Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 863: Trading strategies under weak market conditions!

Xu Xiang thought for a while and said: "It was not disclosed on the previous Dragon Tiger List. If the 'Yu Hang Group' fund does not disclose its position data and fund net value, no one will know about it, but... we The main funds of the stock market have huge positions in the main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry'.

Even if the position was reduced in advance and profit was taken, a lot of positions should still be reserved.

Absolutely not all positions will be reduced and profits will be taken out.

After all, the underlying logic of the current bull market is still there.

As long as this logic exists, the main funds of the 'Yu Hang Group' should not all reduce their positions and leave the market, because once they all leave the market, it will be more difficult and easier for such a huge amount of funds to continue to build positions in the future. Being attacked by the main funds from all walks of life in the market. "

"Yeah!" Zhou Kan nodded and said, "I think so too. It is unlikely that the funds of the 'Yu Hang Group' will completely leave the market. At the maximum limit, it should reduce more than half of its positions."

Xu Xiang smiled and continued: "No matter what the current movements of the main funds of the 'Yu Hang Group' are, it will not change our company's current investment strategy and trading strategy. Based on today's intraday trends in the two markets, as well as the closing price As a result... the Shanghai Stock Index is at 3,500 points, and there is a high probability that it will not be able to stop."

"The 3600 point collapsed at the first touch, and the 3500 point is naturally difficult to hold." Zhou Kan responded, "It has only been two or three trading days since the news of the central bank's interest rate cut and the RRR cut. It can be clearly seen that the market adjustment is far from done at this time. At the end of the day, the days to come will be even more difficult, and there is a high probability... that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index will fall below the 3,500-point mark as predicted by the boss before, continue to find bottom and build support, and may even go back to 3,000 points."

As the two people discussed the latest data on the Dragon and Tiger Rankings disclosed by the two cities.

As well as the latest predictions about the main capital trends of the ‘Yu Hang Group’.

At this time, where other major investor groups in the two cities gathered, as well as in the ‘Yuhang Main Hot Money Group’ where Su Yu was located, everyone was also discussing the after-hours dragon and tiger ranking data of the two cities.

"What's going on? The 'Yu Hang Department' headed by President Su still doesn't appear on the Dragon and Tiger list today."

"This shows that in the past two days when the market plummeted, the 'Yuhang Department' led by President Su did not reduce its positions significantly at all."

"I agree. Except for the day before yesterday when the central bank cut interest rates and lowered reserve requirements, the 'Yu Hang Group' led by President Su reduced some of its chips on a large scale. In the past two days, there has been absolutely no reduction in holdings."

"Logically speaking, once the 'Yuhang Department' led by President Su has the idea of ​​reducing its positions and taking profits, there is no reason for it to suddenly change its strategy and stop!"

"Is it possible that Mr. Su has no intention of reducing positions and taking profits on a large scale?"

"There is another possibility. Didn't a big brother in the group say this before? That is that the 'Yu Hang Group' headed by President Su has long been implementing the strategy of reducing positions and stopping profits, and the news of the central bank's interest rate and reserve requirement cuts the day before yesterday The implementation of the plan will create a situation where the good things turned into bad things, which is when the main funds of the 'Yu Hang Department' managed by President Su have completed a large-scale reduction of positions and profit taking."

"If this is the case, then Mr. Su's prediction of the market conditions of the two cities should not be too accurate."

"Originally, the 'Yuhang Group', the main force of funds, is terrifyingly accurate in judging the market conditions of the two markets."

"Also, basically, we follow the market rhythm every time."

"Well, the two speculations will bring about two judgments about the market conditions. If the 'Yuhang Department' controlled by President Su does not have the idea of ​​​​large-scale reduction of positions and profit-taking, then the current market conditions are very likely to It will reverse quickly. If the 'Yuhang Group' headed by President Su has the idea of ​​​​reducing positions and taking profits on a large scale, then the next market trend will be quite unoptimistic."

"The market has fallen sharply for three consecutive days. It has retreated from 3,800 points to below 3,600 points. How can we be optimistic?"

"That's true. It's quite pessimistic to begin with."

