Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 874: Emotional rebound!

At 9:31, the much-anticipated ‘Quantong Education’ opened higher with a 32% increase, and surged higher, with the stock price touching a 5% increase.

At 9:32, the stock price of Sanjiang Shopping also surged by 3 points in an instant.

At 9:33, the 'Securities' sector index fell by 1%. At the same time, the 'Internet Finance' sector suffered another heavy setback. The intraday decline flashed to around 65%, leading the decline in the concept sector of the two cities, and Related industry sectors and concept sectors in the main line of 'military industry' have also suffered heavy setbacks and have plunged rapidly.

At 9:34, the stock price of Huagong International crashed 2%.

At 9:35, "Huaxin Securities" fell by 1% during the day. At the same time, the stock of "Quantong Education" had begun to hit the daily limit at this moment.

At 9:36, almost instantly, the stock price of "Quantong Education" hit its daily limit.

Driven by the daily limit of "Quantong Education".

At the same time, 'Sanjiang Shopping', 'LeTV', 'Netspeed Technology', 'Ciwen Media', 'Huace Film and Television'... and other main lines of retail, Internet e-commerce, mobile Internet, film and television media, etc. Popular stocks, as well as heavyweight stocks, have followed the trend and risen.

At 9:37, the 'Internet Finance' sector fell 2% during the day, continuing to lead the decline in the concept sectors of the two cities.

At the same time, 'Internet software' and 'Internet applications', the two main weighted industry sectors of the 'mobile Internet', were dragged down by 'Internet finance', but went higher and higher, with an intraday increase of more than 5%. It entered the top five growth lists of major industry sectors in the two cities.

At 9:38, the intraday decline of ‘Huagong International’ expanded to 3%.

At the same time, the entire "big infrastructure" main line area.

'Architectural decoration', 'building materials', 'commercial real estate development', 'steel', 'cement' and other industry sectors and concept sectors have all been intensively sold by major funds, and the relevant industry sector indexes and concept sector indexes have fallen. , and the stock prices of a number of heavyweight infrastructure stocks with "Chinese prefix" such as 'Huaguo Construction', 'Huaguo China Railway', 'Huaguo Railway Construction', 'Huaguo MCC'... have fallen one after another, and the main funds on the market have , have also shown obvious outflow trends.

At 9:39, the 'Apple Concept' theme sector moved, and the stock price of 'Anjie Technology' increased within the day, breaking through the 5% position again. At the same time, 'O-Film Technology', 'Everwin Precision', 'Goertek'... A number of concept stocks followed suit and rose.

At 9:40, the retail and beverage manufacturing industry sectors changed.

Among them, the liquor manufacturing concept sector and a number of first-tier liquor brand stocks have received continued attention from main funds.

At 9:41, in the main line of 'Big Finance', the securities sector's intraday decline reached 5%, while the 'Internet Finance' sector's intraday decline exceeded the 2% decline position.

At 9:42, in the main concept field of 'military industry', a popular stock and the early leading stock in the 'sub-new stocks' sector, the intraday decline of 'Blue Stone Heavy Equipment' reached 4%, and the market trend once again showed an extraordinary trend. The weak trend pattern and the leading trend are no longer at all. At the same time, a large amount of funds have been buried in the stock that bought the bottom yesterday in an attempt to rebound on this stock.

At 9:43, ‘Flush’ fell by 5% during the day.

At 9:44, the stocks of the Three Musketeers in the Internet financial sector, Flush, Great Wisdom, and Oriental Fortune, all turned green, and all fell by more than 1%.

At 9:45, the check of 'Yingkou Port' once again fell by 5% during the day. Compared with the previous continuous daily limit trend of this check, now it has basically fallen in the form of an A kill, burying a large number of retail investors who followed the trend at high levels and chased the bulls. Funding groups, as well as many radical main funding groups.

At 9:46, the core concepts and themes of 'Eurasian Economic Belt', 'New Era Road, Maritime Silk Road' and 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' all encountered concentrated selling by major financial groups. Related conceptual themes The market trends of core stocks have also plunged.

At 9:47, the check for ‘Sanjiang Shopping’ rose by more than 7% during the day.

At 9:48, the check of "Huagong International" fell by more than 3% during the day, leading the decline of heavyweight stocks in the main line of "big infrastructure".

At 9:49, the intraday increase in the check for ‘Sanjiang Shopping’ reached 9%.

