Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 757 Strong incremental buying!

Among them, "Huake Shuguang" is still being traded with hot money, and the institutional seats that have been involved before continue to maintain a lock-up situation.

On the dragon and tiger list disclosed by 'Quantong Education', 'Beiyuan Avenue' bought a lot of chips and became the main buyer of this check today.

"Shanghai Steel Federation" made a check, and "Hongqiao Road" followed up and closed the board.

The Dragon and Tiger List data disclosed by ‘Shanghai Sanmao’ is the main cover of ‘Yanjing Outdoor Street’.

The check for 'Blue Stone Reinstallation', the person who bought the seat today was the funds from the 'Rongcheng North First Ring Road, North Second Ring Road' and other Chengdu gangs that had operated on this check several times before.

And besides these hot stocks…

Among some of the heavyweight stocks with large market capitalization on the list, institutional seats are still in a state of continuous net buying.

Overall, although the number of stocks on the list has dropped sharply, the main funds in the major markets, whether they are southbound funds through the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect, institutional funds, or hot money funds, are basically still there. In a continuous net buying state.

This shows that the main capital group is still in a continuous increase in positions.

At the same time, when the dragon and tiger lists of the two cities were refreshed, the balances of the two financings were also announced simultaneously. At this moment, the financing balance in the market has continued to surge to more than 1.1 trillion. This shows that in the market, the financing conditions are met. Investors are still in a position of continuing to increase their positions.

And through these data, we can also know.

Although today's market turnover has declined, the incremental capital flowing into the market has not slowed down.

Moreover, the broad investor group inside and outside the entire market still has a relatively positive investment confidence in the market outlook and a long sentiment.

"In terms of the data on the Dragon and Tiger Lists of the two cities, the entire main financial group is still in a net buying state, which is a bit beyond expectations!"

After the release of market transaction data such as the Dragon and Tiger List of the two cities and the balance of the two financings, there was intense discussion among investor groups across the entire network. In the main hot money group of Yuhang where Su Yu is located, many big bosses in the group also expressed emotion.

"It is indeed a bit beyond expectations. The market has fallen for two days in a row, but the main capital flow is still a net inflow."

“This shows that everyone believes that this round of market adjustments is a benign adjustment and will not harm the foundation of the bull market of the entire market, nor will it damage the logic of the entire bull market.”

"And the net buying amount of southbound funds coming in through the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect actually hit a new high today."

"After the launch of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect on November 17, the total net inflow of southbound funds... has reached more than 5 billion, right?"

"Not only that, the net inflow of funds on the list is basically this amount, but what about the ones that are not on the list? I estimate that the size of the southbound funds coming in during this period must have exceeded 10 billion. I have to say,' The opening of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect has indeed brought a lot of incremental funds to the market, and it is indeed a substantial benefit to the market trend."

"The hot money seats on the list have also become more active. Today on the list, I saw many hot money seats for big names who had rarely appeared before."

"Well, yes, even God K's seat showed up."

"Institutional seats are also increasing their positions on a large scale. Remember, this is already the 9th consecutive trading day of net inflows of main funds on the dragon and tiger lists of the two cities, right?"

"Yes, in fact, except for last Monday when the market plummeted, in the past month, most of the time, the dragon and tiger list data disclosed by the two cities, the main capital groups basically showed a net inflow trend , it can be seen that... the bull market pattern of the market is still beyond doubt."

“All funds are continuing to increase their positions!”

"Looking at the continued trend of these main funds increasing positions and going long, it is estimated that the market will not adjust for too long at this position."

"It will definitely not take long to adjust, right? The Shanghai Stock Index did not break the 3,400 point mark today, and it is estimated that it will not break this point mark again in the future."

"Just look at the market performance at the end of today's trading and you will know that the current market simply cannot fall."

"There are so many incremental capital groups and main capital groups on and off the market that continue to increase their positions and go long, and continue to rush for funds to follow up. If the index goes downward, it is difficult to have room."

"Yes, the direction of least resistance for the market is still upward, not downward."

"However, although there is little room for the index to move downward, I still hope that the index can fluctuate within the range of 3,400 points to 3,500 points for a few more days."

"Why do you want the shock to last a few more days?"

