Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 755: The market reversed at the end of the trading session!

"Continue to increase positions and go long?" Chen Shen was slightly surprised after hearing Wang Jinglun's analysis, but did not respond immediately. Instead, he glanced at Gao Yixiang, another trading team leader, and asked, "Yixiang, what do you think? ?”

Facing Chen Shen's inquiry, Gao Yixiang moved his eyes away from the fierce trading between the two cities, thought for a while, and responded: "I think Jinglun is right. According to the current investment expectations of the main lines of the market and the underlying investment Logical analysis shows the core lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry'.

Under the continued hot bull market atmosphere, and under the influence of the two major macroeconomic development strategic plans of 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road' and 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', its entire fundamental reversal situation, as well as the future In terms of expectations, it is still the main line area with the most potential for speculation and room for imagination in the entire market.

Also, the market turnover has always remained above 800 billion.

This volume can be demonstrated. Compared with the market transaction volume in the previous half year, it has significantly increased by 4 or 5 times. There is also a balance of financing and financing. Compared with the previous half year, it has basically increased by more than double.

This shows that the incremental capital group newly entering the market is very large.

Such a large group of new funds will generate liquidity, as well as the fundamental reversal brought to securities firms, banks, insurance and other industry asset management institutions, as well as related industry groups, and there will be room for future performance explosions. For now……

In terms of the current valuation and stock price position of securities and Internet finance.

In fact, it has not yet been fully reflected.

What's more, this is based on the current market fundamentals.

In fact, we can expect that as the certainty of the bull market becomes higher and higher, the money-making effect of the market will become stronger and stronger, and the new capital groups pouring into the market, as well as the liquidity of the entire market, will still be relatively large. There is room for improvement, and the balance of financing and financing is still rising aggressively, isn't it?

If you analyze it this way...

As market liquidity becomes more and more abundant, what will be the most likely buying direction for OTC capital groups and potentially huge new investor groups after new investors enter the market?

There is no doubt that the main areas of ‘big finance’, ‘big infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’ have strong expectations for future performance and still have the highest expectations, imagination and policy support, right?

In other words, I think the market is becoming increasingly liquid.

There is still a lot of room for growth in subsequent market turnover, and the balance of financing and financing continues to grow aggressively.

In the market, the securities and Internet financial sectors, which have performed the strongest in the early stage, although the short-term gains are indeed a bit too large, the technical deviation is a bit serious.

However, its active buying power and potential buying power are still very strong.

Since the potential buying power is still very strong.

Then, the so-called stock price adjustment will not be too deep or last too long, and its overall upward trend will inevitably continue.

What’s more, the line of ‘big infrastructure’.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, in October, when the mainline market of "big finance" broke out, it had already entered the sideways adjustment stage.

That is, the line of ‘big infrastructure’ has actually been adjusted for almost a month.

Moreover, looking at the entire main line of "big infrastructure", the corresponding core industry sectors and concept sectors have also emerged from a relatively obvious box-like oscillation pattern.

Moreover, there are currently various related industry sectors and concept sectors in the main line of "big infrastructure".

The location is not far from the previously discovered bottom range of box vibration.

On a macro level, with favorable policies related to the macroeconomic strategy of the "New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road" and the continuous flow of information from various important conferences, the potential buying capital is not bad.

What's more, after one month of continuous adjustments.

Due to the continuous surge in the main line of 'big infrastructure' in the early stage, the profit taking and settlement of arbitrage accumulated, as well as the unsteady medium and long-term position holders, should have been almost sold out. In other words, the entire main line of 'big infrastructure' has The chip structure should now be adjusted to a relatively concentrated and stable situation.

So, no matter which aspect you analyze...

In fact, the main lines of "big finance" and "big infrastructure" do not have the conditions for continuous adjustment and in-depth adjustment. "

Chen Shen was very surprised when he listened to Gao Yixiang's analysis and said with a smile: "Usually, you and Jinglun have different interpretations of the market and ideas on trading strategies. I didn't expect... now you two actually have different ideas." I thought of going together.

Okay, since you both agree on the two core themes of ‘big finance’ and ‘big infrastructure’.

