Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 867: Quietly changing market expectations!

Gong Tiancheng nodded slightly and said: "That's true. This shows that the vast number of investors in the market are not very optimistic about the short- and medium-term market trends, but they are still optimistic about the long-term trend of the market and their confidence in the bull market. It is quite sufficient, and it also shows that the market’s overall investment confidence and sentiment, as well as the entire market ecology, are still significantly different from when the Shanghai Stock Index was over 2,000 points.”

"Yes." Zhou Qiang nodded and said, "At the same time, when the market index continues to adjust downward, the market's volume and energy performance is also very good. In today's market, the general volume and energy performance can be maintained at least It’s above 900 billion, and the trading situation is really active.”

Gong Tiancheng said with a smile: "If there is volume, then the market will follow. This fully demonstrates that the bull market structure of the market has not fundamentally changed. The short-term adjustment of the market can also be regarded as a round of benign adjustment. What we can do now... Just wait patiently for the market adjustment to end and the index to return to the upward channel."

"We... don't need to further reduce our positions?" Zhou Qiang paused and asked.

Gong Tiancheng responded: "At this position, it is of little significance to continue to reduce positions and sell down. In recent days, many core areas of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', 'military industry' and 'film and television media' have seen many hot spots." The correction of stocks and heavyweight stocks has almost reached 20%.

According to the past market development and the past trends in the positive correction of the core main line.

The main line of popular weights and the corresponding core stocks generally adjust by about 20% to 30%, which is about the same.

If we continue to reduce our positions at this time, we will not be able to avoid much retracement. Instead, we will lose our original chips with a high probability, which is not worth the gain! "

Zhou Qiang thought for a while and said: "Well, initially, the Shanghai Stock Index is around 3,500 points. Although it is difficult to hold on, there is probably not much room for adjustment if it goes downwards."

As long as the bull market expectation logic of the market does not break, as long as the market's investment ecology remains in its current state.

Neither Zhou Qiang nor Gong Tiancheng believed that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index would fall back below 3,000 points, and neither of them had any idea about the core main lines of "big finance", "big infrastructure", "military industry", and "film and television media" that have been undergoing drastic adjustments. We have always maintained relatively optimistic expectations.

After all, we must consider the fundamentals of the market and policy trends.

In the entire market, there is indeed no main line area with stronger expectations and more obvious fundamental reversal than the core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', 'military industry' and 'film and television media'.

As for the currently slightly stronger hot topics of ‘big consumption’, ‘mobile internet’ and ‘smartphone industry chain’.

Both people also believe that this is just a result of rising market risk aversion in the short term.

When the market investment sentiment and investment confidence gradually recover and return to the previous trend, the market trends of these new core market core lines will definitely still be under huge market pressure, and there will not be much sustained profit-making effect. It is difficult to get out of the early trend of core main market trends such as 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', and 'military industry'.

As the two discussed the market.

At the same time, during the lunch break, in other stock investment exchange forums, communities, post bars, financial media website comment areas and other places on the Internet, countless retail investor groups were also responding to the fact that the market was significantly lower than expected and continued to fall fiercely. Trends are also hotly debated.

"Damn it, it's still falling. I'm speechless."

"The three core lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' are really hopeless."

"Oh, I bought the bottom this morning. I thought I could make a little profit, but now... I've lost it again. I'm really speechless... How could it fall so low?"

"At the 3600 point level, it feels like paper, with no support at all."

"Don't talk about 3600 points, it's really hard to say whether 3500 points can have strong support. Originally, I thought that the Shanghai Stock Index would be corrected to 3500 points, but now... I'm afraid that the Shanghai Stock Index will be 3500 points. I can’t hold on, I really don’t know where I will fall again?”

"It feels like the core lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' are completely abandoned, right?"

"Oh, I really miss the market trend last month. I can basically make money no matter when I buy it or how I buy it."

"The trends in the two major sectors of 'military industry' and 'Internet finance' in recent trading days have been really tragic."

"That's right, it's too tragic."

"In the 'Securities' sector and the 'Internet Finance' sector, many core stocks have experienced corrections of more than 20% in just a few days."

‘Oh, stop talking. The ‘Flush’ check I bought has already hit the limit twice in a row. "

"The current trend of the market is really bullish."