"It cannot be said to be pessimistic. The current market sentiment is generally bullish in the long term."

"We are bullish in the long term, but it does not affect the short-term decline."

"With the trend of the two cities, the 3,500 point that everyone generally believes is definitely unsustainable."

"3,500 points cannot be sustained. If the Shanghai Stock Index continues to decline, it will reach around 3,000 points before it will have a strong supporting effect."

"Actually, I think that although the market is still in the adjustment stage, the risk is actually not great."

"As long as the underlying logic of the bull market remains unchanged, then this adjustment is not a problem at all."

"But, in general, the core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' that have continued to surge in the early stage should be completely avoided in the near future, right?"

"That's for sure. Although the 'Yuhang Department' headed by Mr. Su does not appear on the dragon and tiger lists of the two cities, major institutions in the market and many retail investor groups find it difficult to believe that Mr. Su is in charge." Yuhang will not continue to reduce its positions, and since the trend of continuing to follow the trend of selling has been formed, it will be difficult to stop in the short term."

"It's not difficult to stop. The recent trend is simply impossible to stop."

"Well, from the perspective of trend analysis, it is completely correct to temporarily avoid the main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry'."

“In the main areas of ‘big finance’, ‘big infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’, the trend of a number of concept stocks recently has been really tragic!”

"Isn't it? Bluestone Heavy Equipment and Huake Sugon, two core popular stocks in the new stock concept sector, have fallen to their limit three times in a row."

"There are also tickets such as 'Great Wisdom, Flush, Shanghai Steel Union, Hua Ke Financial...'. The trends in the past three days have also been very tragic."

"It feels like the core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' will continue to fall, and the market index will never see a bottom."

"It's not that there's no bottom, it's the recent short-term speculation that can't be done at all!"

"If you are doing recent trading...either completely avoid the three core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry', or completely take a short position and rest."

"The film and television media sector should also be avoided."

"In the early stage, all the popular stocks in the three core main areas of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' have all collapsed by now, right?"

"There is no doubt that everything has collapsed."

"Oh, I just hit the limit today. I feel that buying the bottom at this time is also a huge risk."

"The 3,600 point position is not originally a strong support. If you really want to try to buy the bottom, I think you can still give it a try at the 3,500 point point."

"After the two checks from Bluestone Heavy Equipment and Huake Suguang, and then a lower limit, it should be almost done."

"It shouldn't be possible for the two checks of Blue Stone Heavy Equipment and Huake Suguang to go again, right?"

"It's hard to say. In the current market, the attention and discussion of these two checks are still very high."

"I think the current opportunities are in the field of 'big consumption', or in the fields of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain'."

"The two main lines of 'big consumption' and 'pharmaceuticals' are mostly heavyweight stocks, which are not in line with our trading methods. As for the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', although they are currently in At a relatively low level, after the hype last year, there is relatively sufficient time for adjustment this year, but with the 'Internet Finance' sector as a drag, it feels like it is difficult to make room for it!"

"Sigh, the 'Internet Finance' sector has indeed dragged down the performance of these two main lines."

"But it is obvious that the trend logic of the 'Internet Finance' sector does not follow the main trend of 'mobile Internet' at all!"

"When the 'Mobile Internet' sector rises, it follows 'Big Finance', but when it falls, it will inevitably affect the core line of 'Mobile Internet'."

“Then we can only speculate on the relatively strong ‘Apple concept’ sector in the ‘smartphone industry chain’.”

"The Apple concept sector is indeed a good direction for speculation."

"In fact, in the 'Apple Concept' sector, the core targets have already emerged. For example, 'Changying Precision' is on the second consecutive board today."

"Well, the subject of 'Apple Concept' can be considered a key focus at the moment. Is there anything else?"

"Is there another aspect of 'Internet e-commerce'? After Ali Baba's re-listing, it should still have a driving role in the conceptual field of 'Internet e-commerce'. That is, there were various funds in this conceptual sector before. The layout, but recently, I really can’t see it.”

"The concept of 'Internet e-commerce' has been speculated several times by various funds in the market before, but there has been no consistent long expectation."

