Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 806: A comprehensive red opening!

Countless eyes gathered, and under everyone's attention, the rapidly changing disk almost all moved towards the red disk.

At 9:16, in just one minute, the two markets were already clear.

I saw that under the pre-market bullish sentiment, the two markets that appeared at this moment already had more than 1,800 stocks in the red market.

Among them, there are three core main areas: ‘big finance’, ‘big infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’.

Except for the component stocks that were suspended from trading and the component stocks that were clearly affected by the company's announcement last night, almost all the component stocks opened red and opened higher.

Moreover, within these main areas, there are several popular weighted industry sectors and concept sectors.

Major industry sectors such as the 'Securities' sector, 'Building Decoration', 'Building Materials', 'National Defense Industry', 'Non-Public Transportation', 'Steel', and 'Commercial Real Estate Development' all opened higher at 1%. Above the increase position; such as 'Internet Finance', 'Military Industry Concept', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road', 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'Financial Concept sector indexes such as "Concept" also opened higher at an increase of more than 1%, especially the "Internet Finance" sector index, which opened directly higher at an increase of 11%.

And other non-popular main line related industry sectors and concept sectors.

They all opened higher with an increase of 1% to 9%. Moreover, all industry sectors and concept sectors in the two cities did not open lower, and all achieved red market gains.

As for the top 20, even the top 30, and the top 50 popular stocks in the two cities that have received the most attention and discussion among investors in the two cities.

Then it will generally open higher and the market will be in the red.

Among them, the check for ‘Blue Stone Reinstallation’ was opened 76% higher in the initial call auction.

For the check ‘Huake Dawn’, the initial call auction opened 38% higher, and the initial number of orders matched on the market reached more than 2,000 lots.

‘Flush’ opened 76% higher, and the initial matching orders on the market were as high as more than 2,000 lots.

‘Great Wisdom’ opened with a one-word daily limit, with an initial limit of 390,000 orders, and the initial volume of active selling was only 112 orders.

‘Shanghai Steel Union’ opened 57% higher, with only 302 trade orders initially matched, and the chip lock was still good.

‘Hua Ke Financial’ opened 11% higher, and the initial volume of the market is still small.

'Huagong International' opened 12% higher. Although its higher opening was far inferior to several leading stocks in the 'Internet Finance' sector, among the heavyweight leading stocks and industry leading stocks in the entire 'big infrastructure' main line sector, But it is the stock with the largest initial high opening.

‘Huaguo MCC’ ​​opened 78% higher, with a higher initial opening range, slightly inferior to ‘Huagong International’.

"Huaguo Construction' opened higher by 57%, only slightly exceeding the initial gains of the core industry sectors of 'building decoration' and 'building materials', the two main lines of 'big infrastructure'.

‘Huaxin Securities’ opened 22% higher, and the initial number of orders matched on the market was as high as 230,000 lots.

‘Western Securities’ opened 49% higher, slightly stronger than the performance of the ‘Securities’ sector index.

‘Xiangcai Securities’ opened sharply higher by 02%, and the initial call auction resulted in more than 7,800 trading orders.

‘Harbin Investment Capital’ opened sharply higher by 34%, making it the second-largest stock in the entire securities sector, second only to ‘Xiangcai Securities’.

'Huashang Securities' opened 76% higher. Although the initial call auction to match the transaction orders also reached more than 10,000 lots, the intensity shown on the market was obviously stronger than that of 'Huaxin Securities'.

‘China Airlines Heavy Machinery’ opened sharply higher by 11%.

'China Airlines Shenfei', 'China Airlines West', 'Northern Navigation', 'Aviation Power', 'Great Wall of China'... and other popular heavyweight stocks in the 'national defense and military industry' sector opened sharply higher at 6% to 5%. As for the two heavyweight stocks of 'Huaguo Heavy Industry' and 'Huaguo Shipbuilding', they opened at an increase of less than 5%, which is relatively weaker than the average increase of the market and weaker than the 'National Defense Military Industry' industry sector index. Performance.

What is surprising is that the check for ‘Yingkou Port’ has continued to open at a higher level than the 7% increase.

And the check for "All Access Education" unexpectedly emerged again, with a significantly higher opening price of 73%.

Similarly, the check of ‘Chengfei Integration’, which has been weak in the past and continues to go against the trend of the market, also opened higher today with an increase of more than 1%.

Generally speaking, the top 50 popular stocks are ranked among the most concerned and discussed among market investors.

Except for a few 4-5 checks, the rest all achieved high openings in the initial collective bidding stage, and the number of popular stocks that opened with an increase of more than 5 points exceeded 15.

At 9:17, the collective bidding increase for the check ‘Huake Dawn’ climbed to over 7%.

At the same time, the securities sector index climbed to a 2% increase; the 'Internet Finance' sector index climbed to a 5% increase.

At 9:18, the collective bidding for the check ‘Hua Ke Financial’ increased to 9%.

At the same time, the call auction increase of 'Tonghuashun' fell back to about 50%, and other concept stocks such as 'Yinjie Technology, Jinzheng Shares, Hengsheng Electronics, Tianyu Information' continued to follow the call auction increase of 'Huake Financial' And have gone higher.

At 9:19, in the popular main areas of the two cities, the related industry sector and concept sector indexes began to fall slightly. As for other non-popular main areas, the related industry sectors and concept sectors also fell, and the two cities began to appear. One or two falling green market concept sectors and industry sectors.

At the same time, the high opening range of ‘Blue Stone Reload’ fell back to about 5%, and the amount of trading orders planned to be matched on the market also expanded rapidly, approaching the level of 10,000 hands.

There are also a large number of popular stocks such as 'Huake Shuguang', 'Flush', 'Great Wisdom', and 'Huake Financial'.

The increase in its initial call auction volume also fell back.

Finally, when 9:20 arrived, the two cities entered the real collective bidding stage where orders cannot be canceled.

After a large amount of funds and a large number of order cancellations between 9:19 and 9:20, the final picture of the two markets was obviously much lower than before 9:19, and at this moment , only the 'Securities' sector and the 'Internet Finance' sector still maintained a high opening increase of more than 5%, while the other major industry sectors and concept sectors all opened higher and fell below 5%.

At the same time, the call auction prices of many popular stocks have also declined.

There are also red stocks in the two cities. At this time, it also immediately changed to about 1,600. Although the overall money-making effect and high-opening effect of the market are still hot, there is no longer the 9:15 and 9:16 moments. So crazy.

"Fortunately, the mood and market situation have finally come down a little bit."

At 9:21, when I saw the market conditions of the two markets after entering the real call auction session, at this moment, inside Yuhang Jingda Investment Company, in the main fund trading room, the fund manager Lin Tingzong, who had been watching the changes in the market prices of the two markets, relaxed slightly. In one breath, he said: "Even if the market sentiment is strong and the bulls are fierce, if it opens too high, it will excessively consume the market's long sentiment and funds in the early opening period, which will definitely be detrimental to the overall intraday development of the market. Fortunately...the collective bidding process of the market has not developed in the worse direction than expected."

"Indeed." Next to Lin Tingzong, Gu Chijiang, the general manager of the company, nodded and responded, "Everything is too much, and it is safest to go slowly and steadily. Although everyone wants the excess profits of the market, they all want indexes and individual stocks. skyrocketing, but attacking too hastily and rising too fast is indeed not a good thing." (End of Chapter)

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