Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 848: The ‘Yu Hang Department’ swept the list of sellers!

According to the data disclosed by the Dragon and Tiger List of the two cities.

The trading seats of 'Yuhang Group', the main capital, and the seats of 'Fortune Road' and its related institutions, are in 'Western Securities, China MCC, Huagong International, China Railway Construction, China Airlines Heavy Machinery, China Airlines Shenyang... 'On other stocks, the net sales amount reached more than 300 million.

This is only revealed on the Dragon and Tiger list.

What has not been disclosed is that I don’t know how much money the main fund of the ‘Yu Hang Group’ has left today.

At the same time, in addition to the main funds of the 'Yu Hang Clan', which were sold on a large scale on the Dragon and Tiger Lists of the two cities, the seats of the 'Zexi Clan' and Zhang Alliance also appeared on the Dragon and Tiger List selling lists.

Also, in the data disclosed in the Dragon and Tiger Lists of the two cities today, the total net sales of main funds reached a scale of 3.2 billion. It can be said that in recent years, the net outflow of main funds in the two cities in the disclosure of the Dragon and Tiger Lists has been the highest in a single day. The maximum amount.

Faced with such outstanding performance in the two cities.

The majority of investors in the market were shocked and disappointed.

Among them, the big players who were active in the Yuhang hot money group where Su Yu was located were also shocked when they saw the data on the Dragon and Tiger list.

"Damn it, the 'Yuhang Department' headed by President Su is reducing its positions on a large scale today!"

“More than 2 billion yuan has been sold on the list, which is really an exaggeration.”

"More than 2 billion chips were sold on the list alone. Counting many others who are not on the list, Mr. Su has at least reduced his position by 10 billion chips today, right?"

"There may be more. Look at today's transaction volume of the 'Huaxin Securities' check. I remember that the 'Huaxin Securities' check is also a heavily stocked stock of the 'Yuhang Group' controlled by Mr. Su? I'm afraid it belongs to Mr. Su today." Yuhang Group's position reduction in one stock, "Huaxin Securities", is more than 2 billion."

"Mr. Su's 'Yuhang Department' has reduced its positions on such a large scale. Shouldn't it be regarded as a comprehensive bearish view of the subsequent market?"

“It should be that we are all bearish, otherwise we wouldn’t be reducing our positions so much.”

"But comparing the capital volume of several main fund products of Mr. Su's "Yuhang Series", even if it is 10 billion, it has not reduced the position much, right?"

"The important thing is not how much Mr. Su sold, but the operation of reducing the position."

"Yes, even if Mr. Su's 'Yuhang Series' has not reduced its overall position much, then today's large-scale reduction of positions is also worthy of note. Moreover, based on the influence of Mr. Su's 'Yuhang Series' related trading seats , once there is such an action of reducing positions and selling, then a huge amount of funds will follow the trend quickly. This is the most terrifying thing. Even if the 'Yu Hang System' does not reduce their chips much, the market will be suppressed by following the trend. Go down."

"Yes, so no matter how much chips the 'Yu Hang Group' loses today, the subsequent market conditions will not be optimistic."

"Sigh, it seems that the Shanghai Composite Index will not be able to get past the 4,000-point level in the short term."

"The pressure on the Shanghai Composite Index at 4,000 points is huge. Even if there is no large-scale reduction of positions by Mr. Su's "Yu Hang Group" today, it will still be very difficult for the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index to cross the 4,000 point level."

"I feel that the actual size of the reduction in positions of the 'Yu Hang Group' managed by Mr. Su must be more than one to two billion. You must know... Mr. Su himself must also be aware of the great impact that the seats of 'Fortune Road' and its related institutions have on the market." Influence, if the plan of reducing positions and taking profits had not been completed, it would not have appeared on the selling seats of the Dragon and Tiger List on such a large scale.”

"You mean to say that the main funds of the 'Yuhang Department' managed by President Su have probably withdrawn a large number of core main lines such as 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', and 'military industry'?"

