Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 804 The inertia of the trend!

"'Once in 20 years'? Haha...the fund managers of these institutions really dare to say it!" The bullish sentiment in the entire network is still very exciting. At a glance, there is basically no voice that is short-selling, and no matter whether it is an institution , financial media, Internet stock gods, and well-known stock commentators were all singing too much without thinking. In Yuhang, in a private villa, Zhang Jianping was sitting on the sofa, squinting at the latest market information, haha He smiled and said, "When it was at a low level, I didn't dare to take a position or speak out publicly. Now that the market is in the first stage of the bull market and has reached a completely clear position, I am only coming out to say this... Isn't this a clear call for everyone to take over?"

Hearing Zhang Jianping's sarcasm, his old friend Liu Changsong, who was sitting next to him, responded with a smile: "Mr. Li, who mentioned the 'once in 20 years' opportunity, has been involved in the market for 20 years. This tone is quite serious." Ah, but when the market is deserted, no one goes long. When the market comes out, everyone collectively starts to go long. This is also normal.

The so-called ‘buy up, not buy down’.

For the vast majority of investors participating in the market, whether it is the property market or the stock market, this mentality is basically the same.

In fact, if you analyze it carefully, although the investment opportunities in the current market cannot be said to be in 20 years, the investment opportunities in five years should still be considered.

At least since the Shanghai Stock Index officially broke through 3,000 points...

After more than a month of sentiment and volume development, as well as the attitude of regulators, the bull market pattern of the market has basically been completely determined.

At this time, new funds participate in the market.

Although it is difficult to beat the market or make any excess opportunity profits, there is a high probability that you can still make money.

After all, the market's money-making effect during this period is really good.

Regardless of the short-term logic of conceptual leading stocks, or the long-term logic of blue-chip stocks and weighted blue-chip stocks, in terms of market trends, they are all good, and basically there is no money-losing effect for the continued funds received, and the external market trend, Factors such as the external financial market environment...are also continuing to develop in a good direction. "

After hearing what Liu Changsong said, Zhang Jianping responded with a smile: "Old Liu, even though these factors you mentioned are indeed substantial feedback from the current market, and the entire domestic financial market has indeed entered the bull market stage. But...a bull market does not mean that the market will continue to rise.

Although in the current market, almost all investor groups, investment confidence and investment sentiment have returned to the bull market atmosphere.

And the investment risk preference of the entire market has continued to rise to a state that can be described as radical.

However, since the market broke through 3,000 points in early November, it has been continuously short-selling and rising for almost a month, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index's monthly increase has reached 20%.

In this case, follow the extreme bullish sentiment, go long at high positions, and radically increase your position.

In the short term, I'm afraid it will be difficult to reap any profits.

Regardless of whether it is a bull market or a bear market, the basic technical trends of the market must still be followed.

The current short- and medium-term profit orders in the entire market, as well as the newly added chips for unwinding, and the group of hold-up orders that continue to float out and adjust positions due to the extreme bullish sentiment, can be said to be quite huge. These... although they have been They are all part of the bull power, but now they are basically the potential short power in the market.

You talk about these short- and medium-term profit-making groups, especially the large number of profit-making groups who invest based on short- and medium-term logic.

After a large profit is made, and once the market sentiment is no longer progressing, expectations begin to be fully realized, and the stock price reaches the psychological price, will there be concentrated selling?

Let me say... these profit funds.

Once there is any extreme disturbance in the market, there will inevitably be concentrated selling to suppress the market.

The last time, that is, the extreme market adjustment on November 10, it was able to recover quickly and rebound sharply the next day, covering up the huge negative price on that day. It continued to rebound in the following days, and soon reached a record high reached a new high.

That's because at that time, the entire market had just recovered from the atmosphere of the bull market when the Shanghai Stock Index broke through 3,000 points. There was an extremely large group of incremental funds inside and outside the entire market, waiting to enter the market to rush for funds, so it was able to take over quickly. Selling power and creating new market height space very quickly.

