Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 770: Differentiated Call Bidding!

Other popular stocks.

'Flush' initially opened 32% higher; 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' initially opened 29% higher; 'Huagong International' initially opened 27% higher; 'Western Securities' initially opened 73% higher; 'Oriental Fortune' initially opened 98% higher ; 'Shanghai Steel Union' initially opened 49% higher; 'Jinzheng Shares' opened 96% higher...

As for the check ‘Chengfei Integration’, which is also among the top 20 investors in both cities in terms of attention and discussion.

Among the top 20 popular stocks that attracted much attention and discussion among investors in the two cities, apart from the check "Huake Shuguang", it was the only popular stock that opened significantly lower. Its market opened low during the initial stage of the call auction. At the 76% position.

"The overall shape is low opening!"

Seeing the call auction trend displayed by the two cities, at 9:17, in the main fund trading room of Zexi Investment Company in Shanghai, Zhou Kan, who carefully observed the changes in the market conditions of the two cities, sighed with emotion: "It seems that the trend of the external market is If the position is broken, the impact on the domestic market will still be considerable.”

Next to Zhou Kan, Xu Xiang, who was also watching the initial call auction trends of the two cities, responded with a smile: "The external market trends definitely have an impact on the domestic market, but as long as 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', There is no problem with the trend of the three core main lines of 'military industry', so the market should not have too extreme adjustments, at most... it will only affect a low opening."

"Boss, I'm still optimistic that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index will continue to rise and will quickly attack the 3,500-point mark again?" Zhou Kan asked.

Xu Xiang responded: "It is impossible to predict the specific direction of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, but it can be seen from the changes in the number of long positions in the market and the direction in which the main capital groups continue to increase positions and follow up...'Big Finance', 'Big Finance' The core main lines of "infrastructure" and "military industry" are still absorbing the influx of long funds from inside and outside the market. Since the long funds in each main line field are still increasing their positions and continuing to undertake the rush to raise funds, then these major It is difficult for mainline-related industry sectors, concept sectors, and popular heavyweight stocks to continue to fall."

"But it's difficult to support the entire market just by relying on these core main lines, right?" Zhou Kan said, "Look at the market shape, 'big consumption', 'mobile Internet', 'smartphone industry chain', ' Sub-new stocks'...these popular main lines that have produced certain money-making effects in the past have shown a certain decline. The loss of money-making effects in these main line areas will definitely affect 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', and 'military industry'. 'Should we wait for the investment sentiment of the core main lines and the changes in the long-short situation?"

Xu Xiang glanced at Zhou Kan, smiled, and continued to reply: "Looking inside the market... it is true, but if we look outside the market, it is completely different."

"Looking outside the market?" Zhou Kan paused and felt a little stunned, not quite understanding.

Xu Xiang nodded slightly and continued: "Yes, the external market trend affects the market's short-term sentiment within a day, or within a few trading days.

If the market at this time is a stock game market.

So, this change in sentiment will definitely bring about a drastic adjustment in the market.

But now... the market's 'bull market' logic has begun to fully penetrate into the hearts of investors both inside and outside the market. In other words, driven by the strong logic of the 'bull market' and the continuous money-making effect of the entire market , the current market is already a relatively large incremental market.

Since it is an incremental market, off-market capital groups are continuously pouring into the market.

So, this kind of short-term emotional fluctuation.

It can only affect the switching of certain main line directions of the market, but cannot cause continuous drastic adjustments in the market.

After all, the market liquidity and the level of active capital groups that can take on chips have been in a continuous rising stage.

This gives the market the impetus to keep moving forward.

In other words, the short-term trend of the market still has to succumb to the long-term trend of the market.

The impact of the external market is a short-term trend, while the basic logic of the 'bull market' is a long-term trend. As long as there are no problems with the long-term trend, and the basic logic of the 'bull market' continues to be recognized by the majority of investor groups inside and outside the market, then short-term Trend, you have to succumb to the long-term trend.

The current long-term trend is continuing to be upward.

