Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 835: The long-short divergence further increases!

At 1:01, the Shanghai Stock Index rose rapidly. A number of core weight stocks in popular main areas such as 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', and 'military industry', as well as popular concept leading stocks, also received large amounts of long funds. The stock price moved higher quickly.

At 1:02, many mainline stocks that had fluctuated and increased in volume in the morning continued to rise.

At 1:10, the Shanghai Stock Index's intraday gains once again expanded to around 5%, while popular stocks in the core main areas such as 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', and 'military industry' also moved towards the morning's intraday highs. After launching an impact, the money-making effect of the market still has no obvious decline despite the continuous brewing and fermentation of bullish sentiment.

At 1:20, the Shanghai Stock Index once again set a new intraday high.

However, when the Shanghai Composite Index set a new intraday high, the stock prices of major popular mainline heavyweight stocks also returned to near the intraday highs set in the morning.

The time-sharing capacity of the market, as well as the overall capacity of the same time period, did not expand further.

Therefore, after 1:20, the market trend of the two cities began to fluctuate and fall again, and the selling power on many stocks also began to suppress the buying power again and again.

At 2 p.m., the Shanghai Stock Index fell back to a 10% increase.

At 2:20 p.m., a number of core and mainline popular concept stocks in the market began to plummet in volume. Among them, ‘Huake Shuguang’, ‘Yingkou Port’, and ‘Shanghai Steel Union’, which had originally had their daily limits, fell rapidly.

At 2:30 p.m., the Shanghai Stock Index fell back below the 1% increase position. The number of stocks that naturally changed hands at the daily limit in the two cities during the day also fell back to less than 40. The overall profit-making effect declined rapidly.

Finally, when 3 o'clock in the afternoon came, the two markets ushered in the closing time.

The Shanghai Stock Index fell back to close at 76%, while the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index both maintained their red closing status, but their intraday gains were only about 45%. Even the slightly stronger A50 Index fell by about 45% during the day. The increase also fell below 1%.

As for the market’s popular main lines and the performance of popular stocks.

I saw that the main lines of 'Big Finance', 'Big Infrastructure' and 'Military Industry' all fell rapidly in the late trading. The 'Securities' and 'Internet Finance' sectors that once led the gains saw their final market gains decline due to the rapid fall in late trading. , and once again lagged behind the construction decoration, building materials, and sub-new stock sectors.

And like 'Huake Shuguang, Blue Stone Heavy Equipment, Great Wisdom, Flush, Yingkou Port, Shanghai Steel Union, Huagong International, Western Securities, Harbin Investment Capital...' and other main line hot spots that have attracted high attention from market investors. Stocks also experienced huge fluctuations during the day.

Among them, the check for ‘Blue Stone Reload’ had an intraday amplitude of more than 10%.

Faced with the closing results of the two cities...

The broad investor base inside and outside the market is somewhat disappointed.

In particular, many investor groups who were pursuing higher positions and raising funds during the session frowned at this moment, and a lot of complaints gradually emerged.

"What about the bull market? Is the bull market going to be like this?"

"Hey, it's really hard to chase the highs today."

"I didn't expect that 'Huake Dawn' would explode in the late trading. The market feels weak again. Why is this?"

"What's the reason? It's just too much."

"However, the market closed in the red after all today. I feel that although the market is divided, the trend is definitely still upward."

"As long as it's still on an upward trend, I don't think it's a big problem."

"Most of the time, the market is at this position and is going to take a rest for a period of time, right?"

"As I said before, the market correction is for a better rise. I don't think it's a big problem. Just hold on to your chips firmly. After the market rests sideways, it will definitely continue to rise sharply."

"Hey, are your demands and expectations too high? It's impossible for the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index to skyrocket every day, right? I think it's good to be able to continue the red streak."

"I agree. In fact, after soaring continuously for so long, it is already a strong performance to be able to continue the red market."

"According to the technical shape of the market, it should have been adjusted a long time ago, but now... the trend that should have been adjusted can still maintain sideways fluctuations. This is a sign of the market's strength."

"Don't let your guard down. In a bull market, if you want to make huge profits, you have to hold on to your chips."

In the midst of heated discussions among retail investors.

Everyone is a little disappointed with today's market trend, but at the same time, they continue to be very optimistic about the subsequent market trend.

It's this collision of emotions and opinions.