Also, at that time, the investment logic of ‘big finance’ had just emerged.

There are many major institutional groups in the industry.

In particular, a large number of major institutional groups that focus on investment opportunities on the right side of the market have reduced positions in the main fund products they manage.

These institutions have opportunities when the market moves to the right and there is a huge correction.

It is necessary to quickly increase the position and increase the demand for holding positions.

In addition, the entire market at that time, whether it was domestic news or external news, was always in an atmosphere of continued good news.

With these factors in place, the market quickly rebounded, repaired extreme adjustments, and created new heights.

As well as the money-making effect of the entire market becoming more and more popular.

However, if you look at it now...

The major core indexes in the two cities, especially the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index and the A50 Index, have long deviated from the technical trend of the K-line form.

Looking at the quantity and energy aspect, the previous progress of quantity and energy was quite rapid.

In the past week or so, the market volume has slowed down a bit when the bullish sentiment in the entire market has been significantly more exciting and high-spirited than before.

Before, I never thought that the transaction volume of the two cities would explode to 800 billion or 900 billion so quickly.

Now, I did not expect that the amount of energy in the two markets would hover around 900 billion for such a long time.

The amount of energy is gradually decelerating, which shows that the incremental funds pouring in from the sidelines have been greatly weakened at this stage.

The reason why the incremental funds outside the market have greatly weakened, but the market can continue to maintain an upward trend, is because under the extreme bullish sentiment, the position holders on the market are generally reluctant to raise funds, resulting in the weakening of selling volume. This, on the surface, maintains the continued progress of the entire market.

The technical situation continues to diverge, and short- and medium-term profit orders and unwinding orders continue to surge.

Coupled with the weakening of new incremental funds pouring into the market.

Under the influence of these factors, once the extreme bullish sentiment in the market declines, extreme market fluctuations are bound to occur for the market.

The potential long and short forces in the market have already reversed.

The market trend cannot continue.

At the same time, even if the market is not intruded by major negative factors, or in the internal environment and external environment, there are still benefits being released.

Market volume and energy conditions do not change.

A large number of short- and medium-term profit orders and unwinding orders were made after many stocks reached their psychological selling levels.

The market will also form extreme selling pressure.

Faced with these extreme selling pressures, at least... I don't see the market being fully capable of taking it on at the moment.

In other words... I think the current market conditions are already prosperous on the surface, but murderous intentions are hidden. The current rising form is basically in a situation where emotions alone are assisting and the trend inertia is supporting. Once the market has Any change in bullish factors will lead to a rapid adjustment of the current market trend, or a rapid collapse. "

"Hidden murderous intent?" After carefully listening to Zhang Jianping's analysis of the market conditions, Liu Changsong thought about it carefully and couldn't help but feel shocked and said, "No wonder your position does not increase in the face of such a good market trend today. Instead of decreasing, they began to actively give up profits.”

Zhang Jianping chuckled and said: "If you want to survive in this market for a long time, you must choose to actively give up profits. Only make money within your ability, and you will feel at ease. Only money within your ability can make you money." Really take away the profits, otherwise...all risk profits are just fleeting. If you are lucky this time, you will make a profit, but if you are not lucky next time, you will definitely lose it.

You know, in this world...

You can't make all the money in the financial market, but you can lose all the money. "

Liu Changsong nodded and said with a smile: "In short, the money earned by strength can be earned again next time. The money earned by luck, no matter how many times it succeeds, will have to be returned to the market sooner or later based on luck. .”

"Yes, yes..." Zhang Jianping nodded and said with a smile, "Lao Liu, you still summed it up well."

Liu Changsong smiled, thought for a while, and then said: "But, Lao Zhang... Since you think that the current long and short forces in the market have begun to change, can the new long volume support the continued upward trend of the index in the short term? , and the entire market investment environment has entered the stage of risk gaming, so why are we only reducing some positions and not reducing positions on a large scale to fully harvest profits in a timely manner?"