"There is a high probability that this is the case. If I were Mr. Su, I would definitely not expose my seat rashly when my main fund products fail to complete the transaction targets."

"It makes sense, damn... Let's put it this way, I feel even less optimistic about the future market conditions."

"In fact, the market has been experiencing heavy volume fluctuations recently, and it is obvious that it needs to be adjusted. Even if the main fund of the 'Yu Hang Series' managed by Mr. Su does not crash today, most of the market will still trend towards high points and low prices. It’s just that Mr. Su has exacerbated today’s market volatility.”

" seems that I can't open new positions recently."

"Actually, the expectations of the central bank to cut interest rates and reserve requirement ratios have been overdrawn in advance. The market is at this position and there is no expectation that it will go higher."

"However, there should be no problem with the overall logic of the bull market and the logic of bottom positions, right?"

"At present, there is definitely no problem."

“It still depends on how much incremental funds the central bank’s subsequent interest rate cuts and reserve requirement ratio cuts can bring to the market. Regardless of whether the market is bullish or not, if the market wants to continue to rise, the core basis is that it must be driven by a huge amount of funds. "

"It makes sense, but in the short term, with the large-scale reduction of positions and profit taking by the 'Yu Hang Group' led by President Su, the market will definitely become unsustainable."

"Are the major institutional groups in the industry unable to sleep today?"

"That's for sure. In the entire market, how many people are looking at Mr. Su's 'Yuhang Department' to make market decisions."

"Well, in the short to medium term, the line of 'big finance' must be scrapped, right?"

"We must avoid the 'big finance' line for the time being. At this time, we would rather do non-popular main lines such as 'big consumption', 'mobile internet', and 'smartphone industry chain' than touch the hot 'big finance' , 'big infrastructure', 'military industry' and other core lines."

"According to the last time when the 'Yu Hang Series' under the leadership of President Su announced their results, the relevant main fund products of this round of 'Yu Hang Series' are about to announce their results, right?"

"The results will definitely be announced at the end of the year, haha... I'm really looking forward to it. Anyway, I bought 10 million shares."

"Hey, if you're trading stocks yourself, it's really better to leave your money to Mr. Su to manage it."

"But now the asset management scale of the entire 'Yu Hang Series' fund is already very large, right? At this scale, it is difficult to achieve explosive performance growth."

"Even so, it is more reliable than many other fund products on the market."

"It doesn't matter how high the requirement is, just 30% to 50% a year is enough. With Mr. Su's ability, it's completely achievable, right?"

"That's for sure."

"Looking at this situation, the market may be at risk of plummeting tomorrow."

"It depends on whether other main funds on the market can withstand the selling after the main funds of the 'Yu Hang Series' have massively reduced their positions and stopped profits."

"Today, because of the benefits of the central bank's interest rate and reserve requirement ratio cuts, those who rushed in are the ones who are the biggest grievances."

"The huge benefits of the bright cards are originally used to deceive people."

"Haha, good things turn out to be bad things. It's a required course for stock trading. There are many novice investors who have followed the bull market this time. It's time for them to gain experience."

"Fortunately, something went wrong today, so I ran away immediately."

"However, for the two checks of Oriental Fortune and Flush, there is no sign of selling by Mr. Su's "Yuhang Department" on today's Dragon and Tiger List. Aren't these two checks also heavy stocks of Mr. Su's "Yuhang Department"?"



"Mr. Su is involved in the stock of 'Oriental Fortune' through fixed placement. The temporary chips should be locked and cannot be sold. As for the 'Flush' check, I don't know what the situation is. The liquidity of this check is so high. Big, maybe Mr. Su’s bargaining chip in this check has been sold out little by little, and it’s not necessarily that he has avoided the data disclosure of the Dragon and Tiger List.”

"Actually, today's trend is miserable. The focus is on the big stocks, but the small stocks can still be seen."

"Yes, the trend of big votes in the 'big finance' field is really tragic."

"The entire securities sector has a turnover of 200 billion. The entire main line of 'big finance', including banking, insurance, Internet finance, and securities, has a total turnover of almost 400 billion. With such a large amount of energy, 'big finance' 'This line is definitely hopeless in the short term."

