Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 844 The market sentiment is still positive and bullish!

Follow Li Meng's instructions.

The various trading teams and trading team leaders in the trading room followed Su Yu's investment strategy and trading strategy to accelerate the reduction of positions and sell corresponding stock chips on the market.

As each trading group quickly executes instructions, the long-short divergence in the market becomes wider and wider.

Su Yu thought for a while, and immediately called Qin Qiuyue, who was in charge of the 'Anzhao Fund' company, and conveyed to him the trading strategy of accelerating the reduction of positions and taking profits.

After listening to Su Yu's words, Qin Qiuyue nodded immediately, and then hung up the phone without saying anything more.

"What's wrong?" After Qin Qiuyue hung up the phone, Zhou Hui next to her saw Qin Qiuyue's face solemn and couldn't help but ask, "Is this... Mr. Su's call?"

Qin Qiuyue nodded and said: "Yes, Mr. Su asked us to try to reduce the positions of each major fund product to 30% within today. He said that today's market trend is basically to reduce positions. The best way to stop profit is also the last window period.”

"Mr. Su is not wrong." Zhou Hui said, "Previously, the most anticipated benefit in the entire market was the central bank's interest rate cuts and reserve requirement ratio cuts. Now the benefits have come to fruition. At the same time, the 'Big Finance' and 'Big Infrastructure' The core main lines of ', 'Military Industry' have also obviously reached a relatively high position. The internal profit taking and arbitrage are extremely serious. The bulls who have continued to attack and squeeze short will naturally be exhausted in an instant and have no motivation. It's a draw.

In this way, profit-taking and arbitrage orders are pouring out, and it will be difficult for the market not to adjust in the future.

At this time, Mr. Su asked us to reduce our positions and take profits on a large scale, reducing our positions to 30% of the conservative position level. There was no problem in the first place. "

"But..." Qin Qiuyue looked at the increasingly divergent market trends in the two cities, as well as the long takeover orders that have been basically suppressed by the short sellers, and continued, "We currently manage several main fund products under the company. How far is it from the 30% position water level? How many chips do we need to reduce in total to complete the established task of reducing positions and taking profits as mentioned by Mr. Su?"

Zhou Hui took a look at the position data of each major fund and the net worth performance summarized on the main control computer, and said: "The current position level of several major fund products managed by our company is basically around 37%. If we want to Today we will continue to reduce our positions to 30%, and we will need to reduce our holdings by about 3 billion chips.”

"3 billion..." Qin Qiuyue heard this number, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "That's okay. With the current abundant liquidity in the market, it is not difficult to reduce the holding of 3 billion chips."

The main position weights of several major fund products under their company are the core weighting sectors of the main lines of 'big finance' such as securities, banking, and insurance, and the stocks held by them are basically the more popular stocks in the main line of 'big finance'. High popular weight stocks.

These popular heavyweight stocks are directly affected by the central bank's interest rate cuts and reserve requirement ratio cuts.

The situation presented today is basically a state of substantial increase in volume, or a state of huge increase in volume.

The current trading volume of the single securities sector has almost exceeded 100 billion, and the current trading volume of the stock 'Huaxin Securities' has reached around 15 billion.

There is so much liquidity.

After reducing her holdings of 3 billion chips, Qin Qiuyue felt that maybe one hour of trading time would be enough without closing the market.

After all, Su Yu was on the phone.

He only told them to reduce their positions and take profits as soon as possible and reduce their positions to 30%.

There is no plan for them to reduce their holdings of stocks.

If you first reduce your holdings of heavyweight and popular stocks with extremely high market liquidity such as 'Huaxin Securities', 'Huatong Securities', 'Huashang Securities', 'Huaguo Bank', and 'Huashang Bank', maybe half an hour. They can complete the task and reduce the position to the designated position.

Zhou Hui nodded and responded: "It is indeed not very difficult to reduce the position to 30%."

"Then hurry up." Qin Qiuyue said.

Since it is the strategic decision of the head office Su Yu, they must implement it unconditionally.

"But..." Zhou Hui paused and said, "We are reducing our positions here, and Mr. Su is also reducing our positions. The 'Yu Hang Series' main fund product managed by Mr. Su is comparable to several main funds managed by our company. The scale of the product has increased greatly, and the repeatability of our position targets is also quite high. If we reduce our holdings quickly... I am afraid that it will bring trouble to the 'Yu Hang Series' fund managed by Mr. Su. Let’s get into some trouble.”

