:16, ‘Boss Electrical Appliances’ hit the daily limit, and the intraday trading volume increased rapidly, reaching almost the same day’s trading volume as yesterday.

At 1:17, not surprisingly, ‘Rambus Electric’ sealed its daily limit, and the entire ‘white goods’ sector index rose by more than 3%.

At 1:18, the complete automobile and auto parts sectors also started to move rapidly.

At 1:19, Changan Automobile rose more than 5%.

At 1:20, Great Wall Motors followed the rise, and the intraday increase also passed the 5% increase mark. At the same time, Jianghuai Motors began to hit the daily limit.

At 1:21, Zotye Auto, which is smaller in both circulation and market capitalization, suddenly hit its daily limit in a straight line.

At 1:22, the entire 'big consumption' main line related to industry sectors and concept sectors basically realized changes across the board, and all kept pace with the index increase, completely filling the huge retracement hole left by the previous day's surge and fall. All major related industry sectors and concept sectors have achieved new highs in this round of rebound.

At 1:23, the ‘film and television media’ industry sector rose by 3% during the day.

At 1:24, the 'Film and Television Production' concept sector rose during the day, breaking through to a 25% increase. Within the sector, Guangdong Media, Huawen Media, Huace Film and Television, Enlight Media, Huayi Brothers, Huawen Media, and Phoenix Media ... All constituent stocks rose sharply.

At 1:25, the check from ‘Huayi Brothers’ broke through the 7% increase mark in a straight line.

At 1:26, ‘Huace Film and Television’ hit the daily limit.

At 1:27, ‘Huace Film and Television’ sealed the daily limit, setting a new high for this round of rebound and a new high for the year.

At 1:28, the daily increase of ‘LeTV’ also quickly broke through the 7% increase mark, showing the trend and traces of the daily limit.

At 1:29, 'Enlight Media' also followed the trend and rose sharply. The entire 'Film and Television Media' industry sector index increased by about 5% during the day, ranking among the top five in the two cities' industry sector growth lists.

At 1:30, the old monster stock 'Shanghai Steel Union' closed the board in a straight line, and led to a comprehensive change in the concept of 'mobile Internet'. At the same time, '2345, Ren Zixing, Inspur Information, Inspur Software, NavInfo... ' and other concept stocks are all rising rapidly.

At 1:31, ‘Lixun Precision’ surged more than 5%.

At 1:32, 'Subed' sealed its daily limit. At the same time, 'Xinwei Communications' crossed the 7% increase mark, and the entire 'Apple concept' and 'smartphone industry chain' related stocks rose sharply.

At 1:33, ‘Lixun Precision’ rose by more than 7%. At the same time, the intraday gains of Goertek Acoustics and OFILM Technology also exceeded the 5% increase mark.

At 1:34, under the rapid compensatory growth trend of the main areas such as 'military industry', 'big consumption', 'technological growth', 'mobile Internet', and 'smartphone industry chain', as well as a number of related Driven by concept core stocks and sector weight stocks, the Shanghai Stock Index broke through the 2% increase mark and stood at 3,480 points, directly pointing to the 3,500 point mark.

At 1:35, the intraday gains of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index, ChiNext Index, and Small and Medium Enterprises Index also expanded to more than 8%, continuing to narrow the gap with the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index.

At 1:36, the A50 index was still hovering around a 5% increase and would not rise further.

At 1:37, the number of stocks hitting the daily limit in the two cities has exceeded 100. The daily limit of 100 stocks in the two cities has become the norm as the bull market atmosphere becomes increasingly intense.

At 1:38, ‘Huaguo Petroleum’ surged 5%, which also made up for the retracement loss of the previous day.

At 1:39, corresponding sector stocks such as Petrochemical Oil Services, Hengli Petrochemical, Lehman Oil... also followed the trend and rose.

At 1:40, the main sectors such as coal, agriculture, animal husbandry, and medicine, which were at the bottom of the market in terms of gains, also followed the trend and slowly rose. At this time in the two cities, all industry sectors had all achieved red prices, and none of them fell. , in terms of concept sectors, except for the concept sector of 'reorganization and backdoor', the rest have also achieved a red plate, and the profit-making effect of the two cities can be said to be explosive.

At 1:41, the turnover of the two cities reached 580 billion, which was once again expanded compared to the same time period yesterday.

At 1:42, the check of 'Huagong International' hit the daily limit again with a volume of 1.8 billion, and drove the main line of 'big infrastructure'. The previously sluggish and lagging weighted core stocks followed the trend and rose. At the same time, The two checks of China South Locomotive and China North Locomotive and Railway Co., Ltd., which had fallen back, were also driven by the daily limit of "Huagong International" and once again picked up and surged higher, and the time-sharing capacity of the market also expanded again.

"Damn it, this market... has gone crazy!"

At around 1:45, at this moment, inside Yanjing Yihe Capital Company, in the main fund trading room, fund manager Gao Xiang stared at the market trends of the two cities. He was extremely excited and said with emotion: "It feels like the market is extremely well funded. Under the liquidity, it has begun to turn to a comprehensive general rise situation."

"There are indeed traces of this." Beside Gao Xiang, Chen Yihe, general manager of Yihe Capital Company, nodded and said, "With such a rise, our company's newly established 'Yihe No. 2' main fund product will not be able to open a position. !”

