Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 852: The market plunge caused by the ‘Yu Hang System’!

The disk just started beating.

After the emotions brewed, the sharp increase in panic selling poured out again, suppressing the continued downward trend of the two markets.

At 1:02, the Shanghai Stock Index's decline further expanded to more than 5%. At the same time, in the morning trading, 'big consumption', 'pharmaceutical', 'non-ferrous cycle', 'petrochemical', 'mobile Internet', In main areas such as the 'smartphone industry chain', at this time, the volume of selling also began to increase rapidly.

At 1:10, the Shanghai stock index's decline expanded to near the 80% position. At this time, the A50 index's intraday decline had already expanded to more than 5%.

At the same time, the two major weighted sectors of banking and insurance fell by 3% during the day.

The intra-day decline of the securities and Internet finance sectors has reached about 5%. The total number of stocks in the two major sectors has exceeded the limit, exceeding 7.

And at this time, a number of industry sectors in the two cities.

Only the two major industry sectors of ‘automobiles’ and ‘food and beverages’ can still maintain their red plate status.

The rest of the industry sectors have all fallen underwater.

As for the two-cities-one-concept concept sectors, only the three major concept sectors of white goods, retail, and automobiles maintained a slightly red market status, while the rest all showed a clear downward trend.

Among them, Internet finance, sub-new stocks, and military industry-related concept sectors led the decline in the two cities, with all of them falling more than 5%.

At 1:15, the Shanghai Stock Index fell close to the 3% mark.

At 1:20, the A50 index's intraday decline was close to a 4% decline. At the same time, the intraday decline of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index, ChiNext Index, and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Index also expanded to a range of 5% to 8%.

At 1:30, the intraday trading volume of "Huaxin Securities" reached the 11 billion mark, which was smaller than yesterday, but the market decline further expanded to 32% under such a volume trend.

At the same time, the decline of ‘Huaguo Construction’ expanded to 5%.

The stock price of ‘Huagong International’ has begun to hit the lower limit.

Even the two major heavyweight stocks, China North Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corporation Limited and China South Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corporation Limited, have seen their market declines expand to around 5%.

The entire main line of "big finance", "big infrastructure" and "military industry" all suffered a sharp decline and were continuously sold by huge amounts of selling.

Of course, the ‘sub-new stocks’ sector and the ‘film and television media’ sector are not much better either.

After the two sub-new stocks of 'Huake Dawn' and 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' have successively dropped their limits, in the field of sub-new stocks, among the near-end sub-new stocks, 5 stocks have now hit the limit.

‘Film and television media’ sector.

At this moment, 'Huace Film and Television', 'Ciwen Media', 'Yanjing Culture'... and many other stocks that were hotly speculated by funds in the early stage have also expanded their declines to more than 5%. Among them, 'LeTV' It even flashed all the way to a 7% decline.

If it were not supported by the two major concepts of ‘mobile Internet’ and ‘smartphone industry chain’.

At this moment, the market decline of the ChiNext Index and the Small and Medium Enterprises Index is estimated to have caught up with the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index.

At 1:40, the Shanghai Stock Index's decline touched the 3% mark, while the A50 Index's decline at this moment had expanded to 5%.

At 1:45, the daily decline in the securities sector began to stabilize around the 5% decline. However, the main areas of relatively resilient areas such as 'big consumption', 'medicine', 'mobile Internet', and 'smartphone industry chain', a number of Concept stocks and core component stocks began to dive one after another at this time.

At 1:50, all industry sectors and concept sectors in the two cities turned green, with no red market.

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the Shanghai Stock Index fell by 17%. The panic selling situation in the two cities was still increasing, and the two cities began to form a unilateral plummeting trend. All main lines, whether popular or unpopular, within the sector The number of active funding groups is declining rapidly.

At 2:15, the Shanghai Stock Index fell rapidly to more than 5%, falling below 3,700 points.

At the same time, the A50 index fell close to 5% during the day.

In the entire main line of 'big finance', the two major indexes of the securities sector and the Internet finance concept sector have fallen by about 5% within the day. Moreover, within the two major sectors, they have been speculated by various funds in the past and are the core stocks held by the 'Yu Hang Group'. Several of the leading stocks have already hit their daily limits. The tragic situation is self-evident.

As for the two major weighted sectors of banking and insurance.

The current market decline of these two major industry sector indexes has also expanded to around 5%.

Among them, the stocks of the four major banks, 'Chinese Commercial Bank, Huaguo Bank, Huanong Bank, and Huajian Bank' are relatively stable, hovering in the intraday decline range of 5% to 3%, while stocks such as 'Industrial Bank, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, and Yuhang Bank' are relatively stable. Banks, Ping An Bank, Minsheng Bank...' and other second-tier bank stocks have seen their market declines at this moment expand to around 4%, which are all weaker than the Shanghai Index.

Moreover, in the main line of the entire "big finance", the trend of unilateral plummeting almost throughout the day.