"It's completely in a bear market trend. Is this bull market just over? The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index is less than 4,000 points. Is the bull market so short-lived?"

"Isn't that true? Is the bull market over so soon?"

"In recent trading days, the core main lines of the markets of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', 'military industry', and 'film and television media' have supported the market trend and driven the market's continued upward trend. What do you mean?" Is it going to fall too hard? It feels like it’s going to collapse across the board!”

"It's gone up several times, but it's been down 20 to 30 percent. Is that normal?"

"It feels like the main fund of the 'Yu Hang Series' managed by Mr. Su, apart from the day when the central bank lowered interest rates and reserve requirements, there hasn't been any large-scale selling in recent trading days?"

"I have already said that this round of market decline has nothing to do with the 'Yuhang Department' run by President Su."

"What does that have to do with it? It feels like the fall is really nonsensical."

"Is it related to the central bank's interest rate and reserve requirement ratio cuts? It shouldn't be...isn't this good news?"

"It's really strange. When the market didn't have a big positive trend before, the trend was quite strong. As a result, when there was a positive trend, it collapsed."

"Actually, on the market, the trend of the core main lines of 'big consumption', 'medicine', 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' is quite strong, right? It hasn't fallen much in the past few days."

"That's because these core main lines haven't seen much growth in the past!"

“Are the two core themes of ‘big finance’ and ‘big infrastructure’ really doomed?”

"It's hard to say, but there will definitely be no improvement for the time being. All the major financial groups are selling off chips in these two core main areas."

"Oh, it's really strange. If there is a good thing, it will fall. If there is no good thing, it will fall. If there is a good thing, it will fall. If there is no bad thing, it will fall."

"Not surprising, this is A-share."

"I really didn't catch up with the rise, but caught up with the fall."

"Sigh, this trend is poisonous. I don't know where the problem is. I feel that the market's turnover and trading situation are still very good. Moreover, this is a trillion-dollar turnover. For the entire 'Big Finance' main line, for the entire securities , Internet financial sector, shouldn’t it be good?”

"Is it possible that he was killed by mistake?"

"Can such a large-scale continuous decline be called a wrongful killing? Have you ever seen such a wrongful selling?"

"No matter what, let's reduce our positions first. I feel that the time at the end of the year is really not suitable for stocks."

"Isn't it necessary to reduce positions at this time? The market has fallen by more than 200 points. What's more, the support of 3,500 points is still very strong. The market will definitely have a strong rebound to repair the market."

"But what if the subsequent market trend continues to fall? What if... 3,500 points cannot be sustained at all?"

"If 3,500 points cannot be supported, and if it goes downward... where will the support be?"

"Then it will probably be around 3200 o'clock, or even 3000 o'clock, right?"

"It shouldn't be the case, right? I always feel that there are no problems with the two core lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure' and the underlying investment logic."

"Currently, the mood is still too pessimistic regarding the market expectations for these two main lines."

"Looking at the entire market, I feel that the core stocks in the main areas of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure' still have the lowest valuations in the entire market!"

"I now find that whether the stock price rises or not has little to do with valuation."

"Haha... Agreed."

"It still has something to do with it, right? At least if the valuation is very cheap, I don't know if it will rise or not, and it won't go anywhere if it falls!"

"It doesn't matter. Whether it goes up or not is purely determined by funds."

"Looking at the direction of the main net flow of funds, there is indeed little opportunity in the core main line of 'big finance'."

"There was no chance."

"I think no matter what the main line is, no matter what individual stocks, as long as the money-losing effect is amplifying, then we should stay away. At present, the core main line fields such as 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry', no matter they are hot The money-losing effect of stocks and non-popular stocks continues to amplify.”

"That's true. If you escape from sectors with serious money-losing effects, you won't be hijacked by emotions, which will affect your mentality."

"Hey, everyone, is there still a chance for the 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' check? It has dropped several times in a row."

"There is a saying that an outdated faucet is not as good as a dog. For the 'Blue Stone Reloading' check, the previous stock price increase exceeded expectations. Now the market attention and bullish sentiment for this check are all declining crazily. At this time, go If you buy this stock, aren’t you waiting to lose money?”