"That's about it. In the past month or so, the trend of the 'Big Finance' line has been really crazy."

"Indeed, on average, profits have doubled since the bottom. At least the main fund products of the 'Yu Hang Series' managed by Mr. Su, this wave of profits on the core line of 'big finance' have at least doubled." .”

"Even 'Huaxin Securities' has risen by almost 120% from its position in early November. You know how enthusiastic the market is for the 'Big Finance' line recently. Alas...'Huaxin Securities' is 300 today. The transaction volume of more than 100 million really blinded the eyes of investors in the entire market. I don’t know how long this transaction volume record will remain.”

"I'm afraid there will be very few stocks that can break this intraday trading volume record in the future, right?"

"I have been trading in stocks for almost ten years, but I have never seen one. I remember in the last bull market, the peak check turnover of CEFC Securities did not exceed 10 billion."

"At that time, how many circulation plates were there?"

"Although it cannot be directly compared, this turnover is still too exaggerated."

"Based on the overall transaction volume of today's market, Mr. Su's 'Yu Hang System' large-scale reduction of positions is actually quite restrained, right?"

"More importantly, didn't President Su once again kindly remind everyone that the market has reached its peak in the short to medium term?"

"That's true. In this case, those who rush in later are really not worthy of sympathy."

"Short position, take a short position and wait for a while..."

"It's not a short position. It's not a short position in a bull market. But if you have a conservative short-term expectation, there should be no problem."

"In the next wave, we should speculate on the annual report expectations and the first quarter report performance expectations early next year, right? From this direction, in fact, there are still opportunities for the main lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure'. After all, the macroeconomic recovery is There are two main lines. The financial market has exploded so much in the fourth quarter of recent years, and the balance of financing and financing has doubled, and the performance of the 'big financial' companies will definitely be quite explosive."

"Analyzing from the perspective of performance, in fact, the major directions of 'big consumption', 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' are also good!"

"In short, the market's fundamentals and capital are actually improving significantly."

"I estimate that in the future, the market will form an obvious oscillation pattern, right? I just don't know whether it will maintain strong fluctuations in the range of 3500 points to 4000 points, or maintain weak fluctuations in the range of 3000 points to 3500 points. However, the overall bull market The pattern... will definitely not be broken, no one will be pessimistic about seeing the price below 3,000 points, right?"

"No matter how the market goes in the future, it is always correct to see the Shanghai Index retrace its moving average support first. It is obviously impossible to continue to break through..."

"Anyway, I only recognize one thing. When Mr. Su increases his position on a large scale and goes long, the market may not necessarily rise immediately. But when Mr. Su reduces or clears his position on a large scale, the risk of the market falling is very high. Overall, In other words, although we are seriously lagging behind in following Mr. Su’s operations, compared with the overall market trend and the past trend history, if we follow Mr. Su’s transactions shown on the Dragon and Tiger list and perform the same trading operations, the winning rate is still It is still the highest and can continue to outperform the market index with a high probability.”

"There is no need to question this. In a word, since Mr. Su has pointed out the way, it is right to follow suit."

With the rapid refresh of news in the group, and the in-depth analysis by many hot money tycoons in the group on the latest disclosed data of the Dragon and Tiger Rankings of the two cities, everyone is also concerned about the size of the core main funds of the 'Yu Hang Group', reducing positions and taking profits. Motives, and speculation on market opinions.

At the same time...

Within the major core institutional groups in the industry in the two cities.

Countless well-known asset management managers and fund managers in the industry were shocked and even fearful as they gazed at the net sales of the entire "Yuhang System" exceeding 2 billion on the dragon and tiger lists of the two cities.

Among them, those major institutional groups that have not reduced their positions today, or that still maintain heavy or full positions, are even more frightened and anxious at this moment.