Qin Qiuyue said: "You don't have to think about it. Since Mr. Su is telling us to reduce our holdings to the target position as soon as possible, he should have already prepared the corresponding trading strategy, so we don't need to worry at all."

"Okay." Seeing that she was thinking too much, Zhou Hui couldn't help but nodded in response.

Qin Qiuyue continued to think for a while, and finally said: "Let's reduce the market first. Among the stocks we hold, let's reduce the stocks with the highest liquidity. The other stocks are not very liquid. We can reduce them as much as we can. This At this time, in order not to cause interference to Mr. Su, it is best not to take the initiative to quickly smash the market."

"Okay." Zhou Hui nodded.

He hurriedly began to instruct the trading team behind him to follow this strategy and execute it quickly.

Subsequently, the main fund products of the "Yuhang Series" and "Anzhao Series" sold chips aggressively, quickly suppressing the bullish power of the market.

When the trading hours of the two markets enter after 11 o'clock.

The differences between the two cities are getting bigger and bigger, and whether it is popular main lines such as 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', 'military industry', or 'mobile Internet', 'smartphone industry chain', and 'big consumption' , 'Nonferrous Cycle', 'Petrochemicals', 'Pharmaceuticals'... and other non-popular main lines, the short force of active selling has completely suppressed the long force of undertaking.

Moreover, at 11:10, ‘Blue Stone Reload’ hit the intraday limit.

The market's short-term sentiment, as well as many short-term concept leading stocks, have also begun to show signs of sharp retracement and even collapse.

Finally, when 11:30 arrived, the two cities ushered in the midday closing time.

I saw that the Shanghai Index was fixed at an increase of 87%, while the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index were fixed at an increase of less than 6%.

Even the strong A50 index has now fallen back below 1%.

Compared with the sharply higher openings of several major core indexes in early trading, the current closing trend can be said to be seriously lower than the expectations of the majority of investors in the market.

And after the market closes at noon...

The aggressive bullish sentiment in early trading, as well as countless retail investors who aggressively increased their positions, were a little stunned when faced with such a closing situation, and differences began to appear in terms of emotions.

"Alas, with such a huge benefit, the market has opened higher and gone lower. I am speechless."

Many retail investors gathered in major online stock investment exchange forums and even stock discussion areas on trading platforms expressed disappointment.

"The good news is gone. This trend is really annoying."

"What the hell, I added a lot of positions this morning, oh... I'm buried again."

"That's it, what's going on? It's obviously a trend hitting 4,000 points, why did it suddenly go like this?"

"Yes, the early trading is obviously going well."

“I don’t know what funds are being thrown around, there is really no pattern.”

"Yes, there is really no pattern in the funds sold today. How about waiting until the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index breaks through 4,000 points before selling? Now the hope of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index hitting 4,000 points has come to nothing for the time being."

"Today's market volume can be very large. According to this volume, there may be a reversal in the afternoon."

"Whether it's clearing out the unstable profit orders and settling the arbitrage, run, run... Most of the funds that are running out at this moment will be bought back in large quantities after the Shanghai Stock Index reaches 4,000 points."

"Today, these selling funds are ignoring the situation, but in the future, these selling funds will be unable to reach a higher level."

"Continue to increase positions, continue to increase positions and buy. I am worried about not being able to buy low-priced chips. The central bank has cut interest rates and lowered reserve requirements. The macro fundamentals have completely changed. The logic of the bull market is getting stronger and stronger. The market will rise sooner or later. What are you afraid of? What? As the saying goes, if you buy it, you will earn it."

"I agree, if you don't buy it now, you will definitely have to continue to chase higher by then."

"If you adjust this position, there will be no problem at all. The Shanghai Stock Index is still standing above all moving averages. The bulls are still ten times stronger than the shorts."

"Actually, it's just some funds lurking ahead that are being thrown away."

"Well, no matter whether it is good or bad, there are always some main funds every time, and they can get the news in advance, and I don't know what is going on."

"Isn't this normal? There are no airtight walls in this world."

“Large institutions naturally have information advantages, so it’s not surprising.”

"Today, the main line of 'big finance' is about to reach unprecedented levels. The total transaction volume of securities, banks, insurance, and Internet finance has reached 200 billion in just half a day, almost accounting for 200 billion yuan." One-third of the entire market's turnover, especially the securities sector, had a volume of 110 billion traded throughout the morning. Among them, the stock of 'Huaxin Securities' alone had a volume of 17.8 billion traded in the morning, which is simply terrifying. .”