The main capital buying and selling situation in this core main line area also shows a trend of substantial net outflows.

This has not yet closed. The total net outflow of main funds in the four core sectors of 'big finance' has already reached a terrifying amount of 8 billion.

This shows that a large amount of main funds and individual stock chips are used in the main line of large-scale profit-taking and liquidation.

Of course, except for the core line of ‘big finance’.

At this moment, the two core main lines of ‘big infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’ are not much better.

In the entire main line of "big infrastructure".

The most core industry sector indexes of 'building decoration, building materials, steel, commercial real estate development, public transportation, and non-public transportation' all fell by more than 5% during the day, all weaker than the performance of the Shanghai Stock Index. Underperformed the broader market index.

And the three major industry sector indexes: construction decoration, building materials, and non-public transportation.

The intraday declines have plummeted to more than 5% at this moment.

Among them, a large number of related popular stocks, such as 'Yingkou Port, Beijiang Communications Construction, Shibei High-tech, Huagong International, Huaguo MCC, Bayi Iron and Steel, Huaxin Cement, Shanghai Construction Engineering...' This large number of popular stocks, The lower limit has been sealed. In the entire main line area, the number of stocks that have hit the limit has exceeded 20.

Of course, most of these were stocks that had been bought by the ‘Yu Hang Group’, the main force of funds.

Moreover, in addition to a number of related concept stocks that have dropped to the limit.

In the entire "big infrastructure" main line area, the total main capital buying and selling situation has also shown a trend of substantial net outflows. The total net outflow amount during the day has reached a scale of 5.5 billion at this moment.

Coupled with the net outflow of main funds in the entire "military industry" main line field.

The total net outflow of main funds in the three core main areas of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' has exceeded 15 billion.

With such a huge net outflow of major funds, how could the corresponding sector indexes and individual stock prices not fall?

"Alas, the Shanghai Stock Index failed to hold the 3700 point today." At around 2:20, inside Yinghui Fund Company in Shanghai, in the main fund trading room of 'Yinghui No. 1', the fund trading team leader Yu Lei looked at The market trend of the two cities, which has already plummeted across the board and even plummeted unilaterally, sighed helplessly and said, "The entire core lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', and 'military industry' have been sold off by the main financial groups. , this trend... is really tragic."

Next to Yu Lei, fund manager Liu Guanhai, whose eyes were also staring at the big screen of the trading room, responded: "This is an avalanche caused by the 'Yu Hang Group', the main force of funds, to fully reduce positions and stop profits. In today's market, all The stocks that the 'Yu Hang Group' held positions in have all been frantically sold and driven down by major funds from all walks of life. The whole market of 'Yu Hang Group Concept Stocks' has been miserable."

"Yes!" Yu Lei continued with emotion and said, "Fortunately, we immediately changed our trading strategy yesterday and carried out a large-scale lightening operation. Otherwise... with the current market trend, our fund products The retracement of net worth will not be easy.”

"It's also better because the scale of the fund products we currently manage is not very large." Liu Guanhai chuckled, "The boat is small and easy to turn around. If it is a large fund product with a scale of more than 10 billion, there will be no corresponding reduction in position and profit stop in advance. As for the trading strategy, I’m afraid it will be difficult to exit safely.”

Yu Lei nodded and said: "So, at this moment, the big funds and big institutions that are still gathering on a large scale in the two core areas of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure' are going to hate each other to death." Yuhang Department is the core and main institution. If it were not for the high-profile shipments of Yuhang Department, the market would not have fallen like this today. Moreover, the two core main lines of "Big Finance" and "Big Infrastructure", It should also be affected by the news of the central bank's interest rate cuts and reserve requirement ratio cuts, which should be able to support it for a short period of time, allowing various funds to exit the market safely.


Yu Lei paused and then said: "I'm thinking, based on everyone's calculation of the size of the positions of this main force in the main areas of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure', the core main institution of the 'Yu Hang Group', this The main funds of the stock market must hold at least 200 billion in the main line chips of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure'.

With such a huge position, they sold it on the dragon and tiger list without any scruples.

Doesn’t it also harm their own interests?

Everyone knows that the trading seats related to the "Yu Hang Series" have a huge impact on the overall investment sentiment and speculation sentiment in the market.

Their public selling will further encourage large-scale capital groups in the market to follow suit, which is equivalent to shooting themselves in the foot?

Everyone followed suit and sold at lower prices.

It is estimated that they themselves will not have a good price and have ample time and space to calmly reduce their positions! "

Liu Guanhai heard the question in Yu Lei's mind, thought for a while, and said: "Based on my understanding of Mr. Su of the 'Yu Hang Department', since he dares to expose his seat so openly on the dragon and tiger lists of the two cities, let All funds and investor groups in the market know that he has reduced positions on a large scale in the main areas of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure'.

That can only prove one thing.