In terms of trend, if there is no continued decline and deep adjustment, then we will continue to maintain the current position structure and further look for opportunities to increase the weight of high-quality chips and chips in the core lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry'. Industry leading stock chips now! "

The two nodded, and then Chen Shen quickly issued corresponding strategy instructions to each trading group in the trading room.

As the major institutions on the market developed different trading strategies based on market performance, buyers and sellers continued to trade fiercely.

When the market trading time enters after 2 o'clock in the afternoon and enters the last hour of late trading.

The core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry', which had been weak all day, began to recover significantly after continuing to shrink and adjust for most of the day.

At the same time, with the recovery of the trend of core main lines such as "big finance", "big infrastructure" and "military industry".

The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index and the A50 Index were also driven up simultaneously.

At 2:10 p.m., the Shanghai Stock Index's intraday decline retracted to less than 1%, holding the 3,400-point mark.

At 2:11, the intraday decline of the A50 index also shrunk to less than 5%. At the same time, the premium effect of the index and the main index futures contract appeared again, that is, in the process of the reduction of the A50 index's intraday decline, the premium effect of its main index futures contract The decrease in decline was more rapid and obvious. When the A50 index fell by 50% within the day, the intraday decline in the main index futures contract had already shrunk to around 30%.

At 2:15, the intraday declines of the three Musketeers stocks in the "Internet Finance" sector, namely Flush, Oriental Fortune, and Great Wisdom, all shrunk to less than 5%.

At 2:20, the intraday trading volume of ‘Huaxin Securities’ reached about 7.5 billion, and the intraday decline also shrank from a minimum of about 3% to less than 2%.

At 2:25, ‘Huagong International’, a recent leading stock in the field of ‘big infrastructure’, once again surged in volume, with the decline reduced to around 5%, showing signs of rising again.

At 2:30, the intraday declines of the two major weighted industry sectors, banking and insurance, all returned to within 5% of the increase, and the amount of active buying funds on the major related weighted stocks also increased significantly again. Begin to actively suppress the selling orders ahead.

At 2:31, the turnover of the two cities reached the 700 billion mark. Compared with the previous trading days, it still showed a shrinking trend.

At 2:32, 'Blue Stone Reload' opened the lower limit, and there was obvious short-term hot money. It bought a large amount of money at the lower limit, and bought the bottom. Among the stocks in the two cities, this is a sub-new large stock that still has extremely high market attention and discussion heat. Monster stock.

At 2:32, the ‘military industry’ industry sector index fell, shrinking to less than 5%.

At 2:33, China South Locomotive and China North Locomotive and Rolling Stock Locomotive and Rolling Stock Locomotive and Rolling Stock Locomotive and Rolling Stock Locomotive and Rolling Stock Locomotive and Rolling Stock Locomotive and Rolling Stock Locomotive and Rolling Stock Locomotive and Rolling Stock Locomotive and Rolling Stock Locomotive and Rolling Stock Locomotive and Rolling Stock Locomotive and Rolling Stock Co., Ltd., two recent popular stocks in the main line of "big infrastructure", are also the key component stocks of the recent "Yu Hang Group" capital positions, and have once again received a large number of buyers. As funds were received and bargain hunting began, stock prices rebounded one after another.

At 2:34, ‘Huagong International’ successfully became popular, and its trend formed an obvious N-shape during the day.

At 2:35, while the main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' have recovered and reduced their declines, the previously strong main lines of 'big consumption', 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' have It has been affected to a certain extent, and the stock prices of many related concept stocks and component stocks have fluctuated and fallen.

At 2:36, the Shanghai Stock Index's decline continued to shrink to 87%.

At 2:37, the intraday decline of ‘Huaxin Securities’ continued to rise rapidly, reaching a decline of nearly 65%.

At 2:38, 'Western Securities' suddenly rose more than 3 points straight from the bottom of the intraday close to the 5% decline, and directly rose back to the 2-point decline. At the same time, the day's decline in the securities sector index also It rose back to around 5%.

At 2:39, in the entire main line of 'big finance', the net outflow situation of main funds has been significantly alleviated. The net outflow amount has returned from the highest of 7.9 billion to less than 3 billion. This shows that in almost half an hour, During the trading hours, many financial groups on the market, as well as the main financial groups, have already begun to increase their positions and buy bargain-hunting stock chips in the main line of 'big finance' at this relatively low intraday position.

