Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 781: Select the best among the best and concentrate on holding shares!

“Sure enough, it opened significantly higher!”

Seeing that most of the more than 2,000 stocks in the two cities were in the initial stage of call auction, the market opened red and opened higher. At 9:16, inside Yuhang and Yuhang Investment Company, in the main fund trading room, eyes were fixed on the two cities. Wang Can, who looked focused on the changes in the market, couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Once the market broke through 3,500 points, I felt that the outbreak of the market became more unstoppable."

"The initial collective bidding status of the market doesn't mean anything." Next to Wang Can, Zhao Lijun, who is also paying close attention to the changes in the two markets, couldn't help but added, "Today's market opened higher, which should be expected. After all, last night's peripheral The market trend has rebounded comprehensively, and at the same time, there is also the stimulation of good news that regulators continue to release to the market. The pre-market sentiment of the entire market is very good. In this case, if the initial call auction form of the market cannot generally open higher, , then there is obviously something wrong with this market trend.”

Wang Can said with a smile: "I know that just looking at the market shape at this moment can't explain much, but it is obvious that after the Shanghai Stock Index fully exceeded 3,500 points, the bullish sentiment of the entire market and expectations for the market outlook, as well as the expectations in the hearts of the majority of investors , compared with before, you can still feel that there is a significant difference.

Moreover, it can be seen from the initial call auction of many core popular stocks and industry weight stocks in the current market.

The purchase and acceptance orders that have emerged at this moment do not look like false orders.

Looking at this pattern, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, supported by the core market trends of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry', is likely to open higher in the range of around 7% to 1%. Maybe it will. It can directly surpass the annual high just hit yesterday, and create a gap at this position. "

"But don't open like this." Hearing Wang Can's optimistic thoughts, Zhao Lijun said hurriedly, "The Shanghai Stock Index has really opened significantly higher at this position, leaving a gap. It is not necessarily a good thing. After all, this position is 3500. , substantial selling pressure still exists.

Originally, according to the technical form of the market.

The Shanghai Stock Index is at this position between 3,400 and 3,500 points, and the shock time is not enough.

That is, the short- and medium-term profit orders and historical hold-up orders that have been accumulated near the pressure mark of 3500 points, as well as the recent unwinding orders, have not been fully changed hands and cleared during this period. In other words, these pressures are currently , still exists, but due to the stimulation of various favorable factors, the large-scale incremental capital groups pouring in from the sidelines, and the concentrated bull power that has gathered, it temporarily overshadowed the pressure on the market, causing the Shanghai Stock Index to rise rapidly. It just broke through the 3,500-point suppression.

But this cannot be said that the Shanghai Index has resolved all the selling pressure at 3,500 points.

If the Shanghai Stock Index quickly jumps short and opens high under such circumstances...then these profit-taking, hold-up, and unwinding chips that have not had time to sell will quickly and violently pour out, causing greater damage to the market. The upward pressure, or in other words, directly suppresses the upward bullish power.

in my opinion……

At this time, the market is truly reasonable and has a long-term trend.

It is more stable to slowly climb up in small steps, continue to change hands, and continue to clear the corresponding pressure of 3500 points.

If you attack too quickly, you will continue to short out and rise sharply.

On the contrary, it will consume the existing long power in the market extremely quickly, thus rapidly breeding short power.

Once the potential short power overwhelms the market's long power, then, under the concentrated selling of potential short chips such as short-term and medium-term profit taking, hold-up orders, and unwinding orders.

There may be an extreme market adjustment trend, which is not far away.

In other words, the faster the Shanghai Stock Index attacks at this time, the greater the probability of an extreme plunge like that on November 10.

Of course, the market situation has developed here.

No one can control how the market will go and how it will evolve.

As an investment institution, all we can do is to follow changes in the market and the development of trends, constantly make corresponding changes in trading strategies, and constantly adapt to changes in market conditions and trends. "

"Manager Zhao is right." After hearing Zhao Lijun's analysis, Zhu Tianyang nodded and couldn't help but said, "The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index has just passed an important pressure level. At this time, it is facing an important index level that has not yet been resolved. Pressure should not be attacked too hastily, otherwise the chip structure will become very unstable, which will naturally lead to concentrated selling of potential short forces in the market.

But I think..."

When Zhu Tianyang said this, he paused subconsciously, and then continued: "At this time, the trend of the index and the specific main line market performance can still be viewed separately. If the index attacks too quickly, more extreme events may occur. Huge amplitude adjustment.

However, as supporting the development of market conditions, the core main lines of "big finance", "big infrastructure" and "military industry" are.

Especially the line of ‘big finance’.

