Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 814: The daily limit of 100 stocks has become the norm!

At 1:01, 'Jinzheng Shares', 'Yinjie Technology', and 'Changliang Technology' all hit the daily limit. High-quality concept stocks in the 'Internet Finance' sector were fully robbed by active short-term and medium-term speculators on the market. , at the same time, the intraday increase of the 'Internet Finance' sector index also rose linearly again, approaching the 5% increase mark.

At 1:02, ‘Hengsheng Electronics’ hit the 6% increase mark during the day.

At 1:03, ‘Oriental Fortune’ rose more than 7% during the day.

At 1:04, even the concept of 'Tianyu Information', which has always been on the edge of the sector because of its not so pure concept, was also swarmed by short-term speculation funds, instantly pulling it up from a 2% increase to a 5% increase. As mentioned above, at the same time, in the entire 'Internet Finance' sector, except for a few concept stocks that have been suspended from trading, the rest of the sector's constituent stocks have achieved all red market status.

At 1:05, the 'Securities' sector also followed suit and rose.

At 1:06, the 'Securities' sector index rose by more than 5% during the day. Among them, 'Western Securities' also hit the daily limit again at this moment.

At 1:07, ‘Western Securities’ hit the daily limit, and ‘Huaxin Securities’ intraday increase hit the 6% mark.

At 1:08, ‘Huagong International’ also experienced an explosive increase in volume. The intraday increase hit the 7% mark, once again setting a new intraday high and setting a new high for the year.

At 1:09, 'Hongdu Airlines' surged straight across the board, and the 'National Defense and Military Industry' sector index also rapidly exceeded the 4% increase mark during the day.

At 1:10, ‘Hongdu Airlines’ reached its daily limit, and ‘Aerospace Development’ quickly followed suit, also showing a straight upward trend.

At 1:11, the two checks of China Southern Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corporation Limited and China North Locomotive and Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corporation Limited surged simultaneously. The intraday increases exceeded 5%, and they also hit a new yearly high again.

At 1:12, in the concept sector of 'state-owned enterprise reform', several stocks with the theme of 'state-owned holdings' that were at relatively low prices suddenly surged straight up. At the same time, the concept of 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' and 'On the Road to the New Era' The concept of "Maritime Silk Road" also continues to move wildly.

At 1:13, 'Dalian Heavy Industry' closed its daily limit, and the 'Northeast Revitalization' and 'Machinery Equipment' sectors moved simultaneously, and their related stocks such as 'Hualian Heavy Industry, Xugong Machinery, Liugong Group, and Sany Heavy Industry' , all rose crazily under the influence of a large amount of main buying funds.

At 1:14, the "Shanghai Stock Exchange Sanmao" check emerged again, the stock price rose straight up, and on the market, large orders of ten thousand lots were placed frequently.

At 1:15, the stock price of "Shanghai Sanmao" climbed straight up by more than 5 points in one minute.

At 1:16, the "Shanghai Stock Exchange Sanmao" hit the daily limit, and the leading trend revived, and it became the leading stock in the entire "Shanghai Stock Exchange Free Trade Zone" concept theme.

At 1:17, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index hit a new intraday high, and the intraday increase suddenly reached 21%.

At 1:18, ‘Beixin Road and Bridge’, ‘Beijiang Communications Construction’, ‘Shibei High-tech’, ‘Shanghai Construction Engineering’, ‘Tianshan Cement’… and many other stocks in the past made changes.

At 1:19, the A50 index was approaching the 3% intraday increase mark, and on its main stock index futures contract, the intraday increase had exceeded the 3% position.

At 1:20, the number of non-one-line board stocks in the two cities that naturally changed hands within the day exceeded the 100 limit. Counting new stocks that have not been opened and the one-line board stocks that are good for resumption of trading, the total number of stocks in the two cities has reached the daily limit. The number has exceeded 137, and at this moment, the number of stocks worth more than 10 billion with a daily increase of more than 5% in the two cities has also exceeded 100.

"Haha, it seems that our strategy of continuing to increase positions and going long with full positions is correct!"

At 1:22, inside Yanjing Yihe Capital Company, in the main fund trading room, Chen Yihe, the general manager and main fund manager of the company, stared at the market of the two cities, watching the Shanghai Stock Index hitting new highs, and looking at the stock price of the two cities. The daily limit has become the norm. Seeing the net value of the fund products under my management hit a new high for the year, I was very excited. I couldn't help but sigh: "This is a bull market, this is a bit like a bull market." "

"Mr. Chen, among the stocks held by our fund today, 4 stocks have hit the daily limit so far." Next to Chen Yihe, Gao Xiang, the leader of the fund trading team, was also full of excitement, "And our fund has reached its daily limit so far. The position and intraday net value have increased by 13%.”

Chen Yihe nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Not bad, not bad."

Gao Xiang paused and then said: "I feel that the core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' have all entered the climax of the market today."

"When have these core main lines not been like this recently?" Chen Yihe chuckled, "Don't worry too much. The market trend in this situation is definitely not near the high point. There will definitely be breakthroughs in the future. In the bull market, In the future, high-quality stock chips in the core main lines will continue to be scarce, and if the subsequent financial groups want to get enough high-quality chips, how can it be possible without continuing to pursue higher prices and pay a premium cost?"

"But heavyweight stocks are increasing their volume, while other non-popular stocks in the market are shrinking." Gao Xiang said, "I always feel that this market trend is not very healthy."

Chen Yihe responded: "The popular core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' have such a strong money-making effect. If the funds from other main lines do not continue to converge towards these core main lines, it is simply not possible." Don’t think too much about possible things. As long as these popular main lines don’t siphon off the active capital groups in the market too seriously and directly lead to the emergence of the February 8th market or the January 19th market, there won’t be any problems.”

"Okay!" Gao Xiang nodded and thought no more.

After all, it is true that the net value of fund products has grown rapidly and the profits from holdings have expanded rapidly.

Moreover, although he had a bad feeling in his heart, but only from the market analysis, the overall market trend, as well as the inheritance effect, emotional effect, the positive effect of the news, and even the trend effect of the external market... and other factors, They are all still developing in a good direction. There is no trend turning at all, and there are no signs or traces that the market may peak in the short to medium term.

"Hey, if this trend of the market continues, our fund products should also be on the performance rankings at the end of the year." Chen Yihe stared at the market of the two markets. The more he looked at it, the more excited he became, and he couldn't help but continue. Said, "Gao Xiang, let's sort out the stocks held in our fund products, cut off the relatively weak stocks, and then continue to further concentrate the freed funds into the two core weights of 'Big Finance' and 'Big Infrastructure' Regarding the leading stocks, I see that the two checks of 'Huaxin Securities' and 'Huaguo Construction' have completely deviated from the original trend and are showing signs of accelerating the surge. At this time, if we further adjust our positions to long positions and concentrate our positions, it should be possible. This will enable the net value of our fund products to reach a higher level in a short period of time.”

"Okay!" Gao Xiang continued to nod.

Then, he immediately turned around and ordered the traders in the trading room to continue the trading operations of adjusting and concentrating positions.

And just at the moment when his order was completed.

In the market, the stock price of 'Huaxin Securities', a leading stock in the securities sector that has attracted much attention, suddenly rose rapidly again, with a volume of more than 300 million in one minute, and it shot up to an 8% intraday increase. It quickly showed the momentum of hitting the daily limit. (End of chapter)

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