Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 876: Switching of the main market trend?

And in the general upward trend.

The main financial groups in the market, as well as the active short-term financial groups of all parties, have increasingly begun to invest in several core main areas such as 'big consumption', 'mobile Internet', and 'smartphone industry chain', and have shown obvious strong The 'Film and Television Media' sectors that make money are gathering together.

Among them, especially the line of ‘film and television media’ sector.

Under the situation where its money-making effect is becoming more and more intense, the increase of its sector index has continued to fluctuate upward with the follow-up of major funds. It is the best among the two cities and one industry sector, and is comprehensively Leading the gains.

Moreover, on the main line of ‘film and television media’.

The major conceptual sectors such as 'Internet online education', 'mobile games' and 'film and television production', which had shown strong momentum in the early trading, are making rapid progress at this moment. The growth rate of the trading sectors is rising steadily, and such as 'All Access Education, Huayi Brothers, Hua Qingbao, Huace Film and Television, Ciwen Media...' and other core related concept stocks, at this moment, are being followed up by many major funds.

It is also under the radical acceptance of many active short-term capital groups and various hot money.

It set off a pattern of rising and limiting tides.

Even after 11 o'clock in the morning, the 'film and television media' industry sector surged to a 4% increase.

Of course, as ‘film and television media’ continue to surge.

Due to the continued recovery of market sentiment in the two cities and the recovery of short-term speculation sentiment, there is also an increase in the investment risk appetite of many investor groups.

There are several core main lines of ‘big consumption’, ‘smartphone industry chain’ and ‘mobile Internet’.

As well as the popular main lines in the early stage, such as the three core main lines of ‘big finance’, ‘big infrastructure’ and ‘military industry’.

At this moment, they are also ushering in a more or less rebound trend.

Moreover, when 11:30 noon came and the two cities ushered in the midday closing time, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index stood at 3620 points in one go, and the intraday increase in the market also exceeded 1%. As for the small and medium-sized board index, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index, and Entrepreneurship Index The intraday gains of the board index have exceeded 5%.

Among them, the GEM refers to the overall drive of the main line of "film and television media".

It even reached a 2% increase position.

After the two cities closed at noon, the investor groups inside and outside the market, especially the retail investors, saw such market performance and disk trends.

In his heart, the bull market expectations that had been hit hard were slowly rising again.

Countless investors, at this moment, became active and optimistic again, and faced with the accounts that had been covered in the early stage, everyone began to raise money to cover their positions, believing that in the bull market, all corrections would be This is a market truth about buying opportunities.

Within and outside the entire market, investors' long sentiment has generally picked up.

Bull market expectations and bull market confidence are on the rise again.

Faced with market trends, countless investor groups gather in major stock investment discussion forums, communities, post bars, financial media comment areas across the Internet, as well as in stock discussion areas on trading platforms, as well as in major retail investor internal groups. Especially in the face of the obvious divergence between large-cap heavyweight stocks and small- and mid-cap concept growth stocks in the two cities, as well as the obvious investment bias of major financial groups, the discussion has become more intense than ever.

"Looking at the market trend in the morning, it is obvious that the core main lines of 'film and television media', 'big consumption', 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' have begun to completely replace the previous 'big finance' and 'big finance'. The popular main lines of infrastructure and military industry have made a perfect switch in completing the main line of the market."

"Well, it does seem to be a sign of a switch in the main style of the market."

"There is no doubt that this is the main line style switch of the market. The core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' are obviously a thing of the past."

"At this stage, it is always right to stay away from the core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry'."

"But didn't the line of 'film and television media' previously follow the three main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry'? Why is it that today the line of 'film and television media' has begun to follow the line of 'big consumption' ', 'Smartphone Industry Chain', 'Mobile Internet' and these core main lines are gone?"

"It's not just as simple as following the trend. Looking at the market trend this morning, it is obvious that the market trend of the 'Film and Television Media' line is stronger than that of 'Big Consumption', 'Smartphone Industry Chain' and 'Mobile Internet'." With a big core and main line, this is what’s surprising.”