"Yes, the turnover of the 'Huaxin Securities' check today is really outrageous."

"Everyone, in the past market history, has the transaction volume reached 17.8 billion in more than half a day?"

"I have been in the stock market for eight years, and in my memory, it has never happened."

"I have been working in the stock market for six years, and it has never happened in my memory."

"It seems that today 'Huaxin Securities' is going to create a new single-day market turnover history for a single stock. It's really an exaggeration... you have money and willfulness."

"Today, both the funds from selling the stock of 'Huaxin Securities' and the funds from buying the stock of 'Huaxin Securities' are very good."

"This check is absolutely exploding today."

"It's a pity that core-weighted large-cap stocks like 'Huaxin Securities' have limited volatility and are difficult to make the Dragon and Tiger list. Otherwise, the Dragon and Tiger list would be brilliant."

"It's hard to say that today's trading volume of 'Huaxin Securities' will definitely experience extreme fluctuations."

"This check has dropped from the highest increase of 8 points at the beginning of the market to less than 4 points now. Isn't it considered an extreme fluctuation?"

"What is this? Look at the check of 'Great Wisdom'. After the daily limit hit the market, it went directly to the current 3% increase position."

"There is also the Yingkou Port check. After the daily limit hit the market, it has now fallen back to a flat position."

"Well, I have to say that there are really a lot of stocks that have been blasted today."

"Throughout the morning, there were 60 stocks that were on fire. This should also create market history, right?"

"History is made! I have to say that the market divergence this morning was really too big. Fortunately, the overall market sentiment can still be stable, and there is no panic selling. Otherwise, according to this heavy volume standard, maybe The market's major core indexes have all reached green status."

"Although the volume in the two markets is large today, there is still a high probability that the index will not close in the green, right?"

"It depends on how the market goes in the afternoon."

"I feel that the market situation in the afternoon will either continue to increase in divergence, or it will pick up slightly. I am inclined to think it will pick up a little. After all, so much energy was released in the morning, and there was a lot of lurking in the early stage for the benefit of the central bank's interest rate cuts and RRR cuts. They have already taken profits one after another, so...the selling force in the afternoon should not be as strong as in the morning. If nothing else happens...the volume should shrink in the afternoon."

"I agree, there have been so many sales in the morning, I don't believe there will be so many sales in the afternoon."

"In fact, the fact that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index can maintain a red plate shows that although the market divergence is large, the main buying forces can still withstand it."

"With the direct stimulus from the central bank's interest rate cuts and reserve requirement ratio cuts, today's market buying is unlikely to be overwhelming."

"In fact, the overall net outflow of main funds in the market today is not large. After many profits were made from the main lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure', they poured into 'big consumption' and 'non-ferrous cycles' , 'Petrochemicals', 'Pharmaceuticals', 'Mobile Internet', 'Smartphone Industry Chain' and other main fields."

"So, in the future, individual stocks in the two major fields of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' will have opportunities to make up for their gains?"

"There will definitely be one. The future expectations of these two core main lines are not bad, and the adjustment has been going on for so long. I feel that after the funding level is switched, it is time to start."

“The line that deserves the most supplementary increase should be the ‘big consumption’ line.”

"I also think that if we want the macro-economy to recover, 'big consumption' must also recover. Only when 'big consumption' recovers can there be macro-economic recovery."

"In short, looking at the market as a whole, valuations are still very cheap."

"Agree, keep going long, keep buying."

"The index is trading sideways at best. In the context of the bull market and the valuations of the major market mainlines are still undervalued, short sellers can't afford to make any waves at all. If you continue to increase your positions and go long, you will make money if you buy them."

In the midst of heated discussions among investor groups across the Internet, especially among retail investors.

Although there are many investors who are aware of the differences in the market, and there are also many investors who put forward different ideas in topic discussions, but overall... the majority of investors still tend to be bullish in their hearts. Everyone believes that the market is unlikely to fall sharply at this position, and there is still the possibility of a short-term impact of 4,000 points.

And in the midst of this emotional interpretation...

Unknowingly, the one and a half hour break at noon has gone by in a blink of an eye.

Amid the expectations of many investors, and the still positive bullish voices of countless retail investor groups, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the two cities once again entered the stage of continuous bidding transactions. (End of chapter)

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