That is, the main financial group of the 'Yu Hang Group' has completed the corresponding trading strategies and completed the safe exit of a large number of position chips before their trading seats were listed on the dragon and tiger lists of the two cities on a large scale. "

"Isn't it possible?" Yu Lei said, "That's a chip position of more than 200 billion. If the trading seat has really left the market safely before it appears on the dragon and tiger selling list, then this 'Yuhang system' 'The main funds are not allowed to start reducing positions and taking profits half a month in advance?

Half a month in advance..."

Yu Lei thought for a while, and at that time, the market was experiencing a full breakthrough.

It is the time when everyone is focused on bullish sentiment and shouts that the Shanghai stock index will reach 4,000 points or even 4,500 points by the end of the year.

"Nothing is impossible." Liu Guanhai said, "Based on my understanding of this 'Yuhang Department' President Su, this is definitely a high probability."

"If that's the case..." Yu Lei said, "Then Mr. Su is too scary."

Liu Guanhai said: "Whether it is true or not, we will know after a while when the main fund products related to the 'Yu Hang Series' announce their net worth."

While the two were talking, the Shanghai stock index continued to plummet.

At the same time, the A50 index's current market decline has expanded to more than 5%.

Among the two cities, the main areas of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', 'military industry', 'sub-new stocks', and 'film and television media', where major financial groups gathered in the early stage, were completely abandoned by the main funds. The declines in the corresponding concept sector and industry sector indexes are expanding, and the corresponding declines in core stocks and weighted stocks are also expanding. At the same time, the net outflow of main funds in several major main areas continues to expand rapidly.

At the same moment, it was right next door to the ‘Yinghui No. 1’ fund product.

In the trading room of the ‘Yinghui No. 2’ fund product.

As the fund manager of the 'Yinghui No. 2' fund product, Shao Xiaoyun frowned deeply as he stared at the changes in the two markets.

Although his previous trading strategy plan that wanted to further concentrate his positions in the two core main areas of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure' was forced to give up under the persuasion of the trading team leader Liu Changling, the core positions of their fund products were It is still within the two main areas of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure', and there is no time to withdraw across the board.

At this moment, the net value has retraced significantly, which can be said to be a heavy loss.

"Alas..." Shao Xiaoyun sighed helplessly and said, "The net value of the fund has fallen sharply, and the performance has fallen out of the top 100 of the annual net value rankings of private equity funds in the industry." The market influence of major institutions is really terrifying. However, just one action of reducing positions and taking profits actually dropped the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index to below 3,700 points, causing panic selling in the entire main line areas of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure'. situation."

Hearing Shao Xiaoyun's rather helpless voice, Liu Changling, the leader of the trading team, looked quite calm and responded: "The 'Yuhang Department' organization has past historical transaction records and has always accurately grasped the market's changing nodes. , with such an undefeated record, the market influence must be terrifying.

This time, the ‘Yu Hang Series’ was publicly sold on a large scale on the Dragon and Tiger List.

That is undoubtedly a reminder to the entire market that the capital groups gathered in the main areas of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure', including institutions, hot money, and retail investors, have reduced their positions on a large scale and stopped profits, and reminded these funds to escape from these two core main lines. areas to avoid trampling on each other.

Currently looking at...

No matter what psychology and motivations the 'Yuhang Group', the main force of funds, has, it is not optimistic about the market conditions of the two main lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure'.

No matter what the reason is, since the two core themes of ‘big finance’ and ‘big infrastructure’.

A certain degree of stampede has now formed.

Then what we can do is to escape as soon as possible and quickly reduce our positions and escape. "

"Yes!" Shao Xiaoyun nodded, "It is meaningless to think about the past at this time. Let's continue selling while the liquidity of the two core main lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure' is still very abundant. , sell chips on a large scale, and try to take profits and withdraw as quickly as possible to ensure our early profits.

Liu Changling nodded, and without waiting for Shao Xiaoyun to continue his instructions, he immediately gave instructions to the traders behind him.

Sell ​​chips in the main areas of ‘big finance’ and ‘big infrastructure’ on a large scale, regardless of cost.

And at the same time.

There are also countless institutional groups, large hot money investors, and retail investor groups who have adopted the same operating strategy as them and the same large-scale reduction of positions and profit-taking strategies.

And just like these various capital groups, under the influence of the "Yu Hang Group", the main institution, has reduced its positions and stopped profits on a large scale.

At a time when people are quickly fleeing from the main areas of ‘big finance’ and ‘big infrastructure’.

As time passes by subsequent transactions.

The volume of active buying and selling in the core main areas of the market such as 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', 'military industry', 'sub-new stocks' and 'film and television media' is increasingly unbalanced.

And this completely unbalanced state continues to develop...

As a result, the market began to form a complete unilateral plunge in the late trading stage after 2:30, which also caused the decline of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', 'military industry', 'sub-new stocks', and 'film and television media'. Several core main line areas set off a trend of bottom-down trend in late trading. (End of chapter)

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