Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 762 The return of the main market trend!

"Indeed, I didn't expect the reversal to be so rapid. It seems... the market really can't fall!" Among the surprises of many big players in the group, someone said with emotion, "Looking at this situation, it is probably going to be the same as November 10. From now on, the market will be in a positive trend."

"It's easy to rise but hard to fall. Sure enough... this is a bull market!"

"It seems that the impact of external market trends on our A-shares has begun to show a clearly diminishing marginal effect."

"The trend of the external market can only affect the opening sentiment at most. How the market will ultimately go depends on the fundamentals of the market. At present, whether it is the southbound funds coming in through the 'Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect' or the large-scale Institutional funds that continue to increase their positions in batches, or leveraged funds brought by financing balances, or a large number of medium and small retail investor funds that follow the market’s profit-making effect... All capital groups are still in a state of active investment. The market is surging into the market, and with so much incremental capital continuing to enter the market, it will be difficult for the market not to rise!”

"Yes, the liquidity of the entire market is still growing rapidly."

"The volume shrinks when it falls, and the volume increases when it rises. This volume energy pattern originally shows that the market can obviously continue to rise, and it also has the continuous power to rise."

"As long as the market's overall investment confidence and bullish sentiment remain in a relatively active state, there should be no need to worry too much about the market."

“It’s better to take the lead in the two core themes of ‘big finance’ and ‘big infrastructure’!”

"I have to say that the market trends in the securities and Internet finance sectors in the past month have been ridiculously strong!"

"With strong enough expectations, the market will naturally be ridiculously strong!"

"It has only been less than half a day. In the entire 'Big Finance' main line, the net inflow of main funds in the major weighted sectors of banking, insurance, and securities has already reached 4.5 billion. This has also been completed in terms of the net inflow of main funds." Is it a counter-argument to the trend of the previous two days?"

"Obviously, it has been reversed."

"Unexpectedly, the check of 'Western Securities' began to lead the rise of many stocks in the securities sector today."

"The leader has returned. Let's take a look at the sustainability of the market trend of 'Western Securities' stock tomorrow. If it can continue to break through, then the securities sector will reach this height again."

“The check ‘Western Securities’ is originally the real leading stock in the securities sector, right?”

“Currently, judging from the overall room for growth, the check ‘Western Securities’ is indeed the stock with the largest room for growth in the entire securities sector this month.”

"The so-called 'strong will always be strong', I feel that as long as the market in the securities sector continues, the market of this leading stock will not stop, and it will definitely continue to refresh the room for growth and the height of the stock price. As for how much room can be created upward, now, It should be impossible to predict.”

"The strongest thing in the entire 'big finance' main line is the 'flush' check."

"The 'Flush' check is really awesome. As long as the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index records a rise this month, this check will basically close at the daily limit. It is simply ridiculously strong."

"There is logic and reason why the trend of 'Flush' is so strong. You can see how much the number of users on the 'Flush' stock trading platform has grown in this recent quarter? According to high-probability estimates circulating in the market, The number of users has more than tripled compared to the first half of the year. Of course, it is not only the stock trading platform 'Tonghuashun' that is experiencing rapid growth in users, the other two are 'Great Wisdom' and 'Oriental Fortune' The number of users of the two major stock trading platforms is also increasing rapidly, but the growth rate is slightly lower than that of Flush. The increase in user volume is not as strong, which naturally reflects in the stock price, which is obviously weaker. "

“Such a surge in the number of users also means that there is a possibility of a surge in subsequent performance!”

"It's not possible, it's the 'flush' check. The second half of the year's performance, especially the fourth quarter performance, will definitely be very, very explosive."

"Yes, at present, the valuation level of the 'Flush' check is definitely not low, and it is difficult to be cost-effective. But when the annual report results are realized, the valuation will definitely drop rapidly. When the time comes, you will look back and you will find that at this moment The stock price and valuation are ridiculously cheap.”

"Hey, this is the charm of high-speed growth stocks, right?"

"Yes, this is the charm of high-speed growth stocks, and it is also the reason why Flush's stock price has skyrocketed one after another at this stage and cannot stop at all."

"The Three Musketeers of Internet Finance are actually quite good."

"Hey, I've been looking at the 'Flush' check for many days before, but I never understood the underlying logic and didn't dare to make a heavy move. Now that I hear what everyone is seems that I will increase my position no matter what tomorrow. Well, if nothing unexpected happens, the 'flush' check will most likely become the strongest leading stock in the entire market and this bull market!"

