Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 878: The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index fell below 3,600 points again!

In the entire market, almost no investors would have thought that the two cities would have such a trend at the end of the trading day.

What's more, I didn't expect that the market, which had almost completed the main line market switch, suddenly collapsed again for some unknown reason.

Of course, the most depressing one.

They are undoubtedly some investors who significantly increased their positions and bought near the highest point in the session.

"Damn it, this trend is simply poisonous, isn't it?"

Seeing the final closing results of the two cities, among the large group of retail investors gathered in the discussion area of ​​the trading platform, some of them were speechless.

"Not only is it poisonous, it's simply insane."

"What the hell, what was going on at the end of the session? It was breaking through the trend pattern. Why did it suddenly collapse?"

"Today's market has been brought down by the three core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry'. These three main lines are poisonous, right? They only hold back the market, damn... It’s just that I didn’t catch up on eating meat before, but now I catch up and get beaten.”

"Oh, I originally thought that the market would be at this position and the main trend would switch, but I didn't expect..."

"It still feels impossible for the major lines of 'big consumption', 'mobile Internet', 'smartphone industry chain' and 'film and television media' to stand out independently and to support the strengthening of the market independently. I don't know. What's going on? With such a strong money-making effect, it was not listed on the market. Instead, in the afternoon, it was pulled down by the core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry'."

"Facts have proven that the core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' are the real driving forces of the entire market."

"The driving force of wool is almost a drag on the entire market."

"What is this called? Success comes with nothing, failure comes with nothing. The previous bull market expectations of the entire market were based on the core lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry'. Nowadays, the entire market's Emotional decline naturally cannot escape the relationship between these core threads."

"It goes up and then comes down. It's better not to go up at all."

"That's still different."

"The key is that if I didn't keep up before, I would have lost money."

"Hey, when will it end? Since 3800, the core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' have been in decline for several days."

"Who knows? I don't know who is smashing it today?"

"Previously, it was blamed on the main funds of the 'Yu Hang Department' controlled by Mr. Su. However, after so many days of observation and the disclosure of Dragon and Tiger List data, it has nothing to do with the funds of the 'Yu Hang Department' controlled by Mr. Su. Mr. Su's 'Yu Hang Department' The aviation system's funds, except for one smash on Monday, have never been smashed at all since then."

"Haha, blame the 'Yuhang Department' managed by President Su for crashing the market? This is just an excuse for these institutions that have crashed the market these days."

"Agree, that's the excuse for these dishonest people."

"When it was near 3800, these institutions were chasing chips on popular main lines like 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', and 'military industry' like crazy. Now they are like crazy and insisting on smashing the market. There is something wrong, either. In such a short period of time, has the fundamental logic of many industry sectors and conceptual theme sectors in these major main areas changed? It is simply unreasonable."

"It shows that the specific investment strategies of these institutions are not based on fundamental logic at all, but are here for speculation and short-term profits."

“In this market, there are not many institutions that truly make long-term investments.”

"Looking at the entire institutional investment style in the industry, let alone holding shares for one, two, or even longer periods of time, there are very few who have held shares for more than half a year."

"Relatively speaking, the 'Yuhang Department' headed by President Su can be regarded as long-term investment institutional funds."

"Isn't that what it is?"

"Well, speaking of it, these institutions are not as good as hot money. At least hot money can invigorate the atmosphere in short-term games, create hype, and enhance the money-making effect and hype in the market. These institutions, in addition to forming a group, are just smashing the market. It is simply It’s… of no use at all.”

"More than that, these institutions only know how to follow the trend."

"Yes, this round...if the institutions hadn't followed Mr. Feng Su's 'Yu Hang System' too hard, I feel that the main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure', and 'military industry' wouldn't have fallen so hard. "

"It's like this. The short squeeze was too strong in the past, and now it is naturally a continuous decline, because after the continuous surge in the past, the stocks gathered in the three core main fields of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' The amount of main funds is really too big, and there are too many main institutions gathered in these three core main areas."

