Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 840: A big and beneficial landing!

At 11 a.m., the index gains in the securities and Internet financial sectors reached 75%.

However, at this moment, the net inflow of main funds in the securities sector is not as good as at the beginning of the market before 10 o'clock. At the same time, in the two major weighted sectors of banking and insurance, the net inflow of main funds has reached a maximum of 500 million. , and also showed a pattern in which the net amount of net inflows of funds gradually narrowed and decreased.

However, even though the net inflow of main funds is weakening and slowing down.

However, in the popular main areas of the two cities, there are a lot of people following the trend, a lot of retail investors holding positions, and their enthusiasm to see and do long has not diminished at all.

There are also a number of mainline popular stocks and concept leading stocks.

Under this strong following effect, they are still setting new highs on the market.

"The market is generally rising, haha... The market is generally rising. The market has finally continued to make an upward breakthrough."

The two cities are still making breakthroughs with great momentum, with popular main lines such as 'Big Finance', 'Big Infrastructure', 'Military Industry', and 'Film and Television Media', and 'Big Consumption', 'Nonferrous Cycle', and 'Petrochemical Industry' 'When the low-level main lines are advancing in unison and all stocks in the entire market are actively rising and breaking through, at this moment, the vast group of retail investors gathered in the stock discussion area of ​​the trading platform are making excited sighs.

"I'm just saying, the market can't possibly fall, it will definitely have to break through upwards, as expected."

"Just point your sword at 4,000 points!"

"There is no doubt that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index will definitely exceed 4,000 points before the end of this month."

"It's more than 4,000 points, haven't you noticed? The trend of the market's upward breakthrough today is obviously different from before."

"What's different?"

"In the past, it was mainly the core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', 'military industry' and 'film and television media' that supported the market. The entire money-making effect basically rotated among these main line areas. However,'s clear that the market has moved into a full broad-based bullish situation."

"Indeed, basically all stocks are rising."

"This shows that the market is now in a real upward trend."

"Sure enough, in the bull market, all corrections are good buying opportunities. In the past few trading days, 'Big Finance' was slightly weak. I thought it was going to adjust, but I didn't expect... Oh, I really regret not increasing my position. ah."

"Alas, I was also short. I originally wanted to wait for the market to pull back at a low level, but I didn't expect that the market would not pull back at all."

"People who are afraid of heights are suffering. Now I finally understand this sentence."

"Keep buying securities. Big Finance has really gone crazy during this period."

"Securities are the vanguard of the bull market. Now the bull market pattern of the market is confirmed, and the market turnover is about to exceed one trillion. Can it not go crazy?"

"There are continuous positive catalysts behind 'Big Finance'."

“So, if you don’t buy ‘big finance’, what should you buy?”

“The main line of ‘big infrastructure’ is also quite strong, but it’s just the target, and there aren’t that many choices.”

“In the main field of ‘big infrastructure’, ‘Huagong International’ seems to be the leader, right?”

"I feel that MCC is the leader, right? The popularity and increase from historical lows are stronger than that of Huagong International."

"If we want to have higher flexibility and growth, wouldn't it be the two checks of 'Fushun Special Steel' and 'Yingkou Port'?"

"There is a difference between concept stocks and core weight stocks. For stocks like 'Yingkou Port', to be honest... I don't dare to participate."

"What about the 'flush' check? Do you still dare to participate?"

"The logic of the 'Flush' check is obviously different from that of 'Fushun Special Steel' and 'Yingkou Port' checks, right?"

"Although the 'flush' check was initially a conceptual hype, the underlying logic for it to rise to this point has become performance expectations."

"Only solid performance expectations can support a firm rise in stock prices!"

"That's for sure. The securities and Internet financial sectors are trending so strongly. Isn't it because we expect that the bull market is coming and the performance of these stocks will skyrocket?"

"Conceptual hype can only be temporary, but performance expectations can form a long-term upward trend."

"What do you think of today's two checks, 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' and 'Huake Dawn'? It feels like the differences between the two checks have not been completely eliminated."

"If there are differences, there will be market trends. A disagreement here is not a bad thing."