At 2:40, the stock price of 'Huagong International' continued to rise, reaching 1%. At the same time, 'Building Decoration', 'Building Materials', 'Mechanical Equipment', 'Public Transportation', 'Non-Public Transportation', ' Commercial real estate development' and other industry sectors have been driven, and such as 'Huaguo Construction, Huaguo Railway Construction, Huaguo China Construction, Huaguo Communications Construction, Huaguo MCC, China South Locomotive, China North Railway...' etc. A number of infrastructure-heavy stocks with "China" headings were also driven higher.

At 2:41, the stock prices of technology growth stocks in the main field of "mobile Internet" such as "LeTV, Wangsu Technology, Huaguo Software, Inspur Information..." fluctuated and fell, and the stock price of "LeTV" dropped from 7 %, and continued to fall back to about 5%.

At 2:42, the gains in the liquor and white goods sectors in the 'big consumption' sector also fell. Among them, the intraday gains of a number of core component stocks such as Qianzhou Moutai, Gree Electric Appliances, Midea Electric Appliances, Haier Electric Appliances, etc. were all at It fell back to within 3%.

At 2:43, the stock price of 'Huagong International' continued to rise to a 2% increase, showing signs of a full-scale counterattack and returning to the day's high.

At 2:44, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index remained sideways, and the gap between them and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index had narrowed to less than 5%.

At 2:45, the automobile sector fluctuated and fell, and the core stock ‘Shanghai Automobile Group’ fell back to around 2%.

At 2:46, the stock price of ‘Blue Stone Heavy Equipment’, which had been pried open from the lower limit, rose rapidly. The intraday decline quickly shrank to around 6%, and it continued to rebound. The active buying funds on the market were still strong.

At 2:47, the intraday decline in the stock price of Flush also further narrowed.

At 2:48, the stock price of Flush Flush fell to around 3% during the day.

At 2:49, influenced by the "Blue Stone Reload" that opened the lower limit and made a rapid upward move, the "Chengfei Integrated" which also blocked the lower limit exploded. A swarm of active buying funds appeared on the market at the lower limit. The hundreds of thousands of lower limit orders were all consumed by a large number of main buying orders in almost 30 seconds.

At 2:50, after receiving the check for "Chengfei Integration", the stock price rebounded sharply, and the intraday decline was reduced to about 8%.

At 2:51, the intraday decline of ‘Blue Stone Heavy Equipment’ further reduced to less than 5%.

At 2:52, the intraday decline of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' has reduced to about 3%, and at the same time, the 'sub-new stock' sector index has once again been driven up. In recent times, the sub-new stocks have been affected by the stock price of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' Affected by the strong rebound trend, sharp pulls appeared in late trading.

At 2:53, the stock price of 'Bluestone Heavy Equipment' turned red, achieving a reversal of the intraday trend. At the same time, the stock price decline of 'Chengfei Integration' was reduced to about 5%, while the stock price of 'Flush, Oriental Fortune, and Great Wisdom' The intraday declines of these three stocks have shrunk to less than 5%.

At 2:54, the stock price of ‘Blue Stone Heavy Equipment’ rose sharply to 2%.

At 2:55, the intraday increase of ‘Bluestone Heavy Equipment’ further expanded to 47%, showing signs of the strong trend of the first board in late trading.

However, as time gets closer and closer to the final closing node.

In the last five minutes.

The check of 'Blue Stone Reload' still failed to develop towards a higher growth position under the radical active buying and comprehensive follow-up.

Instead, it gradually dropped from the 47% seat height position to near the flat position.

Finally, when 3 o'clock in the afternoon came, the two markets ushered in the closing moment.

I saw that the Shanghai Index was at a 63% increase, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index fell slightly by 43% and 32% respectively, while the Small and Medium Enterprises Index closed at an increase of 11%, maintaining a flat trend. The A50 Index fell during the day. The decline reached 03%. Although it recovered most of the day's decline strongly in late trading, it was still the weakest index among the core indexes of the two cities.

However, when the A50 index fell by 03% within the day.

The main stock index futures contract related to it closed with a 53% decline, once again at a premium to the actual performance of the index.

At the same time, this also illustrates the large number of large funds involved in the main contract trading of stock index futures.

We are still very optimistic about the subsequent performance of the A50 index.

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