Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 741 The ultimate bullish sentiment!

I saw a total of 51 stocks in the two cities on the list. Among them, market investors such as 'China South Locomotive, China North Locomotive, Huake Shuguang, Blue Stone Heavy Equipment, Flush, Great Wisdom, Oriental Fortune...' have attracted much attention from market investors. and the most popular stocks in the two cities are all on the list.

"With the two checks of China South Locomotive and China North Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corporation, there are a total of 6 institutional seats to undertake the purchase!"

After seeing the specific data of the Dragon and Tiger Lists of the two cities, the discussions among the investor groups gathered on numerous stock discussion platforms on the Internet became more intense.

"And the net purchase amount of these six institutional seats on these two stocks was as high as 7.8 billion."

"Unexpectedly, the main recipients of the two checks of China South Locomotive and China North Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corporation Limited today were actually institutions. I originally thought that hot money was taking advantage of Mr. Su's "Fortune Road" seat premium to follow the trend and speculate. Now look... although hot money is also buying in large quantities, the amount of active buying is completely insufficient compared to the seats of these major institutions."

"In fact, it's not surprising. These two checks have a market value of tens of billions, and they are fully circulated. Such a large circulating market cannot be bought by institutional owners, nor can it increase the stock price. It's just these few institutions. The seat... doesn't seem to have appeared on the dragon and tiger list before, what's the specific origin?"

"It should be the newly established institutional fund products that are adding new purchases, right?"

"Also a possibility!"

"With an institution buying chips on such a large scale, is there really any big benefit from these two checks?"

"Should we still follow the basic investment logic of 'big infrastructure', 'new era road, maritime silk road', and 'high-speed rail' concepts? At present... we should not be able to see other potential logics. Today's Huagong International" Has it reached the limit? Looking at the data from the Dragon and Tiger List, the net purchase amount of institutional seats disclosed in the 'Huagong International' check is larger than the two checks of 'China South Locomotive and China North Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corporation'."

“It’s a pity that Mr. Su’s ‘Fortune Road’ did not continue to buy today.”

"It's possible to buy Mr. Su's 'Wealth Road', but it's just not on the Dragon and Tiger list."

"It doesn't really matter whether Mr. Su's 'Fortune Road' continues to buy. As long as Mr. Su's 'Fortune Road' seat does not appear in the selling seats on the Dragon and Tiger list, it will be good for the market."

"On the whole, the performance of the Dragon and Tiger List data in the two cities today is still very good. Whether it is institutional seats or major hot money seats, they are still in a net buying situation. Moreover, the dedicated seat of 'Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect' has been in a net buying position today. It also purchased a net amount of 2.9 billion."

“What’s even more exaggerated, isn’t it possible that the dedicated seat of ‘Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect’ only has buying and not selling today?”

"Right? Why didn't you sell it?"

“This shows that the capital groups pouring in from the ‘Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect’ trading seats are continuing to increase their positions on a large scale and have no intention of selling at all.”

“It also shows that the ‘Southern Department’ funds are quite scarce in this position.”

"In addition to institutional and Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect funds, there are also many things worth noting today in terms of hot money seats."

"Indeed, 'Four Seasons Road' is chasing Huake Shuguang's check, Hongqiao Road is undertaking 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment', Zhang's 'Chunhui Road' is aggressively increasing its positions in 'Oriental Fortune' stock, and 'Yitian Road' Chasing the check of 'Great Wisdom', Gubei Road suddenly bought 'Huagong International', 'Rongcheng North First Ring Road' followed the trend of 'LeTV'... These are all worth noting."

“In general, the current market is much more active than before.”

"Hot money, institutions, Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect... all major financial groups are simply attacking violently!"

"On the dragon and tiger lists disclosed by the two cities, the net purchase amount of main funds is as high as 7.8 billion. This should be the highest net purchase amount of main funds from all parties in the past two or three months, right?"

"Even if the time is extended to one or two years, today's Dragon and Tiger List data and the net purchase amount of main funds are also the highest ever."

"How many main funds are net buying, how many retail investors' chips are washed out."

"Most of what was washed out was profit taking and settlement of arbitrage."

"Such a large amount of net inflow of funds indicates that the market will probably continue to rise in the future, right?"

"It will definitely continue to rise. Otherwise, are so many major financial groups going crazy and buying?"

"Bull market, this is the bull market!"

“In the position of ‘Huake Dawn’, there are actually institutions increasing their positions. It’s really outrageous!”

"The current market situation of 'Huake Dawn' is probably driven by institutional leadership. It has hit the daily limit of 19. I wonder if this check will refresh the previous record of 23 consecutive boards set by 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment'."