"Yes, I feel that the line of 'film and television media' has become the strongest line in the market."

“The ‘film and television media’ line is so strong. Is it because of the hype of ‘New Year’s Day’ and ‘Spring Festival’?”

"Can the 'New Year's Day' and 'Spring Festival' stalls support the market of the 'film and television media' line? Why do I think it's not credible? It's not just that simple, right?"

"It's definitely not just that simple. I think the reason why the 'film and television media' line is so strong is because of the big change in its fundamentals."

"A big shift in fundamentals? A shift?"

"How could there be no change? Look at the box office trend of the entire domestic film market in the second half of the year, and the number of newly registered films and projects in the past six months. The entire industry is in the form of a big explosion. Isn't this basically A big change in appearance?”

"Did it break out? It doesn't feel obvious. There is a huge gap with foreign countries."

"That cannot be compared with foreign countries."

"There is no need to compare with foreign countries, just compare with the past, just compare with yourself. As long as the scale of the industry is growing rapidly, there will be expectations of hype, and there will be long-term investment logic and investment value."

"However, although the 'film and television media' sector has soared, in fact, the real leader in the sector is not the 'film and television media' stocks? The two conceptual themes of mobile games and Internet online education can be regarded as ' Is it in the direction of film and television media?"

"That's definitely not the case. 'Internet online education' and 'mobile games' should be regarded as the market trends on the main line of 'mobile Internet'."

"No matter which main line the market is on, we only need to understand one thing now, that is, the heavyweight stocks have lost ground again, while the concept growth stocks of the small and medium-sized board, the GEM, and the small-cap growth stocks have ushered in the main rising market. , and ushered in the attention of the main financial groups in the entire market.”

"Focusing on the main lines of 'film and television media', 'smartphone industry chain' and 'mobile Internet', do you think the market trend will repeat last year's trend pattern? The direction of the market trend of the entire market, Will it completely shift from the previous direction of the main board to the direction of the small and medium-sized board and the GEM?"

"I think it's entirely possible."

"Last year, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index didn't move much. On the contrary, the ChiNext Index and the Small and Medium Enterprises Index doubled. It's hard to believe... Now this market trend is repeated."

"Both the ChiNext Index and the Small and Medium Enterprises Index have been adjusting for almost a year. The market should be turning in these two directions, right?"

"If the three core market trends of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' fail to rise, then the market's main trend direction will definitely move towards the small and medium-sized board and GEM, which have lighter market pressure. This is It’s a natural thing, I don’t think it’s strange, and there’s no need to doubt it.”

"Are there no chances for the core lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry'?"

"At least for now, there is no chance, right?"

"Actually, if there is no problem with the bull market logic of the market, we can definitely continue to do it after the 'big finance' adjusts."

"How long will it take?"

"I think it will be enough to wait until the performance forecasts for the relevant core component stocks in the main areas of 'big finance', especially the securities sector and the Internet finance sector, are released."

"Then it will take at least more than a month to adjust."

"Yes, so during this period of time, you can follow the idea of ​​'switching high and low' to make a market."

"I feel that the logic of the strengthening of the core main lines of 'film and television media', 'big consumption', 'smartphone industry chain' and 'mobile Internet' is not a 'high-low switch', right? If we say 'high-low switch', then at present Industry sectors such as coal, nonferrous metals, and petrochemicals are the real so-called lows."

"Forget about those rubbish sections."

"Anyway, I think whatever is strong is the right thing to do."

"At present, the line of 'film and television media' is the most suitable. Of course, in terms of the money-making effect shown on the market and the follow-up of main funds, 'domestic software', 'Apple concept', 'smart city', ' Mobile games'...these conceptual themes are all good."

"Stop talking about the macro direction, let's talk about individual stocks, right?"

“In the field of ‘Internet Online Education’, a conceptual theme that has just exploded, what do you think of the stock ‘All Access Education’?”

"How can you see it? There is no doubt that it is the leader in the concept of 'Internet online education'."