"How does Mr. Chen plan to operate?" Gao Xiang asked.

Chen Yihe thought for a while and asked, "What do you think?"

Gao Xiang pondered for a moment and responded: "There is no other way. At this time, the market conditions of the two cities have completely formed a situation of continuous short squeeze. If we want to complete the position as soon as possible, we can only follow the market trend and pursue positions." Operation, otherwise it will be difficult to complete the position.”

"If you you think there is still an opportunity to buy chips at a low price?" Chen Yihe asked.

Gao Xiang replied: "I'm afraid it's very difficult. With this kind of extreme bullish sentiment in the market and extremely abundant financial liquidity, the valuation of the entire market will definitely rise rapidly in the short to medium term, possibly in a wave of After the extreme emotional power is exhausted, the market will undergo a retracement adjustment to a certain extent, but when this adjustment will come and how high it will rise before it comes, it is completely uncertain.

If we continue to wait, we may miss more market opportunities.

Therefore, my suggestion... is to carry out chasing and buying operations as soon as possible. In the bull market, only when you have chips in hand will you not panic.

Moreover, in this comprehensive bull market pattern.

Even if the purchase price is high for a while and the holding cost is relatively high, it is actually not a big problem.

Mr. Chen didn’t see the main funds that failed to do the ‘high-low switch’ market in the past two days. After being trapped for two days, are they completely freed today?

This shows that regardless of the current market stage, the cost of buying is high or low.

As long as the bull market trend does not change, it is simply unstoppable. Temporary losses will always turn into final profits. "

"Okay!" Chen Yihe nodded slightly, "In this case... we can only build a position quickly. I hope that the Shanghai Stock Index can break through 3,500 points as easily as 3,400 points."

Gao Xiang said with a smile: "The market turnover is still expanding rapidly, and there are continuous benefits in the future. From an expectation, the Shanghai Stock Index should not encounter any major obstacles before it reaches 4,000 points."

After saying that, he quickly started to follow Chen Yihe's ideas.

Instruct the two trading teams in the trading room to quickly buy chips to increase their holdings of the 'Yihe No. 2' fund product.

At the same time, within the Magic Capital's 'E Fund' public fund company, several fund managers in the asset management business department faced the newly established new fund product position building plan, which was more complicated than the new fund product position building plan of 'Yihe Capital'. Be more radical.

Among them, a tens of billions-level main fund product.

Under the hot market conditions, its fund managers simply sprinkled the newly raised funds into the market like happy beans, buying tens of millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of dollars.

Likewise, Yanjing and Magic City.

Many securities firms, banks, and insurance institutions have self-operated asset management business centers.

Many fund product managers, as well as asset management business managers, are faced with insufficient positions in the fund products they manage and insufficient chips. At this time, they see that the market has continued to rise to an extreme, and the overall general upward trend is no longer possible. In order to stop it, they are also extreme in increasing their positions and buying.

With the extreme and continuous buying of these main financial groups, and the continuous following of the majority of retail investors.

When the trading time of the two cities entered 2 o'clock in the afternoon and entered the final late trading time, the short squeeze trend of the two cities became more and more intense.

‘Crazy, this market is crazy! "

At 2:10 pm, in Yanjing, Huashang Securities’ proprietary investment department and main fund trading room, fund manager Wu Dayong was shocked and dumbfounded by the continued short squeeze and rise of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, which was approaching the 3,500-point mark. Several major players in the entire market The core index, despite serious technical deviations, not only did not adjust, but rose more and more, becoming more and more outrageous.

"Hehe... It's okay to be crazy." Behind Wu Dayong, Liao Guanghua, the general manager of the asset management business with sharp eyes and a smile staring at the big screen in the trading room, said with a smile, "How can you call it a bull market if you are not crazy? This is a bit of a bull market. It looks like the market has reached this point and has fully unleashed the long potential both inside and outside the market, forming a clear bull market trend."

"Such a short squeeze is too aggressive." Wu Dayong responded.

Liao Guanghua said: "Although we are radical, we have to respect the trends and trends of the market. We don't need to think too much, just continue to increase our positions if we have funds. At this time, the core stock chips of the two cities are the most precious and sexy." is the time when certainty is strongest.”

"The positions of several of our main fund products have reached 75%." Wu Dayong responded, "There is no need to continue to increase positions upwards, right?"

Liao Guanghua pondered for a while and said: "Let's increase the overall position to 80%!"

"This leaves no room for flexible transaction switching." Wu Dayong said, "In case of an uncontrollable extreme correction and decline in the market..."

Liao Guanghua interrupted Wu Dayong and said: "Don't worry, the net profits of several of our main fund products are already quite a lot, right? With enough profit cushion, even if we encounter an extreme market correction like last Monday, The trend is also harmless. We continue to increase positions at this position, and the profit and loss ratio is still very good, and... I can almost conclude that there will be major benefits to be announced in the future. Our overall trading strategy should be relatively aggressive. That’s right.”

"Okay!" Wu Dayong nodded.

He quickly followed Liao Guanghua's trading instructions and continued to issue trading instructions to the trading groups he was responsible for to continue to increase positions and buy chips. (End of chapter)

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