"Oh, unlucky, I just happened to enter the market on Monday to chase the position."

"It seems that the bargaining chips in the three main areas of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' are really not worth buying!"

"It's all collapsed. In the short term, it will definitely not be available for purchase."

"You can buy 'Film and Television Media', 'Smartphone Industry Chain', 'Mobile Internet'...these growth stocks that are biased towards the small and medium-sized board and GEM. At present, they don't have much future. They are still losing money."

“Isn’t it slightly better than buying chips from the main lines of ‘big finance’, ‘big infrastructure’, and ‘military industry’?”

"Not much better."

"Taking it all together, there is no clear main line of the market that can make money with a high probability. I originally thought that today's strongest line of 'film and television media' should have a certain degree of continuity, but I didn't expect... let alone continuity. Even the market price for one day was not able to sustain it.”

“The film and television media line is pretty good. Look at today’s ‘big consumption’, ‘mobile Internet’, and ‘smartphone industry chain’ lines. It’s just amazing.”

"Why did the 'auto complete vehicle' sector fall so sharply in the afternoon?"

"Who knows? Maybe I think there are still some problems with the economic recovery. After all, for the auto market to come back, everyone's consumption power must increase. And if everyone wants to increase their consumption power, the macroeconomy must increase significantly, so that Can everyone make money?"

"It's like this. Since macroeconomic expectations are a problem, then bull market expectations...should also be a problem, right?"

"I don't know. Anyway, the Shanghai Composite Index is at 3,600 points. Looking at today's market trend, there is a high probability that this point cannot be sustained."

"Don't think about it, I can't hold it at all."

"I thought I could hold on, but I didn't expect it to break through in the last session."

"The K-line in today's market is really ugly. It's a complete continuous plummeting trend, and it's still the kind that can't see the bottom at all."

‘Alas, once 3600 is broken, I don’t know where the bottom is. "

"At 3,500 points, it feels like there's still hope, right?"

"It's hard to say. 3,500 points is not far from 3,600 points. It is only 100 points away. According to the previous continuous decline of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, it may disappear in one day."

"It shouldn't be the case, right? It feels like the core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' have almost released their downward momentum after falling for so many days."

"I thought the same thing during the morning trading today, and in the morning trading performance, not only the three core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' were also followed by 'film and television media' and 'smartphones' Have the core main lines of "Industrial Chain" and "Mobile Internet" rebounded together? But what is the result? In the late trading stage, these so-called core main lines in the early stage, which have almost released their kinetic energy, are more likely to decline than anyone else. It has to be fierce.”

“If we can’t hold on to 3,600 points, we can’t look at 3,500 points.”

"But I think there should be no problem with the fundamental logic of the three core lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry', right?"

“At the moment, it’s hard to say!”

"If economic recovery is a problem, then the fundamental logical expectations of the three core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry' will not be so strong."

"If economic recovery is a problem, then why talk about a bull market?"

"You still have to believe in the country. I think the 'reform and reorganization of central and state-owned enterprises' is superimposed on the macroeconomic strategic concept of 'Maritime Silk Road in the New Era'. I think the future economic recovery expectations are still very strong and can be high." Take a look, at least for now, there are no problems with the market’s bull market expectations and bull market structure, right?”

"At its current position, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index has risen by almost 70% this year. Isn't this a bull market? Is it already a bull market?"

"Not many people doubt the expected logic of the bull market, which is the core main lines of 'big finance', 'big infrastructure' and 'military industry'. The current continuous downward trend is really annoying."

"There's nothing I can do about it, the price went up too much in the early stage."

"How can these core main lines be stabilized?"

"From the current point of view, unless it falls by another 20% or so and falls to the rising platform where these major core main lines have experienced huge adjustments in the early stage, it will definitely be difficult to stop the decline. There is also... Yu, who is in charge of President Su The main funds of the aviation system's "Yuhang system" and the majority of other funds will increase their positions on a large scale in these core main line areas, allowing all parties to follow suit. The market suddenly picked up."

"This is impossible. Mr. Su just reduced his position. How could he buy it back at this time?"