"In this way, we can fully adjust the chip structure, further increase the average holding cost of the core main lines of the entire market as a whole, and further gather the chip structure to the range platform of 3400 points to 3500 points, so that the market outlook index will continue to rise and provide more Solid platform support!”

"It makes sense, but judging from the continued aggressive accumulation of positions by major funds, it is estimated that the index will not stay sideways for too long within the range of 3,400 to 3,500 points."

"No matter how the index goes, we just need to not be pessimistic."

"The main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' have picked up in late trading today. Is it because the main funds of all parties want to bet on the good news over the weekend?"

"It can't be said to be gambling, right? In a bull market, the market's investment sentiment and investment confidence are always more likely to ferment and evolve in the long direction. Even if there are no major substantive benefits over the weekend, as the influence of the bull market expands, The natural fermentation of emotions, the market situation next Monday will not be worse. Today's core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', and 'military industry' have seen a considerable intraday decline. A lot of funds are trading at this time near the weekend. At this point, it is completely in line with the investment logic to buy the intraday dip and predict that the core and main line market will pick up on Monday."

"Indeed, the logic of the changes in the core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' at the end of today's trading is still very clear."

"There is a high probability that the index will not fall, and there is a high probability that these core main lines will not fall, right?"

"It's obvious that it can't go down. You can tell by looking at the trends of these major main lines at the end of today. Once the stocks of various weights fall, the active buying momentum below is really too strong."

"It seems that we want to use the main lines of 'big consumption', 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' to fully undertake the switching of the main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry', so that the market can It’s still impossible to adopt a ‘high-low switching’ market theme!”

"There is still a clear gap between the two in terms of investment logic and future expectations, right?"

"Indeed, the investment logic and investment expectations are more than a step behind."

"It seems that the core focus of the subsequent market making will still be on the core line of 'big finance'. The market conditions of the securities and Internet financial sectors are not over yet!"

"Actually, in addition to the main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry', the line of 'sub-new stocks' is also quite strong."

"The line of 'sub-new stocks' is not so strong!"

"If we count the market performance since the Shanghai Stock Index broke through 3,000 points, the market performance of the 'sub-new stocks' line in the past month or so has not been inferior to the securities sector and the Internet financial sector."

"Hey, the essence of the new stock issuance system where the regulatory authorities fix a PE of 22 times is to encourage speculation in the 'sub-new stock' sector."

"Essentially, this sector has been the most active sector for short-term capital groups in the past month or so."

"Otherwise, how can we get rid of big monster stocks like 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' and 'Huake Dawn'?"

"I have to say that the trend of the check of 'Huake Dawn' is really exaggerated. The seat of the institution that intervened before has not been released yet, and it is still locked. This shareholding determination can really be compared with 'Yu Mr. Su of the Aviation Department has tried his best, but he doesn’t know where this fund comes from.”

“Don’t you think it’s a bit weird to have an institutional seat involved in the ‘Huake Dawn’ check before?”

"What's weird?"

"Only this one institutional seat participated in the hype of the 'Huake Dawn' check. Subsequently, other institutional seats that had no relevance at all intervened. It stands to reason that if the 'Huake Dawn' check was issued, the funds of the major institutions of all parties would be seriously optimistic. If so, there should be some linkage."

"So...what does this mean?"

"I suspect that the institutional seat that was involved in 'Huake Dawn' before is a 'fake institution' seat. In essence, this institutional seat should be a seat for short-term hot money in the market. Its purpose... is to confuse the public. , under the guise of an 'institution', attracting market attention, and then taking advantage of the skyrocketing market attention and popularity to hype stock prices, boost sentiment, and ultimately reap huge profits."

"Can't you? There is still a certain amount of chance that the check of 'Huake Dawn' can come out."

"Furthermore, the subsequent funds to take over the control are obviously not in the same system. There is 'Yitian Road', there is 'Modu Gang', there are short-term gangs in the Shenzhen City system, and there is also 'Yanjing Outdoor Street'. "

"I just doubt that there is such a feeling."

"I also always feel that the seat of that institution is not simple. Anyway, the internal funds for trading the 'Huake Dawn' check should not be as simple as Mr. Su's original trading action to create a market monster stock."

"No matter what the content of the internal control funds of the 'Huake Dawn' check is, anyway, this check has reached this point, and I will not accept it. At this level, whoever is willing to accept it will accept it, is based on 'Huake Dawn'" With the high space created by Shuguang, it would be good to continue to speculate on other low-priced 'sub-new stocks'."