"I agree. Anyway, as long as the two checks of 'Huake Dawn' and 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' remain the core leaders of the market, and as long as the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index can continue to rise, these two checks will reach new highs sooner or later."

"Currently, the check of 'Great Wisdom' is the strongest, right?"

"Among the Three Musketeers of Internet Finance, the check of 'Great Wisdom' is indeed the strongest recently. Alas... I hold a full position of 'Oriental Fortune', but I didn't expect that this check is too fat."

"There is no problem with 'Oriental Fortune' and it will continue to rise sooner or later."

"I also hold the check for 'Oriental Fortune', mainly for the concept of Mr. Su's heavy holdings."

"What other major stocks does Mr. Su have?"

"It's a well-known one, maybe Lixun Precision, but this check is not a component stock in the popular main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', and 'military industry'."

"Actually, I think stocks with the theme of 'smartphone industry chain' are quite good."

"Well, according to fundamental analysis, as the domestic smartphone market continues to develop and expand, stocks in this theme direction will definitely have better development."

"No one thinks there is a problem with the direction of the future 'smartphone industry chain'. The main reason is that in the market, the related 'smart phone industry chain' stocks were speculated too high last year and the year before last. In addition, the performance growth rate of many stocks this year is not enough. , the stock price appears to be relatively overvalued, but...when the bull market trend and atmosphere develops again, and the market's overall valuation increases, these stocks will definitely continue to rise."

"Currently, overall, the 'Big Finance' line has the lowest valuation and the most advantage, right?"

"That's for sure. Regardless of the major weighted sectors of banking, securities, and insurance, which have risen so much in the past month or so, the average valuation of the entire 'big financial' related stocks is still only about 13 times PE, which is significantly lower than The market average valuation level.”

"If we look at the overall valuation of the main line of 'big finance' in the last bull market, whether it is securities, banking, insurance... there should be room for at least doubling in all major sectors."

"The subsequent doubling of the securities sector is a minimum, right?"

"There is absolutely nothing wrong with buying securities in a bull market."

"With the market soaring today, is there going to be a major positive for the market over the weekend? It feels like the big institutions in the market have received the news in advance."

"I don't know, maybe!"

"Could it be the news that everyone has been hearing about the central bank cutting interest rates and reserve requirement ratios in recent times?"

"Don't tell me, it's really possible."

"Whether there is any good news over the weekend or not, since the index is still reaching new highs, it's right to continue buying."

"Looking back now, the market was fluctuating sideways in the past few days, which was a washout."

"I told you I was washing dishes."

"Fortunately, I took the opportunity to adjust my position and put all my positions into securities stocks."

"Haha, I just filled up my position with the check from 'Huaxin Securities' the day before yesterday. I didn't expect... to hit two daily limits in a row. It's great. It's really great."

"Damn, I'm so jealous!"

"It's better to act than to have a heartbeat. Buy securities based on your feelings."

"The end of the year will definitely be the home field of 'Big Finance'."

"It must be the home court of 'Big Finance'. If the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index wants to reach 4,000 points, it cannot be without the core support of 'Big Finance'."

"It's a pity that it was trapped in other places and has not been untied yet."

"Why do you care about unwinding the trap at this time? Just cut off the meat and sell it to chase the main trend. The bull market is hard-won. Every minute and every second of the bull market time is very precious. So If you waste precious time on junk stocks, you will lose money even if you don’t make money.”

“Indeed, the time cost at this stage is particularly valuable.”

Along with the continued heated discussions among retail investors in the stock discussion area of ​​the trading platform, and the continued high-pitched emotions.

After entering 11 o'clock, the market is still breaking upward with inertia.

Finally, when 11:30 arrived and the two markets closed at noon, whether it was the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index, or the ChiNext Index, the intraday gains expanded to 2%, which can be said to be overwhelming.

After closing at noon...

The bullish sentiment in the market has become even more fermented.

Whether it is the vast retail investors or the institutional groups, as well as major financial media and countless internet stock gods, they are all collectively singing the bullish tune.

There are even many aggressive long investors.

At this moment, the view has been expressed that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index will hit 4,000 points next week, setting off another bull market climax.

At the same time, in addition to the purely emotional fermentation, there are also many positive news aspects.