"Anyway, I think there won't be any big problems if Flush's market value reaches 50 billion in the future."

"If 'Flush' has a market capitalization target of 50 billion, then 'Oriental Fortune' will have a market capitalization target of 100 billion, right?"

"Why do I think the gap between the two is not so big?"

"I also think that the potential for subsequent development of 'Flush' is greater than that of 'Oriental Fortune'."

"There is no need to discuss in detail which one of these three stocks is better and stronger. According to the analysis of the trends of these three stocks in recent times, the main funds in the market have basically the same expectations for the market trends of these three stocks. , and the trends of these three stocks are basically developing simultaneously. If you ask me to say... If you are optimistic about the line of 'Internet Finance', it is best to have all three stocks and have a balanced position. No matter which check is strong, it will not miss."

"What about the three checks of 'Hengsheng Electronics, Jinzheng Shares, and Yinjie Technology'? I think the logic of these three checks is obviously similar to the three checks of 'Flush, Oriental Fortune, and Great Wisdom'."

"The year-end performance of these three stocks should have the potential to explode, right?"

"There is a high probability that it will explode. After all, according to some industry data observations, in the second half of this year, countless institutions such as securities firms, banks, and insurance companies are developing mobile trading programs and business handheld clients, and domestic first-tier securities firms, There are only three companies in the business chain of banks, insurance and other institutions.”

"However, the certainty should still be worse than the three mutual gold swordsmen of 'Flush, Oriental Fortune, and Great Wisdom' right now, right?"

"That's for sure. If they were the same, the stock price performance of these three checks would not be what it is now."

"There is definitely no problem with the 'Internet Finance' line. If we continue to pursue higher prices, we will definitely not be able to catch it. However, I am afraid that violent shocks in the short term are inevitable. There is no certain cost advantage in holding positions. In this case, , it is not easy to firmly hold the bargaining chip.”

“The higher the elasticity of a sector, the greater its natural volatility.”

"If you pay attention to safety, you can buy the stock of 'Huaxin Securities'. Anyway... as long as there is a bull market in the market, or the bull market continues, then the main financial groups in the market will definitely not be able to get around it when it comes to market speculation. Open this heavyweight security stock.”

"Since the check of 'Huaxin Securities' has been fully circulated, it has lost its flexibility. If you buy this check, it is still difficult to continue to outperform the market index and earn excess market profits. After all, our capital size is , cannot be compared with most major institutional groups, and when we enter the market, the most important thing... we still want to earn excess profits, so buying the 'Huaxin Securities' check is more than safe, but not aggressive enough!"

"Even though the core line of 'big finance' is strong, there is no need to focus on this line all the time."

"That's right. The layout of the main lines of 'big infrastructure', 'military industry', and 'sub-new stocks' are actually quite good, and these main lines are all going very strong today and are suitable for radical increase in positions."

“In the main field of ‘big infrastructure’, the check from ‘Huagong International’ is worth paying attention to, right?”

"The trend of 'Huagong International' yesterday was obviously not going down anymore. Unfortunately, at that time, I thought that the market would continue to develop further based on the logic of 'high-low switching'. I didn't pay attention in time and missed it. Now I'm chasing... …I am even more hesitant.”

"It's true that the check of 'Huagong International' has fully driven the core main line of 'big infrastructure' today, but in order to become the leader of the entire main line of 'big infrastructure', I think it still needs a little more momentum, right? After all, the value of this check The market capitalization and circulation are actually not small. It is still difficult for general main funds to control and pull the market. We can only rely on the joint efforts of the market, and the continued joint efforts of the market will inevitably lead to divergence and the trend will not be too smooth. "

"It is estimated that the subsequent trend of 'Huagong International' will be similar to the previous stocks of 'Huaguo MCC, Huaguo Railway Construction, Huaguo Communications Construction...'. Speaking of which, this check seems to be also managed by Mr. Su's Yuhang Is it the concept stock held by the main fund product?"

"According to the position data released some time ago by the main fund products of the 'Yu Hang Series' managed by Mr. Su, the check of 'Huagong International' is indeed affiliated with its holdings. However, in recent times, the main fund products of the 'Yu Hang Series' have The position data has not been updated. No one knows whether there is any bargaining chip for the 'Huagong International' check, or whether the position has been reduced. We can only rely on guessing."

