Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 783: The hype logic of ‘the strong will always be strong’!

As for the investor groups in the two cities, they have focused their attention on a number of popular stocks that have received high levels of discussion and attention.

I only saw the top 20 stocks with the most discussion and attention in the market.

The most popular 'Blue Stone Reload' continued to open sharply higher today based on yesterday's daily limit, fixed at a 76% increase. Moreover, during the entire collective bidding process, the volume and energy were not significantly amplified compared to yesterday, so active buying The market is still positive, the entire internal chips are still well locked, and there is no phenomenon of scattered collapse and concentrated selling.

And this high opening range.

It also gives investors who hold and pay attention to this stock high psychological expectations.

The second most popular one is still the check of 'Huake Shuguang', which hit 22 consecutive boards, and the opening performance of this check today is completely opposite to that of 'Blue Stone Reload'. It fluctuated violently yesterday, and revealed that With the institutions on the Dragon and Tiger List and the main players of hot money continuing to sell, it opened sharply lower at 76% today, continuing to hit a new low since its listing.

Of course, compared with the previous two trading days, this stock's huge trading volume during the call auction process.

Today, the transaction volume of this check during the collective bidding process has been significantly reduced.

This shows that after two consecutive days of huge fluctuations in this check, the internal selling pressure should continue to decrease, which can be regarded as the only positive factor shown on the market.

The third most popular stock is the one that has continued to hit new highs. In the entire market in November, apart from the listed new stocks, the stock 'Flush' ranked first in absolute gain. This stock is the absolute conceptual leader in the 'Internet Finance' sector. Even the absolute conceptual leader of the entire 'Big Finance' main line.

As its stock price continues to rise, and its stock price continues to hit record highs.

Its market popularity is also rising steadily.

Today's check, based on yesterday's record high daily limit, continues to open significantly higher at 69%.

Although this high opening range is not as good as 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment', the core leader in the field of 'sub-new stocks'.

However, compared with the popular stocks and industry-leading stocks in the entire "big finance" main line field, it is already unique.

Moreover, as its stock price continues to open sharply higher.

The volume performance of ‘Flush’ throughout the collective bidding process has indeed continued to shrink.

This shows that as this check continues to rise, and as the stock price continues to hit record highs, its internal chip structure is still very stable at its current position. The investor group holding this stock is still very stable at this time. On point, it’s still quite prudent to raise money.

Ranking fourth in popularity is the check ‘Huagong International’.

The check of 'Huagong International' is the new leader in the main line of 'big infrastructure'. It is also the main board weighted stock with the highest net purchase amount of institutional main funds on the Dragon and Tiger list yesterday. Today, as the market heat continues to soar, it is still the It opened sharply higher at an increase of 87%.

Although this increase is not outstanding compared to the more than 1,800 red stocks in the market.

But among the heavyweight stocks with a market value of more than 30 billion in the two cities, it is quite outstanding.

Moreover, during the entire collective bidding process, the market price of this check continued to increase, which is enough to prove that the buying funds in the market continued to pursue this check.

The fifth most popular check in the two cities is the 'Western Securities' check.

As the core leader of the entire brokerage sector, 'Western Securities' is also the stock with the highest absolute gain in this round of securities market. Its market popularity has not been low. Even though this check hit the daily limit yesterday, it has also opened at a high inertia today. reached a 56% increase position.

Likewise, this check once again hit a new yearly high.

Moreover, in a single 10-minute call auction trading time, the net purchase amount of main funds revealed on the market has reached as much as 3.7 million.

Of course, even as this check continues its strong trend, there are still flaws.

That is, during the collective bidding process, the volume of energy has not been reduced, but has been enlarged.

This shows that the long-short differences within this check are still quite large at this stock price position, and it also shows that the subsequent market trend of this check is difficult to predict.

The sixth most popular stock in the two cities is the stock ‘Huaxin Securities’ in the securities sector.

'Huaxin Securities' has been the top stock in terms of market turnover in the two cities for more than half a month. Its market popularity has always been high, and its trading volume has been quite active, with a volume of 10 billion almost every day. Turnover.

Such a huge turnover and such a huge volume of circulation.

As a result, the market trend of this check has always been very different between long and short.

However, despite the huge differences between long and short, the check can still continue to fluctuate and move higher, and continues to outperform the market, leading the entire securities sector to continue to break through, which is enough to attract the continued attention of countless investor groups inside and outside the market. , of course... As a mainline core-weighted stock with such a large volume, and a core trading stock with such high liquidity on the market, this check must also be a stock that the main financial groups in the market are concentrated on holding positions to attack.