Zhang Jianping responded: "Didn't I just say it? The development of market trends is inertial. Even if the potential bull power of the current market is no longer enough to undertake the rapidly expanding short-term profit orders and the continuously increasing unwinding orders on the market, chips, but with the help of extreme bullish sentiment and the consistency of comprehensive bull market expectations, the market can still move upward for a certain distance under the hot money-making effect.

There is also when there is upward pressure on the market.

The active capital groups on the market will inevitably follow the drive of emotions and further abandon weak stocks that cannot outperform the market, thereby moving towards those with higher market liquidity, higher market attention, stronger expectations, and more intense market discussions. Core leading stocks gather.

In other words, at this stage.

The market trend of many popular market leaders will not weaken, but will become stronger.

This is caused by the vast group of investors in the market, who naturally adjust their positions driven by human weaknesses.

Therefore, the market of popular leading stocks that have been intensively speculated by active capital groups on the market will continue to rise even if the overall market trend has not been completely reversed. As investors who hold these stocks, they will still You can continue to hold positions for a period of time and earn the last steamed bun profit in this market.

"To put it simply, this time... is suitable for eliminating the weak and keeping the strong, right?" Liu Changsong roughly understood and said with a smile, "This is the so-called main line of market development, 'the strong will always be strong, and the weak will always be weak' 's investment logic, right? Popular stocks with better market liquidity and more major capital attention naturally have higher risk-bearing capabilities."

Zhang Jianping nodded and replied: "You can say that."

"However, what puzzles me is...since according to what you said, Lao Zhang, the market has begun to enter the risk-profit game stage, then as the smart capital for people in the market, the main capital of the 'Yuhang Department' should There will be some movement." Liu Changsong said, "However, at present, especially judging from today's Dragon and Tiger List data, this main force of funds is still in a fully locked-up state.

After this month of continuous short squeeze and rise.

It is preliminary estimated that the size of positions held by the main funds of the "Yu Hang Group" in the market's "big finance", "big infrastructure" and "military industry" is at least 150 billion or more.

You know, the main capital of this size.

If you insist on earning the last copper in the market, there is a high probability that you will not be able to get out.

I'm thinking... Could it be that this main force of funds is not currently aware of the potential risks you mentioned, Lao Zhang? "

When Zhang Jianping saw Liu Changsong mentioning the main funds of the 'Yu Hang Department', he thought for a moment and said: "I have to admit that based on the past investment experience of the main funds of the 'Yu Hang Department', they are indeed one of the most powerful funds in the market. , the smartest group of funds, it stands to reason...this main force of funds should have realized these potential risk issues I mentioned.

Lets see……

I believe that in the next few days, there is a high probability that there will be some movement in the funds of the ‘Yu Hang Group’.

If it is not the case, then there is a high probability that Mr. Su, who is in charge of the funds of the 'Yu Hang Group', will suffer a significant round of net worth retracement, and his investment myth and trading myth will inevitably be shattered. "

"Well, let's wait and see!" Liu Changsong nodded and responded.

As the two of them communicated with each other based on changes in the current market conditions and combined with various current information from the entire network, they made new subsequent market predictions.

Macro news from the two cities.

There have been new changes in the news about the entry of ‘pension funds’ into the market.

At the same time, news that the central bank is very likely to cut interest rates and reserve requirement ratios next month is spreading more and more widely, so much so that many retail investors in the market are talking about it.

There are also external markets, based on some data released by foreign institutions.

The recovery of the global economy seems to have shown some optimistic expectations, which can support global capital and further expand financial markets.

In short, amid the numerous information releases and the continued heated discussions among the broad investor community.

As time continues to pass, the bullish sentiment inside and outside the market, as well as investment confidence, continue to rise. Everyone's expectations for the market outlook are generally becoming more and more optimistic, and the idea that the Shanghai Stock Index is expected to hit 4,000 points by the end of the year seems to be unresolved. Gradually it has become the consensus among the majority of investor groups. (End of chapter)

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