"Yes, the current check of 'Huake Dawn' is a bit too hot, and it always gives me a bad feeling."

"Moreover, the amount of this check has obviously shrunk significantly today, and it feels like it is already accelerating."

"If it accelerates here, this check should not have more than 2 boards upward. After all, there are already too many profit margins lurking, and the market may not be able to sustain it at such an extremely high position."

"Currently, the expected trend of this check is based on the check marked 'Blue Stone Reloading'."

"Twenty-three consecutive boards should be a hurdle."

"Next Monday, the trend of the 'Huake Dawn' check should be very critical."

"Both cities rank first in popularity and discussion. With this popularity... I feel that the stock price of this check has basically come to an end. It is really doubtful whether it can surpass the consecutive record of 'Blue Stone Reload'."

"I think it will be difficult to surpass the streak record of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment', right?"

"Yes, I feel the same way. In terms of the market trend alone, the market trend of the 'Blue Stone Reload' check and the funding pattern were much better than the 'Huake Dawn' check. At that time...' Blue Stone Reload's check is really the result of a group of short-term funds in the market working together to achieve such heights. There is basically no trace of a single fund controlling the market, and it is all due to the combined efforts of market sentiment."

"Looking at it now, I also think the board shape of the 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' check is better."

"Haha, indeed..."

"Looking at the ranking of the 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' check, I didn't expect that the 'Rongcheng Gang' would return to the 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' check."

"How many times did the 'Rongcheng Gang' get in and out of the check for 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment'?"

"If I remember correctly, three in and three out!"

"This fund is really awesome. I made a lot of profits in the first two entries and two exits."

"In this round, we can probably make a lot of profits. The market trend of today's 'Blue Stone Reload' check cannot be underestimated. After the market opens next Monday, if nothing unexpected happens, we will intervene today." Bluestone Heavy Equipment's large amount of bargain-hunting funds can be profitably eliminated."

"Although the check of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' is classified as a 'sub-new stock', the fundamental logic supporting its market trend is still the main logic of 'military industry', right? Can this check be another round of speculation and continue to stabilize the market? , or we still have to see how the main line of 'military industry' goes next?"

"In the context of the main line of 'big military industry', there should be no problem with the logic, right?"

"The expectation of continued growth of the 'defense budget' has already come out. Under the background of 'a technological power' and a 'military industry power', there will be no problem with the medium and long-term logic of the 'military industry' as the main line. What's more... next year will be It’s a big year for the military industry, and the long-term logic is already full.”

“Indeed, this year’s ‘military industry’ line seems to be stronger than ‘big finance’ and ‘big infrastructure’.”

"Where is the check for 'universal education'? Is anyone paying attention?"

"The logic of this check is still a bit vague. Where are the expectations for 'Internet online education'?"

"With the comprehensive promotion of 'mobile Internet', the user group has increased rapidly. Think about it, after the explosion of 4G network and smartphone mobile Internet users in the future, will 'online education' be more convenient for millions of people?" Among tens of millions, hundreds of millions of students?”

"In the past two days, the popularity of the 'All Access Education' check has skyrocketed. Is it because of the purchase of 'Ge Boss'?"

"And today's 'Beiyuan Avenue'. You should know who is behind the seat of 'Beiyuan Avenue', right?"

"Isn't this Mr. Liu's seat?"

"It's President Liu's seat, and usually, President Liu's seat is always linked to Alliance Leader Zhang's seat at the same time. This gives this check more short-term expectations!"

“Also, the check for ‘universal education’ is naturally suitable for capital speculation.”

"Indeed, the market is small, and the stock price has been falling for a long time, the stock price is low enough, a new concept, backed by the 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone' trends, and also endorsed by the country's macro strategic policy of 'cultural revitalization', it is expected The difference is enough, and it is indeed suitable for capital speculation.”

"I feel that with so many big guys stepping in one after another, this check cannot be ignored."

"The 'All Access Education' check still has the potential to become a monster stock, but the market is still relatively hazy and fuzzy about the current logical recognition and expected logic of this check."

"The hazy and fuzzy state is the best time to speculate on stock prices."

“In today’s market, the stocks worthy of focus are ‘Huake Sugon, Bluestone Heavy Equipment, Quantong Education, Shanghai Steel Union...’ These checks.

