Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 869: Deep V counterattack at the end of the session!

"The stock index bottomed out and rebounded. Is this the end of the adjustment?"

In the main hot money group of Yuhang where Su Yu was located, some hot money made surprised sounds.

"It's hard to say, but judging from the market, the sentiment should be about the same. At least the phased sell-off sentiment should be released."

"Short-term sentiment has bottomed out, and the market should have a decent rebound next."

"I agree, it still depends on the gains and losses of the Shanghai Stock Index near 3,600 points. If it can maintain 3,600 points, I feel that this wave of adjustment is really close."

"The index problem shouldn't be a big deal, right?"

"It seems that the general trend of the entire market is still in the bull market stage."

"If it doesn't break 3,000 points, it will always be in the bull market stage, but the specific market performance... I'm afraid there will be big variables."

"We should be light on the index and heavy on individual stocks, right?"

"At present, I feel that the investment and speculation opportunities in the main areas of 'big consumption', 'medicine', 'mobile internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' are significantly higher than those of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', ‘Military industry’ and other early core main line areas, right?”

"I don't think so."

"Currently, for the market to be stable, the three core lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' must be put into action."

"'Anjie Technology, Changying Precision, Quan Tong Education...' These checks feel like the leaders of this round of rebound!"

"At present, there is still no clear conceptual theme that can replace the three core themes of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry', right?"

"I think that at this time, the opportunity to backhand and continue to be long in popular stocks in the three core main fields of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' is greater than that of 'medicine', 'consumption' and 'mobile Internet' ,'smartphone industry chain' these main line areas of opportunity."

"'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' and 'Huake Dawn' are both rebounding significantly."

"Is there anyone buying the stock of Blue Stone Heavy Equipment at the bottom?"

"The chips on the 'Blue Stone Reload' check have been scattered. It should be difficult to pull it up, right? I think it is better to buy the 'Blue Stone Reload' check at the bottom than on the 'Flush, Great Wisdom, and Hua Ke Jincai' With a few checks, or in other words, buying the 'Shanghai Steel Union' check at the bottom, the winning rate may be even greater."

"'Shanghai Steel Union' is a good check."

“Damn it, I just said that the ‘Shanghai Iron and Steel Federation’ check has gone up in value.”

“Is the Shanghai Stock Exchange going to go into a deep V and reverse?”

"It feels like the Shanghai Stock Index can regain 3,600 points in late trading."

"It seems that this position, in terms of short-term trend, is indeed the end of the line, and it can make a rebound."

"The rebound in the market is basically certain, but it is difficult to grasp the specific main themes of concepts. I feel that there are quite a lot of hot spots at this moment!"

“The strongest one should be the ‘Internet online education’ line brought out by ‘All Access Education’.”

"Retail and Internet e-commerce are also possible."

"The 'Apple Concept' is fine too, and OFILM Technology's check feels like it's going to hit the daily limit."

"Haha... After falling for several days, we finally have a strong rebound. Take the time to make money. Maybe after this rebound, the market will continue to fall."

"The Shanghai Stock Index has fallen back to the 20-day line, and it will definitely slow down in the short term."

"The 20-day line feels like it can't hold on."

"If the 20-day line cannot hold up, if you go down... you can only look at the 60-day line for support, and the 60-day line... is between 3300 and 3200 points!"

"No matter how the index goes, let me long as the market goes up, there are no systemic risks, and there is no liquidity crisis, there will always be hot spots on the market and local money-making effects, so...we Just follow the hot spots and the money-making effect."

"I feel that the core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', 'military industry', and 'film and television media'... now... the market trend of the 'film and television media' line has become one of these four core main lines. It’s the strongest main line sector.”

"The main reason is that under the weak market conditions, the concept stocks in the 'film and television media' line are basically small and medium-cap stocks."

"Yes, the rebound of 'LeTV' is so strong!"

"'LeTV, Wangsu Technology, Oriental Fortune...' these heavyweight component stocks of the GEM Index have all rebounded in large quantities at this moment."

"In terms of index feedback, I feel that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index has become the weakest market index."

“Shouldn’t the weakest market index be the A50 index?”

“Have you ever felt that the style of the market is changing significantly? It seems that the trend of the entire market has begun to change from the previous heavyweight large-cap stocks, core central and state-owned enterprises stocks, to a group dominated by small and medium-sized boards and GEM stocks. Small and mid-cap growth stocks are on the rise.”

"At present, there seems to be signs of this, but it is not obvious."