Then, at 5:30 pm, the balance data of the two cities were refreshed simultaneously with the data of the two cities’ dragon and tiger lists.

I only see data disclosed based on the market.

Compared with yesterday, the financing balance of the two cities has increased by almost 7 billion.

On the disclosed dragon and tiger lists of the two cities, there are 'Huake Shuguang', 'Bluestone Heavy Equipment', 'Great Wisdom', 'Yingkou Port', 'Shanghai Sanmao', 'Shanghai Steel Union'... etc. All stocks are on the list.

These are just the market’s most popular leading concept stocks on the list.

On the trading seats disclosed, the buying and selling divergence of main funds was obviously larger than yesterday. Of course, the net sales of main funds were still small.

This shows that the main funds are divided here, but there is no collective bearishness on the market.

In addition to the performance of these popular concept leading stocks.

The check of 'China Metallurgical Corporation' was also on the dragon and tiger lists of the two cities today, and among the sold seats, the seat of 'Leader Zhang' is also continuing to be sold.

At the same time, the relevant trading seats of the ‘Zexi Clan’ also appeared on the dragon and tiger seat sales lists of the two cities.

On the other hand, the trading seats related to the 'Yu Hang Series' that everyone is focusing on are still missing today.

Faced with the data performance of the two cities such as the Dragon and Tiger Rankings...

Among the active hot money groups in Yuhang, where Su Yu is located, the differences in views on market conditions have begun to gradually increase.

"Leader Zhang and the chief helmsman are continuing to sell. It seems that the two big guys are indeed bearish on the market outlook!"

"It can't be said that the sales amount of the two big guys today is actually not that much. This sales amount is most likely to be adjusted for positions and shares. It can only be said that the leader Zhang is not very optimistic about 'Huaguo' The follow-up trend of MCC's check can't be said to be optimistic about the overall market outlook, right?"

"The selling actions of the two big guys on the Dragon and Tiger List are indeed worth noting, but I think the overall market trend can still be optimistic. After all, the major institutions on the Dragon and Tiger List in the two cities today are still the main ones. There are many sources of funds, and the overall trading volume disclosed by the Dragon and Tiger List is on the rise, and there is no sign of a large net outflow of main funds. It’s just that the divergence of market funds has increased.”

"Yes, it's just that the market divergence has increased. Everyone is still optimistic about the overall market trend."

"Such a market capital divergence, as long as the main funds of the 'Yu Hang Group' controlled by President Su do not sell out on a large scale on the Dragon and Tiger List, triggering a sudden change in market sentiment, I think it will not be a big problem, and the market will continue to rise. After such a long time, in this position, there should be some differences."

"Pessimistically, the market is at this position, and at most it will fluctuate sideways to digest the chip structure, and it won't be able to go down."

"There are so many funds on the sidelines looking for cheap chips that the market simply does not have the conditions to fall."

"The greater the divergence here, the greater the probability of the market's subsequent breakthrough. Let's continue to fluctuate. I just have a sum of funds that will be in place next week. At this time, the index must not rise. It will rise again after I have funds in place. "

"However, for two consecutive days, the performance of the core main line of 'Big Finance' has not been as good as that of 'Big Infrastructure'. This should be worthy of attention and vigilance, right?"

"The core line of 'big infrastructure' has indeed been trending very strongly recently."

"The line of 'big finance' has been relatively weak in the past two days and has continued to fall back in late trading. It should be that the funds gathered in this big main line are waiting for the news of the central bank's interest rate cut and RRR cut, right? In the news Before it is implemented and the benefits are clear, I feel that this main line does not have the opportunity to continue to make a strong breakthrough, long as the bull market continues, the market turnover, and financing balance continue to rise, then it will be fine Continue to be strongly bullish on the core main line of 'big finance'."

"The internal profit margin of the 'Big Finance' line is a bit too much. In addition, the current benefits are not clear. It is completely understandable that the fluctuations here will be more violent."

"However, for the 'Big Finance' line, although some of the positives are not clear, and the intention of the main funds to continue the upward attack is a bit weak, it is still rising after all. I think this trend pattern is better than the continuous short squeeze and forced accumulation of gains. The profit margin is better.”

"I think so too..."

"In short, from the analysis of various on- and off-market factors currently in the market, the bull market pattern of the market has not changed."

“So, it’s better to hold shares firmly!”