The check of ‘Shanghai Steel Union’ should be the first mover in the line of ‘Old Demon Stock’, right? "

"It should be, and this check still has the potential concept of Mr. Su's 'Yu Hang System'. What's more, this check is also a concept stock in the 'Internet Finance' sector. It is a 'high-low switch' speculation path conversion within the core main line of the market. Logically, I feel that at this point in time, this check can also trigger a wave of continued speculation."

"I still remember last year when the hype about this check with ten times the size exploded, and that... was also President Su's battle to become famous."

"Just because this check is branded with President Su's battle to become famous, the market recognition of this check is really high. If there is no better stock target, it would be a good idea to make this check next Monday. Originally, it was in accordance with the "Internet Finance" "In terms of the future expectations of a strong sector, the check of 'Shanghai Steel Union', at this position, has fully digested the expectations and stock price of last year's serious overdraft, and it has a certain investment and speculation value again."

"What about the check 'Flush'? Although this check did not appear on the Dragon and Tiger list today, its trend... is still very sharp."

"The three swordsmen of the 'Internet Finance' sector are now basically in sync. The Flush check, as the market's super bull stock throughout November, is in need of a correction from a technical perspective, and the market situation The long-short divergence does exist, but judging from today's market trend, the potential buying momentum is still very strong. I am afraid it will be difficult to really fall, giving funds that want to buy this stock a bargaining chip in the future. Good entry point and buying opportunity.”

"Whether it's a flush, or the two checks of Oriental Fortune and Great Wisdom, you can be sure that the mid- to long-term market is definitely not over."

"If you don't care about short-term fluctuations in these three checks, you can still continue to buy them casually."

"Haha, buying the check from Dongfang Wealth at this time is considered as cheating on the leader of the alliance?"

"Of course, since Zhang Zhang dared to buy the 'Oriental Fortune' check at a high position, I think there is nothing to worry about if he continues to increase his position and buy the stock price of the 'Three Musketeers of Internet Finance'. Even if his judgment is wrong, the sky is falling. Come down, there will be help from the big guys in front."

"On the whole, in fact, the trends of many popular stocks are pretty good."

“It’s a pity that we haven’t seen any movement on Mr. Su’s ‘Fortune Road’ seat and its related institutional seats.”

"Mr. Su's main funds of the 'Yuhang Department' should still maintain the position structure at the beginning of the month, right?"

"Probably yes, there must be some movement to withdraw such a large amount of funds from Mr. Su's 'Yuhang Department'. Most of them still insist on placing their heavy positions in 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry'." Within the large core main line area.”

"Let's wait for December. At the end of the year, Mr. Su's 'Yu Hang Series' main fund products will definitely release new position data and net worth performance data."

"Actually, just wait patiently now..."

“Isn’t the most important thing in a bull market just patience?”

"Yes, you can't trap it anyway. Even if you buy it wrong for a moment, just leave it alone. You will definitely make money."

With the rapid refresh of news in the group, as well as the in-depth interpretation of the market conditions and the outlook for the market outlook by the hot money tycoons in the group.

At the same time...

Within many institutional groups, there are some well-known fund managers, analysts and investment consultants from some well-known institutions.

After seeing the data on the Dragon and Tiger rankings disclosed by the two cities, as well as the balance of financing and financing, they all subconsciously realized that the market might not be able to continue falling.

At the same time, we are also aware of the core market lines of ‘big finance’, ‘big infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’.

There is also a high probability that it will not fall.

"It seems that today we have chosen to diversify our positions, take on strong stock chips in the major lines of 'big consumption', 'mobile Internet', and 'smartphone industry chain', and diversify the concentrated position risks of fund products in an attempt to reduce the continuous decline of fund products in the market. The net value retracement trading strategy in the "Net Value Retracement" trading strategy is not very wise." In the Magic City, inside the Principal Financial Investment Company, in the 'Future Investment Mixed Selection' fund product trading room, fund manager Zhao Zhongming saw the Dragon and Tiger List data disclosed by the two cities. After clearing the balance of the two financings, he couldn't help but frown slightly, regretting the previous change in trading strategy, "The continuously increasing incremental capital group and strong buying power... Under the support of such strong buying, the logic of continuous adjustment of the index, It simply doesn’t hold true anymore.”

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