Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 854: The motivation behind the large-scale appearance of the ‘Yu Hang Department’ on the Dra

Faced with the continued increase in the financing balance of the two cities, the net sales of the Dragon and Tiger Lists in the two cities have reached a record high, and the related transaction seats of the main funds of the "Yu Hang Group" have once again disappeared from the Dragon and Tiger Lists.

The vast investor groups inside and outside the entire market showed very surprised expressions.

"Eh... the main fund of the 'Yu Hang Group' did not continue to be sold. What's going on?" After the two cities' dragon and tiger lists were released, the main fund product trading room in the Magic City, Zexi Investment Company, As the leader of the trading team, Zhou Kan stared at the data on the dragon and tiger rankings of the two cities and couldn't help being surprised. He exclaimed, "This makes no sense. Since the 'Yu Hang Group' has reduced its positions and stopped profits on a large scale, it makes no sense to suddenly Stop, if this main force of funds did not plan to reduce positions on a large scale and take profits, then it should not have appeared on the Dragon and Tiger list from the beginning, thus triggering a follow-up sell-off by a group of funds that follow the trend in the market. It makes no sense for it to suddenly decrease and then stop suddenly.”

Xu Xiang also stared at the data of the Dragon and Tiger Lists of the two cities for a while, pondered for a moment, and responded: "You said... is it possible that the main funds of the 'Yu Hang Department' appeared on a large scale in the Dragon and Tiger List yesterday? When you sell your seats on the list, you have already reduced your tail position.”

"Isn't this impossible?" Zhou Kan said, "Boss, the main funds of the 'Yu Hang Group' are gathered in the core lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' The chips on the market are at least 150 billion in size.

How could such a huge position be reduced and exited all of a sudden?

Moreover, before, this main capital did not appear on the Dragon and Tiger list at all.

If we say that this fund is completely avoiding the operation of the Dragon and Tiger List, the market has not seen excessive fluctuations and heavy volume before.

In other words, when there is no obvious change in the disk.

This huge main force wants to complete a position reduction operation of more than 150 billion, and it must completely avoid the dragon and tiger ranking data of the two cities.

You have to start slowly reducing your position at least half a month ago, right?

But half a month ago...

There was absolutely no news in the market, and at that time, the major funds in the market were still pouring into the core lines of ‘big finance’, ‘big infrastructure’, and ‘military industry’.

Moreover, these core main lines are still in a complete main uptrend.

There is also news about the central bank's interest rate cuts and reserve requirement ratio cuts. There has just been a little buzz, and emotions have not yet fully condensed.

In other words, at that time, logically speaking, there was no reason to be bearish at all. "

Xu Xiang continued to ponder for a moment and said: "Besides this explanation, there is no other reasonable logic. The 'Yu Hang Group' has always been one of the smarter funds in the entire market. If we say half a month ago, It is not impossible that these funds are starting to reduce their positions.”

"That's... incredible, right?" Zhou Kan still found it unbelievable.

Xu Xiang said: "After all possibilities have been eliminated, the remaining one, no matter how impossible it is, is the truly correct answer. Since yesterday, I felt that the main force of the 'Yuhang Department' was The actions on the list are very strange. Now it seems... this is basically that this fund has finished reducing its positions and deliberately appeared on the Dragon and Tiger list, causing a large number of retail investors to follow the trend, as well as other major funds to follow the trend and gather to smash the market. leading to a sharp market correction.”

"Why do they do this?" Zhou Kan asked in confusion.

Xu Xiang said: "It's very simple. After selling chips on a large scale to take profit, do you want to buy them back later? Since you want to buy them back, it will be beneficial to them if the market drops sharply and has a sharp correction. The so-called position decision is too much. With a short attitude, when you have a heavy position, you definitely don’t want the market to fall, but when you have a light or short position, it’s different. At this time... you definitely hope that the market will fall sharply and sell out. A huge pit comes out, giving you the opportunity to increase your position on a large scale and buy at the bottom of the pit.”

"I'll go..." Zhou Kan exclaimed, "So, it feels like every step is a trap. At every step, these funds are taking advantage of market sentiment and following the trend, and are harvesting other major funds in the market. group."