At 9:50, the "Sanjiang Shopping" check hit the daily limit. At the same time, the "Internet e-commerce" sector of the two cities was heavily pursued by short-term main funds, and the sector index violently rose. In an instant, it would be The sector index rose to a 75% increase.

At 9:51, the stock of Sanjiang Shopping closed its daily limit.

At 9:52, ‘Huake Dawning’, the leading stock in the sub-new stock sector in the early stage, expanded its intraday decline to more than 5%.

At 9:53, ‘Shanghai Steel Union’, a stock that is the core concept of the ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’, also fell by 5% during the day, burying countless long-term capital groups who bought the check at yesterday’s bottom.

At 9:54, the 'film and television media' sector broke out of the encirclement, with an intraday increase of 1%, once again entering the top three in the two cities and one industry sector's growth list.

At 9:55, the intraday increase in the Netspeed Technology check expanded to 3%.

At 9:56, LeTV followed suit and rose 2%.

At 9:57, a large number of concept-themed stocks on the entire small and medium-sized board and GEM, as well as small and medium-sized growth stocks, have attracted the attention of a large number of major financial groups.

At 9:58, the stock price of Huagong International fell 4% during the day.

At 9:59, the stock price of "Huaxin Securities" fell by 34% during the day. At the same time, the intraday turnover also exceeded the 2 billion mark again within half an hour.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the growth rate of the ChiNext Index exceeded 65%. At this time, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index was still hovering at a flat position, and it was simply unable to rebound.

At 10:01 a.m., the check for "Shanghai Construction Engineering" fell by 5% during the day, and the main concept theme of "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" suffered another heavy setback.

At 10:02, the ‘Internet Finance’ sector’s intraday decline reached 5%.

At 10:03, the net outflow of main funds in the entire main line of 'big finance' reached 1 billion, and the total net outflow of main funds in the three core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' , reaching a scale of 2.5 billion.

At 10:04, the main market trends in the two cities further shifted from the early popular main lines such as 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', and 'military industry' to 'big consumption', 'mobile Internet', and 'smartphone industry chain'. ', 'film and television media' direction deviation.

At the same time, the main funds in the market attack the direction.

The main funds also obviously prefer to focus on small and medium-cap growth stocks, while gradually giving up on heavyweight large-cap stocks.

At 10:05, the intraday decline of 'Huagong International' began to stabilize around 5%, and at this time, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, driven by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index, gradually turned red and rose.

At 10:06, in the "Internet Software" industry sector, the stock "2345" suddenly exploded with more than 500 million in funds, hitting the daily limit in a straight line.

At 10:07, the check ‘2345’ sealed the daily limit.

At the same time, due to the rapid daily limit of this check, it also drove the entire "Internet Software" sector index to rise.

At 10:08, 'Huace Film and Television' rose by more than 5%. 'Guangguang Media, Huayi Brothers, Ciwen Media, Huawen Media...' and other film and television media stocks rose by more than 2%. At the same time, ' The increase in the film and television media's sector index also exceeded the 2% increase position simultaneously, becoming the industry sector leading the gains in the two cities.

At 10:09, the ‘mobile game’ concept section also made a comeback.

At 10:10, ‘Huaqingbao’ rose by more than 5%.

At 10:11, ‘Yaoji Technology’ had an intraday increase of 3%, and the ‘Mobile Games’ concept sector index had an intraday increase of 73%.

At 10:12, the securities sector, which hit an intraday low with a 1% decline, began to gradually rebound. Among them, the intraday decline of the heavyweight stock, ‘Huaxin Securities’, shrunk from 2% to less than 65%.

At 10:13, in the "Internet Finance" sector, the check of "Oriental Fortune", a heavyweight stock on the GEM Index, successfully turned red.

At 10:14, in the "Apple Concept" theme area, "Goertek" surged 5%.

At 10:15, the main line of the market formed an overall market pattern in which 'film and television media' led the rise, and the two major industry sectors of 'Internet software' and 'Internet applications' followed suit, and then the two major industry sectors of food and beverage and retail followed suit and rose. These five major industry sectors also occupy the top five in the growth list of all industry sectors in the market.

At 10:16, the growth rate of the ChiNext Index broke through the 1% mark.