At this time, even if the short-term trend is a downward expectation, it will only cause a short-term retracement fluctuation of the index. In the end, the index will still be driven by the continuous entry of incremental capital groups and the continuous increase of positions by countless capital groups. Under the pressure, it quickly recovered the retracement fluctuations and continued to hit new highs.

So... we don't have to worry too much.

Just pay careful attention to the underlying logic of the "bull market". As long as there is no problem with the underlying logic, then we will hold the position firmly, let the profits of the position continue to run, and keep the core main line chips in our hands until the end of the world. "

"But isn't the 'underlying logic' of the bull market the recovery of the macroeconomic aspect?" Zhou Kan said, "Looking at the many macroeconomic data released by the external market last night, it is very likely that the global economic recovery will not be as fast as the institutional groups in the market. The predictions are so optimistic, and this is the fundamental reason why the US stock market has plummeted for four consecutive days.

If the global economy recovers, the trend will be significantly worse than expected.

So, can our domestic macroeconomic recovery be independent? Can our Big A still be able to stand alone and become stronger independently? "

With the gradual opening of domestic financial policies.

Nowadays, the domestic financial market and the domestic economy are no longer a so-called 'paradise'. Instead, they are increasingly closely related to the trend of the global economy, and are increasingly affected by the global economy, so... Zhou Kan didn't have as much confidence as Xu Xiang in this regard.

Xu Xiang pondered for a moment and continued with a smile: "Our country's macro-economy was minimally damaged in the 'financial crisis'. Today, our country's economy plays an increasingly important role in the global economy." It is becoming more and more important. It can be said that... in today's global economy, our country is already the core engine.

According to the macroeconomic data released by my country in the first half of the year and even in the third quarter.

There are also a series of strategies and guidelines for revitalizing the economy proactively proposed by high-level officials, such as the proposal of the "New Era Road and Maritime Silk Road", the further loosening of policies related to "commercial real estate development" and "property market", and the "reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises". 'etc. to deepen reform policy lines, as well as support plans for emerging industries due to the explosion of mobile Internet, and the broad market demand created by the widespread popularity of mobile Internet and smartphones...

Everything shows that my country's internal macroeconomic trend is clearly improving.

It is indeed continuing to recover.

Not to mention the predictions of many institutions in the current market.

Next, the central bank will most likely continue to relax monetary liquidity and increase the liquidity of the entire market through corresponding monetary policies and market operations.

Regardless of expectations for a global economic recovery.

At least in our country, the basic logic of the ‘bull market’ is relatively stable.

There are also stocks in our A-share market, leading stocks in various industries, and high-speed growth stocks in emerging industries.

After the brutal devastation of the bear market in the previous six years, its valuation was originally relatively low.

In particular, the leading weights in the market and the leading stocks in the industry are quite underestimated compared to the corresponding global stock valuations.

Hard-hitting ‘bull market’ logic.

Coupled with this, the stock valuation is relatively undervalued compared to the global market.

There is also a high probability of a shift in macro monetary policy, continued loosening of regulatory rules, a comprehensive reversal of overall market investment confidence, and an overall increase in investment risk appetite.

At this position in the market, at this point of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index.

I really can’t find any reason to continue to be bearish!

In my opinion, even if the U.S. stock market goes through possible extreme adjustments, A-shares still have the ability and motivation to lead an independent rise and a bull market. "

After listening to Xu Xiang's detailed market analysis, Zhou Kan thought carefully for a moment and said: "Since the boss is so determined and confident, we... might as well take another look at 'Big Finance', 'Big Finance' Whether the core main lines of "infrastructure" and "military industry" can really be stabilized, let's see if the Shanghai Stock Index can continue to strengthen independently after opening lower like yesterday, and embark on a beautiful counterattack."

After saying that, he turned his attention again to the fierce trading between the two cities.

After a brief conversation between the two, they analyzed the market conditions and interpreted the current situation.

At this time, the trading time of the two cities has already entered 9:20, entering the real call auction stage where orders cannot be canceled.

The time officially passed 9:20.

After a large number of false orders were placed, a large number of orders were canceled in the last one or two minutes before 9:20.