Everyone’s expectations for the market performance of this check...

It is also because the expectations of the securities sector will not stop. If the market continues to be bullish, its market will not stop.

Moreover, as "Huaxin Securities" continues to hit new highs, facing its current market value of 210 billion, some people have already seen room for a market value of 700 billion or 800 billion.

The seventh most popular stock in the two cities is the stock 'Oriental Fortune'.

As the top-weighted component of the GEM index and the top-weighted component of the "Internet Finance" concept sector, this check's market popularity has remained at a high level.

Today, this stock is under the positive factors of the bulls and also driven by the 'flush'.

It opened sharply higher at a 62% increase.

This high opening intensity is obviously enhanced compared to the call auction trend of this check yesterday and the day before yesterday.

Of course, this enhanced factor is not only the original good news of the market and the reason why the "Flush" check was driven, but also the reason why "Zhang Alliance Leader" continued to lock up positions after his high-level intervention.

This gives investors who are optimistic about this stock greater confidence in holding shares and stronger expectations for subsequent market trends.

The eighth, ninth and tenth most popular projects in the two cities are ‘Great Wisdom’, ‘Shanghai Steel Union’ and ‘Yingkou Port’ respectively.

The opening margins of these three checks were all above 1%.

Among them, 'Yingkou Port', as a leading stock in the concept of 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', and 'Eurasian Economic Belt', has opened to a new height, and it has opened higher at an increase of 33%, showing great momentum. Continue to break through, or continue to perform signs of the daily limit trend.

After that, 'Shanghai Construction Engineering, Fushun Special Steel, LeTV, Wangsu Technology, Huaguo Software, Ciwen Media, Chengfei Integration, China Airlines Heavy Machinery, Huaguo Software, Shanghai Sanmao', which also attracted high market attention , Leiman Optoelectronics' and other popular stocks. Except for a few checks of 'LeTV, Wangsu Technology, Chengfei Integration, Shanghai Sanmao', which opened slightly lower, the rest of the stocks opened higher at 5% position above the increase.

Judging from the call auction performance of the top 20 popular stocks with market attention and discussion heat.

The overall money-making effect of the market is still very hot.

Of course, in addition to these popular stocks, there are also many other weighted stocks and concept stocks in the market that are not so popular and have performed very well.

This is especially true for the group of stocks that have resumed trading and the group of new stocks that have been listed on the board.

It can be said that there are many stocks that open higher than the daily limit.

“How come the gap between the trends of the two core leading stocks in the ‘sub-new stock’ sector, ‘Bluestone Heavy Equipment’ and ‘Huake Dawning’, is getting wider and wider?”

Facing such opening conditions of the two cities, most of the investors inside and outside the market are quite excited and excited. However, there are many retail investors who gathered in the stock discussion area of ​​the trading platform. Among them, unfortunately, they took over the "Huake Shuguang" Investors with this check chip are still unable to avoid complaining at this moment.

"One goes up the mountain and the other goes down the mountain. The shapes are naturally completely different."

"'Blue Stone Reload' is obviously restarting its upward trend, while 'Huake Dawn' is obviously entering a stage of huge adjustment. The two have different disk shapes."

“‘Hua Ke Dawn’ had such a good opportunity yesterday, but it didn’t even come true. It should be completely wasted.”

"Hey, I picked up the chips of Huake Dawn at such a low position yesterday. I didn't expect... that I could still lose money at the opening today. It's just..."

"'Huake Shuguang' has 22 consecutive boards in front of it. There are too many positive factors for overdraft. Without a significant and continuous adjustment, it is impossible to continue to speculate. Hey... holding this check, not to mention losses, is a complete waste of market prices. Ah, I’ve missed a lot of market opportunities in the past two days.”

"Sure enough, only the check of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' is the real dragon in the field of 'sub-new stocks' sector!"

"What did everyone say about the institution that was after 'Huake Dawn' before? Hehe... Now look, this institution that dominates 'Huake Dawn' has really no structure, what the heck... eats alone, and after eating it, there is nothing." Smashing the plate without hesitation is really not a thing."

"Some people have compared this organization to Mr. Su of the 'Yu Hang Department' before. Damn it...this guy is actually worthy of it?"

"Hey, stop scolding and cut your position. Cutting your position is the only right choice."

"What should I buy if I liquidate my position?"

