Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 831 The difference between trend and emotion!

However, many institutional groups in the industry are still bullish.

However, judging from the data on the dragon and tiger rankings of the two cities released at 5:30 p.m., the actual actions of these institutions in trading operations are not as good as the slogans they shout.

According to the latest disclosed data on the dragon and tiger rankings of the two cities, as well as the balance of the two financings.

Although the market's financing balance is still increasing, the growth rate has obviously weakened compared to last month. Faced with the continued short squeeze and rising prices, investors' desire to continue chasing positions and financing is decreasing.

The dragon and tiger rankings of the two cities show...

For several of the core and mainline popular heavyweight stocks on the list, there were institutional fights on the buying and selling seats.

That is, some institutions began to sell chips intensively to reduce positions and stop profits.

At the same time, what is eye-catching is that the trading seats of the ‘Zexi Group’ appeared on the selling seats of several stocks, with the total selling funds reaching 7.9 billion.

Of course, the transactions of leading concept stocks such as 'Huake Shuguang', 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment', 'Yingkou Port', 'Shanghai Sanmao', 'Shanghai Steel Union', 'Great Wisdom'... are disclosed. The positions are still relatively positive. The well-known hot money positions in the market still gather on these stocks and continue to undertake long positions.

“The ‘Zexi Clique’ actually started to reduce their positions.”

After browsing the trading data of the two cities, as well as the changes in the balance of financing and financing disclosed by the market, at this moment, someone in the main hot money group of Yuhang where Su Yu was located made an obviously surprised voice: "It seems that Mr. Xu, the helmsman, I’m a bit bearish about the subsequent market trend!”

"The check from 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' and the funds from 'Rongcheng Gang' have also left the market today."

"The funds of the 'Rongcheng Gang' have made a profit of more than 50 million yuan on the stock of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' this time, right?"

"This amount of funds has already come in and out of the stock of Blue Stone Heavy Equipment."

"And every time you enter or exit, you can make a lot of profits."

"I feel that the funds of the 'Rongcheng Gang' are constantly speculating on the stock of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment'. When the chips are dispersed, they will retreat. When the chips are concentrated, they will come in again to make a wave. With this capital It is still not rational to judge the possible subsequent changes in market conditions based on the trends of the market.”

"But at least it can show that the check of 'Blue Stone Reloading' will be difficult to make room for in the future."

"The check for 'Huake Shuguang', today's Dragon and Tiger List data is pretty good, but 'Changhong Road' is actually buying this stock and continues to buy it."

"If the check for 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' fails to come up, the wave of 'Hua Ke Dawn' will almost come to an end, right?"

"I didn't see Leader Zhang's seat today."

"Zhang is now speculating in large-cap stocks. There are not many core and main-line large-cap stocks on the list today. Maybe Zhang was involved, but he did not disclose it."

"There are actually institutional buyers participating in the Yingkou Port check today. Can you believe it?"

"A fake organization, right? Will a real organization take over in this position?"

"The institution uses it, and it's not its own money. If you buy it at a high price, you won't be afraid of losing money."

"Despite this, the check to buy Yingkou Port at this position is too outrageous. I always feel that... it is taken over by a certain main force."

"Isn't that true? The market for checks in Yingkou Port is still very popular, and the liquidity of the funds on the market is also very high. At this position, there is no need for other funds to take over the orders. If the funds in the position want to sell... it should be easy to concentrate After selling it, I feel that the institutions involved in the Yingkou Port stock should be real institutions."

"It doesn't matter whether it's a real institution or a fake institution, as long as the market logic is broken, no institution will work."

"The check from Yingkou Port should still increase, right?"

"It depends on how the core theme of 'big infrastructure' is interpreted."

"However, today's trading seats of the 'Zexi group' appeared on the selling seats of several core stocks in the popular main line area, which still affects the market's bullish sentiment."

“Actually, if you look closely, it is not just the ‘Zexi group’ that is actively selling in large quantities, many institutional funds are also selling large amounts of chips today.”

"Yes, judging from the rankings of the two cities, the funding differences are very serious."

"Fortunately, the relevant trading seats of Mr. Su's 'Yu Hang Group' that everyone is worried about did not appear on the dragon and tiger lists of the two cities today. Otherwise, it would be difficult to predict the future market situation."

"The relevant trading seats of Mr. Su's 'Yu Hang Department' did not appear. Does this mean that the main funds that were sold on a large scale during today's trading should have nothing to do with the main funds of the 'Yu Hang Department'? Does this mean that the main funds managed by Mr. Su Are the main fund products of the 'Yu Hang Series' still in a fully locked-up state?"