The market patterns of the two cities that emerged appeared to be slightly warmer and better-looking than at 9:15 and 9:16 at the beginning of the call auction.

I only saw a number of core main lines such as ‘big finance’, ‘big infrastructure’, and ‘military industry’.

As well as its related industry sectors and concept sectors, at this moment, they are still leading the gains of the two cities. Among them, the securities sector opened 93% higher, the Internet finance sector opened 17% higher, and the remaining banks and insurance sectors all opened higher by 5%. Around %, while a number of industry sectors such as construction decoration, building materials, commercial real estate development, machinery and equipment, non-public transportation, public transportation, steel, national defense and military industry, etc., all maintain a high opening trend. The higher opening range ranges from 2% to 6%.

As for market investors, they pay attention to the top 20 popular stocks.

For example, the check of 'Huake Dawn' has already reached the lower limit at this time, and the stock price is slowly rising from the lower limit position.

The 'Flush' still maintains a high opening range of more than 5%, and 'Blue Stone Reload' also maintains a high opening premium, and the high opening range continues to fluctuate upward.

"The index is differentiated, but the main line market is further converging towards the core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', and 'military industry'." At 9:21, after seeing the real call auctions presented by the two cities After the formation, Yuhang, inside Jingda Investment Company, in the main fund trading room, Lin Tingzong, the fund manager, stared at the market of the two markets and said, "This market shape should be a volatile market trend within the day."

As Lin Tingzong spoke, Gu Chijiang, the general manager of the company standing behind Lin Tingzong, nodded slightly and said: "Don't be afraid of shocks. As long as there is no extreme trend like November 10, there is nothing to worry about. Let's look at the collective bidding trends of the two cities. Changes, as well as the call auction performance of a number of popular stocks, the investment sentiment and investment confidence of the entire market are still not bad. As long as the opening wave is stabilized, I feel that there is still hope for a higher market in the future."

"It's not difficult for the red market to move higher," Lin Tingzong said, "but it's still unlikely to break through 3,500 points."

Gu Chijiang chuckled and said: "Take your time, you won't become a big fat man after one bite. According to what you said before, the slower the index moves and the more solid the chip structure, the higher the height space that may be touched in the future. As long as The logical expectations of the core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' are still there. I think... we don't need to worry too much, but looking at it like this, 'big consumption', 'mobile Internet', ' In the main lines of the smartphone industry chain, main funds continue to flow out, and it seems that it is about to enter a stage of continuous shock adjustment."

Lin Tingzong said: "Originally, the current expected logic of the core main lines of 'big consumption', 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' has certain flaws, and the internal chips are not fully centralized. , in the core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry', when the expected major benefits have not yet fully materialized, and their related core stocks still have strong investment performance-price ratio, the market's 'high-low switch' It’s a logical line, so there’s really no chance.”

"Yeah!" Lin Tingzong nodded and said, "Fortunately, we resisted the urge to reduce our positions and take profits in the past two days, and did not rush to 'switch high and low' in the market, otherwise... we would have been blinded at this moment. "

Since the Shanghai Stock Index broke through 3,000 points and entered a bull market atmosphere.

Under Lin Tingzong's management, the performance of the company's two main fund products has been rising steadily, sweeping away the investment shadow of the first half of the year.

This made Gu Chijiang feel happy in his heart.

And he is already planning to hand over the entire company's asset management business to Lin Tingzong next year, and he will be mainly responsible for the company's operations.

After all, after these two years of actual operation.

He finally realized that his insights on market investment and trading, as well as his ability to grasp market investment opportunities, were still far inferior to those of the other party.

Just when Gu Chijiang's face was full of joy and he was thinking about the future development of the company.

The trading time of the two cities has reached 9:25 at this time, and the collective bidding of the two cities has ended.

After ten minutes of collective bidding, the Shanghai Stock Exchange finally settled at a 23% decline, showing a slightly lower opening trend.

The Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index opened lower by 43% and 59% respectively.

Among them, the relatively differentiated small and medium-sized index and the A50 index opened 75% lower and 41% higher, and the amplitude scissor difference between them widened to more than 1%. (End of chapter)

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