"However, the direction of short-term trading can be temporarily tilted from the main line of 'big finance' to the main line of 'big infrastructure', especially the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road' , 'Reform and Reorganization of Central and State-owned Enterprises', these core concepts and themes, I feel that the opportunity for speculation in this direction has come again, and this wave... is very likely to exceed the previous waves of main rising prices."

“There is also the conceptual subject area of ​​‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’, which is also very worthy of note.”

“Yes, the ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’ line has also been going very strong recently.”

"From the analysis of various factors in the market, at this time, we cannot be too optimistic, but we must not be pessimistic. We are still optimistic that the market will continue to fluctuate and slowly rise."

"Actually, I think that the index will slowly fluctuate upward, gradually digesting the successive accumulated profit orders, and while digesting the profit orders, while continuing to adjust the chip structure, it will be better than the previous continuous short squeeze trend. At the same time, this trend , the foundation is stronger and healthier.”

"The previous continuous short squeeze is just the expected realization process of the bull market outbreak."

"Now that the market has formed a consensus expectation of a bull market, and most active funds have entered the market, it will be normal for the index to fluctuate upward."

"I wonder when the news about the central bank's interest rate cuts and reserve requirement ratio cuts will be implemented?"

"No matter what time it is, it should not affect the continued bullishness of the market."

"I agree. In fact, you don't have to worry about so many off-market news factors. Just buy and hold the chips, and wait patiently for the price to rise."

"Yes, since it is a bull market, the stocks on the market will definitely rise in the end."

With the rapid refresh of news in the group, many active hot money in the group conduct in-depth analysis and subsequent market interpretation of the market after the market closes.

The views expressed by everyone are basically consistent with the majority of retail investors in the market.

That is, although everyone has gradually lowered their expectations about the short-term market trend, they still have firm optimism about the market's long-term bull market trend and bull market pattern, and they still hold positions and participate in trading operations. Above, they are all relatively radical.

As a group of institutions with high market awareness.

After the financing balance and dragon and tiger ranking data of the two cities were released, the daily transaction volume of the two cities has infinitely approached the trillion mark.

I still sing too much without thinking.

And there are many industry institutions, market analysts, and investment consultants.

They are also suggesting that the broad investor groups on and off the market increase their investment weight in the stock market, and recommend that everyone allocate corresponding positions at the end of the year.

Moreover, among the suggestions of investment consultants of these institutions.

The stock investment directions and themes suggested by these people for retail investors have all become the two core themes of "big finance" and "big infrastructure".

in other words……

Among the major financial institutions, more and more people are optimistic about the development of the main lines of "big finance" and "big infrastructure".

And for these two core main lines, more consistent expectations are gradually forming.

Moreover, analysts and investment consultants who compare the market trends of these two main lines with the market trends of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure' in the previous bull market, that is, the market trends in 2006 and 2007, are also analysts and investment consultants. More and more, everyone is shouting the slogan of revaluation of financial values ​​and the new era of infrastructure.

In this market situation, the actual volume began to increase and gradually weakened.

However, the market's general investment sentiment, investment confidence, and various bullish views are still continuing to ferment and are in a relatively hot stage.

In the evening, the external market trend continued to open higher and move higher.

At the same time, there is more and more news about the Federal Reserve’s interest rate meeting on Friday.

Various foreign financial institutions have predicted that the Federal Reserve will not raise interest rates at the next interest rate meeting, which has provided the global financial market with stronger long-term confidence.

It is under this situation that domestic and foreign bullish sentiments are brewing and fermenting simultaneously.

The next day, Thursday, December 4th came.

As everyone expected before the opening, the two cities opened strongly and sharply higher, driven by all the positive stimulus at home and abroad, and even almost hit a new annual high in the trend of opening higher. point.

However, despite the brewing emotions, the two cities achieved a strong and sharp opening.

However, when everyone thought that the Shanghai Stock Index would open higher and move higher and break through strongly like the trend of U.S. stocks last night.

After the market officially opens.

On the contrary, the Shanghai Stock Index fluctuated all the way downward. In less than half an hour, it returned to near the flat position of yesterday's closing. This caused a large number of retail investors who were chasing higher at the beginning of the market to suffer a certain degree of losses in their positions. The psychological expectations of a large number of investors who were too high were completely disappointed. (End of chapter)


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