"You can guess like this..."

"As long as Mr. Su has not reduced his positions and cut profits on a large scale and appears on the Dragon and Tiger list, the current bullish sentiment can be maintained."

"I don't know if you have noticed it, but in fact, the market trend and stability of today's concept small ticket are obviously stronger than those of the core and main line weight stocks."

"Well, indeed, the market divergence of small-cap concept stocks today is actually smaller than that of large-cap stocks."

“Looking at the ‘Zexi Group’’s reduction in positions and exit, I feel like the market style is about to change again?”

"It's still converted, how to convert?"

"It feels like the market will change from a market dominated by large stocks to a market led by small-cap concept stocks. After all... the ChiNext Index and the Small and Medium Enterprises Index are indeed far behind the A50 Index, and depending on the situation, the A50 Index has already There is a high probability of a correction.”

"No way? How do I feel that the core main lines of the market will continue to develop closely with the core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry'?"

"The main line will definitely continue to develop along the main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry', but the market's speculation style of large and small stocks will definitely change. Today's closing increase of the A50 index should be the latest one Is it the first time in many months that it is weaker than the Shanghai Stock Index?”

“It seems like this is the first time that it is weaker than the Shanghai Index.”

"Regardless of whether the market trend will change in the future, at least for now, it should be a relative risk signal here."

"The main funds on the market are divided, and it feels difficult for the index to continue to make concentrated breakthroughs."

"Most likely it will trade sideways and traverse the major moving averages below, right?"

"If the index goes sideways, you really need to stay away from heavyweight stocks."

"The index is trading sideways, which is usually when small-cap concept stocks are concentrated, right? If the market really develops like this, then... we will be light on the index and heavy on individual stocks."

"I feel that if the index goes sideways in the future, the focus of speculation will shift to sub-new stocks and the film and television media field."

"Will the 'sub-new stocks' branch continue to be speculated?"

"Definitely. The issuance rule of 22 times PE gives sub-IPO stocks a natural opportunity for speculation. Compared with other stocks in the entire market, which have more or less hold-ups and latent orders, the chips of sub-IPO stocks are very clean, which is naturally beneficial to all parties. Short-term main funds are speculating.”

"In the 'sub-new stocks' sector, there should be a new leader born, right?"

“I also think that the ‘sub-new stock’ sector should also enter a ‘high-low switching’ state.”

"Anyway, in this position, I don't dare to take the two checks of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' and 'Huake Dawn'."

"These two checks are already a feast for the shareholders."

"Based on the data on the balance of financing and financing and the Dragon and Tiger List, the next market situation will definitely not be as optimistic as expected by the vast majority of investor groups and industry institutions in the current market, but it will not be too pessimistic. After all, the current situation is not as optimistic as expected. We look forward to seeing the great benefits coming in the future.”

“The main thing is to wait for news about the central bank cutting interest rates and reserve requirement ratios, right?”

"Don't worry, depending on the direction of the wind, this major benefit will definitely come."

"In short, at this time, it should be right to avoid heavyweight stocks that have already risen and overdrawn a lot of expectations."

"Small tickets are more flexible, safer, and more elastic."

"At present, I think the 'Shanghai Sanmao' check will have a greater chance of success in the future. Of course, the 'Shanghai Steel Federation' check is also good."

“At this time, the opportunities for ‘big infrastructure’ should be better than those for ‘big finance,’ right?”

"It should be said that the 'big infrastructure' has fully adjusted in the past, and now from the perspective of the chip structure, it is better than the chip structure of the 'big finance'."

"The securities sector does have a strong need for adjustment."

"The 'big finance' line is supported by the expected positive news from the central bank to cut interest rates and reserve requirement ratios. It should not fall for the time being. It can only be said that it is relatively difficult to rise."

“The branch line of ‘sub-new stocks’ is safer.”

"Yes, in the non-popular main line areas, there is no emotion and no major funds are following the trend. In the popular main line areas, many votes have begun to diverge and are already at a relatively high level. It seems... there are really only near-end times. New stocks have clean chips, good long-term sentiment, and have the potential for continued speculation.”

"Then let's do this line of 'sub-new stocks'..."

"Yes, continue to pursue the line of 'secondary new stocks'. Although it is impossible to continue to pursue the hot weights in the main areas of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure', at this position, it is also risky to rashly reduce positions on a large scale. After all, you will lose If you lose the chips, it will be difficult to get them back from low position.”