Xu Xiang nodded and said: "That's true. That's why I feel that the main funds of the 'Yu Hang Group' are really the smartest funds in the entire market. Every move and every move really guides the market sentiment." , the trend nodes are also stuck very accurately, and the main financial groups who let the market follow the trend, even if they understand his strategy and motives, they have to be led by him."

"Fortunately, we reduced our positions in advance." Zhou Kan said, "Otherwise, it would feel like we would have fallen into the hands of the main funds of the 'Yu Hang Group'."

Xu Xiang said: "This is the top trader. All the financial power of the market and the entire emotional feedback are mobilized by him."

"It just exploded." Zhou Kan said.

"It's a pity that the net worth and corresponding position data of this major fund have not been announced recently." Xu Xiang said, "Otherwise, the major funds and numerous investor groups in the entire market would be even more shocked. This fund has earned Too much profit has been taken away from the market.”

Zhou Kan nodded and said: "The key is that the prediction is too good."

"Big money trading means you have to predict other people's expectations." Xu Xiang said, "If you can't do this, it will be difficult to react when the market turns. For example, take the 'Yu Hang Series' For this huge main force of funds, from the perspective of retail investors, or medium and small investors, yesterday's favorable interest rate and reserve requirement ratio cuts by the central bank are definitely the best time to sell chips and take profits and retreat, right?

But for a huge amount of funds like the ‘Yu Hang System’.

If we had not predicted the market situation in advance, we would have only started to reduce our positions and take profits yesterday.

Then, it will inevitably be dragged down by funds that follow suit from all walks of life, resulting in a tragic situation of self-destruction. If the net value does not fall sharply and sharply in the short term, there will be no way out.

This is the reason why a ship turns around in a disaster.

If we want to increase the volume and scale of funds in the future, we must learn the trading ideas of the 'Yuhang Series' funds and its predictive capabilities, so that we can predict the predictions of other major funds one step in advance. Judge and make strategic responses in advance when the market trend has not fully emerged. "

Zhou Kan nodded and said, "Boss, I understand."

Xu Xiang nodded slightly, continued to review the trading for a while, and said: "Since the core main funds of the 'Yu Hang Group' have completed reducing positions and taking profits, then in the short term, 'Big Finance', 'Big Infrastructure', Among the core main fields of 'military industry', it is absolutely impossible for there to be any major rebound in the main market. Let's continue to reduce our positions tomorrow. At the same time, we can pay attention to 'big consumption', 'smartphone industry chain', and 'mobile "Looking at the market trends of the three main low-level lines of the Internet, let's see if the market at this position can truly break out of the logic and main line thinking of 'high-low switching'."

"What do you think, boss?" Zhou Kan said, "Do you think these three main lines can be resolved?"

Xu Xiang smiled and said: "According to my analysis, I think the probability that these three main lines can come out is very small, but the market trend does not mean that things with a small probability will not happen, so we still have to pay careful attention , if it comes out, then we will increase some positions in this direction. If it does not come out, it means that the market is really difficult to stabilize at this position, so we should continue to reduce positions, reserve enough funds, and wait for the market Continue to adjust to a higher point position, and then increase the position."

"In general, there is nothing wrong with the basic logic of the bull market, right?" Zhou Kan said.

Xu Xiang nodded and said: "Based on the current overall market trend and market feedback, the vast majority of investors still believe that this is a bull market. As long as the Shanghai Stock Index does not break below 3,000 points, it will maintain a relatively strong shock pattern. , there is no need to rise, then the market expectations of the bull market will definitely continue to strengthen after the short-term retracement."

"Yeah." Zhou Kan nodded and said, "I think so too."

After saying that, he continued to focus on the fixed market of the two cities, continued to review the market, and continued to formulate subsequent trading strategies.

And at the same time.

In the Shenzhen market at this moment, inside Xiniu Fund Company.

In the main fund trading room, Mou Zhengxing, the trading manager of the 'Manniu No. 2' fund product, stared at the dragon and tiger ranking data of the two cities where the 'Yu Hang Group' was once again invisible, as well as the financing balance data that continued to increase after the market plummeted, and felt the same in his heart He was puzzled and said: "The main funds of the 'Yu Hang Group' are really crazy. They sold more than 2 billion on a large scale yesterday, giving people a phenomenon and expectation of extreme selling and selling regardless of cost. The result... wait until today After a large amount of main funds and countless investors following the trend and selling in large quantities, they actually disappeared from the dragon and tiger lists of the two cities again. What the hell is this guy doing? Is it possible that he has at least 150 billion in capital volume? Want to do some micro-management every now and then?”