"If you want to follow the direction of the concept stocks held by the main fund products of the 'Yu Hang Series' for speculation, the two checks of 'China South Locomotive and China North Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corporation' will be more certain. However, the market value and circulation of these two checks will be higher. The size is obviously larger than that of Huagong International."

"Isn't the core logic of the check of 'Huagong International' the main theme of the macro concept of 'On the Road in the New Era, the Maritime Silk Road'? Today, the entire conceptual theme of 'On the Road in the New Era, the Maritime Silk Road' is being hyped, as well as the concept The increase in the sector index is basically driven by 'Huagong International'. I think that 'Huagong International' can definitely continue to increase positions and make orders."

"What do you think of several popular stocks in the 'military industry' and 'sub-new stocks' sectors?"

"I don't think there is any need to participate in 'Chengfei Integration'. After the failure of the reorganization, this check has lost the value of hype and the imagination of future expectations. Even if there is a temporary rebound, the final result is still a fluctuating decline. Before returning, of value.”

"The chip structure of the 'Chengfei Integration' check has been scattered, so naturally we don't need to pay too much attention to it. The focus is on the two checks of 'Bluestone Heavy Equipment' and 'Huake Dawn'."

"'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' should have another wave of market trends, right?"

"The 'Rongcheng Gang' has done really well with the stock 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment'. Three in and three out, they can hit the key points and make huge profits."

"This is what makes people so good, I have to accept it."

"Since the 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' check is under the control of the 'Rongcheng Gang', and as the main line of 'big military industry' has been fully recovered following the main lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure', I think we will hit 20 in the future. % to 30% of the space, it is not difficult, and it is still possible to take over the relay. As for the check of 'Huake Dawn'... today's straight-line board, the turnover rate has shrunk greatly, and it is not easy to take over."

"We are also optimistic about 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment'. Before the stock price reaches a new high, the risk of this check should not be large."

"Actually, the check of 'Blue Stone Reload' has been in a box-like shock range in recent times since it ended its continuous daily limit trend. I think if the 'Military Industry' line can continue to hit new heights, If the "Blue Stone Reinstallation" check reaches a new historical high, it is not impossible. After all, the current market discussion and attention of this check is really high, and the active funds willing to accept it are very high. A lot."

"Look at the market trend of the 'Military Industry' sector in the afternoon, and then determine the subsequent market space of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment'!"

"I really have a bad feeling about the word 'Huake Dawn' today. The expectations are too consistent. In this position, the shrinkage is accelerating... It feels like it's the end!"

"'Huake Shuguang' will have 23 consecutive boards tomorrow. Today's check has such a strong consensus that there should be no problem. The biggest pressure will be tomorrow, but I don't have the chips for this check, so I can only It’s time to watch a show.”

"I still hope that 'Huake Dawn' can open up a new market level, so that the market will have better and more short-term speculation opportunities. At the same time, the market's enthusiasm for investment and speculation will further increase, and the risk appetite for speculation will rise further." , and will further rise rapidly.”

With the rapid refresh of news in the group, and the in-depth interpretation of the market by many hot money tycoons.

Unknowingly, the market prices in the two cities have reached 11:30 noon.

At the moment when the two markets closed at noon, the Shanghai Index was set at a 39% increase. Although the gains of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and ChiNext Index were obviously lagging behind the Shanghai Index, they also rose by more than 1%.

As for the overall main line market pattern of the two cities.

In the past two trading days, the main lines of 'big consumption', 'mobile internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', which have led the market's gains, have all slumped today. Although they are still rising, related industry sectors, The growth rate of the concept sector is obviously lagging behind that of the broader market index, and it has also become a popular core thread with relatively lagging growth rates in the two cities.

On the contrary, in the first two trading days, there were obvious adjustments in the three core main areas of ‘big infrastructure’, ‘military industry’ and ‘big finance’.

Today, it once again became the core main line leading the gains in the two cities.

Its related popular industry sectors include securities, architectural decoration, building materials, national defense and military industry, non-public transportation, etc., as well as Internet finance, high-speed rail, cement, steel, commercial real estate development, nuclear power, military-civilian integration, domestic Large aircraft... and other concept sectors led the market in general.

The entire market pattern of the two cities was adjusted briefly after two trading days.

In the trend of opening low and moving high, the market has returned to the previous main line market trend pattern, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index has begun to turn around and charge towards 3500 points! (End of chapter)

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