There is updated information about the entry of pension funds into the market, as well as information on holdings increases of listed companies on the market, information on pre-performance increases... and other good information.

In this situation, everything looks promising.

In the afternoon, after the market opened, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index, and the ChiNext Index pointed to several core indexes. In the 'Big Finance', 'Big Infrastructure', 'Military Industry', 'Film and Television Media', 'Mobile Internet', and 'Smartphone Industry Chain' Driven by a number of popular mainline related sectors and related concept stocks.

They set new highs one after another.

And as the market trading time goes by, the market's follow-up orders are becoming more and more aggressive.

However, as the major indexes hit new intraday highs one after another, and the major core main lines set off a daily limit trend, the overall net inflow of main funds in the two cities showed no sign of expansion again, and In the late trading stage, the securities sector was a hot sector in the market.

The net inflow of its main funds actually turned negative.

Of course, faced with this situation.

The broad group of investors who have been completely overwhelmed by the bullish sentiment in the market and have no clear understanding of the situation have given the explanation as selling for short and medium-term profits.

And it is believed that such a form of performance will not give the market a sustained breakthrough.

What negative impact will it bring.

Because the market's transaction volume continues to rise, and due to the continued increase in market volume today, the transaction volume of the two cities has finally passed the trillion-dollar mark that everyone has been waiting for for a long time.

The daily turnover of the two cities reached 0.3 trillion.

Compared with yesterday, this volume energy performance has increased by almost 50 billion.

With such volume performance, coupled with the overall increase of more than 2%, the Shanghai Stock Index continues to set a new annual high. How can people not continue to be optimistic about the market outlook?

And, as time went on, at 5:30 p.m.

The financing balances announced by the two cities also showed a significant increase compared with yesterday.

There are also dragon and tiger ranking data disclosed by the two cities.

Although the net amount of main funds in the entire market throughout the day showed an outflow, the main funds in the two cities' dragon and tiger lists still showed an inflow.

Moreover, like the trading seat of ‘Leader Zhang’ that was sold before.

Today, it does not appear on the selling seat of the Dragon and Tiger list again.

Moreover, institutions are still buying chips on a large scale on the two stocks "Huaxin Securities" and "Harbin Investment Capital" that continue to be on the list.

In short, through the market trend within the day, as well as the performance of various data on the disk and the performance of new news.

There is simply no reason to be bearish.

What's more, in the evening, the external market trends were also quite cooperative and continued to open higher and move higher, which intensified the further fermentation of domestic bullish sentiment.

And late at night.

The Federal Reserve interest rate meeting that everyone was looking forward to finally turned out as predicted by major world-renowned institutions.

After careful consideration, the Federal Reserve decided to keep the current interest rates unchanged and did not rashly start raising interest rates, which would drag the global economy into a more tense development situation.

And with the Fed’s clearly dovish voice…

The next morning, major domestic institutions were even more unanimous in their expectations that the central bank would cut interest rates and reserve requirement ratios.

And, just as everyone expected.

On Sunday, after the Federal Reserve's interest rate meeting, the central bank finally took measures to cut interest rates and reserve requirement ratios to further release market liquidity and continue to inject a shot in the arm into the recovering economy.

With the central bank's interest rate cuts and reserve requirement ratio cuts, there are major positive incentives.

Everyone’s expectations for the bull market can’t help but become higher, and more and more people are shouting that the Shanghai Stock Index will reach 5,000 points, 6,000 points, or even 10,000 points.

A group of investors who hold a large number of stocks on the market.

Throughout Sunday, I felt as happy as if I was celebrating the New Year, and my expectations for the opening of the market tomorrow were already at the daily limit.

And in this situation, we have been bombarded with good news throughout the weekend, and market investment sentiment and investment confidence have reached an all-time high.

Monday, December 8, came, and after two days, the two markets once again ushered in the day of trading.

Throughout the morning, before the market opened, everyone's thoughts were already reaching the daily limit.

And finally it was 9:15 am.

Under the spotlight and the eyes of countless pairs of investors, the two cities showed a trend of opening higher. Among them, the securities sector that everyone is most concerned about almost all securities stocks collectively hit the daily limit. before the eyes of the majority of investors. (End of chapter)


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