"Is it obvious? Look at the corresponding popular stocks that have changed within an hour, 'Quantong Education, Changying Precision, Anjie Technology, Inspur Information, Inspur Software, Internet Speed ​​Technology, LeTV...' This check is all It’s a stock in the direction of the Small and Medium Enterprise Board and the Growth Enterprise Market!”

"However, there is still no more consistent expectation!"

"In order to form more consistent expectations, the market will have to last for several days, and it will have to form an obvious sector effect."

"Let's look at it again. Although there are some signs of main line market switching and hot spot switching in the market at this moment, it is not obvious. At this time, it can only be regarded as an opportunity on the left side, and it is far from an opportunity on the right side. At this time, it is rash to If you attack, there is still a high chance that you will make a mistake."

"Both the left side and the right side have their own advantages and disadvantages, right?"

"I think as long as there are no extreme market risks in the market, it is actually more cost-effective to trade on the left."

"In a bull market, the left-hand trading model is appropriate."

"I feel that the future expectations of the two core lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure' are stronger. These so-called growth stocks in the direction of small and medium-sized enterprises and GEM, whether it is the valuation or the historical position of the stock price, or It's not as good as some core weight stocks in the main areas of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure'. When doing these so-called growth stocks, I always feel uneasy and unable to hold the bargaining chip!"

"It feels like these tickets can only be used for short-term purposes, not long-term."

"95% of our A-share stocks are not suitable for long-term operations, but are only suitable for short- and medium-term operations."

"That's right. Therefore, following the hot spots in the market and jumping in and out quickly is the way to go."

"Currently, the market has an opportunity to switch to the main line, but... I feel that without the 'Yu Hang Series', a main force fund that plays a great role in guiding the main line of the market, other main funds cannot guide the market at all."

"Without the main funds of the 'Yu Hang Department' managed by President Su, the entire market seems to have lost its soul."

"If it were Mr. Su, in the face of the current market trend, which direction do you think Mr. Su would start from?"

"It will definitely not be the main line of early holdings of the main fund products of the 'Yu Hang Series' managed by President Su, such as 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry'. After taking profits out of the position, we will comprehensively increase the chips in the two core main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain'."

"Speaking of which, these two core main lines continued to explode last year. Is it also Mr. Su's work?"

"Well, I still remember last year when President Su focused on the 'Shanghai Steel Federation' check. He was really... high-spirited!"

"That's right, so I think in this wave, Mr. Su will most likely secretly build chips in the main line areas of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain'."

"That's not the case. If Mr. Su secretly builds positions on these two core main lines, then with the huge amount of funds in Mr. Su's hands, the market trend of these two core main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' will , it’s impossible for there to be no movement at all.”

"I think at this stage, the main fund products of the 'Yuhang Series' managed by President Su are definitely still in a state of continuing to reduce their positions, or in a light position."

"I think so too, otherwise the core main lines of the market would have made some changes long ago."

"Didn't many people in our group subscribe to the main fund products of the 'Yu Hang Series' managed by Mr. Su? Let me tell you what is going on with the 'Yu Hang Series' fund products currently managed by Mr. Su. After all... At the current stage, the main fund product of the 'Yuhang Series' managed by President Su is still very important in influencing the market trend."

"Although I have subscribed for the 'Yuhang Series' fund products managed by Mr. Su, I don't know what the current situation is. Mr. Su does not announce the net value of his fund products, and no one knows what the current situation is."

"But I heard that the net worth will be announced by the end of the month at the latest, right?"

"That's for sure. According to the previous agreement on the establishment of fund products, one or two fund products should be subject to net settlement by the end of this month."

"No matter what the current situation of the 'Yuhang Series' fund products managed by President Su is, it should not affect the rebound trend of the market at its current position, right?"

"I think at this time, we should avoid the 'Yu Hang Series' concept stocks run by President Su."

"Let me go...'Flush' is rebounding so fiercely. The market has increased by almost 3 points."

"Look at the three checks of 'Netspeed Technology, LeTV, and Oriental Fortune'. They have all turned red, with an increase of more than 2 points."

"The GEM Index and the Small and Medium Enterprises Index have successfully turned red."

"It seems that there is basically no suspense about the deep V trend of the two cities today."

"The position around 3600 seems to have a certain supporting effect!"

"Haha, in the three major feeder market areas of Internet e-commerce, retail, and Apple concept sectors, the corresponding concept stocks have exploded across the board."

“It’s still a good idea to buy the bottom today!”

"The market trend is quite explosive. Buying the bottom and going long today is absolutely accurate."