"There is no hesitation in chasing the 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' check. The second wave of the 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' check has obviously picked up, and the 'Rongcheng Gang', the main force of funds, is still relatively well-organized. "

"I think at this time, it should be said that the market certainty of 'Flush' is higher, right?"

"It depends on the choice. 'Bluestone Heavy' is based on emotional premium, while 'Flush' is mainly based on trend upward logic, right?"

"If you want to buy the 'Internet Finance' line, would 'Great Wisdom' and 'Oriental Fortune' be better? After all, comparing the gains of 'Flush' this month, 'Great Wisdom' and 'Oriental Fortune' are better This stock is still far behind, so it should be said that there is a need to make up for the increase, right?”

"It's hard to say. If the increase could be made up, it would have been done long ago."

"It is still necessary to respect the existing market trends. Since the main funds in the market are concentrated on chasing the 'Flush', and the market trend of the 'Flush' check is obviously stronger than that of 'Great Wisdom' and 'Oriental Fortune' , then there must be a strong reason and logic, right?"

"Anyway, I think it is more prudent to follow the logic of 'the strong will always be strong'."

"Yes, in the short term, you must focus on the core leader."

"The logic of the 'Shanghai Steel Union' check is completely different from the 'Flush, Great Wisdom, and Oriental Fortune' tickets. I feel that the market trend of the 'Shanghai Steel Union' check does not quite follow." Flush'ah!"

"It should be the same, right? Isn't it also the logic of 'Internet finance'?"

"It's different. 'Shanghai Steel Union' obviously follows the short-term speculation logic of the old market leader's recovery, and cannot be confused with 'Flush'."

"The check for 'Yingkou Port' is also worthy of attention."

"The check 'Yingkou Port' was originally a monster stock in the market before, right? I just didn't expect this check to be able to make another wave of market trends."

“This shows that the core themes of the ‘New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road’ and ‘Eurasian Economic Belt’ cannot die at all!”

"The 'military industry' direction brought out by 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' is actually possible."

“You mean the check from ‘China Airlines Heavy Machinery’, right?”

"There are also two checks for Hongdu Aviation and Aerospace Development. I feel that the 'military industry' sector will probably continue to rise, and there is still huge room for it!"

"After carefully looking at the market, in fact, as long as we avoid stocks with direct negative factors, there are still quite a lot of opportunities."

"More than 1,800 stocks are on the rise, so there are definitely many opportunities."

"Hey, 3500 points should be completely stable now, right?"

"Let's see, from now on, 3,500 points will become history. Next... we will continue to reach 4,000 points."

"Looking forward to the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index breaking through 4,000 points next month."

"Maybe it won't be necessary next month, hehe... The market is definitely going to be positive again today. It's no brainer to chase positions. At this time, it's really a good time to buy stocks."

"That can't happen, right? It's the end of the month soon, and there are only a few trading days left, unless the Shanghai Stock Index violently rises every day."

"It's not impossible for violence to rise every day."

"Are you paying attention to the check of 'Huagong International'? It feels like this check has become the main line of the 'big infrastructure' project."

"Institutions continue to increase their positions, and the upward trend of the stock price is very smooth. It is definitely a bit like the main line weight leader of 'big infrastructure', a bit like the form of 'China MCC' when the check market broke out in the past few months."

"I plan to fully position the 'Huagong International' check."

"This check alone?"

"Concentrated holdings, I feel that the main market trend of the concept of 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road' is definitely not finished, and the check of 'Huagong International' is the only stock that directly benefits from the strategic development of foreign infrastructure. Ah, it is also scarce, and the current valuation of this check is really low, and the stock price has been hovering at a historical low for a long enough time. Once the chip structure is readjusted, it should be quite explosive."

"I am also optimistic about this check. At least this check can see the same valuation and stock price increase as that of MCC, right?"

"China South Locomotive \u0026 Rolling Stock Corporation, China North Locomotive \u0026 Rolling Stock Corporation, China Construction Engineering Corporation Limited, China Railway Construction Corporation Limited... Are you still paying attention to these new conceptual weight stocks held by Mr. Su's "Yuhang Group"?"

"Hey, there are too many good votes. I can't pay attention to them."

"At this time, I just regret that I don't have enough money in my hand. There is gold everywhere and I can't pick it up!"

"Indeed, I just regret that I don't have enough money..."

Amidst the small complaints or excited discussions among many retail investor groups, the brief 5-minute suspension time passed by in a flash.

Soon, the time reached 9:30.

Under the short-term emotional brewing, the two cities once again ushered in the official continuous bidding trading time. (End of chapter)

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