"At that time, there were several core main lines such as 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', and 'military industry' that continued to siphon off the active capital groups in the market. How could it be possible to speculate on consistent long expectations? But now... it is completely different. It’s the same. Although the core lines of ‘big finance’, ‘big infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’ have fallen sharply, they have indeed released a lot of active funds in the market, and these active funds are currently indeed We are looking for a new main line of the market to carry out speculation and layout. I think... it is a new idea to speculate on the 'Internet e-commerce' line now."

"Yes, in fact, we can also link the concept of 'Internet e-commerce' and the main line of hype ideas with the line of 'big consumption'."

"Be smart. Choosing "Internet Finance" concept stocks with "big consumption" attributes is the correct way to market and speculate. Analyze according to this logic... There are not many stocks that should meet the conditions, right?"

"There are still several of them, and I feel it is enough to form a plate effect."

"Tomorrow, let's try to get the 'Sanjiang Shopping' check. Is there anyone in our group who wants to follow the offer?"

"I think 'Xinhuadu' is better!"

“The check from ‘Hualian Supermarket’ is pretty good too.”

"The stock quality of 'Sanjiang Shopping' is relatively better."

"I will wait for you to bring out the money-making effect of the entire sector before entering the market. Come on, everyone."

"I don't plan to be in this sector. I feel that if the index can still make a quick sell-off in early trading tomorrow, then the concept of 'oversold rebound' will be quite hyped."

"Well, the 'oversold rebound' line is indeed pretty good."

"The logic of 'rebound from oversold' still has to wait until the major institutional groups in the market understand that the 'Yu Hang Group' led by President Su has completed the strategy of large-scale lightening of positions and taking profits before they will have the motivation to place orders. Right? After all, if we do the market at that time, the pressure on the market will be much less."

"I agree. At present, the selling pressure in the three main areas of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' is still very heavy."

"There is no way it won't be heavy. It has been rising for such a long time, accumulating such huge profits, and liberating so many historical hold-ups. These profit-takes and unwinding of arbitrage, under the leadership of President Su, Yuhang Under the inducement of 'reducing positions and taking profits, these are chips that must be thrown out."

“Isn’t it true that no one is optimistic about the ‘coal’ and ‘non-ferrous cycle’ sectors?”

"These two major sectors have serious fundamental flaws and are not optimistic at all."

"I'm not optimistic either. The so-called sectors with serious money-losing effects must be avoided. At present, these two sectors are neither driven by fundamental expectations nor focused by major funds, and are completely inconsistent with the direction of market making. .”

"However, although the fundamentals of these two major sectors have serious flaws, the decline has been really tragic."

"The stock price is also really low."

"We are not an institution. I think the direction of the market should still be based on emotions."

"The two directions of 'Internet e-commerce' and 'Apple concept' that everyone discussed before are indeed very good. If we really want to make a market now, I feel that we can only do it from these two directions."

With the rapid refresh of news in the group, and the in-depth analysis of market conditions by many hot money tycoons in the group.

The investment sentiment of the entire market is also changing rapidly.

I saw that the bullish sentiment was increasingly turning to bearish sentiment. Moreover, amidst the change in market sentiment, the external market also opened lower and moved lower in the evening, casting a further shadow on domestic investors' expectations for the market outlook.

Then, when the next day came, Thursday, December 11th.

The two markets once again showed an overall low opening trend, and a number of early popular main lines such as 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', and 'military industry' also suffered heavy losses again.

However, the main lines of "big finance", "big infrastructure" and "military industry" suffered heavy losses across the board.

Moreover, the main lines of ‘big consumption’, ‘mobile Internet’, and ‘smartphone industry chain’ are also in the doldrums.

The two major conceptual sectors, ‘Apple concept’ and ‘Internet e-commerce’, have clearly emerged as new forces and have become the leading conceptual sectors in the two cities.

Moreover, these two major concept sectors are the core stocks.

The check from Changying Precision even closed the daily limit at the opening of the market, successfully achieving a strong trend of three consecutive boards.

There is also the "Sanjiang Shopping" check, which was also opened at a significantly higher price. As soon as the market officially opened, it was intensively speculated by various short-term financial groups. (End of chapter)

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