With the rapid refresh of news in the group, as well as the in-depth analysis and trading strategy discussions of many hot money tycoons in the group on market trends.

As market trading hours continue to pass.

At 2:37 p.m., the core main lines of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index, and ChiNext Index finally realized an overall upward trend and completed the deep V market trend during the day.

At the same time, both the main lines of 'medicine' and 'consumption' are relatively resilient.

It is still the main line of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', 'military industry', and 'film and television media' that have suffered continuous declines before.

At this moment, all stocks are rebounding across the board.

Among them, many popular concept stocks have bottomed out and rebounded sharply.

A number of concept-themed sectors such as retail, Internet e-commerce, Apple concept, film and television media, Internet online education, etc., once went out of the daily limit trend in late trading.

At 2:38, the A50 index fell within 1%.

At 2:39, the weighted industry sector indexes in the three major 'big financial' main areas of securities, banking and insurance all shrunk to less than 1% during the day, and the 'banking' sector gradually formed a trend of rising red. .

At the same time, the "Internet Finance" sector's intraday decline also shrunk to less than 1%.

And a number of core concept stocks such as 'Flush, Great Wisdom, Oriental Fortune, Hengsheng Electronics, Changliang Technology, Huake Financial...' have already achieved a trend of rising in popularity.

At 2:40, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union hit a 6% increase.

At 2:41, with the daily trading volume of "Huaxin Securities" exceeding 12.7 billion, the market decline shrunk to less than 5%, indicating a strong trend of rising.

At 2:42, the check "Blue Stone Reload" rebounded from the intraday limit and turned red.

At 2:43, the check ‘Hua Ke Financial’ followed the trend and rose by 5% during the day.

At 2:44, the industry sector indexes in the three main "big infrastructure" areas of commercial real estate development, architectural decoration, and building materials all turned red and rose.

At 2:45, the intraday gains of the two major industry sector indexes, 'Internet Software' and 'Internet Applications', exceeded 5%, leading the industry sectors in the two cities.

At the same time, the industry sector of ‘film and television media’.

When the intraday amplitude reached 5%, at this moment, the increase expanded to 5%.

Among them, the core stocks in the film and television media sector, ‘Huace Film and Television, Ciwen Media’, have skyrocketed and begun to hit the daily limit.

At 2:46, the securities sector index turned red.

At 2:47, the intraday trading volume of ‘Huaxin Securities’ exceeded 12.8 billion, and the stock price surged.

At 2:48, the day's decline in the 'National Defense and Military Industry' industry sector shrunk to less than 1%. Among them, China Airlines Heavy Machinery, Aerospace Development, Hongdu Aviation... these more popular concept stocks, under the strong performance of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' Driven by the rebound, they have achieved a trend of rising red.

At 2:49, the intraday increase of the ChiNext Index and the Small and Medium Enterprises Index reached 1%.

At 2:50, the number of stocks in the two cities exceeded the 50 daily limit, and the market's money-making effect once again returned to a hot state.

At 2:51, copycats continued to pour in on a large scale, and the stock price of Blue Stone Heavy Equipment soared to a 3% increase.

At 2:52, the Shanghai Stock Index broke through to a 5% increase during the day.

At 2:53, ‘Shanghai Steel Union’ hit the daily limit.

At 2:54, the 'Shanghai Steel Federation' hit the daily limit. At the same time, the 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'Northeast Revitalization', 'China-Japan-Korea Free Trade Zone', 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'... and other major The conceptual theme sectors in the main field of infrastructure, and their corresponding concept stocks, have all bottomed out and rebounded.

At 2:55, the Shanghai Stock Index returned to 3,600 points.

At 2:56, the number of stocks in the two cities exceeded the daily limit of 60. At the same time, the early popular main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', 'military industry' and 'film and television media' continued to rise for many days. Under the situation of net outflow of main funds, today finally saw signs of net inflow of main funds in the late trading stage.

At 2:57, the A50 index's intraday decline shrunk to less than 4%.

Finally, when 3 o'clock in the afternoon came, the two cities ushered in the official closing moment.

I saw that the Shanghai quotation was at 23 points, once again standing at 3600 points, and the turnover of the two cities also exceeded the trillion mark again, once again showing a strong bull market profit-making effect, and also with a relatively strong momentum, in the late trading Completely reversed the market's investment sentiment and investment confidence.

Faced with such explosive late trading trends in the two cities, as well as the final closing results.

Inside and outside the market, various investor groups, whether they are institutions, hot money, or retail investors, are extremely excited and find it unexpected. (End of chapter)

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