"Yes, it is the absolute leader in the direction of 'Internet online education', and the market is very small, so it is suitable for the main financial groups to control the market and go long."

“The plate is not small, it’s too small.”

"When the share price of this stock rises, by two or three times, the circulating market will naturally become larger."

"Haha, it's so easy to increase it by two or three times?"

"I don't know about other stocks, but I am confident about 'Quantong Education'. Someone said before that the fundamentals of the 'film and television media' industry are changing rapidly. Now I feel that the 'online education' industry is catching up with 'mobile phone'." After the rapid development of the Internet, the fundamentals of the industry are changing rapidly."

“Does rapid change mean for the better or for the worse?”

"Of course it has gotten better. The scale of the entire 'online education' has almost exploded. Moreover, with the further popularization of the Internet in the future, this industry will definitely have broad prospects."

"I believe this."

"No wonder the 'All Access Education' check has been trending so strongly recently."

"Actually, this check has been going very strong some time ago. Looking at it now... this check has actually almost doubled since the bottom."

"Indeed, it's a pity that I didn't pay attention to it before."

"If the expectation is that there is room for three or four times the increase, it is appropriate to intervene now."

"The price has reached the daily limit today, so I can't buy it at all."

"Who told you to buy it today, why not buy it tomorrow when the market opens? I think as long as there is no problem with the logic, then if the stock price is higher or lower, it won't be a big problem."

"Experts only buy stocks based on logic."

"Where is the check for 'Hua Qingbao'? Are you optimistic about it? It feels like 'mobile games' are about to have a second wave now. This check is an old monster stock from last year."

"I think the certainty of 'Huaqingbao' is not as good as that of 'Huayi Brothers' and 'LeTV.'"

"By the way, the check from 'LeTV' is fine."

"Mr. Jia is still trustworthy."

"If you are optimistic about the future of film and television, it is always right to buy Huayi Brothers. After all, this company has signed many first-line stars."

"If you are optimistic about the TV drama market, it is right to buy Huace Film and Television."

“Isn’t anyone talking about the ‘Sanjiang Shopping’ check?”

"Are there any fundamentals for this check? I am not optimistic about the hype of the main concept line of 'Internet e-commerce'. After all, this main line of concept has been speculated for several rounds before 'Ali Baba' was listed. , the market has a characteristic, that is, the old is not as good as the new, and it is still difficult to create a high level of space if the old concept is ignored. "

"What about Inspur Information and Internet Speed ​​Technology?"

"The growth potential of Internet Speed ​​Technology is good, but the market value and size are too large."

"Actually, I think the most stable concept is the 'Apple Concept'. Look at the check of 'Changying Precision', which has risen by almost 35% during the recent market adjustment period. The increase is simply incredible.”

"The 'Apple concept' line is too dependent on Apple."

"It's better to rely on Apple to judge. Are Apple phones not selling well?"

"Apple's mobile phone is not good this year, but the expectations for next year are very high. If we start from the logic that stock speculation means speculation in expectations, the 'Apple concept' line is okay and is worth laying out."

"Hehe, I think so too."

"Alas, there are too many hot spots in the market, and I can't even see them. I'm going to be a key player in the 'Apple Concept' sector."

"Yes, the right thing to do is to be a nail shop and wait for hot spots to come to you. If you chase hot spots, you will never catch up. Even if you catch up for a while, you might buy it and suddenly stand on a high ground."

"In any case, in the short term, just avoid the 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' sectors that have serious money-losing effects."

"If these hot sectors can lead the Shanghai Stock Index to continue to break through 3,700 points, or even return to 3,800 points, I believe that the market's main trend has completed the switch. Otherwise, I think... the market's future expectations are best , the core lines with the most explosive industry potential and the most investment potential are still the three core lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry'."

"Oh, let's see again..."

Along with the continuous discussion of market trends among countless investor groups across the Internet.

In this heated discussion.

The one and a half hour break at noon can be said to be fleeting.

Unknowingly, when everyone came to their senses, the two cities had already entered 1 p.m. sharply, and the market, which had briefly stagnated, began to change violently again. (End of chapter)

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