Amid the ongoing discussion...

Along with the rapid refresh of news in the group, and everyone's interpretation of the market's dragon and tiger ranking data.

In other places where investor groups gather across the Internet, as well as within various institutions and on the homepages of various financial media websites, a large number of bullish and bullish statements are still increasing in large numbers, and the bullish sentiment in the market is also continuing to ferment. , the voice and certainty of the bull market continue to increase.

And, at night.

No matter it is about the core concept theme of "New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road".

It’s still about the main areas of ‘big finance’ and ‘big infrastructure’.

Relevant macroeconomic benefits are still being released from the regulatory authorities, further stimulating the bullish sentiment in the market and further deepening everyone's recognition and expectations for the market's bull market pattern.

And just in the midst of this emotional fermentation.

In the evening, European stock markets and American market stocks continued to open higher and move higher, creating new space upwards.

At the same time, regarding Friday’s Federal Reserve interest rate meeting, there are more and more dovish remarks related to it. Many major global institutions expect that the Federal Reserve will not easily start raising interest rates in this round, and there is a high probability that it will continue to do so. The original interest rate remains unchanged, giving the global economy some breathing space to continue to recover.

Due to the excellent performance of external market trends.

When the time came to the next day, December 3, Wednesday morning.

Other Asia-Pacific stock markets that opened earlier than A-shares, whether Japanese and Korean stock markets, or stock markets in Southeast Asian countries, followed the trend of U.S. stocks and opened higher simultaneously.

This has further amplified the fermentation of pre-market sentiment, giving everyone higher expectations for the opening of the market.

However, it is often difficult to realize the consensus expectations of the market.

When 9:15 arrives, the two cities enter the collective bidding stage.

The entire market did not open sharply higher as everyone expected, but generally opened slightly higher.

Moreover, there are several core threads that have attracted everyone's attention and heated discussions.

Among the three core main areas of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry', the related industry sectors and concept sectors are all showing signs of slightly red opening higher, and the relevant core stocks are bullish and short. The form performance is still fierce, and the financial differences have not been eliminated.

At the same time, there are a number of non-popular main lines.

Marginal main-line fields such as ‘big consumption’, ‘non-ferrous cycle’, ‘petrochemical industry’… etc.

It has not received the attention of the main funds, and the market is still terrifyingly deserted.

This shows that the market styles of the two cities have not changed. The reason why the market has opened so weakly is mainly because a number of heavyweight stocks and popular concept stocks in several popular main areas have gathered too many short- and medium-term profit-taking settlements. The set of disks suppressed the continued outbreak of the disk.

Then, the time entered 9:20.

I saw that after a large number of false orders were placed and canceled, the market conditions of the two cities showed no signs of improvement compared to the beginning of the call auction at 9:15. On the contrary, the long and short differences on the market of many popular stocks were getting bigger and bigger. .

Finally, the call auction continues for five minutes.

At 9:25, the collective bidding in the two cities ends.

I saw the final results of the two markets. The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index only opened higher in the red market by 21%, while the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index, ChiNext Index, and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Index all opened higher by 05% to 15%, and only achieved a gain of 21%. Although there was a slight red market, as for the A50 index, it did not show an independent strong attitude today, and it only opened 14% higher in the red market.

In addition to the index performance, there are other popular main lines and the performance of popular stocks.

The two major industry sectors, 'Building Decoration' and 'Building Materials', continued to open higher and led the gains in the two cities' industry sectors, followed by the 'Film and Television Media' sector, which rose again and became the leading industry in the two cities at the moment of the opening. Among the sectors, the industry sector ranked third in terms of increase.

Concept section.

The 'sub-new stocks' sector surged ahead, opening sharply higher by 12%, leading the gains in the concept-themed sectors in both cities.

Then, after the "sub-new stocks" sector, the two major conceptual sectors of "New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road" and "Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises" were among the top gainers.

In terms of popular stocks...

'Huake Shuguang' opened 98% higher; 'Bluestone Heavy Equipment' opened 65% lower; 'Shanghai Steel Union' opened 33% higher; 'Yingkou Port' opened sharply higher by 22%; 'Shanghai Sanmao' opened sharply higher It opened higher at a 13% increase, and 'Flush' opened flat; 'Great Wisdom' opened 79% higher... In general, the opening form of a number of popular stocks is much hotter than the previous few trading days. Fall back.

It also fell a little short of the expectations of many investors who followed these popular stocks. (End of chapter)

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