"Oh, I didn't expect that the main fund of the 'Yu Hang Group' would hit the market today." Near 6 o'clock in the afternoon, at Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Pingyin Asset Management Trading Center, Chen Shen, the fund manager of Pingyin Asset Management's main fund product Staring at the Dragon and Tiger List data disclosed by the two cities, he sighed helplessly and regretted not instructing the trading teams to reduce positions and stop profits on a large scale today. "The net sales of the list are more than 2 billion. I don't know what this stock is." No matter how much funds have been sold, if there are many followers in the market tomorrow, it will be difficult for the market to get better."

"No matter how much was sold, the actual sales amount must be disclosed by Yuanda and the list." After hearing Chen Shen's emotion, the trading team leader Wang Jinglun took over and said, "And more importantly, it's not How many chips have been sold by Yu Hang Group's funds, but this is almost a liquidation of individual stock chips. This behavior... is clearly telling the market that all the investment of funds that follow the trend of Yu Hang Group However, the market has reached its peak, and the major market trends of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' have no chance in the short term. This is what is really frightening and frightening, and will also give rise to the following problems. Where market trends pose a great threat.”

"According to the influence of the main funds of the 'Yu Hang Group' on other investors in the market." Gao Yixiang, another trading team leader, also took over and said, "At least it will cause hundreds of billions of direct selling in the market."

Wang Jinglun said: "How is it possible that it only affects hundreds of billions of selling? The asset management scale of the 'Yuhang System' and its associated 'Anzhao System' alone exceeds 200 billion. I estimate... because of today's Dragon Tiger According to the list data, the market will face at least direct selling pressure of 500 billion level. Even if the market turnover has exceeded one trillion and the growth trend is very good, I am afraid that it will be difficult to sustain this level of selling pressure in the short term. "

"500 billion..." Gao Yixiang was frightened, "It should...not be such an exaggeration."

Chen Shen continued to sigh helplessly and said: "It may be far more exaggerated than this. No matter what, we should change our trading ideas and investment strategies."

"Yes." Wang Jinglun nodded, "Actually, at this position, with the sufficient liquidity of the market, we can immediately reduce the position and stop the profit. We will reduce part of the position first. The loss will not be huge. It is completely late."

"I'm afraid that many institutions in the industry have the same idea as us." Chen Shen said, "When the time comes, everyone will be competing to sell. Even if the market liquidity is relatively good, there will be a stampede."

And just as he expected...

At present, E Fund has several active main funds, including Yanjing Huaxin Securities Proprietary Investment Department, Huashang Securities Proprietary Investment Department, Huayin Asset Management Trading CITIC, Huatong Bank Proprietary Investment Department, etc. The core major institutions in the market, as well as public and private equity institutions such as Minghui Capital, Yinli Fund Company, Yinghui Fund Company, Xiniu Fund Company, Jingda Investment Company, Zexi Capital Company, etc.

The main asset managers of various institutions saw large-scale public selling behavior of the ‘Yuhang Series’ and ‘Anzhao Series’ on the Dragon and Tiger List.

They are also working overtime and having meetings to urgently revise their previous investment strategies and trading strategies.

They all plan to reduce their positions and take profits at this position to avoid the risk of extreme adjustments that are very likely to occur in the market.

And the same...

At this moment, on all major stock investment exchange platforms across the Internet, where tens of millions or hundreds of millions of retail investors gather, everyone is seeing Su Yu, a market legend in recent years, and the main fund products of the 'Yu Hang Series' managed by him. , that one that swept through the Dragon and Tiger charts and sold seats, selling off more than 2 billion in a furious sale.

They are also adjusting their trading ideas one after another, planning to follow the trend of the "Yu Hang System" and cut profits and reduce positions.

Of course, as the market's entire investment trend and long-short views change, today's huge benefit from the central bank's interest rate and reserve requirement ratio cuts has led to countless investor groups rushing in, as well as a large number of hindsight and long-term thinking. Today, there is a group of investors who have increased their positions on a large scale and increased their positions to go long.

At this moment, faced with such market investment trends and the data performance of the two cities' dragon and tiger rankings.

They were completely on the verge of tears, and were beaten dizzy by the sap of the 'bull market'. (End of chapter)

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