At 10:17, the increase of the small and medium-sized index also broke through the 1% increase mark. At this time, the intraday trend of the A50 index was still oscillating underwater, with no sign of turning red, and the entire 'big financial market' ', 'Large Infrastructure', and 'Military Industry', the major weighted main line areas, although the market decline has reduced somewhat, they are still in a continued weak and volatile situation.

At 10:18, with the volume of ‘Hua Qingbao’ reaching 300 million, the stock price broke through the 7% mark and began to hit the daily limit upwards.

At 10:19, the "Hua Qingbao" check, pushed up by the concentrated main orders, the stock price hit the daily limit.

At 10:20, ‘Hua Qingbao’ sealed its daily limit and became the leading stock in the ‘mobile game’ concept sector.

At the same time, the 'mobile game' concept theme sector squeezed into the top three gainers of concept theme sectors in two cities, and the two leading sectors in the forefront of the 'mobile game' concept sector were 'Internet There are two major sectors: online education' and 'film and television production'.

At 10:21, the intraday stock price decline of ‘Huagong International’ narrowed to about 5%.

At 10:22, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index rose by around 3% during the day. At this time, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index had also surpassed the 1% increase position. As for the small and medium-sized index and the ChiNext Index, it was already close to the 5% increase.

At 10:23, the net outflow of main funds in the main line of "big finance" reached about 1.5 billion.

At 10:24, the check for 'Beijiang Communications Construction' crashed and fell to the limit again. This past monster stock that performed very well in the first half of this year has been completely abandoned by the main financial groups in the market and has become completely discarded. Where did the child come from and where did he go back?

At 10:25, the 'Film and Television Media' industry sector index, with the continuous assistance of the three core concept theme sectors of 'Internet Online Education', 'Mobile Games' and 'Film and Television Production', was also supported by various short-term main financial groups, and even Under the influence of the continuous buying of long-term main capital groups, the intraday increase exceeded the 3% position, showing an explosive trend that led the two cities to rise.

At 10:26, ‘Flush’ suddenly rose and became red.

At 10:27, the Shanghai Stock Index returned to 3,600 points and began to attack the point space above 3,600 points.

At 10:28, the A50 index finally turned red.

At 10:29, the turnover of the two cities exceeded 350 billion. There was no obvious reduction in volume and capacity, but the market style changed drastically.

At 10:30, all the core indexes of the two cities turned red and rose. The rebound trend of the entire market was very obvious. The money-making effect was gradually picking up. Investor confidence and speculation sentiment in the entire market were also gradually picking up. Investment risk appetite has picked up.

Seeing that the indexes of the two cities have turned red across the board, the money-making effect of the entire market has begun to rebound across the board.

At this moment, in the main fund trading room of Zexi Investment Company in Shanghai, Zhou Kan, who was paying attention to the market changes, stared at the market trend. He couldn't help but murmured in his heart for a long time. He turned to Xu Xiang next to him and said: "Boss, today's market The market trend is quite good, and the overall main line style switch is becoming clearer and more obvious. Judging from the market trend, I really think the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index can stabilize around 3,600 points.

Of course, even if the Shanghai Stock Index cannot stabilize near 3,600 points.

So, let’s look at the current trend shape.

The Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index, ChiNext Index, and Small and Medium Enterprises Index will most likely not fall anywhere.

It seems that many concept stocks and growth stocks in the direction of small and medium-sized board and GEM are unwilling to fall. I really feel that the major stocks such as 'film and television media', 'mobile Internet', 'smartphone industry chain' and 'big consumption' The core main line has the driving force and form trend to replace the previous core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry'. "

Xu Xiang smiled when he heard Zhou Kan's words. He didn't pay too much attention to the market trend that seemed to have stabilized at 3600 points. Instead, he said with a smile: "We who trade cannot be fooled by the short-term market." You will be blinded by the rebound trend, and you should not be afraid that going short will disrupt your trading rhythm and established investment strategy. You must know that swinging is a taboo in financial transactions.

Granted, the market is doing well today.

On the surface, the switching of the main line style of market conditions and the main flow are indeed switching along the line of "high and low switching".

However, if you observe carefully, you will see the overall main capital flow direction of the market.

There has always been a net outflow.

Also, it’s still the same question as before. In addition to the future expected logic of the core line of 'film and television media', it is a little tougher, and the future expectations of the so-called 'big consumption', 'mobile Internet', and 'smartphone industry chain' Where's the logic? "(End of chapter)

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