"Similarly, anyone who buys a check for 'Huake Dawn' at this time is just as stupid."

"What should I do? Do you want to cut off the flesh?"

"I think the check of 'Blue Stone Reload' will definitely continue to plummet in the future. Cut the meat if you can. If you cut it and buy other stocks, you will make money back sooner or later. If you stick to this check, there is really no hope."

"Oh, I really didn't keep up when it went up, but I caught up when it went down!"

"The check I bought for 'China Airlines Heavy Machinery' is not as good as the check for 'Bluestone Heavy Equipment'. 'Military Industry' is really speechless. When it goes up, it goes up like crazy. When it goes down, it goes down again. It doesn't matter at all." normal."

"The worst thing is still the 'Internet Finance' sector. Today, in the entire sector, there are almost 10 stocks that have fallen by more than 5%."

"It's still different. Although the 'Internet Finance' sector has fallen sharply in the past few trading days, it also rose really sharply in the early days, such as Flush, Great Wisdom, Huake Financial, Oriental Fortune..." Which of these votes does not have a three- or five-fold increase?"

"Then what's the explanation for the check of 'Founder Securities'? This check, when the securities sector was soaring, it didn't move. Now that the whole 'big finance' has fully corrected, the securities sector has also continued to correct. This check has continued to plummet, and has successively hit new lows in recent stock prices and new lows in annual stock prices. It is really outrageous. I bought this check... I am really unlucky to the extreme, and I really can't keep up when I eat meat. When I was beaten, I fought and fought to be the first.”

"Is there something wrong with the fundamentals of the check of 'Founder Securities'?"

"It's not a fundamental problem, it's a problem with internal shareholders. Someone is deliberately suppressing the stock price. If you ask me... when choosing stocks, either choose popular stocks where the main funds are concentrated on a large scale. Either choose performance stocks with excellent fundamentals, and try to touch as little as possible, or avoid buying, stocks that are clearly negative at first glance."

"It makes sense, oh...I regret it!"

"I hope I can hold on to 3,500 points. This drop... is really uncomfortable."

"I just entered the market last week, and I got slapped when I came in. I'm speechless."

"Sure enough, the characteristics of Big A are still very distinct. Whatever goes up, it will fall down."

“Look at the investment consultants and analysts of major brokerage companies, as well as the financial media... they are still actively singing long, shouting that all corrections are good buying opportunities in the market. I feel... their conscience will not Does it hurt?"

“How much is a conscience worth?”

"That's right, how much is conscience worth? If these securities companies, financial media, and Internet celebrities... can all be believed, then sows can climb trees."

"Indeed, the words of these unscrupulous media cannot be believed."

"Not only can't you believe it, but based on my experience, listening to the opposite often works wonders."

“So it’s still not a bull market now?”

"It should still be in the bull market stage, right? After all, the Shanghai Stock Index has not fallen below 3,500 points, and is it still above 3,000 points? And based on the trend of the single-day K-line chart, the current Shanghai Stock Index has only just returned to the 20th It’s just a line. From the long-term technical trend analysis, the entire market is definitely still in a continuous upward trend.”

"At present, the market trend should not be broken."

"Above 3,500 points, we can continue to see a bull market. As for after it falls below... that's unclear."

"The bull market depends on faith. Anyway, now I think it's better to close when things are good and not to follow a pattern."

"We don't even want the "Yuhang Department" headed by President Su. If we try to create a pattern again, isn't that asking for death? Withdrawing after just one bite of meat is the right way for A-shares to survive."

"Alas, the market failed to keep up with the last wave of continuous surge, and now we really have to change our trading ideas."

"It turns out that at this stage, the bear market trading strategy is more useful."

"Indeed, with the market trend like this, we can no longer have too high expectations for the market outlook."

With the intense discussions among retail investors across the Internet, as well as analysts, investment consultants from major brokerage companies, and major Internet influencers, the financial media continues to sing with multiple voices.

The short break of one and a half hours at noon flew by in a flash.

Unknowingly, the time came to 1 p.m. sharp again. After a brief suspension of trading for an hour and a half, the two markets once again ushered in the continuous bidding trading period. (End of chapter)

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