“Looking at the data on the Dragon and Tiger list of the check ‘Huake Dawn’, there is a high probability that this check will continue to rise by the limit tomorrow, right?”

"'Four Seasons Road' has been really active recently."

"The seat of 'Four Seasons Road' can be regarded as a benevolent bank. If the funds are not invested tomorrow, there should be no pressure on 'Huake Dawn' to reach its daily limit."

"'Huake Dawn' is now the most popular stock in the two cities. With this popularity, I think even if 'Four Seasons Road' leaves the market tomorrow, there won't be much suspense about 'Huake Dawn' hitting its daily limit."

"At the current position, within the check of 'Huake Dawn', the one with the heaviest holdings should still be the institutional funds that have continued to intervene in the front, right?"

"Indeed, I don't know the origin of the organization that leads the check of 'Huake Dawn'. This pattern... is not simple!"

"The main reason is that the previous 'Bluestone Heavy Equipment' has produced a wave of extreme profit-making effects. In addition, the price-earning ratio of the check issued by 'Huake Dawn' is relatively low, and subsequent performance may also explode. At the same time, there is also the 'Mobile Internet' , supported by expectations of ‘technological growth’, so institutions have dominated this wave.”

"There are some reasons for this, but not entirely."

"The three checks of Flush, Great Wisdom, and Oriental Wealth are also exaggerated. Especially the check of 'Flush' has increased by more than 150%, but today's Dragon and Tiger list data shows a net buying trend. , it’s so explosive, I feel like the stock price of this check has not reached its peak at all!”

"The stock prices of the Three Musketeers of 'Internet Finance' have definitely not reached their peak."

"For the 'Oriental Fortune' check, leader Zhang is still increasing his position today. How can we say it has reached the top? I feel that these three stocks have the potential to double in the short to medium term."

"Can it be doubled? Is that an exaggeration?"

"It's no exaggeration at all. It's a comprehensive bull market. And if you look at today's market turnover, as well as the financing balances of the two cities, the securities sector and the Internet finance sector, the expectations of these two sectors are really too strong. The entire It can be said that the expectations of the large capital groups in the market for these two sectors are being refreshed basically every day.”

"Zhang Zhang's recent actions in the market are really radical, with a series of big moves."

"This shows that the securities and Internet financial sectors are indeed the unshakable core of the market trend. If the market wants to rise, these two sectors cannot be avoided."

"Leader Zhang bought close to 100 million in 'Oriental Fortune' today. How heroic!"

"Now, the check of 'Oriental Fortune' is blessed by two major positive factors, Mr. Su's 'Yu Hang Department' and Alliance Leader Zhang's 'Chunhui Road', right?"

“‘Oriental Fortune’, as the number one leader on the GEM, should be unshakable, right?”

"The 'Three Musketeers' are actually not bad."

"At this stage, there are simply not too many good stocks in the market, just buy whatever you want."

"Yes, in addition to the two core lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure', today's two lines of 'mobile internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' are also going well, showing signs of reversal and breakthrough. The two checks of 'Everwin Precision' and 'Lixun Precision' feel promising!"

"I am also very optimistic about the check of 'Lixun Precision'."

"The check of 'Leixun Precision' is also the key stock held by the main fund product of the 'Yu Hang Series' managed by President Su, right?"

"Didn't Mr. Su's "Yuhang Group" subscribe for a large number of shares in the last round of fixed-price increase of 'Leixun Precision'? According to the market value of positions, Mr. Su's 'Yuhang Group' funds held positions in this check The market value should be no less than that of Oriental Fortune, but I don’t know if this check can replicate the miracle trend of Oriental Fortune.”

"It should be okay. This check has always performed well in the entire 'smartphone industry chain'."

"And the check of 'LeTV' has also completely reversed recently."

"Since Mr. Jia's public appearance on the 'LeTV' check, the stock price has started to reverse. In fact, the investment logic and future expectations of the entire 'film and television media' sector are quite good."

"Indeed, the country's policy support in the direction of 'film and television media' has begun to be reflected in the performance of many stocks."

"With the reversal of fundamentals, increased valuations, and the bull market, the investment logic of 'Film and Television Media' should be completely reversed. The core stock of 'LeTV' will definitely continue to rise in the future."

"'LeTV' has recovered most of its early losses!"

"'Netspeed Technology' has also been trending very strongly recently, and its stock price has reached the 100-yuan mark again today."

"For the stocks with the largest weights on the GEM, I feel that their future expectations are pretty good!"