At this position, I think the market trend is still capable of continued rapid advancement and continued short squeeze.

After all, after the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index completely broke through 3,500 points, the bull market pattern of the entire market has been basically determined, and the majority of investors in the market have basically become consistent in their views on the bull market.

Since the bull market pattern is basically determined.

As for the main line of 'big finance', which is the main line of the bull market's pioneer market, the certainty of its market development and the room for market development have obviously become higher.

At the same time, the huge reversal in the external market last night also cleared away the gloom in the global financial market in the past few days.

The U.S. stock market trend line broke and then stood, returning to the continuing bull market pattern.

This will also further stimulate the investor group's enthusiasm for long positions in the global financial market, thereby forming a relatively good guiding role for our domestic market.

There are also rumors in the market that the central bank will cut interest rates and reserve requirement ratios in December.

At present, it is becoming more and more clear.

These various major positive factors continue to stimulate the investment logic and hype sentiment of the main line of 'big finance' itself.

Coupled with the rapidly increasing market turnover and the crazy and continuously rising financing balances in the two cities, the performance expectations of the main line of 'Big Finance' are also rising.

Under such a situation, this main line basically has no downward momentum.

What's more, as the market liquidity becomes more and more abundant, facing such certain investment opportunities, large-scale incremental capital groups newly entering the market will inevitably choose the main line of 'big finance' first. Relevant core component stocks and leading stocks are increasing their positions to raise funds.

So I think……

No matter whether the market adjusts next or not, we should continue to strengthen our confidence in holding positions at present.

Continue to follow the general strategic guidelines explained by Mr. Su before he left, maintain the fund's dynamic high position operations, and continue to let profits run without thinking too much about risk issues. "

"At present, there is definitely no problem with the market sustainability of the 'big finance' line." Liu Yuan took over and said, "The key is the two core main lines of 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry'. Should we continue to adjust our position structure and increase our positions in corresponding popular stocks in accordance with the two main lines of 'the strong will always be strong', so as to capture more market excess profits, is the question we should consider now."

"My suggestion is to maintain static positions, which is better." Seeing Liu Yuan's question, Zhao Lijun thought for a while and responded, "First of all, judging from the current development pattern of the main lines of the market, it is obvious that 'big finance' This core main line is undoubtedly the strongest popular main line in the two cities.

The two core main lines are ‘large infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’.

Although the basic logic is still there, and from a macro perspective, there are still potential benefits that have not yet been released, and at the same time, related industries are indeed undergoing fundamental changes.

But due to these two main lines, the price has indeed risen more than half a year in advance.

Its current overall valuation level and the relative position of its stock price are significantly higher than the main line of "big finance" with stronger expectations and higher certainty.

Coupled with the fact that we currently have a lot of bargaining chips to turn around the main lines of 'infrastructure' and 'military industry'.

Therefore, I think we should continue to maintain the chip structure of 'big finance' with the main line chips accounting for 50%, the two main lines of 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' accounting for 30%, and the remaining branch market popular stocks accounting for 50%. Still very reasonable.

If we want to follow the overall strategy of 'the strong will stay strong, remove the weak and keep the strong', we will continue to optimize the structure of position chips.

I established that while making slight adjustments to the proportion of individual stock holdings, it is better not to change the overall proportion of mainline chips. "

"Yes, I also agree with the internal adjustment of positions in the main line, rather than the overall adjustment." Wang Can heard Zhao Lijun's words, quickly responded, nodded and said, "The market conditions are changing, and the stocks with the best investment performance and price performance are changing. Necessary internal position adjustment within the main line is still necessary.”

"Guobing, what do you think?" After hearing the discussion of several people, Li Meng, the general person in charge of the trading room, thought for a moment, but did not immediately express his thoughts, but looked at the person who had not yet spoken. Zhang Guobing, "How do you understand the current changes in market trends?"

Seeing Li Meng's question, Zhang Guobing thought for a moment and responded: "I agree with Manager Zhao's opinion. In fact, the scope of our current main fund products, positions, and individual stock targets are quite wide. It is also relatively scattered.

No matter it is 'big finance', the core line with the strongest performance in the current market.

They are still the two core main lines of the market, "big infrastructure" and "military industry", which are relatively inferior in performance.

After such a long period of continuous market development and the concerted efforts of the corresponding funds, the strength and weakness of the corresponding core component stocks have become very clear.

I think we need to capture more excess profits from the market.

In the development of these core main lines of the market, if we want to obtain more benefits...then it is still necessary to further concentrate our positions and eliminate some. No matter whether it rises or falls, it is difficult to outperform the current market index. It is a fringe stock that is unanimously recognized by the main financial groups. "(End of chapter)

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