"There is nothing impossible. The 'Yuhang Department', the main force of funds controlled by President Su, is originally weird and changeable in terms of operating strategies."

"Sigh, can the market stabilize only when the two core lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure' are stabilized?"

"At this point, it seems so."

"In fact, when the main financial institutions that gather in the main areas of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure' come out, it should be almost the same. I feel that today's rapid decline is due to the fact that in these two core main areas, major The main institutions have finally taken the trend of selling down and tempting shorts.”

"Yukong? No way? I really can't see any trace of Yuukong."

"Whether it is a short-term inducement or not, we will know how the market goes next Monday. I feel that the momentum of the decline in the two core main lines of 'big finance' and 'big infrastructure' has been released, especially in 'big infrastructure'. In fact, the adjustment of this core main line area started in September and October."

"Well, yes, I feel that under the macroeconomic strategic concept of 'Maritime Silk Road in the New Era', it is obvious that the core line of 'big infrastructure' will definitely be faster than the main line of 'big finance' Some of them will come out faster, but at present... the one who really wants to participate in the market and do long is the 'Film and Television Media' sector, which is stronger. Buying film and television stocks should be able to avoid the market crash."

"But today's stocks in the 'film and television media' sector, such as 'LeTV, Huayi Brothers, Guangguang Media, Ciwen Media, Huace Film and Television...' these stocks were not able to stabilize today, and they were all in the late trading It’s dropped a lot.”

"Although it is not very stable, compared with other market main lines, it is still very strong, right?"

“But the check for ‘universal education’ is stable today.”

"Yes, the 'All Access Education' check is very strong today, and the daily limit has never been opened. Sure enough, the concept of 'Internet online education' has now completely come out."

"Is the concept of 'Internet online education' a branch of the main line of 'mobile Internet', or is it a branch of the main line of 'film and television media'?"

"It should be regarded as 'Film and Television Media', right? After all, the stock of 'Quantong Education' belongs to the 'Film and Television Media' sector!"

"No matter which branch it belongs to, we just need to rely on this line."

"It makes sense. At present, this sector is the only one that can be used. In the past few days, this sector has shown a sustained profit-making effect."

"At the end of today's trading, the sectors of 'Nonferrous Metals', 'Petrochemicals' and 'Coal' also experienced changes. What do you think?"

"Don't look at it. These sectors are currently sinking sectors. Whoever buys them will be unlucky."

"That's pretty much it. Whoever buys it will be unlucky."

"It's just a rebound from oversold conditions. Just watch. In less than three trading days, these major sectors will continue to hit new lows."

"Petrochemicals, non-ferrous metals, coal... haha, you really don't want to buy these sectors. Anyway, I lost a lot of money in the coal sector, and I will never touch the market in this sector again."

This is accompanied by discussions among a large group of retail investors on trading platforms.

It is also accompanied by intense discussions among numerous investor groups in major stock investment exchange forums, communities, post bars and other places across the Internet.

During the after-hours market time lapse.

Countless investment institutions, brokerage analysts, and even the so-called financial influencers and stock gods in the industry.

Although we are also very disappointed with today's market trends in the two markets and the closing results, everyone is still concerned about their views on the market outlook.

But he still continues to be bullish without any thought.

Even many industry analysts believe that the Shanghai Index's position near 3,600 points is the bottom of the market adjustment.

At the maximum limit, the Shanghai Composite Index will not fall below 3,500 points.

From the perspective of these people, when 5:30 pm comes, the rankings of the two cities are refreshed.

When everyone focused their attention on the dragon and tiger lists of the two cities, they couldn't help but find that the main fund-related trading seats of the 'Yuhang System', which attracted everyone's attention, still remained invisible, and today in the 'Big Finance', 'Big Finance' The main force behind the selling on core main lines such as "Infrastructure" and "Military Industry" is still the main force of institutions in the industry. Instead, it is hot money. They are also actively buying on the Dragon and Tiger List and actively placing orders to take on a number of conceptual stocks. (End of chapter)

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