"'Big Finance', 'Big Infrastructure', 'Film and Television Media', 'Military Industry', 'Mobile Internet', 'Internet Finance', 'Smartphone Industry Chain'... After a careful analysis, I feel that the investment direction of the market is A lot, and the overall expectations have been reversed.”

"This is natural, otherwise why would the market be so violent recently?"

“Why haven’t I discovered that there are so many investment opportunities in the market before?”

“The main reason is that after the reversal of investment confidence, everyone’s expectations for the future have changed, so many stocks seem to have great potential. Previously, everyone’s expectations for the future were very low, so naturally they have higher valuation requirements for many stocks in the market. , if it is more stringent, so many investment opportunities will not be found.”

"Yes, yes...that's the reason for investment confidence."

"Sure enough, confidence is more important than gold. When investment confidence increases, the market situation will completely reverse."

"Since the market's bullish trend has been established, it should not be easily reversed. Tomorrow... there is a high probability that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index will reach 3,500 points."

"It's not a high probability, but we will definitely see you at 3,500 o'clock."

"Hey, I didn't know which stock to buy before, but now I want to buy too many stocks."

"This is the trouble of happiness, haha... I have gained a crazy 40 points of health recently. I have finally made up for the losses of the previous half year, and finally turned a profit."

"Haha, after three years of hustling, I finally got my money back. It's not easy."

"Yes, we finally survived the bull market!"

"I hope we can see 4,000 points by the end of the year and 6,000 points next year."

"According to the growth rate of the market's transaction volume and the growth rate of the balance of financing and financing, 6,000 points is definitely not a dream."

"What I didn't say... In this bull market, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index will definitely refresh the high of 6,100 points set in the previous bull market. We estimate that the high point of this bull market will definitely be above 8,000 points."

"Yes, based on the current Shanghai Index position, doubling it is the minimum, right?"

"Hey, let's not talk anymore. There are too many good stocks and not enough money."

"We're raising money. If we don't use leverage now, when will we do it?"

"Yes, if there are not enough financing conditions on the market, then I will raise money off the market. Anyway, my current position has been increased to 130%. If the Shanghai Stock Index rises later, I will continue to increase my position."

Faced with the data on the dragon and tiger rankings of the two cities that continue to exceed expectations, as well as the balance of financing and financing that continue to exceed expectations.

As time goes by.

Discussion places where countless investors gather across the entire network, whether it is stock discussion forums, stock discussion areas on trading platforms, financial media comment areas, stock discussion communities, internal discussion groups of various investors, industry discussion groups of various institutions, etc., The popularity of discussions and the speed of topic refreshing are unprecedentedly intense.

And as the discussion heats up.

In the hearts of countless investors, expectations for the market outlook continue to rise.

Moreover, with this extreme bullish sentiment fermenting, both investors already on the market and potential investors outside the market, driven by the desire to make money, have continued to increase capital investment and continue to reach aggressive highs. With the idea of ​​​​grabbing for funds, everyone believes that the Shanghai Stock Index can continue to short-squeeze and skyrocket in the subsequent market trends.

Similarly, at this time of intense discussion, the whole market is noisy.

As the leading forces in the market, major institutional groups, large asset management company groups, and even industry regulatory agencies.

It also continued to release positive bullish signals to the market through various investment consultants, analysts, star fund managers, and well-known stock commentators...

At the same time, in various stock discussion communities and stock investment forums.

The group of ‘stock gods’ with various names have also begun to brainlessly and actively bullish, attracting the attention of fans, and illegally recommend stocks through various methods.

There are also countless internal groups of ‘stock gods’.

Everyone is also reviewing the market emotionally, and is actively and optimistically looking forward to the subsequent market trends.

In the midst of this extreme emotional interpretation and fermentation, at night, the external market did not continue to break through upward, but instead closed the negative line of opening high and moving low.

Under this influence, the next day, Thursday, November 20th.

The market's pre-market sentiment has dropped significantly compared to yesterday.

However, even if the sentiment has dropped slightly, everyone is still very optimistic about the opening of the market and the actual trend after the official opening.

That is to say, under the extreme bullish sentiment, various negative factors in the market... have begun to be gradually ignored.

In the minds of the majority of investors at this time, they can only see the good news and subconsciously ignore the bad news and interpret the bad news as good news.

In short, the ultimate continuous money-making effect.

The vast number of investors inside and outside the market, especially the vast number of retail investors who have joined the market in the past two days, have begun to lose their minds.

In this situation, everyone continues to be bullish collectively and begins to ignore the existence of negative news.

Come 9:15.

As everyone expected, under the influence of extreme bullish sentiment, when the market prices of the two markets began to fluctuate, the vast majority of the more than 2,000 stocks in the entire market still opened higher.

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