"It's hard to say." Hearing Mou Zhengxing's emotion, Fang Xinsheng responded, "It's not clear whether micro-management or not, but through the data of the Dragon and Tiger Rankings of the two cities yesterday and today, we can know that the main capital of the 'Yu Hang Group' , now, there has been a large-scale reduction of positions in several core main lines such as 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', and 'military industry'. These latter main line areas may not be able to escape the fate of concentrated and continuous selling by the main capital groups. .”

"Why is it said that the main force of the 'Yu Hang Group' has already reduced its positions on a large scale in the main areas of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry'?" At this time, Xin Niu was behind the two of them. Liu Xinlue, the general manager of the fund company, asked with some confusion, "According to yesterday's market dragon and tiger ranking data, it was not the 'Yu Hang Group' that was the main force that began to reduce its positions in 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', and 'military industry' on a large scale. Are these the main themes?"

Fang Xinsheng chuckled and said: "Mr. Liu... is it possible that the data on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking we see is what others want us to see."

"What?" Liu Xin was shocked, "Is this a trace deliberately left by the 'Yuhang Department', the main force of funds, on the dragon and tiger lists of the two cities?"

Fang Xinsheng nodded and said: "I was not sure before today's Dragon and Tiger Ranking data came out, but after today's Dragon and Tiger Ranking data came out, I was basically sure that the 'Yuhang Department' is the main source of funds. , definitely deliberately leaving traces of large-scale concentrated selling on the Dragon and Tiger list.”

"Why do you do this?" Liu Xin didn't quite understand. "Wouldn't it be easier to trigger countless funds in the market to follow suit and sell, causing the market to fluctuate even more?"

Fang Xinsheng nodded slightly and said, "Mr. Liu, you are right. Is it possible that they just hope that the market will fluctuate more and adjust more violently at this stage?"

"I don't quite understand." Liu Xin said.

However, at this time, Mou Zhengxing fully reacted and said: "I understand, the main fund of the 'Yu Hang Group' is doing this because it wants to more thoroughly clean up the 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', The profit taking and unwinding of arbitrage and other floating chips on the core main lines of 'military industry' have created a better bull market environment for the market."

Fang Xinsheng nodded and said: "You can say that, but there is another aspect. It is also convenient for them to get back their chips at a lower position after harvesting profits."

"So...this capital is really insidious." Liu Xin said.

Fang Xinsheng replied: "This is not called insidious, it is called conspiracy. Even if everyone knows this, they often have to follow and be led by this main force of funds, because this main force of funds has no regard for market investment sentiment and follows the trend. The impact of the market is really too great.”

"That's true." Mou Zhengxing sighed with emotion and said helplessly, "There are too many other financial groups that are brainlessly following the 'Yu Hang Group', which is the main force in capital operations. If you don't want to follow, you will be fooled. If you are coerced into it, you will eventually be harvested by the funds of the 'Yu Hang Group'."

"So the correct approach is to predict the trend of the 'Yu Hang Group' funds and follow the operation of this fund in advance." Fang Xinsheng said, "According to the operation of this fund, and deliberately leaving selling positions on the Dragon and Tiger List Judging from the process of stimulating the change of market sentiment to the short direction, it can fully illustrate that the main funds of the 'Yu Hang Group' are still optimistic about the core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' of."

"You've already reduced your positions and sold your chips on a large scale. How can you still say you're optimistic?" Liu Xin didn't quite understand.

Fang Xinsheng said: "In the market, there is a saying called selling, which is to make better purchases at a more appropriate time. Selling chips does not mean that you are not optimistic about the development of the main line of the current position. In fact, if you put 'Yu The development of the main line market dominated by the "Yu Hang System" can be compared to the speculation of a concept stock, and this wave of operations of the "Yu Hang System" can be understood as hot money hyping up the concept stock, and it is very easy to understand."

"Understood!" After hearing Fang Xinsheng's explanation, Liu Xin finally understood and said, "According to this logic... the main idea of ​​'switching between high and low' in the current market will most likely not be possible? "(End of chapter)

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